HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-20APPROVED OCTOBER 4, 1977 MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1977 - 7 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman Slates was absent due to illness. NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. Vice Chairman Shea chaired the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Joint Redevelopment and Planning Commission Minutes of August 11, 1977. 2. Planning Commission Minutes of September 13, 1977. 3. Dunbar Street Conformance with the General Plan, ON MOTION BY GIBSON AND SECOND BY NEWMAN THE CONSENT CALENDAR WAS APPROVED, WITH THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 11, 1977 APPROVED AS AMENDED, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates ORAL COMMUNICATIONS:. None SCHEDULED ITEMS: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 77-2: PARTS 1, 2, AND 3. Secretary Selich stated that he had no information to add to that contained in the information before the Commission. He further stated that any items not included in this Amendment could be addressed in the third amendment to the General Plan which would be before the Commission shortly. Vice -Chairman Shea stated that a straw vote would be taken on Parts 1, 2, and 3, with each ar6a'of-'concern being taken as,a separate item. She further stated that at the end of the public hearing a vote would be taken on General Plan Amendment No, 77-2, Parts 1, 2, and 3. Vice Chairman Shea opened the public hearing,on Part 1. Phyllis Sariego, representing the League of Women Voters, addressed the Commission. -She stated that in general the League was pleased with the various goals included in the plan. She did not feel that the policies implementing these goals'fv&e adequate. She further expressed concern about the Bolsa Chica and felt that LUD designation was not the same as Open Space. She stated that the League preferred Open Space designation for the Bolsa Chica. - Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 2`0, 1977 Page 2 Ken Martyri addressed the Commission and stated he felt there was a conflict with the Open Space and Land Use Plans in the Bolsa Chica. He was concerned also about statement 10 on page 26 of General Plan Amendment 77-2'and page 20 of the EIR which dis- cussed giving public park credit to developers for private open space. Commissioner Stern stated that he had the same concerns. He felt the Bolsa Chica should be consistently open space. Commissioner Finley stated that she felt that,since the General Plan had been adopted in December of 1976 to satisfy the State law, she did not wish to vote in favor of an amendment she was not totally in favor of. STRAW VOTE: ON MOTION BY HOFFMAN AND SECOND BY NEWMAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-10 AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 77-2, PART 1, WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: Stern, Finley ABSENT: Slates Vice Chairman Shea opened the public hearing on Part 2. Area of Concern 2.1 - South of Adams Avenue and east of Brookhurst Street. The applicant is Tallis D. Margrave and the request is for a change from commercial to low density residential on 3.16 acres of land. The Planning Department's recommendation is for a change of designation from commercial to low density residential. Mr. Paul Frink, representing Meredith Gardens homeowners, addressed the Commission and expressed concerns over traffic generated at Brookhurst and Adams. He stated that there was more busing in the area. He further stated that he would like to recommend that if the requested change in designation is approved it would be tied in with careful traffic studies and a proposal to put in traffic lights at Lauson and Adams. He preferred low density residential to commercial. Tallis Margrave addressed the Commission and stated that he understood the concerns over traffic. He discussed removal of one home. STRAW VOTE: ON MOTION'SY GIBSON AND SECOND BY NEWMAN COMMISSION APPROVED REDESIGNATION OF 3.16 ACRES LOCATED SOUTH OF ADAMS AVENUE AND EAST OF BROOKHURST STREET FROM COMMERCIAL TO LOW'DENSITY RESIDENTIAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman', Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates -2- 9/20/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, SepteMber 20, 1977 Page 3 Area of Concern 2.2 - Nichols Street, south of Slater Avenue Covered in Part 3). The applicant is Family Home Builders, Inc., and the request is for a change from industrial to medium density residential on 17.17 acres of land. The Planning Department's recommendation is for a change of designation from industrial to medium density residential. Mr. George Chelius requested that this area of concern be con- tinued for discussion during Part 3 of the General Plan Amendment 77-2. ' Mark Porter, representing Home Council, addressed the Commission and stated that the Home Council wants to preserve the industrial property. He further requested that the Commission delete from 77-2, Part 2, Area of Concern 2.2, and consider it in Part 3. The Commission agreed to discuss Area of Concern 2.2 during the public hearing on Part 3, Item 8. Area of Concern 2.3 - South of Terry Drive and east of View Point Lane. The applicant is Robert Jarrard and the request is for a change from commercial to medium density residential on 2.7 acres of land. The Planning Department's recommendation is for a change of designation from commercial to medium density resi- dential. Vice -Chairman Shea stated that she felt she would have to abstain due to a possible conflict of interest. Commissioner Gibson chaired this portion of the meeting. Mark Porter addressed the Commission and requested that the whole parcel be developed as commercial to avoid creating more strip commercial, or develop the whole thing as residential. Bob Jarrard addressed the Commission and explained the buffering and the street cut on View Point. He spoke of the demand and need for housing. STRAW VOTE: ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY NEWMAN COMMISSION APPROVED REDESIGNATION OF 2.7 ACRES LOCATED SOUTH OF TERRY DRIVE AND EAST OF VIEW POINT LANE FROM COMMERCIAL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSTAIN: Shea ABSENT: Slates -3- 9/20/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 20f 1977 Page 4 Administrative Item - Multi -Story Policy Plan There was no discussion by Commission. STRAW VOTE: ON MOTION BY NEWMAN AND SECOND BY GIBSON ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM - MULTI -STORY POLICY PLAN - WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates Vice -Chairman Shea opened the public hearing on Part 3. 1. Gothard Corridor - South of warner and East of Gothard Street - Planning Department'is requesting a change from industrial to medium density residential of 18.03 acres. James Roark, representing the property owner, spoke against_ the recommendation of the Planning Department. He also - criticized the staff for recommending some changes in designations from industrial to residential. He discussed the improvements already made by the owner of this property as well as improvements in process at this time. George Chelius stated that he felt that it would be better to discuss the entire Gothard Corridor prior to discussing each area. A five minute recess was called at 8:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:35. ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY FINLEY THE COMMISSION AGREED TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON THE ENTIRE GOTHARD CORRIDOR PRIOR TO HEARING TESTIMONY ON EACH INDIVIDUAL AREA BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates GENERAL COMMENTS ON THE GOTHARD CORRIDOR Carl Hillquist, representing the Southern Pacific Transportation Company, addressed the Commission and stated that the proposed rezoning would have an effect on the existing industries served by Southern Pacific. He preferred retaining the property as industrial. He stated that the railroad is the best way to handle heavy freight with the lowest energy consumption, and that some businesses depend entirely on the railroad service. -4- 9/20/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 20p 1977 Page 5 Herb Chatterton addressed the Commission and felt that the proposed designations from industrial to residential would result in a checker- board type of development. He stated that it seemed to him that some housing developers in the City wanted to make some money in Huntington Beach. Gerald Jones addressed the Commission and stated that he did not think there was an excessive amount of industrially zoned property in the City. He felt that changing the designation from industrial to residential would result in a tax loss to the City. He stated that if there are marginal uses in the City the problem could be solved by rewriting the ordinance. He stressed the need for more industry which would provide more jobs in the area. Mark Porter addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of developing small parcels industrially, stating that tuch development would provide jobs in the local labor market. He noted that three of the lowest income census tracts in the City were located right next to the Gothard strip, and development of the small parcels as noted above could possibly provide jobs for that area. James-M. Thompson, a supplier of lumber oriented companies in California, discussed plans for a new lumber yard north of Slater Avenue. He discussed the need for the Southern Pacific right-of-way. He commended the staff on the staff report but felt that a surplus of industrial land is unfounded. He felt that the staff used poor judgment in classifying lumber yards as middle-of-the-road industry. He discussed the tax dollars to the City provided by one of the lumber yards.. Melvin Mermelstein commended Mr. Thompson and discussed the company's history. He spoke of the previous hardships incurred by having to move his business. He stated that he presently employt . 20 to 25 employees who would be out of jobs if he was forced to move. Ron O'Neal addressed the Commission and stated that he did not think there was an excessive amount of industrial land in Huntington Beach. He further stated that he was a real estate broker and was seeking industrial land, having had to go as far inland as Anaheim. He requested that the Planning Commission retain the industrial zoning. Bruce Greer addressed the Commission and stated that if the industrial area was designated residential there would be no more industrial land in Huntington Beach. He stated that the changes would benefit the residential developers in the City, and that he could find no surplus of industrial property. He further noted the additional revenue that would be brought into the City from industrially developed property. Ronald Lazar, manufacture of musical instruments, stated that he had just moved to Huntington Beach in February of this year and bought the land with the understanding that it was to be industrial. He spoke in favor of retaining the industrial use. -5- 9/20/77 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 20, 1977 Page 6 DISCUSSION ON INDIVIDUAL PARCELS IN GOTHARD CORRIDOR 1. South of Warner Avenue and :past of Gothard St. - 18.03 acres. Applicant: Planning Department This is a request to change 18;03 acres from industrial to medium density residential. The Planning Department recommends redesig- nation to medium density residential. Melvin Mermelstein again addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of retaining the industrial zoning. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY GIBSON AND SECOND BY STERN THE COMMISSION DISAPPROVED THE REQUEST FOR A CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO MEDIUM DENSITY_ RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATION FOR THE AREA SOUTH OF WARNER AVENUE AND EAST OP -GUT -HARD STREET BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates 2. South of Warner Avenue and west of Nichols Street - 6.51 acres. Applicant: Planning Department This is a request to,change 6.51 acres from industrial to commercial. The Planning Department recommends redesignation to commercial. Carl Hillquist again addressed the Commission and discussed the position of the Southern Pacific right-of-way. He stated that he was not opposed to a change to commercial. ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY NEWMAN THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE REQUEST FOR A CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION FOR THE AREA SOUTH OF WARNER AVENUE AND WEST OF NICHOLS STREET BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates 3. West of Gothard Street and east of Betty Drive - 5.69 acres. Applicant: Planning Department This is a request to change 5.69 acres from industrial to low density residential. The Planning Department recommends redesignation to low density residential. There was no one present to speak on this item. Commission discussion ensued. -6- 9/20/77 - PC 1 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 20, 1977 Page 7 ON MOTION BY GIBSON AND SECOND BY NEWMAN THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE REQUEST FOR A CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATION FOR THE AREA WEST OF GOTHARD STREET AND EAST OF BETTY DRIVE BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates 4. West of Gothard Street and east of Ford Drive - 14.68 acres Applicant: Planning Department This is a request to change 14.68 acres from industrial to public, quasi -public, institutional.designation. Gerald Jones spoke in opposition to the change of designation. George Chellis stated, after discussion with the Commission, that he had no objection to the change of designation. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY NEWMAN THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE REQUEST FOR A CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO PUBLIC -QUASI -PUBLIC, INSTI- TUTIONAL DESIGNATION FOR THE AREA WEST OF GOTHARD STREET AND EAST OF FORD DRIVE BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates 5. North of Slater Avenue and East of Gothard Street - 19.92 acres Applicant: Planning Department This is a request to change 19.92 acres from industrial to low density residential designation. Shirley Whittington addressed the Commission and spoke in favor' of designating the area industrial. She stated that the proposed lumber yard across the tracks would hamper any residential development. James Thompson addressed the Commission again and discussed the proposed lumber yard. He stated that in his opinion to have low density residential development in that area would be disastrous. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY FINLEY AND SECOND BY STERN THE COMMISSION DISAPPROVED THE REQUEST FOR A CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATION FOR THE AREA NORTH OF SLATER AVENUE AND EAST OF GOTHARD STREET BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates -7- 9/20/77 - PC Minutes; H,B, Planning Commission Tuesday, September 20, 1977 Page 8 6. South of Slater Avenue and west of Gothard Street - 13/31 acres Applicant: Planning Department This is a request to change 13.31 acres from industrial to public, quasi -public, institutional designation. There was no one present to speak on this item. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY NEWMAN AND SECOND BY FINLEY THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE REQUEST FORA CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO PUBLIC, QUASI -PUBLIC, INSTITUTIONAL DESIGNATION FOR THE AREA SOUTH OF SLATER AVENUE AND WEST OF GOTHARD STREET BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates 7. South of Slater Avenue and east of Gothard Street - 19.54 acres Applicant: Planning Department This is a request to change 19.54 acres from industrial to low density residential designation. Ernest Duncan, an attorney representing a manufacturer of 17 years in the area, stated that his client wished to expand and modernize the facilities. He urged the Commission to retain the present zoning. He did not feel a change of designation to residential would provide proper type of development. Gerald Jones addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of designating the entire area industrial. Frank :Buccella addressed the Commission and stated that while he had no financial interest in the area he felt that special consideration for developing residential should be given to this property due to its topography and its being adjacent to the park. Bruce Greer addressed the Commission and referred to EDA money which is available to aid builders if the area is industrial. Carl Hillquist addressed the Commission again and spoke in favor of industrial development. James Thompson addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of retaining the industrial designation. Wilbur Metzler, owner of property in the area, stated that if the zoning was changed he would like to see a higher density residential designation. -8- 9/20/77 - PC 1 Minutes: H.B, Planning Commission Tuesdays September 20f 1977 Page 9 Mark Porter, in response to Dr. Hoffman's question as to why this corridor had not been developed previously, stated that other property in the City with different topography had been developed as industrial and that the reason for interest in developing this area industrial was because industrial areas are diminishing in the City. He cited the City of Costa Mesa as an example of having an industrial area near Hoag Hospital with worse topographical conditions than Huntington Beach. He stated that the EDA grant also included bringing in sewers and water. Harold Moore addressed the Commission and stated that he had bought property from Mr. Metzler one and one-half years ago with the under- standing that it was to be M1 property. He was in support of industrial designation. Commissioner Stern stated that the City of Huntington Beach needs to provide for low income housing. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STERN TO DESIGNATE THE 19.54 ACRES SOUTH OF SLATER AND EAST OF GOTHARD STREET AS HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. The motion died for lack of a second. ON MOTION BY GIBSON AND SECOND BY SHEA THE COMMISSION DISAPPROVED THE REQUEST FOR A CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FOR THE AREA SOUTH OF SLATER AVENUE AND EAST OF GOTHARD STREET BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea NOES: Newman, Hoffman ABSENT: Slates Commissioner Finley stated that she agreed with Commissioner Stern over the need for high density development for low income housing. 8. Nichols Street, south of Slater Avenue - 18.89 acres Applicant: Planning Department and Family Home Builders This is a request to change 18.89 acres from industrial to medium density residential designation. Mark Porter addressed the Commission and spoke in opposition to changing the designation from industrial to medium density resi- dential. Billy Williams expressed her concern about the lack of low income housing. Bruce Greer spoke in opposition to changing the designation from industrial to residential. -9- 9/20/77 - PC Minutes: H.B, Planning Comm�ss,Qn Tuesday,, September 20f 1977 Page 10 George Williams shared Commissioner Stern's concern over lack of low income housing but did not feel that this particular area needed any more people. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY GIBSON AND SECOND BY FINLEY THE COMMISSION DISAPPROVED THE REQUEST FOR A CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESI- DENTIAL DESIGNATION FOR THE AREA -ON NICHOLS STREET SOUTH OF SLATER AVENUE BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates 9. North of Talbert Avenue and west of Gothard Street - 18.29 acres Applicant: Planning Department This is a request for a change from industrial to resource pro- duction designation on 18.29 acres. There was no one present to speak on this requested change of designation. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY NEWMAN AND SECOND BY STERN THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE REQUEST FOR A CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO RESOURCE PRODUCTION DESIGNATION ON THE AREA NORTH OF TALBERT AVENUE AND WEST OF GOTHARD STREET BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates 10. North of Talbert Avenue and east of Gothard Street - 19.76 acres Applicant: Planning Department This is a request for a change from industrial to low density resi- dential designation on 19.76 acres. Mike Gallagher, representing Owl Rock and 0 & E Ready Mix, addressed the Commission and spoke in opposition to the change of designation from industrial. He stated that if approved his company would become a non -conforming use which would incur a hardship on the operation which employs some 25 people. He felt the General Plan Amendment was inadequate in not considering alternatives to this plan. Frank Gibson addressed the Commission and spoke in opposition to the requested change, citing the tax dollars the City received from an industrial use. - 10 - 9/20/77 - PC Minutes: H.B, Planning Commission Tuesday, September 20f 1977 Page 11 Frank Buccella addressed the Commission on this area and felt that the area should be set aside for further study. Gerald Jones stated that he did not feel residential designation would be compatible with all the industrial development going in the area. Mark Porter was in favor of pursuing an abatement policy on this area which would result in attracting a more desirable industrial development. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY FINLEY AND SECOND BY GIBSON THE COMMISSION DISAPPROVED THE REQUEST FOR A CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATION FOR THE AREA NORTH OF TALBERT AVENUE AND EAST OF GOTHARD STREET BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Hoffman NOES: None ABSTAIN: Newman ABSENT: Slates 11. Baron Circle, south of Talbert Avenue - 22.51 acres Applicant: Planning Department This is a request for a change of 22.51 acres from industrial to low density residential designation. James Thompson, Reliable Wholesale Lumber Company, spoke in opposition to the requested change of designation. He discussed the 13 foot wall the City had required around the lumber yard. Elinor Mattson spoke.against the lumber yard, stating that it was very unattractive. She stated that there was supposed to be a park. John Cope, of the Planning staff"advised that the park site will be under construction starting Monday. Ron Russell, Five Points Homeowners Association, was opposed to any of this property going into an industrial designation. He stated that he had lived in the tract since 1961. He further discussed the traffic generated by the lumber trucks and stated that he would not like to see more industrial development. He stated that there was a proposal for a road to go through from Talbert to Taylor and if that is the case it would invite industrial traffic. He stated that the Planning Commission has offered to cul-de-sac Taylor, and that he hoped the Planning Commission would not approve any further industrial zoning in that area. Ruth Baldwin spoke in opposition to the lumber yard, stating that it was a blight to the area. She stated that she would not like to see any more industries in the area. -11- 9/20 / 77 - PC Minutes: H,B. QlAnning CORM ss�on Tuesday, September 20, 1977 Page 12 Vicki Levett stated that she lived across from the lumber yard and spoke in opposition to industrial zoning designation and in favor of low density development, Jim Hanson, Manager of Reliable Lumber, stated that they had complied with all conditions imposed and that he felt residential designation should not be approved for the area. Paul Weatherly, presently building an auto dismantling business, stated that he would like to retain the area as industrial. John Thomas, operator of a 24 hour fiberglass operation with 60 employees, stated that he felt it would not be a good decision to change the area to residential. Tom King addressed the abatement problem and felt an abatement program should be initiated. John Silver, representing a Fiberglass company, spoke against low density, and stated that he felt the area should be designated industrial. Ronald Lazar again addressed the Commission in opposition to a desig- nation of low density. Buddy Conipect addressed the Commission and stated that he had just completed building a $400,000 installation and had not moved in yet. He stated that having the zoning changed would ruin his business. George Chelius spoke against having low density residential next to commercial. He stated that the Fire Department had approved the site for the Marlin Fiberglass Company and he felt the City had some responsibility for the location of that company. ,, resident of the,area stated that the residents were there before the lumber company was in and some consideration should be given the residents. She did not want any more industrial in the area. Mark Porter addressed the Commission and stated if Ocean View School District had thought the area was going to be residential they would never have given up the school site. He noted that the children were being bused out now. -He did not feel that there was any good reason to redesignate to low density residential. Commissioner Hoffman stated that the park will buffer homes from any industrial construction going in to the north, which would solve that problem. Ron O'Neal stated that the problem seemed to be the eastern boundary of this parcel and suggested that a mini -warehouse be installed down the eastern boundary which would serve as a buffer. -12- 9/20/77 -'PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, September 20, 1977 Page 13 Lynn George Addressed the Commission and questioned the need for discussing Item 11 at the 20th meeting in view of making a decision since it would be brought up again under Area 2.2 under Part 2 of the Amendment. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY NEWMAN AND SECOND BY STERN THE COMMISSION DISAPPROVED THE REQUEST FOR A CHANGE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATION ON 22.51 ACRES LOCATED ON BARON CIRCLE SOUTH OF TALBERT AVENUE BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY FINLEY THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CONTINUED ON GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 77-2, PARTS 1, 1, AND 3 AS WELL AS THE REMAINDER OF THE AGENDA TO SEPTEMBER 29, 1977, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates MISCELLANEOUS: RESOLUTION NO. 1204 ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY FINLEY RESOLUTION NO. 1204, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE, WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates ADJOURNMENT: ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY FINLEY THE COMMISSION ADJOURNED AT 11:50 P.M. TO THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1977 TO BE HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CIVIC CENTER BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Stern, Finley, Gibson, Shea, Newman, Hoffman NOES: None ABSENT: Slates ward D. Sela.ch Prim Shea Secretary Vice -Chairman -13- 9/20/77 - PC Huntington Beach Planning Commission P.O. BOX 190 CALIFORNIA 92646 CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF PLANNING COMMISSION John Stern Frank V. Hoffman, M.D. Charles Gibson Ruth Finley Roger D. Slates Prim Shea Susan D. Newman You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Huntington Beach, California, is called for and will be held in Room B-8, Civic Center, Huntington Beach, California, at the hour of 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 11, 1977 `or the purpose of discussing the Local Coastal Program, Pacifica Senior Citizen Housing Project, G al Plan er�dment�77-3, and Revisions to the General Plan. � \ \ \\ %1 _ 4ger`SU Slates, Chairman Huntington Beach Planning Commission I hereby certify that I received the above notice, "Call for Special Meeting of the Planning Commission,,r prior to 7:00 P.M. on Monday, October 10, 1977. -� r �\ Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner 4 Commissio