HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-02MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1977 - 7 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Finley, Slates, Shea, Newman COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Gibson NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. Acting Chairman Slates introduced Mr_. John Stern and Dr. Frank Hoffman ,who were recently appointed to serve as Planninq Commissioners. He noted that because of State law requiring a ten day period following the filing of a disclosure statement they would be unable to vote on any item. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None CONSENT CALENDAR: ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY FINLEY THE MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1977 AND JULY 19, 1977 WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Finley, Slates, Shea, Newman NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson SCHEDULED ITEMS: REVISION TO THE GENERAL PLAN - PUBLIC COMMENT There was no one present to speak on this item. ZONE CHANGE NO. 77-9 Applicant: Leonard E. Lichter This is a request for a change of zone from C4 to R2 between Warner and Blaylock Avenues and "B" Street and the alley westerly of "A" Street. Dave Eadie addressed the Commission and briefly recapped what has transpired on this zone change. He discussed the 1972 traffic report and the one prepared recently at the request of the Commission. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Keith Roberts, Marina Pacific Tract, addressed the Commission and spoke in opposition to the zone change. He presented to the Commission a petition signed by residents of the area in oppoisition to the proposed zone change. The petition contained information re- questing that the Planning CaTgT&ssion devise a plan for the development of the property Page 2 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 2, 1977 generally located south of Warner Avenue and on the east side of "B" Street and property generally located between Warner Avenue and Blaylock bounded on the east by "B" Street and on the west by Beach Boulevard which would shelter the single family dwellingsfrom direct confrontation with higher density property or commercial property, keep on street parking to a minimum, avoid further traffic congestion at the corners of Beach and Blaylock and "B" Street and Warner, and prohibit any increased flow of traffic through the Marina Pacifica tract via Blaylock or Granada Lane. Mr. Roberts also addressed the traffic report which he felt did not cover the concerns expressed by the citizens at the previous hearing on June 21, 1977. Ms. Harriett Greenwood addressed the Commission and stated that she felt her property should be included in the zone change. Bola Earhart requested historical information -on the zone change and the original reason for request, The public hearing was closed. Commission discussion ensued. The Commission concurred that further study should be made on the traffic. Secretary Selich suggested that perhaps Traffic Engineer Leyva should meet with Mr. Roberts and other citizens of the tract to try and reach an understanding of the prob- lems. ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY NEWMAN ZONE CHANGE NO. 77-9 WAS CON- TINUED TO SEPTEMBER 7, 1977, WITH CCNCURREVCE OF APPLICANT, BY THE FCtLIU ING VOTE: AYES: Finley, Slates, Shea, Newman NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson ZONE CHANGE NO. 77-11/NEGATIVE DECLARATION 77-55 Applicant: Potts, Bruckner Corporation This is a request for a change of zone from R5 to R2 located on the east side of Beach, 148 ft. + south of Taylor Avenue, Dave Eadie discussed the zone change with the Commission. In response to Commissioner Finley's question on the adequacy of the sewer in that area, Mike Zambory stated that a field check had indi- cated that no significant problems would arise by approval of the zone change. He.further stated that plans are in progress to design a parallel line which will improve the sewerage of the area. The public hearing was opened. I -2- 8/2/77 - PC 1 Page 3 Minutes: H,B, Planning Commission' Tuesday, August 2, 107 Mr. Scott Fawcett, representing the applicant and one of the owners, addressed the Commission and gave a brief background report on the property. He stated that he did not feel, after talking with resi- dents in the area, that there was any opposition to the zone change. He felt the zoning would help break up the strip commercial and further stated that the property.is more compatible to residential than commercial property. Andy Tcmel, 8012 Taylor, addressed the Ccmmission and suoke in favor of the change of zone. He felt that the proposed project would provide some noise buffer to Beach Boulevard. The public hearing was closed. Commission discussion ensued. Acting Chairman Slates stated that he recalled a meeting several years ago when residents spoke in opposition to commercial use of the property, and stated that he was in favor of the requested zone change. ON MOTION BY FINLEY AND SECOND BY SHEA NEGATIVE DECLARATION 77-55 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Finley, Slates, Shea, Newman NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson ON MOTION BY FINLEY"AND SECOND BY NEWMAN ZONE CHANGE 77-11 WAS DENIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Finley, Slates, Shea, Newman. NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson ZONE CHANGE NO. 77-14 Applicant: Gary D. Potter This is a request for a change of zone from RA-0 to R2 on property located on the south side of Garfield, 335 ft. west of Holly. Jim Palin stated that he had no information to add to that contained, in the staff report. The public hearing was opened on Zone Change 77-14. There was no one present to speak on this zone change and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion ensued. -3- 8/2/77 - PC Page 4; Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 2, 1977 ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY NEWMAN ZONE CHANGE NO. 77-14 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. State Planning Law mandates that zoning shall be consistent with the City's General Plan. 2. The subject property -is no longer suited for development under its present zoning. AYES: Finley, Slates, Shea, Newman NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 77-13 Applicant: John and Maria Marklein This is a request for a private art school located at 8596 Hamilton Avenue, The public hearing was opened. There was no one present to speak on this item and the public hearing was closed. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY FINLEY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT No. 77-13 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: FINDINGS:' 1. The proposed use is compatible with existing and proposed surrounding uses. 2. The proposed use will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety or convenience of persons residing or work- ing in the area. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall furnish proof of a minimum six (6) assigned on site parking spaces. 2. Classes shall be limited to not more than six (6) students at any one time. AYES: Finley, Slates, Shea, Newman NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson -4- 8/2/77 - PC Page 5 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 2, 1977 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 76•-15 - REQUEST FOR ONE YEAR EXTENSION Applicant: Jerwel Enterprises This is a request for a one year extension of time on Conditional Use Permit No. 76-15 which is a request to construct a racquetball facility approved by the Planning Commission on July 7., 1976. The property is located at the southeast corner of Gothard Street and Center Drive. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY SHEA AND SECOND BY NEWMAN A ONE YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME WAS GRANTED ON CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 76-15 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Finley, Slates, Shea, Newman NOES: None ABSENT: Gibson ARBORICULTURAL AND LANDSCAPE STANDARDS - DISCUSSION The staff was directed"to prepare -a resolution for adoption of the revised Arboricultural and landscaping standards for the August 16 1977 meeting. STAFF PRESENTATION OF APPROACH TO DEVELOPING A LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM - DISCUSSION Monica Florian addressed the Commission and stated that at the Planning Commission meeting of August 16 the staff would be present- ing its preliminary issue identification for Commission and public review. After further discussion she stated that the Local Coastal Program must be Completed prior to January 1, 1980, and that the City will be required to adopt its Local Coastal Program before submitting it to the Regional and State Commissions for certification. MISCELLANEOUS: A MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER NEWMAN AND SECONDED BY SHEA TO REQUEST THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO RECONSIDER ITS ACTION ON ZONE CHANGE NO. 77-2 AND INITIATE A NEW ZONE CHANGE AND PRECISE PLAN OF -STREET ALIGNMENT FOR AN ALLEY AS FOLLOWS: 1. Rezone property on the north side of Portland between Alabama and Huntington from C-4 to Oldtown Specific Plan Area 2. 2. Precise Plan an east/west alley between the remaining commercial frontage on Adams Avenue and the proposed area to be rezoned Oldtown Specific Plan. VOTE: AYES: Slates, Shea, Newman NOES: Finley ABSENT: Gibson THE MOTION CARRIED. -5- 8/2/77 - PC . Page 6 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 2, 1977 COMMISSIONERS' COMMENTS: None STAFF'S COMMENTS: Secretary Selich stated that a letter had been prepared requesting a joint study session with the City Council on the extension of Lake Street. Secretary Selich reviewed the action of the City Council meeting of August 1, 1977. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. to a joint meeting with the Redevelop- ment Commission at 7:00 p.m. on August 11, 1977 in Civic Center. ward D. Se ich Roger D. ates Secretary Acting Ch rman I -6- 8/2/77 - PC