HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-10-03MINUTES Council Chamber,'Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, October 3, -19.77 A tape recording of this meeting is Oil file in the City Clerk's Office Chairman Pattinson called the regular joint meeting; of the Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agency and Redevelopment Commission to order. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - ROLL CALL, Members Present: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Gibbs, Siebert, Pattinson Members Absent: Shenkmari REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - ROLL CALL Members.Present: Bazil, Milkovich, Perez,'Garofalo. Members Absent: Granger JOINT PUBLIC HEARING - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY/REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - PROPOSED PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT - WARNER/GOLDENWEST SMALL LOT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Chairman Pattinson announced that this was the day and hour set'for a public hearing between the Redevelopment Agency.and the Redevelopment Commission to consider 'the proposed sale,of land as provided for in the proposed Participation Agreementbetween the Redevelopment Agency of the'City of Huntington Beach and L.C. Smull. . The Assistant City Attorney informed the Redevelopment Agency and Conmi .ss on th,1t following the joint public hearing they could take whatever action they wished but that the City was restr.ained.from execution.of•the Participation Agreement until the legal situation had been clarified. Chairman Pattinson introduced Joseph Coomes, legal representative of the Redevelopment Agency and Redevelopment_Commission,who informed Council that due to the presence of a court reporter., and -pending litigation, that all testimony be given under.oath. -The. following staff and consultants intending.to give testimony were sworn in by the court reporter, as a group: Ed Selich, Planning Director, Monica Florian, Assistant Planning Director, Gerry Rogers of Urban Projects, Inc., City Consultant, Doug Sjoberg, - Urban Projects, Inc., City Consultant, and Joseph Coomes legal representative of the Redevelopment Agency and Redevelopment Commission. The following members of the audience wishing to give testimony were sworn in by the court reporter, as a group: Robert Caso, Darryl Stafford, James A. Christensen., Don'L. Wolsey, Ed Dechene and Robert Reevis. I , Page #2 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes,- 10/3/77 The Clerk was directed to enter.into the record the following documents: F Exhibit A - Participat,ion Agreement Exhibit B -.Summary Report Exhibit C-.Map,of Warner/Goldenwest Small Lot•Redevelopment Project Exhibit D - Chamber of Commerce communication Exhibit E - Communication received from.Arthur Guy, Jr. i Exhibit,F, - K inclusive - Communications. Monica Florian, Assistant Planning Director gave a summary of the proposed Partic- ipation Agreement. The Planning Director concluded the staff presentation by displayinga. map which showed the proposed project of the Warner/Goldenwest area. Chairman Pattinson directed that members of the audience in favor of the proposed Participation Agreement present themselves first. The Clerk presented a..communication from the Chamber of Commerce in favor of the Agreement, which was entered into the,record as Exhibit 'D'. Darryle Stafford, representing L.C. Smull dba Business Properties, Inc., gave a summary of their endeavors.to obtain the various small lots in the area and re- quested that'the City authorize the Participation Agreement. James A. Christensen, Irvine, stated that he was available to answer any questions on the matter. The Clerk presented a communication from Arthur Guy, Jr.,opposing the Participation Agreement. Robert Caso, Planning Consultant for the Warner/Goldenwest Committee explained his role on the Cottimittee;-investigating from a planning standpoint the dectsi.on pro- cess involved in getting to this point. He stated that he was not in favor of the . Participation Agreement and gave reasons for his opinion, also referring to Res- olution No. 19 of the Redevelopment Agency and commented o.n some of the testimony i which had been given by staff. Robert Reevis inquired why property was being taken by 'eminent domain' and not put out for public bid,,suggesting that some groups are benefiting.. Mr. Coomes explained the matter and stated that the cost of acquiring the small lots will,be made public but°that at present a fair market value for acquisition of the property had not been determined. Ben Kantor was sworn in by the court reporter. He stated that he had a personal interest in the property. iNr. Kantor spoke in opposition of the Participation Agreement, citying reasons for. his opinion. Marie Drynan was sworn in by•the court reporter. She inquired when an appraisal would be made of the property'to be condemned. Joseph Coomes.answered that the City has law suits pending which will have to be cleared or that the temporary re- straining order would have.to be lifted before any action in this direction could be taken. M Page #3 -,Redevelopment Agency Minutes -• 10/3/77 Mrs. Drynan stated that in 1975 she was negotiating with Business Properties,. Inc. who had sent her an offer but that consequently the.matter was dropped. The Planning Director stated that no date had been set as yet for an appraisal. Gary Sarna was sworn in by the court reporter. He stated that he also owns lots .111 the area and that he had had an offer from Business Properties, Inc. approximately two years ago, at which time he was offered $2:00 per foot, which was in his opinion, a fair offer. Mr. Sarna stated that a further offer was made of"$3.00 per foot,, that -the rots went into'escrow but lie believed it expired subsequently. He inquired whether the City would be obligated to honor the 'offer of $3.00 or -would they possibly offer less, to which Mr. Coomes stated that at this time he could not answer the question. Dave Bolin was sworn in by the court reporter. He stated that he had read over the Marketing Information Systems and business reports on the projects and saw no indic- ation of alternative uses. He believed the.City should keep in mind that there are, other commercial properties in the City and the value of their business, integrity and profit vs. non-profit should be weighed. Mr. Bolin was not in favor of the pro- posed Participation Agreement. There being no one further present.to speak on the matter, and there being no further protests filed, either.written or oral, the hearing was closed by the Chairman. Mr. Coomes inquired of staff whether an additional Environmental Impact Report was necessary, to which the Planning Director replied that the project, as proposed, . had an E.I.R: and has met all the requirements of the California Quality Act. He'. stated'that there may be a need for additional environmental documentation when the final plan is prepared for City approval but that so far, there has not been sufficient documentation. The Clerk stated that -five communications had been received in opposition to the Redevelopment project, not specifically to the Participation Agreement; which were entered into.the record as being Items.F, G, H, I, and J inclusive. Discussion was held between the Redevelopment Agency and Commission regarding the locking in of a commercial development into the redevelopment plan. Following discussion, a motion was made by Garofalo, seconded by Perez, that the City accept the Participation Agreement• as prepared.' Motion carried by the.following roll"call.vote:, AYES: Bazil, Mi.lkovich, Perez, Garofalo NOES None ABSENT: Granger On motion by Coen, second Wiedet, the Redevelopment Agency waived further reading of Agency Resolution No. 19, after reading by title: "A RESOLUTION C" THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNT.INGTON BEACH FINDING THAT THE CONSIDERATION" FOR THE SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE WARNER-GOLDENWEST SMALL LOT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT IS NOT LESS THAN FAIR MARKET .VALUE IN ACCORDANCE WITH COVENANTS AND•CONDITIONS GOVERNING SUCH SALE, APPROVING THE ACQUISITION AND SALE OF SAID PROPERTY PURSUANT TO A PARTICI- PATION AGREEMENT WITH L.C. SMULL, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF .SAID PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT . " The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bartlett, Wieder, Coen, Gibbs, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: Shenkman 83 Page #4 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 10/3/77" On motion by Coen, second Wieder, the Redevelopment Agency adopted Resolution No. 19 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bartlett., Wieder, Coen, Pattinson NOES: Siebert, Gibbs ABSENT: Shenkman ADJOURNMENT - REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION , The adjourned regular meeting of the Redevelopment Commission adjourned. Motion carried unanimously. . ADJOURNMENT - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY f The adjourned regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency was adjourned by the Chairman. Councilwoman Wieder and Councilman Coen left the meeting at this time. } ADJOURNMENT Chairman Pattinson adjourned the regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency i and the Redevelopment Commission of the City of Huntington Beach. Clerk Chairman i 8�