HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-07 (7)MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Room B-8 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1977 - 1:15 PM BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS CITY STAFF PRESENT: MEL OTT, FIRE DEPARTMENT MINUTES: ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY BEHRENS THE MINUTES OF THE MEET- ING OF AUGUST 3, 1977, WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: COPE ' ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY CROSBY THE MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS OF AUGUST 17 AND AUGUST 24, 1977, WERE APPROVED, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: COPE, CROSBY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: BEHRENS REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-26 (Cont. from 7-20-77) Applicant: Pomona First Federal Savings & Loan Association To permit the division of one (1) parcel of land into four (4) sep- arate parcels pursuant to Section 9921 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the east side of Magnolia Street approxi- mately 210 feet south of Garfield Avenue in a C2, Community Business District. This request is covered by Negative Declaration No. 77-79. John Cope reported that a request has been received from the appli- cant for withdrawal of this tentative parcel map, as plans are presently being considered for an integrated development for the total parcel. Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 2 ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY BEHRENS TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-26 WAS WITHDRAWN AT THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE USE PERMIT NO. 77-68 (Cont. from 8-24-77) Applicant: W. Sterling Buck & Associates To permit construction of a twelve (12) unit apartment building pursuant to Section 9202.3.1.3 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the west side of Holly Street approximately 335 feet south of Garfield Avenue in an R2, Medium Density Residential District. This project is covered by Negative Declaration No. 75-73, adopted by the Board of Zoning Adjustments on November 26, 1975. John Cope reopened the public hearing. No one was present to rep- resent the application. There being no persons to speak for or against the proposal, the public hearing was closed. Board review found the submitted plan to be in nonconformance to code requirements. ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY BEHRENS USE PERMIT NO. 77-68 WAS DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: REASONS FOR DENIAL: 1. The plan as submitted cannot be built under the Huntington Beach Building Code. 2. The plan as submitted is in violation of the allowable density. AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-46 Applicant: W. J. McGarrigle To permit a five (5) foot encroachment into the required 15-foot setback from an easement for a portion of an industrial building in lieu of Section 9513.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the northwest corner of Chemical Lane and Business Drive in an Ml-A, Restricted Manufacturing District. This request is a Categorical Exemption, Class V, California En- vironmental Quality Act, 1970. BZA 9-7-77 Page 2 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 3 John Cope opened the public hearing. W. J. McGarrigle was present at the meeting to explain further his reasons for requesting the variance. No one else was present to address the Board, and the public hearing was closed. The Board discussed the unusual building configuration which would be required to meet the setback requirement, noting that the en- croachment as requested is not a major one. The applicant assured the Board that proper exiting will be provided. ON MOTION BY BEHRENS AND SECOND BY CROSBY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-46 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS OF THE BOARD: 1. Because of the intrusion of the cul-de-sac into sub3ect prop- erty, strict observance of the setback requirements would place the building behind the setback of adjacent buildings. 2. A precedent has been established within the industrial park for a variance of this type. 3. Granting of the conditional exception permits the applicant to meet the landscaping requirements of the code. 4. The granting of the conditional exception will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or in]urious to property in the same zoning classification. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The site plan received and dated August 26, 1977, shall be the approved layout. 2. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE USE PERMIT NO. 77-75 Applicant: Ronald B. Jessner To permit construction of a 16-unit apartment complex pursuant to Section 9161.4 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on Hess Circle at the end of the cul-de-sac approximately 300 feet north of Utica Avenue in an R2, Medium Density Residential District. BZA 9-7-77 Page 3 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 4 This request is covered by Negative Declaration No. 77-99. John Cope opened the public hearing on the Negative Declaration and the Use Permit. No one was present to represent the appli- cation or to speak in regard to the project; the public hearing was closed. Board review found the plan not to be in compliance with code and determined that grading plans and floor plans for Building D would be required of the proponent. ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY BEHRENS USE PERMIT NO. 77-75 WAS CONTINUED TO THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 1977, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE USE PERMIT NO. 77-76 Applicant: Max W. Cobb To permit retail sale operation as a temporary use of an existing building pursuant to Section 9472.1 of the Huntington Beach Ordin- ande Code, located on the north side of Pacific Coast Highway approximately 310 feet east of Mariner Drive in a C4, Highway Busi- ness District. This request is a Categorical Exemption, Class I, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. John Cope opened the public hearing. Max Cobb was present at the meeting and discussed the type and duration of the proposed temporary use. The proposed ultimate use of the property will be considered in the near future by the Planning Commission, with further consid- eration required by the Coastal Commission. There being no other persons to address the Board in regard to this proposal, the public hearing was closed. The Board discussed the status of the property as an abated non- conforming site, noting that it was nonconforming as regards develop- ment standards (i.e., street dedication and improvements, parking, and landscaping) and not as regards retail use. The timing which would be applicable for requirement of such development standards for this temporary project was extensively discussed by the Board. It was determined that immediate street dedication would be neces- sary, with delay permitted in actual street improvements and other requirements onsite. ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY CROSBY USE PERMIT NO. 77-76 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: BZA 9-7-77 Page 4 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 5 FINDINGS OF THE BOARD: 1. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use will not be detrimental to: a. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. 2. The granting,of a Use Permit will not adversely affect the Master Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 3. The proposal is consistent with the City's General Plan of Land Use. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual plot plan received and dated August 23, 1977, shall be the approved layout. In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues in relation to the conceptual plan: . Traffic circulation and drives; . Parking layout; • Lot area; • Lot width and depth; • Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; • Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. B. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Pacific Coast Highway shall be dedicated to the ultimate right-of-way as required by the Department of Public Works, and improvements to that street completed within twelve (12) months of this date of approval. 2. The required six (6) percent landscaping shall be installed in accordance with Public Works requirements within twelve (12) months of this date of approval. 3. The parking lot shall be brought into full conformance with Division 9 requirements within twelve (12) months of this date of approval. BZA 9-7-77 Page 5 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 6 4. Use Permit No. 77-76 shall be reviewed by the Zoning Adjustments durinq the allowed 12-month ascertain compliance with the above conditions compliance has not been accomplished, the use discontinued. AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-31 Applicant: Robert F. Curtis Development Board of period to and, if said shall be To permit division of an existing commercial,parcel into three (3) separate parcels pursuant to Section 9921 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the east side of Green Street approximately 512 feet south of Warner Avenue, one parcel to be zoned C2 (Community Business District) and two parcels to be zoned R3 (Medium -High Density Residential). This request is covered by Negative Declaration No. 77-96. John Cope opened the public hearing on the Negative Declaration. Bob Curtis was present to represent the application. The Board re- viewed the information contained in the negative declaration request and considered mitigation measures applicable to any residential project which may be proposed for the site. The public hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY CROSBY THE BOARD, HAVING FOUND THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE EFFECT UPON THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT, ADOPTED NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-96 WITH THE MITIGATING MEASURES CONTAINED IN CONDITIONS 10 THROUGH 20 IMPOSED UPON THE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: COPE, CROSBY NOES: BEHRENS ABSENT: NONE Board review ensued on the division of land, considering the zoning action presently being processed on the property (which will not become effective until October 19, 1977). Bruce Crosby informed the applicant that the width of Green Street is master -planned at 54 feet instead of 60; therefore, the 30-foot halfstreet section indicated on the site plan could be reduced to 27, gaining three (3) feet on the property if applicant desires. It will be necessary for him to request a vacation of right-of-way by the City if he wishes to take advantage of the reduced street section, however. BZA 9-7-77 Page 6 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Ad3ustments September 7, 1977 Page 7 John Behrens stated that he could not support granting of the parcel map at this time for the following reasons: 1) Parcels 2 and 3 would be illegal properties as presently zoned; 2) combining Parcels 2 and 3 would provide better configuration for development than splitting them; 3) development of the property has not been resolved. It was his stated opinion that all considerations on the site (zoning, division of the land, and development) should be reviewed together as one package, and a site layout answering all developmental concerns and complying with legal zoning could be processed at a later date. The applicant discussed the timing on his escrow on the property, noting that purchase is contingent upon obtaining the lot split. John Cope suggested that the map be revised to reflect a two -parcel split, including the present Parcels 2 and 3 as one, and submitting a revised parcel map prior to recordation to effect the desired division. ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY CROSBY TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-31 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO USE OR OCCUPANCY OF SAID PARCELS FOR ANY PURPOSE: 1. The tentative parcel map received by the Planning Depart- ment on July 28, 1977, shall be the approved layout, sub- 3ect to the following: a. Parcels 2 and 3 shall be revised to reflect just one (1) parcel. b. A revised map depicting such parcel consolidation shall be submitted prior to submittal of a final parcel map to the City. 2. A parcel map shall be filed with and approved by the Depart- ment of Public Works and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. 3. Green Street shall be dedicated and improved to City stand- ards at the time said parcels are developed. 4. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach water system at the time said parcels are developed. 5. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach sewage system at the time said parcels are developed. 6. All utilities shall be installed underground at the time said parcels are developed. BZA 9-7-77 Page 7 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 8 7. Compliance with all applicable City ordinances. 8. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district at the time said parcels are developed. 9. A copy of the recorded parcel map shall be filed with the Planning Department. 10. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in ceilings and walls shall be a minimum of R-19 and R-11, respectively. If no air conditioning is to be installed, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-13 and R-7, respectively. 11. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 12. Natural gas and 220V electrical shall be stubbed in at the location of clothes dryers, and natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heatinq units. 13. An engineering geologist shall be engaged to submit a repor indicating the ground surface acceleration from earth move- ment for the project property. 14. All structures proposed for construction within this sub- division shall be constructed in compliance with the g-factors as indicated by the geologist's report. 15. Calculations for footings and structural members to with- stand anticipated g-factors shall be submitted to the City for review. 16. A chemcial analysis, as well as tests for physical proper- ties of the soil on subject property, shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of building permits. 17. The structures on subject property, whether attached or detached, shall be constructed in compliance with the State acoustical standards set forth for all units that lie within the 60 CNEL contours of the property. 18. Crime prevention techniques shall be applied to the design of the project (e.g., single -cylinder locks, etc.). 19. Low -volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. BZA 9-7-77 Page 8 LJ 1 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 9 20. All holding tanks for restroom facilities shall be equipped for a capacity of 3.5 gallons if such facilities are available at the time of construction. AYES: COPE, CROSBY NOES: BEHRENS ABSENT: NONE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-34 Applicant: Alpine Civil Engineers To permit division of one (1) parcel of land into three (3) parcels pursuant to Section 9921 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the east side of Brookhurst Street approximately 1000 feet south of Hamilton Avenue in an R3, Medium -High Density Residential District. This request is covered by Negative Declaration No. 77-98. John Cope opened the public hearing on the negative declaration request. Wally Nichol was present to represent the applicants. The Board reviewed the information contained in the negative dec- laration request form and considered mitigation measures appli- cable to ultimate construction on the site. There being no persons to address the Board in regard to the project, the public hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY BEHRENS THE BOARD, HAVING FOUND THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE EFFECT UPON THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT, ADOPTED NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-98 WITH THE MITIGATING MEASURES CONTAINED IN CONDITIONS 11 THROUGH 22 IMPOSED UPON THE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: AYES: CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: COPE ABSENT: NONE John Cope expressed reservations with the subdivision of this parcel into three separate parcels, noting that development as an integ- rated project on all three proposed parcels would provide a better layout in regard to number of access points, buffering of noise from Brookhurst Street, provision of meaningful open space areas, and a better relation to the adjoining Santa Ana River greenbelt area. It was his opinion that granting of the parcel map would impose developmental restraints on any ensuing site plan which might be sub- mitted. Bruce Crosby reported that the isfaction with the two access a minimum of twenty-four (24) return on Brookhurst Street. Traffic Engineer has expressed sat - points proposed, as long as they are feet in width with a radius curb BZA 9-7-77 Page 9 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 10 The applicant discussed the tentative design layout, pointing out that it is designed to be built under the maximum allowable density and suggesting a building reorientation which would pro- vide a better turning radius off the southerly property line. ON MOTION BY BEHRENS AND SECOND BY CROSBY TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-34 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOL- LOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO USE OR OCCUPANCY OF SAID PARCELS FOR ANY PURPOSE: 1. The tentative parcel map received by the Planning Depart- ment on August 16, 1977, shall be the approved layout. 2. A parcel map shall be filed with, and approved by, the Department of Public Works and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. 3. Brookhurst Street shall be dedicated and improved to City standards at the time said parcels are developed. 4. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach water system at the time said parcels are developed. 5. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach sewage system at the time said parcels are developed. 6. All utilities shall be installed underground at the time said parcels are developed. 7. Compliance with all applicable City ordinances. 8. The flood control channel shall be fenced to Flood Control District standards and City standards at the time said parcels are developed. 9. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district at the time said parcels are developed. 10. A copy of the recorded parcel map shall be filed with the Planning Department. 11. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a mini- mum of R-19 and R-11, respectively. If no air conditioning is to be provided, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-13 and R-7, respectively. 12. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. BZA 9-7-77 Page 10 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 11 13. Natural gas and 220V electrical shall be stubbed in at the location of clothes dryers, and natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. 14. Double -paned windows shall be installed within the units facing onto the adjacent arterial highway. 15. An engineering geologist shall be engaged to submit a re- port indicating the ground surface acceleration from earth movement for the project property. 16. All structures proposed for construction within this sub- division shall be constructed in compliance with the g-factors as indicated by the geologist's report. 17. Calculations for footings and structural members to with- stand anticipated g-factors shall be submitted to the City for review. 18. A chemical analysis, as well as tests for physical proper- ties of the soil on subject property, shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of building permits. 19. The structures on subject property, whether attached or detached, shall be constructed in compliance with the State acoustical standards set forth for all units that lie within the 60 CNEL contours of the property. 20. Crime prevention techniques shall be applied to the design of the project (e.g., single -cylinder locks, etc.). 21. Low -volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 22. All holding tanks for restroom facilities shall be equipped for a capacity of 3.5 gallons if such facilities are avail- able at the time of construction. AYES: CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: COPE ABSENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-153 Applicant: Jack D. Weide To permit the construction of a 2500 square foot industrial shop building pursuant to Section 9530 of the Huntington Beach Ordin- ance Code, located on the north side of Garfield Avenue approxi- mately 175 feet east of Stewart Street in an M1-O, Light Industrial combined with Oil Production District. This request is covered by Negative Declaration No. 77-100. BZA 9-7-77 Page 11 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 12 John Cope opened the public hearing on the negative declaration. Jack Weide was present at the meeting. The Board reviewed the information contained in the negative declaration request and considered mitigation measures applicable to the project. There being no one present to address the Board in regard to the pro- ject, the public hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY BEHRENS THE BOARD, HAVING FOUND THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE EFFECT UPON THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT, ADOPTED NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-100, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE The Board discussed the proposed use of the building and appurten- ant uses which would occur outside the building (wash rack, some welding operations, minor engine tuning). The drive requirements, width of walks, surrounding uses, and method of enclosure were also reviewed. Mr. Weide indicated that he would like to provide a chain link fence; however, John Cope felt that a masonry wall was needed for screening the out-of-doors operations from surrounding properties. ON MOTION BY BEHRENS AND SECOND BY CROSBY ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-153 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOL- LOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: r ` 1. The conceptual site plan received and dated August 19, 1977, shall be the approved layout, subject to the modifications described herein: a. The sidewalk shall be a full eight (8) feet in width. b. The drive shall be constructed with a radius -type curb return pursuant to Public Works standards. The plan submitted to the Department of Building and Community Development upon application for building permits shall have the above -described modifications delineated thereupon. In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: . Traffic circulation and drives; . Parking layout; • Lot area; • Lot width and lot depth; 1 BZA 9-7-77 Page 12 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 13 . Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; . Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: COPE ABSENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-154 Applicant: Architectural Team Three To permit construction of a 10,000 square foot industrial building pursuant to Section 9530 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the west side of Enterprise Lane approximately 258 feet south of Lindborg Drive in an Ml, Light Industrial District. This request is covered by Exemption Declaration No. 74-150 and Negative Declaration No. 75-23 previously prepared and adopted for the property. Russ Shimer was present to represent the application. Board review found the plan to comply with code requirements. ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY BEHRENS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-154 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual plot plan received and dated August 25, 1977, shall be the approved layout. In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues in relation to the conceptual plan: . Traffic circulation and drives; • Parking layout; . Lot area; . Lot width and lot depth; . Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE BZA 9-7-77 Page 13 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 14 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-155 Applicant: URO Huntington Beach To permit construction of a 34,679 square foot industrial build- ing pursuant to Section 9511 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located at the southwest corner of Graham Street and Argosy Drive in an Ml-A, Restricted Manufacturing District. This request is covered by EIR 73-16, adopted by the City Council on March 18, 1974. Harold Graham and Mr. MacDonald were present at the meeting. Bruce Crosby reported the intent of prior actions by the City on the subject property was to have a common drive to serve both par- cels, restricting access points off Argosy to only one, preferably the one at the westerly side of the lot. After extensive discus- sion with the applicants in regard to driveway access points and explanation by the Board of the Planning Commission's direction in regard to the matter, it was the consensus of the Board that two drives could not be permitted on Argosy. The appeal procedure was outlined for the applicants. ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY BEHRENS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW N0. 77-155 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual site plan received and dated August 25, 1977, shall be the approved layout, subject to the modifi- cations outlined herein: a. The easterly drive on Argosy shown on the plan shall be deleted. b. The drive on the southerly property line shall be a reciprocal drive with the abutting property. C. There shall be a drive width of thirty (30) feet pro- vided on the drive adjacent to the buildings having overhead doors. A revised plan depicting the above -outlined modifications shall be submitted to the Department of Building and Community Development upon application for building permits. In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues in relation to the conceptual plan: BZA 9-7-77 Page 14 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 15 . Traffic circulation and drives; . Parking layout; . Lot area; . Lot width and lot depth; . Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; . Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-157 Applicant: Four S Services Ltd. To permit establishment of a restaurant in an existing building and revisions to accommodate such use pursuant to Section 9430 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the north side of Adams Avenue approximately 520 feet west of Magnolia Street in a C2, Community Business District. This request is a Categorical Exemption, Class I, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. No one was present to represent the application. The Board re- viewed the request, noting that it is very minor expansion of the existing structure. ON MOTION BY BEHRENS AND SECOND BY CROSBY ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-157 WAS APPROVED WITH THE. FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual site plan received and dated August 30, 1977, shall be the approved layout. In its approval action the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE BZA 9-7-77 Page 15 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 16 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-158 Applicant: Donald G. Penkoff To permit construction of a 22,000 square foot industrial build- ing pursuant to Section 9511 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the north side of Argosy Avenue approximately 150 feet west of Graham Street in an M1-A, Restricted Manufactur- ing District. This request is covered by EIR 73-16, adopted by the City Council on March 18, 1974. Donald Penkoff was present at the meeting. The Board reviewed the plan for compliance with previously approved Tentative Parcel Map No. 77-19 (prepared for this site and two abutting sites) and Ad- ministrative Review No. 77-101 for the property to the east. Discussed were easements, site layout, and parking. The applicant was advised that it will be necessary to submit a plan eliminating all the correction notes shown on the drawings and accurately depicting the approved layout. ON MOTION BY BEHRENS AND SECOND BY CROSBY ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-158 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOL- LOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The plan submitted and dated August 31, 1977, shall be the tentatively approved plan, with the stipulation that a revised plan shall be submitted eliminating all the correc- tion notes and complying with code requirements. In addi- tion, the revised plan shall contain the following modifications: a. The plan shall depict a 1216" easement on the easterly property line for a depth of 77 feet from the right- of-way on Argosy Avenue to provide reciprocal access with the property to the east. b. The plan shall depict a triangular easement at the northeast corner of the site to provide permanent access to the fire hydrant located in that area to serve the three adjacent developments. The revised plan shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to application for building permits. BZA 9-7-77 Page 16 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 17 In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues in relation to the conceptual plan: • Traffic circulation and drives; . Parking layout; . Lot area; . Lot width and lot depth; • Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; . Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Parkway areas shall be improved in compliance with the conditions imposed upon the approval of TT 8688. 2. Street trees shall be installed in compliance with the conditions imposed upon the approval of TT 6948. C. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Parcel Map No. 77-19 shall record prior to occupancy of the building. 2. The easements described in the foregoing conditions shall record prior to occupancy of the building. AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-159 Applicant: Juergen Lotter To permit the construction of an 11, 180 square foot industrial building pursuant to Section 9511 of the Huntington Beach Ordin- ance Code, located at the northwest corner of Machine Drive and Connector Lane in an M1-A, Restricted Manufacturing District. This request is covered by EIR 73-16, adopted by the City Council on March 18, 1974. Evan James was present at the meeting to represent the applicant. The layout was reviewed by the Board. Specifically considered were the drive widths, interior layout, and elevations. BZA 9-7-77 Page 17 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 18 ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY BEHRENS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-159 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual plot plan received and dated August 31, 1977, shall be the approved layout, subject to the modifi- cations described herein: a. The drive on the west side of the building adjacent to the truck door openings shall be a minimum width of thirty (30) feet. b. The future truck door opening indicated on the plan facing onto Machine Drive shall be deleted. The plan submitted to the Department of Building and Community Development upon application for building permits shall depict the above -outlined modifications. NOTE: The Board has specifically considered the architectural features of the proposed construction and found them to be satis- factory. In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues in relation to the conceptual plan: . Traffic circulation and drives; . Parking layout; • Lot area; . Lot width and lot depth; . Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; • Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE MISCELLANEOUS AGENDA ITEMS: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-35 (Reconsideration) Applicant: Donald F. Simons Reconsideration of a previously approved consolidation to create two lots from four existing lots located on the north side of BZA 9-7-77 Page 18 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 19 Engineer Drive approximately 70 feet east of Pipeline Lane in an M1-A, Restricted Manufacturing District. John Cope reported to the Board that a request has been received from the legal property owner of subject site for delay in the approval of this parcel map until after close of escrow. ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY CROSBY THE BOARD DETERMINED TO RECONSIDER THE PRIOR APPROVAL OF TPM 77-35, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: COPE, CROSBY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: BEHRENS ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECONDiBY BEHRENS THE APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 77-35 WAS RESCINDED AND THE REQUEST CONTINUED INDEFINITELY PENDING AUTHORIZATION FROM THE LEGAL PROPERTY OWNER, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-160 Applicant: St. Bonaventure Parish To permit annual fall festival to be held on the weekend of October 7, 8, and 9, 1977, on property located at the northeast corner of Springdale Street and Heil Avenue. The Board reviewed the request. ON MOTION BY BEHRENS AND SECOND BY COPE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-160 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOL- LOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The plot plan and description received and dated September 1, 1977, shall be the approved layout. 2. The applicant shall obtain all necessary electrical permits. 3. An onsite inspection by the Fire Department shall be required prior to the event. 4. A certificate of insurance form shall be filed in the License Division of the Finance Department ten (10) days prior to the event. AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE BZA 9-7-77 Page 19 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 20 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-163 Applicant: Suzanne Smith (Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley Board of Realtors) To permit a fund-raising rummage sale to be held on September 24 and 25, 1977, pursuant to Section 9730.32 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the west side of Beach Boulevard approximately 125 feet from Holt Avenue (16281 Beach), in a C4, Highway Commercial District. No one was present to represent the application. The Board reviewed the request. ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY BEHRENS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-163 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The site layout and description received and dated September 2, 1977, shall be the approved project. 2. The applicant shall obtain all necessary electrical permits. 3. An onsite inspection by the Fire Department shall be required prior to the event. 4. A certificate of insurance form shall be filed in the License Division of the Finance Department ten (10) days prior to the event. AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-42 (Revised) Applicant: Robert G. Jenkins To permit addition of 144 square feet to each of two previously approved industrial buildings and reorientation of certain interior walls on property located at the southwest intersection of Chemical Lane and Research Drive. No one was present to represent the request. The Board reviewed the proposed project and found it to be a satisfactory revision to the previous plan. ON MOTION BY COPE AND SECOND BY BEHRENS, THE REVISED PLAN FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-42 WAS APPROVED SUBJECT TO ALL PRIOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE BZA 9-7-77 Page 20 I Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 7, 1977 Page 21 USE PERMIT NO. 77-69 (Revision to Conditions of Approval) Applicant: Henry W. Ortlieb Request for revision of a condition of approval for a previously approved stereo service facility located on the northwest corner of Beach Boulevard and Heil Avenue; said revision is to permit removal of two drives on the property to occur prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, rather than prior to issu- ance of building permits. John Cope reported that the strict application of the above condi- tion was causing difficulties in effecting alterations to the subject use. ON MOTION BY BEHRENS AND SECOND BY COPE THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR USE PERMIT NO. 77-69 WERE AMENDED AS REQUESTED, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: AYES: COPE, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. � . &4_� J n Cope cretary Pro Tem :df BZA 9-7-77 Page 21