HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-09-281 MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Room B-8 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1977 - 1:15 PM BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: PALIN, CROSBY, BEHRENS CITY STAFF PRESENT: MEL OTT, FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: USE PERMIT NO. 77-75 (Cont. from 9-14-77) Applicant: Ronald B. Jessner To permit construction of a 16-unit apartment complex pursuant to Section 9161.4 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on Hess Circle at the end of the cul-de-sac approximately 300 feet north of Utica Avenue in an R2, Medium Density Residential District. This request is covered by Negative Declaration No. 77-99. Jim Palin opened the public hearing on the use permit and the negative declaration applications. Mr. Ozar was present to repre- sent the application. The Board reviewed the information contained in the negative application request and considered mitigating meas- ures applicable to the project. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY CROSBY THE BOARD, HAVING FOUND THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE EF- FECT UPON THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT, ADOPTED NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-99 WITH MITIGATING MEASURES C-1 THROUGH C-8 IMPOSED AS CON- DITIONS ON THE USE PERMIT, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: PALIN, CROSBY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: BEHRENS There being no persons present to address the Board in regard to the use permit application, the public hearing was closed. Jim Palin reported that the revised plan has been submitted, as well as the east -west sections previously requested and better access for Fire Department equipment provided as required. The Board reviewed the plans; Bruce Crosby reported that the grades shown are acceptable to the Department of Public Works, and Mel Ott informed the applicant of the requirement for onsite fire hydrants as required by the Fire Department. Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 28, 1977 Page 2 Jim Palin reviewed the original creation of the site, noting that a tentative parcel map will be required to consolidate the illegal lots. This map will also have to show segregation of the property held under separate ownership fronting on Florida, as they had illegally conveyed off the rear portion of the previously legally created lots. The timing permitted for this parcel map in relation to issuance of building permits was discussed by John Behrens. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY CROSBY USE PERMIT NO. 77-75 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: FINDINGS OF THE BOARD: 1. The establishment, maintenance, and operation of the use will not be detrimental to: a. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. 2. The granting of a Use Permit will not adversely affect the Master Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 3. The proposal is consistent with the City's General Plan of Land Use. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The revised conceptual site plan received and dated Septem- ber 23, 1977, shall be the approved layout subject to the modifications described herein: a. The setback along the easterly property line shall be revised to reflect the required ten (10) feet. b. The paved drive shall be a minimum of twenty-seven (27) feet from the inside of the face of the future wall to be constructed on the westerly property line to the face of the building. Such width is to provide a turning radius for access to the covered parking. c. The site plan shall show true detail on the portion re- quired to be dedicated on Hess Circle. The modifications outlined above shall be depicted upon the site plan submitted to the Department of Building and Community Development upon application for building permits. BZA 9-28-77 Page 2 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 28, 1977 Page 3 In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues in relation to the conceptual plan: . Traffic circulation and drives; . Parking layout; • Lot area; • Lot width and lot depth; . Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; . Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. Hess Circle shall be dedicated to City standards and re- quirements. 3. A Tentative Parcel Map shall be filed and approved on the property prior to issuance of building permits, and said parcel map shall record prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 4. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Hess Circle shall be fully improved to City standards and requirements. 2. A masonry wall of a minimum height of six (6) feet shall be constructed along the westerly property where the grade differential between the drive shown on subject property and that to the west exceeds more than one (1) foot. 3. Intensified landscaping shall be installed along the area of the tennis court. This landscaping shall consist of a minimum of 15-gallon trees, 25 feet on center, to partially attenuate the offensive nature of the tennis court lighting and noise. C. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-19 and R-11, respectively. If no air conditioning is proposed, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-13 and R-7, respectively. 2. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 3. Natural gas and 220V electrical shall be stubbed in at the location of clothes dryers, and natural gas shall be stubbed BZA 9-28-77 Page 3 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 28, 1977 Page 4 in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. 4. The structures on subject property, whether attached or detached, shall be constructed in compliance with the State acoustical standards set forth for all units that lie within the 60 CNEL contours of the property. 5. Energy -saving lighting, such as high pressure sodium vapor lamps, shall be used in parking lots and recreation areas. 6. Crime prevention techniques shall be applied to the design of the project (e.g., single -cylinder locks, etc.). 7. Low -volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 8. All holding tanks for restroom facilities shall be equipped for a capacity of 3.5 gallons if such facilities are avail- able at the time of construction. AYES: PALIN, CROSBY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: BEHRENS CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-47 (Cont. from 9-14-77) Applicant: James W. Moore To permit a ten (10) foot reduction in required driveway width in lieu of Section 9206.9 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the south side of Holt Avenue approximately 50 feet east of Parkside Lane in an R3, Medium -High Density Residential District. This request is a Categorical Exemption, Class V, California Envir- onmental Quality Act, 1970. Jim Palin opened the public hearing. James Moore was present at the meeting. There being no persons to address the Board in regard to this project, the public hearing was closed. Secretary Palin reported that the City has also been unsuccessful in obtaining a response from the abutting property owner in regard to a reciprocal drive approach. John Behrens and the applicant reviewed the drives on nearby properties and the configuration of the subject property. Jim Palin suggested that the subject floor plan be reversed to provide the ten foot drive on the east side of the property, in case the reciprocal drive might be obtained at some future time, a suggestion to which the applicant concurred. ON MOTION BY BEHRENS AND SECOND BY PALIN CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-47 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: BZA 9-28-77 Page 4 L Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 28, 1977 Page 5 FINDINGS OF THE BOARD: 1. There are properties both adjacent to and across the street from the subject site which have been granted access as re- quested in this application. Therefore, granting of the condi- tional exception will not constitute a grant of a special privilege inconsistent with other properties in the same neigh- borhood and under the same zone classification. 2. The property in question is a narrow lot and strict application of the zoning ordinance is found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone classification. 3. The granting of a conditional exception is necessary in order to preserve the enjoyment of one or more substantial property rights. 4. The granting of a conditional exception will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property and improvements in the general area. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual site plan received and dated August 29, 1977, shall be the approved layout, subject to the modification described herein: a. The site plan shall be reversed to provide the subject ten (10) foot driveway on the easterly side of the property. The modification described above shall be depicted upon the site plan submitted to the Department of Building and Community De- velopment upon application for building permits. 2. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: PALIN, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-48 (In Conj./AR 77-166) Applicant: The 0. K. Earl Corporation To permit the reduction of the minimum commercial parking space stall width from 9'0" required to 8'6" for interior stalls and from 1210" required to 1116" for end stalls in lieu of Section 9791(d) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the BZA 9-28-77 Page 5 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Ad3ustments September 28, 1977 Page 6 south side of Edinger Avenue approximately 150 feet west of Park - side Lane in a C2, Community Business District. This request is a Categorical Exemption, Class V, California Ev- vironmental Quality Act, 1970. Jim Palin opened the public hearinq. Mel Kapson was present at the meeting to represent the owners of the building, Mercury Savings & Loan. There being no one present to address the Board in regard to this request, the public hearing was closed. Board review determined that in addition to the reduction in park- ing space size the project is short by 25 spaces of the required overall parking. The applicants were instructed to contact the Planning Department to set up a meeting to work out the actual floor space of both existing and proposed construction and determine the parking required. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY CROSBY CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-48 WAS CONTINUED TO THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 1977, WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE APPLICANT, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: PALIN, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-166 (In Conj./CE 77-48) Applicant: The 0. K. Earl Corporation To permit construction of a multiple -story commercial building containing 35,582 square feet of commercial parking facilities and 41,188 square feet of office space pursuant to Section 9791(d) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the south side of Edinger Avenue approximately 150 feet west of Parkside Lane in a C2, Community Business District. This request is covered by Negative Declaration No. 77-109. In view of the continuation of the Conditional Exception, it was the consensus that this request also should be continued. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY CROSBY ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-166 AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-48 WERE CONTINUED TO THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 5, 1977, WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE APPLICANT, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: PALIN, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE I I� BZA 9-28-77 Page 6 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 28, 1977 Page 7 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-49 Applicant: Ronald Krebs To permit a reduction of 117 square feet in the required open space in lieu of Section 9103. of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located at the southwest corner of Lurline Drive and Lexington Lane in an Rl, Low Density Residential District. This request is a Categorical Exemption, Class V, California En- vironmental Quality Act, 1970. Jim Palin opened the public hearing. Mrs. Krebs and Martin Staqler were present to represent the application. There being no other persons present to address the Board, the public hearing was closed. Board review ensued. ON MOTION BY BEHRENS AND SECOND BY PALIN CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 77-49 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS OF THE BOARD: 1. The configuration of the subject property, which narrows at the rear, makes it difficult to site the addition on the lot and still provide the required open space at that location. 2. Rear and side yard setbacks are maintained, and sufficient fenced open space is provided in the exterior side yard. 3. Granting of the conditional exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The site plan received and dated September 15, 1977, shall be the approved layout. In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues in relation to the conceptual plan: . Lot area; . Lot width and lot depth; . Type of use and its relationship to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; . Past administrative action regarding this property. BZA 9-28-77 Page 7 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 28, 1977 Page 8 2. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: PALIN, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-162 Applicant: The Janes Company To permit relocation of an existing building and establishment of an industrial business operation pursuant to Section 9530 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located on the west side of Crystal Street approximately 300 feet north of Garfield Avenue in an Ml-0, Light Industrial combined with Oil Production District. This request is covered by Negative Declaration No. 77-110. Jim Palin opened the public hearing on the negative declaration ap- plication. Jorge Alvarez and Elmer Goetsch were present at the meeting. The Board reviewed the information contained in the nega- tive request application form. The public hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY BEHRENS THE BOARD, HAVING FOUND THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL NOT HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE EFFEC UPON THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT, ADOPTED NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-110, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: PALIN, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Elmer Goetsch, owner of the property, informed the Board that the building to be moved would be used for storage only, to serve the existing atuomobile storage yard, and no employees would be on the premises. He also noted that the yard is presently shielded by a block wall. The Board discussed the status of Crystal as a secondary arterial with an ultimate width of 80 feet, and determined that the improvements proposed are sufficiently substantial to justify compliance with the original conditions of approval which were imposed when the auto yard was approved. These improvements include full dedication and street improvements, with additional landscaping and water service to be determined by the City. Mr. Goetsch agreed with this action. Additional front setback will also be required on the site plan submitted (10 feet setback from ultimate right-of-way); but the applicant was granted flexibility in siting the building farther back on the lot if he so desires. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY BEHRENS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-162 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: BZA 9-28-77 Page 8 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 28, 1977 Page 9 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The conceptual site plan received and dated September 1, 1977, shall be the approved layout, subject to the modifi- cations described herein: a. The plan shall reflect the ultimate width of Crystal Street in compliance with the Circulation Element. b. An additional ten (10) feet of right-of-way shall be dedicated on Crystal Street. The modifications described above shall be depicted upon the plan submitted to the Department of Building and Community Development upon application for building permits. 2. A determination on the need for water to serve the struc- ture shall be based upon the Uniform Plumbing Code. 3. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of permits. B. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: 1. Parking shall be fully improved in compliance with Article 979. C. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. All prior conditions of approval previously imposed by the City at the time of establishment of the storage yard facility shall be complied with. AYES: PALIN, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-171 Applicant: John D. Lusk & Son (Coral Cay Division) To permit construction of a model complex, hardscape, landscaping, fencing, overhead structures, and pool pursuant to Section 9730.17 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, located at the corner of Coral Cay and Seamarina Drive approximately 1500 feet north of Pacific Coast Highway in an R1, Low Density Residential District. This request is covered by EIR 72-3, prepared and adopted for Tentative Tract 8040. Dennis Taylor was present to represent the application. BZA 9-28-77 Page 9 Minutes, H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments September 28, 1977 Page 10 Board review noted that the street name shown on the plan does not agree with the most recent street name change map instituted by the City. Also, the applicant was informed that if he pro- poses any signing for the model complex those signs will have to come before the Board for approval at a future date. ON MOTION BY PALIN AND SECOND BY BEHRENS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 77-171 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. The site plan received and dated September 21, 1977, shall be the approved layout, subject to compliance with the requirements of Section 9730.17. In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered the following issues in relation to the conceptual plan: . Traffic circulation and drives; • Parking layout; . Lot area, width, and depth; . Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; . Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: PALIN, CROSBY, BEHRENS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. James W. Palin, Secretary Board of Zoning Adjustments :df BZA 9-28-77 Page 10