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Council/Staff Retreat
Huntington Beach, Ca.
Friday, November 4, 1977
Mayor Pattinson called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council to order
at 8:30 A.M.
Present: Bartlett, Coen, Siebert, Pattinson, Wieder (8:50), Gibbs (8:45),
Shenkman (8:40) .
The City Administrator opened the Retreat by highlighting the overall purpose of
this meeting. He then briefly discussed the areas to be covered during the course
of the Retreat.
The Assistant City Administrator, Richard Harlow, addressed the Council on the
subject of growth in Huntington Beach since 1970. Mr. Harlow charted population
growth, spiraling demand for city services, and related costs to provide these
services since 1970..
Included in the discussion were such items as; 1) the role of current budget system
(Zero Base Budgeting) in dealing with increased demand for services, 2) the effect
of inflationary pressures on the cost of government 3) the role of CETA in keeping
pace with demand for selected services in recent years and, 4) prospects for con-
tinued growth in our community.
Following Mr. Harlow's introductory remarks, several Department Directors addressed
the Council on selected programs. In order, these were; 1) Public Works (Landscape
Maintenance, Tree Maintenance and Building Maintenance), 2) Police (Traffic Patrol),
3) Building (Plan Review and Inspection, 4) Fire (Fire Control, Paramedic Program,
and 5) Recreation, Parks and Human Services (Park Maintenance, Park Acquisition
& Development).
Each Department Director discussed their selected programs in terms of stated goals,
current funding level and objectives both achieved and not achieved at the present
RECESS - 11:2.5 A.M. - RECONVENED AT 11:45 A.M.
Erich Matthews, Assistant to the City Administrator, addressed the Council on the
City's current revenue structure. Mr. Matthews discussed selected sources of revenue
in detail and presented alternatives for raising additional funds. A detailed break-
down of existing revenues was also presented, along with a comparison of this City's
revenues with the cities of Santa Ana, Anaheim and Costa Mesa.
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Richard Harlow, Assistant City Administrator, reviewed the history and present status
of this City's participation in the CETA Program. As directed by the Council, staff
had preparers several alternatives which would limit our involvement in the CETA Pro-
gram in the future. The five "plans" discussed were as follows:
I. Hire 32 Persons presently under CETA, subsidize 4 positions over $10,000/year and
rotate all remaining CETA people. Estimated cost $350,000.
II. Subsidize 36 existing positions over $10,,000/year, and rotate all remaining positions.
Estimated cost $110,000.
III. Subsidize all existing positions as they progress through the personnel system
(no change). Estimated cost $350,000.
IV. Discontinue all subsidies to CETA employees over the federally funded $10,000/year
limit. Estimated cost $0.
V. Hire all persons presently employed under the CETA program..'stimd cost
The advantages of each alternative were discussed briefly by the Council and an un-
official vote was conducted. Mayor Ron Pattinson directed the CETA Committee to develop
a formal CETA policy to be brought back to the Council at a later date.
Assistant to the City Administrator, Erich Matthews, discussed the upcoming budget for
Fiscal Year 1978-79. Two viewgraphs were presented to illustrate a new ZBB format
which would consolidate the four service levels of the FY 77-78 document. After a gen-
eral discussion of the service levels by those present, it was agreed that a final for-
mat should be developed in the next few days.
A discussion was held regarding the August 23, 1977 communication from the City Adminis-
trator for the reinstatement of $100,000 to selected programs.
Discussion was `'held on the Warner Fire Station Facility and the need for additional fund-
ing to complete the project. This is to appear on the November 7th Council Agenda.
A motion was made by Councilman Bartlett, seconded by Shenkman, to authorize $113,900
from the Contingency Fund for the Warner Fire Station Facility, $100,000 from the City
Administrator's contingency which had been set aside and $13,900 additional, by the
following roil call vote:
AYES: Bartlett, Coen, Shenkman, Pattinson
NOES: Gibbs, Siebert
ABSENT: Wieder
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Darrel Cohoon, Assistant to the City Administrator outlined a goal structure re-
flecting goals -and subgoals carried over from those adopted by the City Council
on January 10, 1977 and adding some new goal statements. He presented five goals.
1. Sound Economic Condition
1. Maintain lightest possible tax burden consistent with service needs of
the community.
A. Only approve programs and goals that are financially feasible
throughout life of program.
B. Establish user fees wherever possible.
2. Provide continuing fiscal integrity of the City government.
A. Establish a long range capital equipment replacement program.
B. Establish a long range capital improvement program for the next
five years.
3. Effect efficient operation of the City Government.
A. Establishment of Council/Administration/Department Head Management
B. Maximize leveraging of Funding sources.
4. Achieve a balanced economic base for the Community.
A. Redevelopment of downtown - held in abeyance until after January 31,
B. Financial assistance in attracting commercial/industrial developers.
C. Assist development of postage stamp lots through consolidation.
D. Develop day and/or destination resort facilities - hold in abeyance
until after January 31, 1977; also, the Council prefers a combination
of public and private development (preferably private) and that
development be at its lowest intensity.
lI. Public Safet
1. Insure service delivery and law enforcement in areas involvi�ig protection
of life and property.
A. Improve current Police protection level - to be increased based
upon the Chief's three-year program.
B. Maintain current fire emergency protection level.
C. Maintain a current emergency medical service.
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Public Safety cont'd
D. Maintain current building and structural standards level.
E. Maintain a disaster preparedness program.
F. Maintain current Marine Safety service level.
2. Build and maintain facilities needed to protect life and property.
A. Protection from 25 year storm in local storm drain system.
B. Protection from 100 year storm in County storm channels
III. Freedom to Exercise Political Rights
1. Provide services, render decisions, and accomplish law enforcement on a fair
and equitable basis among citizens.
2. Enact and enforce laws with minimum feasible intrusion into the rights of
3. Encourage citizen participation in government.
3. Insure fair and equitable treatment of employees in labor relations.
IV. Balanced physical environment
1. Adopt standards for private development that will insure a clean, healthy,
attractive and functional environment.
2. Insure that public facilities are designed, built and maintained so as to be
clean, attractive and reliable.
A. Establish replacement programs and financial plans for public facilities
such as buildings, streets, water system, sewer system and storm drain
B. Fill in voids of street improvements rather than landscaping of medians.
3. Optimize the use of the community's natural resources.
A. Plan the ultimate use of the Bolsa,Chica.
B. Complete the development of the shoreline in concert with state agencies.
V. Cultural Opportunities
1. Achieve civic pride and identification through community activities.
2. Provide services that inform, entertain, enlighten and develop the potential
of residents.
A. Expansion of Huntington Central Park? No, hold the line and accelerate
development of neighborhood parks.
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Cultural Opportunities cont'd
B. Development of parks at 4 acres per thousand population.
C. Establishment of 4 branch libraries.
D. Strong library material budget.
E. Adequate cultural program.
F. Combined libraries and community centers.
G. Establishment of major sports center.
3. Encourage employee involvement with community affairs and concerns.
I. Sound Economic Condition
Councilman Coen suggested that a third policy statement be made under the first
subgoal, maintain lightest possible tax burden consistentwith needs of the com-
munity. This policy statement, he suggested, should say that the imposition of
the City's financial burden should be distributed among members of the community
based on thebenefits derived. Under the same goal, fourth subgoal, achieve a
balanced economic base for _the community, policy statement D, the Council suggest-
ed that the allusion to a destination resort facility be deleted.
II. Public Safet
The goal and subordinate statements under public safety were satisfactory except
that references to levels of service were to be deleted. Instead, the sub-
ordinate statements should reflect that services will be provided at a maximum
affordable level.
III. Freedom to Exercise Political Rights
The City Council suggested that the third goal, freedom to exercise political
rights, may not be an appropriate issue to be addressed as a separate goal. Of
the four subgoals listed under this general heading, the Council desired only
to retain subgoal 03, encourage citizen participation in government. It was
suggested that this statement either be made into a separate goal or that it be
incorporated into one of the other goals.
IV. Balanced Physical Environment
Councilman Coen suggested that the first subgoal, adopt standards for private
develogment_ that will insure clean_, healthy, attractive and functional en-
vironment, be expanded to apply to the development of public facilities as well.
It was suggested that the second subgoal policy statement, fill in voids of
street im rovements rather than landscaping of medians, be reworded into a more
positive general statement that indicates the need to provide an adequate street
system without making reference to landscaping-
V. Cultural 22Mrtunities
No suggestion as to changes and wording were made.
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There was some discussion as to whether or not the goals, subgoals, and policy state-
m-nt should follow the lead taken last year in being directed toward the upcoming bud-
get. Mayor Pattinson suggested that goal statements. should be general and not tied
to specific upcoming budget decisions. Staff was directed to review the goals with
the comments made by the Council in mind, and to return new information to the Council
at some future study session in order for the Council to be able to adopt a new set
of goals.
On motion by Bartlett, second Gibbs, the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council
was adjourned to 6:30 P.M. on Monday, November 7, 1977, in Room B-8 of the Civic Center.
Motion carried.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
Alicia M. Wentworth Ronald R. Pattinson