HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-13�� Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, June 13, 1977 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's office Mayor Pattinson called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Gibbs, Shenkman, Pattinson (Siebert arrived 7:30 P.M.) Absent; None % MEETING BETWEEN COUNCIL AND CHARLES POLLYEA & ASSOCIATES - HUNTINGTON BEACH INN PROGRESS REPORT On motion by Shenkman, second Bartlett, Council accepted the proposal submitted by Charles Pollyea & Associates for consultant services to provide special legal services relative to the Huntington Beach Inn bankruptcy, and authorized execution of said agreement by the Mayor and City Clerk. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Gibbs, Shenkman, Pattinson . NOES: None ABSENT: Siebert ; EXECUTIVE SESSION CALLED Mayor Pattinson called an Executive Session of the City Council to discuss personnel and litigation matters. RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor recessed the Council at 7:15 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 7:50 P.M. by the Mayor, with Councilma /Siebert in attendance. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT - FY 1977-78 CITY BUDGET The City Administrator presented a report on the proposed City budget, outlining the "zero Base" budget process used by the City staff in budget preparation. Viewgraphs were displayed showing the City Goals adopted by Council on October 1, '1976.. The City Administrator complimented the Department Directors and the budget. staff. l 0.15 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 6/13/77 PUBLIC_BEARING - 1977-78'FY BUDGET Mayor Pattinson announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing for the purpose of soliciting public input on the City Budget for Fiscal year 1977-78 and on the use of General Revenue Sharing funds as part of the budget. The proposed General F'und_bu_dget is $31,237,020 and the proposed Ge ral Rave ue Shari Fund Budget is $1,023,464 to City departments for the following itemsr DEPARTMENT AMOUNT ITEM Police 6 390,357 31 vehicles, communications equipment for vehicles, $75,000 for relocation and re- building heliport, 5 motorcycles,.and miscellaneous equipment. Administration 58,468 Core money, display terminals, isolation transformer, for Data Processing. Color press, three spindle paper drill, process camera and equipment for Central Services. Fire 151,427 Six replacement vehicles, fire hose, nozzles, paramedic equipment. Planning 5,833 One vehicle, one typewriter, and file cabinets. Building 30,807 Seven replacement vehicles. City Attorney 825 One typewriter. Harbors & Beaches 157,480 Three replacement vehicles, replacement tractor, replacing parking meters replacing stairway and railing base of pier, and miscellaneous equipment. City'Treasurer 1,295 Office furniture, one typewriter. Public Works 226,972 Fourteen replacement vehicles (pickups and $1,023,464 trucks), 50' aerial tree trimming device truck mounted replacement, repair of two storm drain pumps, installation of 10,000 gallon no -lead fuel tank, and miscellaneous equipment. The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for publication and posting had been met and that she had received no communications or written protests on the matter. Mayor Pattinson declared the hearing open. Verda Erdmann, representing Claude Arne who was unable to attend the meeting, spoke regarding the community's need for the pool complex, citing the high usage of present pools and stating that she believed the pool met the criteria of the City adopted goals, mainly Recreation & Social needs and Welfare & Safety. She stated that in her opinion, the pool should be built before costs escalated, and that a pool and recreation facility would benefit the majority of citizens, pointing out that aquatic sports presented no barriers as tar as age, physical ability or disability are concerned. 1 �X; Page #3 - Council Minutes - 6/13/77 She then presented an informal petition dated May 21, 1977 listing signatures f of approximately 550 persons, requesting the immediate construction of an Olympic sized 50 meter by 25 yard Community Swimming Pool to be located at the Ocean View High School. The pool is to be used (1) for recreation, (2) for swimming lessons, (3) by the handicapped, (4) by the high school, and (5) by local swim teams. Construction funding could cane from the allocated Housing and Community Development funds ($215,000); Recreation, Parks and Human Services Department capital budget; high school district funds; federal revenue sharing funds; and public subscription. Ben Borcoman addressed Council and expressed his opposition to the manner in which the taxpayer's money was being spent and to the concept of Revenue Sharing. He spoke in favor of the recommended increase in police personnel. Don Stoll, math teacher, Huntington Beach High School addressed Council and spoke in favor of the proposed Ocean View High School community pool and handicapped facility. He stated that the proposed facility was easily acces- sible from the parking lot, which would be particularly favorable to the handicapped and gave various other reasons why he was in favor of the proposed complex. Mr. Stoll stated that he had read a letter from Police Chief Robitaille which stated that it was a 'blighted' area of the city where there was a need for recreation facilities. Murdy Park was overburdened and did not supply adequate facilities, as were the tennis courts. in conclusion, he stated that should the City build the proposed complex, the school district would undertake the total maintenance thereafter, with no further cost to the City. Mark Porter, President of the Home Council, addressed Council on various items in the proposed budget. He spoke of the inter -relationship between the water rate increase and the utility tax fund, and stated that Home Council was in favor of the water rate increase. Mr. Porter also commented on the Music and Promotion Fund and the City vehicle policy. Lorraine Faber, representing the Home Council, spoke regarding the proposed Ocean View High School swimming pool complex and stated that it was Home Council's inclination, having read the budget message and document from the City, to recommend that the City undertake the project through Revenue Sharing Funds. Mrs. Faber stated that subsequent to Home Council's meeting, more material had been revealed and that there was a communication from the Parks & Recreation Commission stating that they would rather not fund the pool through their Park Acquisition fund, and they had suggested to Council that if the project is funded from this fund, it be in the form of a loan, to be repaid. it was Mrs. Faber's opinion that there is no way in which the City could make this commitment, legally obligating future General Funds or Revenue Sharing Funds. She also commented on the number of vehicles to be purchased by the City under the City vehicle policy. James Beauchamp addressed Council and stated that in his opinion, City employ- ees doing work in the field should be entitled to a better cost of living raise. He urged Council to consider this matter. Brian Parkinson, City resident, expressed concern that should the City consider developing the swimming pool complex at Ocean View High School, he believed it would set a precedent thereby overlooking other sports activities in the City also in need of funding and development. 12,7 Page #4 - Council Minutes - 6/13/77 There being no one further present to speak on the matter, and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the budget public hearing was closest ny the mayor. SENATE BILL 1081 (ALQUIST) & AB 220 (GOGGIN) SITING OF LNG FACILITIES -.(DEFERRED_ FROM JUNE 6, 1977) Following discussion between Council, staff and Jack Feehan, representative of the Southern California Gas Company, a motion was made by Bartlett, second Shenkman, to support Senate Bill 1081 (Alquist), with the request that before determination be made as to siting, the local jurisdiction be consulted, and to oppose AB 220 (Goggin) Siting of Liquified Natural Gas Facilities. Motion carried unanimously. ✓ HID AWARD - EMERGENCY REPAIR OF WATER WELL 6 - MOORE & TABER - CC-409 The City Administrator presented a communication from the Director of Public Works stating that bids had been received on June 10, 1977, on the repair of Water Well No.b, pursuant to Resolution No. 4470 adopted June 6, 1977. The bids submitted were as follows: Moore & Taber - Anaheim - $19,200 Sam Cal - Burbank - $38,900 The Director of Public Works recommended that the bid be awarded to Moore & Taber. A motion was made by Coen, second Gibbs, to award the contract for the repair of Water Well No. 6, Project CC-409, to Moore & Taber, the lowest responsible bidder, for a bid amount of $19,200, hold the other bid until Moore & Taber has executed the contract for said work and filed the necessary bonds and insurance; and direct the City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidder of the action and return their bid bond forthwith. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Gibbs, Siebert, Shenkman, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None EMERGENCY OPERATING CENTER - CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S TRIP TO WASHINGTON APPROVED The City Administrator addressed Council regarding the subject of the Emergency Operating Center federal grant which had been held in abeyance and impounded by the Federal Govern- ment, pending disposition of an agreement between the Public Facilities Corporation and the City. He stated that at the last Public Facilities Corporation meeting, there had been a representative of the District Civil Preparedness Administration, Washington, D.C. present, who suggested that the matter be resolved by having representatives of the Federal Government, Public Facilities Corporation, and a City representative meet to discuss the matter. The City Administrator requested Council's permission to attend a meeting in Washington on June 20, 1977, at which time he believed the matter would be resolved and the grant released. A motion was made by Shenkman, second Bartlett, to approve the City Administrator's attendance at the Washington, D.C. meeting, to be held on June 20, 1977. Motion carried unanimously. Page #S -- Council Minutes - 6/13/77 SPECIAL VACANCY NOTICE -- ALTERNATE - O C LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMITTEE The City Administrator stated that applications were being accepted by LAFCO to fill an alternate public member vacancy and that LAFCO had inquired whether Council would wish to consider any member from the public sector to be considered as an alternate. The City Administrator stated that he would submit further information to Council on this matter. SMOKE DETECTORS - PROPOSED ORDINANCE - DEFERRED TO JULY 5, 1977 The City Administrator stated that Councilman Shenkman had requested that the matter of installation of smoke detectors in residential construction be brought before Council at the June 20, 1977 meeting. He stated that the ordinance had been prepared but that some departments had not had the opportunity of reviewing it, and requested that action be deferred to the July 5, 1977 meeting. Councilman Shenkman concurred with the City Admini- strator's request. STATE LABOR CODE SECTION 3800 - RESOLUTION TO BE PREPARED The City Administrator stated that a memorandum had been prepared by the Director of Building and Community Development regarding Section 3800 of the State Labor Code, requiring local permit -issuing agencies to assure that contractors and other employees subject to the Labor Code, have valid Workers' Compensation in effect. It requested that Council bring this matter before the Orange County League of Cities and the California League of Cities to urge their support of legislation now being developed which would transfer responsibility for enforcing the Workers' Compensation insurance requirements from the local Building Departments to the State Contractors' Licensing Board. The City Administrator requested the dir- ection of Council and Mayor Pattinson directed that a resolution from the City be prepared in compliance with the Building Director's memorandum. -t✓ � PUBLIC CABLE TELEVISION AUTHORITY BOARD - NEW APPOINTEES APPROVED Councilman Coen referred to the memorandum which he had submitted to Council regarding the eight applicants interviewed of the thirteen appli- cations submitted for membership on a newly -to -be -created non-profit cor- poration, for the purpose of administering the construction of a public cable television system in the City of Huntington Beach. He stated that once this corporation is formed and approval received for funding from the Internal Revenue Service; sister organizations will be formed in the Cities of Fountain Valley and Westminster. Councilman Coen stated that Councilwoman Gibbs and he had unanimously agreed on the following persons for recommendation to Council, to be the new officers of said board: Ed Farber, Gerald Mintz, Steve Schumacher, Glen Daly and Ed Murphy. A motion was made by Coen, second Siebert, to approve the appointment of Ed Farber, Gerald Mintz, Steve Schumacher, Glen Daly and Ed Murphy to the Public Cable Television Corporation Board of Directors of the non-profit corporation to be created. Motion carried unanimously. ALN0� Page #6 - Council Minutes - 6/13/77 JOINT PUBLIC HEARING - WARNER/GOLDENWEST SMALL.LM AREA The City Administrator informed Council that resolutions would be presented at the June 20, 1977 meeting, setting a joint public hearing of the City Council, Redevelop- ment Agency and Redevelopment Commission on the Warner/Goldenwest Small Lot Area. PfCCEDURE FOR PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Councilman Siebert inquired as to the process which would be followed on appoint- ments to fill the vacancies on the Planning Commission. Following discussion, the City Administrator was requested to report on the procedure previously adopted by Council. Councilman Shenkman suggested that perhaps a process could be followed whereby the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore could interview applicants and submit a certain number, perhaps 10 or 12 for Council review. It was also determined that the procedure followed for Planning Commission appointments should pertain to Redevelopment Com- mission appointments. Councilman Coen stated that in regard to the Redevelopment Commission, the Council had in the pasta policy to keep in mind an alternate representative to fill any vacancy which might occur, and when said vacancy occurs within a reasonable time, the alternate can be appointed, thus avoiding going through the entire selection process. He stated that Jimmy Sides had been selected as the Redevelopment Commission alternate. A motion was made by Coen, second.Wieder, to appoint Jimmy Sides to serve the unexpired term of Martin Greenbaum on the Redevelopment Commission. Following discussion, the motion and second, were withdrawn, in order to determine whether Mr. Sides was still interested in serving on the Redevelopment Commission. Councilman Shenkman requested that the City Administrator study the feasibility.of appointing eight Planning Commissioners, with one to act as a Commissioner -at -large, and would sit in as an acting, Planning Commissioner with full voting powers when a Com- missioner was absent. He stated that perhaps this possibility could be scheduled on a future Council agenda. DOWNTOWN BUILDING CODE MWORCEMENT Councilwoman Wieder addressed the .City Administrator regarding his response to Councilman Coen's question regarding whether there was any Council. member liability as far as the downtown building code enforcement is concerned. Stie requested that information be presented relative to City liability. The City Administrator stated that the City Attorney's office would prepare an analysis of the matter. Councilwoman Wieder stated that she believed there was a need for a joint meeting between the Council, Redevelopment Commission and Planning Commission. The Planning Director reported that the Planning Commission and the Redevelopment Commission had been holding a series of joint study sessions over the past few months. He stated that after their meeting in July they would be prepared to meet jointly with Council. lLao Page #7 - Council Minutes - 6/13/77 ORD NO 2005 - WATER RATES - ACTION DEFERRED The City Administrator inquired as to whether the Council desired second reading of Ordinance No. 2005 at this time, as the Ordinance required six affirmative votes, and a full Council was present. Following discussion, it was determined that the second reading of Ordinance No. 2005 would be scheduled for the June 20, 1977 meeting. ALLIED ARTS COMMISSION AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY BUDGET The City Administrator, in response to a question by Councilman Siebert, stated that the Library Budget had been able to absorb funding for the Allied Arts Commission and the Historical Society Budget. ✓' EXECUTIVE SESSION CAKED Mayor Pattinson called an Executive Session of Council for the purpose of dis- cussing litigation and personnel matters. RECESS - RECONVENE The meeting was recessed at 9:15 P.M. by the Mayor. The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 10:05 P.M. Ar]3nrrRNMENT On motion by Bartlett, second Shenkman, the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned to Monday, June 20, 1977 at 6:30 P.M. in Room B-8, Civic Center. Motion carried unanimously - ATTEST: City Clerk • c�p-17 ✓L/ City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor 131 .