HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-06-13MINUTES Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, dune 13, 1978 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office The Mayor called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Pattinson, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Shenkman, Thomas (4:47 P.M.), Siebert (4:50 P.M.) Absent: None The Mayor announced that Council would be considering the proposed budgets of the Department of Public Works, Recreation and Parks Department and the Library Department. COUNCILMEN THOMAS AND SIEBERT ARRIVED AT THE COUNCIL MEETING. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PRESENTATION The Director of Public Works presented an overview of his departments budget and his department's organizational structure. The Cost/Revenue Summary was displayed and a comparison of the level of C.E.T.A. and per- manent employees was presented. The Director of Public Works reviewed portions of the departments operations including street sweeping, plan checking and sewer, storm drain, building and tree maintenance. The rapidly increasing costs of paint, lumber, etc., was also reported. A review of the Water Department budget was presented together with possible areas where user fees might be imposed. Councilman MacAllister questioned whether it would be cost effective for the City to maintain traffic signals. The Director of Public Works stated that at the present time it would not, until the City reaches a higher number of signalizations. Councilman MacAllister questioned if the water meter read- ing procedure could be revised. He stated that he would not like to see reductions in inspections. Councilwoman Bailey requested information relative to the feasibility of consolidating the maintenance done by the Department of Public Works and the Recreation and Parks Department into one department. RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 6:10. The meeting was reconvened by Mayor Pro Tempore Siebert; Councilman Thomas and Mayor Shenkman being re- corded absent. 8 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 6/13/78 Discussion was held between Councilman Mandic and the Director of Public Works regarding the proposal that other departments be charged for services performed by the Department of Public Works. Councilman Mandic spoke regarding the feasi- bility of the City reducing expenses by purchasing compact trucks, etc. RECREATION & PARKS DEPARTMENT PRESENTATION The Recreation and Parks Director presented his budget for Council review. He reviewed the organizational structure of his department and a Cost/Revenue Summary. Users fees such as for the use of facilities to allow them to remain open were pre- sented. The Recreation and Parks Director presented suggested future revenues which could be derived through the development in Huntington Central Park of such facilities as an 18 hole golf course, restaurant, clubhouse, children's zoo, miniature train, skateboard park, platform tennis., etc. The possibility of in- stalling parking meters and a park maintenance fee of $2 per month per household was discussed. Councilman MacAllister presented questions relative to park acquisition plans. He stated his desire that youth activities remain and that groups which he believed are often profit producing be charged a fee for the use of community buildings. Vivian Borns, Recreation and Human Services Superintendent, addressed Council regarding the manner in which recreational programs are selected, stating that persons request certain programs and if there is enough response the program will be held. Councilman Siebert stated that rather than see excursions, trips, etc. deleted, he would recommend they be cost effective and then, if the public does not want the programs, they can be dropped. MAYOR SHENKMAN RETURNED TO THE. MEETING AT 8:10 P.M. Further discussion was held on the Recreation and Parks budget. Councilman MacAllister suggested that perhaps Homeowner's Associations located near neighborhood parks could assist in the upkeep of parks. Mayor Shenkman spoke regarding the social impact of reducing Recreation and Parks services. w RECREATION & PARKS PROGRAM FEE A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Shenkman, that the Recreation and Parks Department proceed with their Recreation and Parks Department program with fees commensurate with the expenses, providing that the City Attorney does not rule that six affirmative votes are required. COUNCILMAN THOMAS - EMPLOYEE PARKING LOT Councilman Thomas arrived at the meeting and introduced a group of people whose cars had received tickets while parked in the Police employee parking lot. Fol- lowing discussion the City Attorney stated that if the tickets could be presented to her office they could be discharged in the interests of justice. Considerable discussion was held between Council and Captain Burkenfield regarding the parking by citizens in the police employee parking lot and it was generally determined that the Police were directed to allow parking in such instances. 1 Page #3 - Council Minutes - 6/13/78 MOTION ON FLOOR - RECREATION & PARKS FEES - APPROVED The vote was then taken on the motion which had been made by MacAllister and seconded by Shenkman, as follows: AYES: MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Shenkman NOES: None ABSTAIN: Thomas ABSENT: Pattinson Mayor Shenkman assumed the Chair. Mr. Mike Rodgers, Chairman of the Council on Aging, addressed Council regarding the hardships which the elderly citizens who are economically pressed, will face if the transportation program and other services are deleted. Mr. Fred Leahey, City resident, and volunteer on the meals for the Home Program addressed Council and urged the continuation of this program. fie distributed copies of his report to Council. Mr. Ed Zschoche addressed Council and stated that he believed it was a mistake to cut out youth pro)rams and maintain programs for adults. He stressed the need for programs for girls. Vivian Barns explained that the adult program nearly paid for itself and that next year it.was budgeted to more than pay for itself. She also stated that girls programs are not discriminated against. RECESS - RECONVENE The meeting was recessed by the Mayor at 9:05 P.M., and was reconvened at 9:15.P.M. LIBRARY DEPARTMENT PRESENTATION Mr. Walter Johnson, Library Director, introduced his staff to the Council and audience and presented the organizational chart of his department. He displayed the Program Cost/Revenue Study. The possibility of users fees such as parking meters, increased room use fees, initial registration fees, etc. were reported on. A review of the bare -bones budget for the library was presented, which included the closing of the annexes and reduction of the central library hours. Discussion was held regarding the library services offered. Councilman MacAllister stated that individual and family cards could be issued, and different operating hours could be established. He stated that he favored keeping the library annexes open. Councilwoman Bailey discussed with the City Librarian the possibility of contacting Coastline Community College relative to joint uses of facilities. Mayor Shenkman encouraged staff to look into a users fee seminar held lo- cally, to better acquaint staff with the concept. COUNCILMAN THOMAS RETURNED TO THE COUNCIL MEETING AT 10:00 P.M. Mrs. Peggy Glenn, City resident, addressed Council regarding a recent news- paper article which she believed was irresponsible. She stated however, that she believed that Council members should not bring their personal biases to the Council meetings. She advised Council relative to the input on 9 Page #4 - Council Minutes - 6/13/78 the budget she had received from her neighbors stating that users fees would be feasible and that there could be a City position to bring in private grants. Mrs. Glenn favored the helicopter program and presented her views on various topics which had been djscussed. CITIZENS INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE Councilwoman Bailey reported on a meeting held Friday morning between Police Chief Robitaille and the Council liaison members to discuss allegations made by certain citizens regarding police brutality as well as consideration of the ap- pointment of a committee which would be established to meet and evaluate alle- gations made against City departments and operations. A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by MacAllister to request the District Attorney's office to investigate the allegations that have already been made by Mr. Thomas Whaling and Councilman Thomas and that a standing committee be formed for the purpose of evaluating allegations made against City departments and operations. Councilman Siebert stated that he would agree in concept, however, he would like to review those selected to ensure that political appointments are not made. He stated that he would vote for it in concept but with the assurance that no com- mittee will be formed until the method of appointment is agreed upon. The motion carried by unanimous vote. OIL SPILL CLEANUP Councilman Thomas reported on the City assistance which was given in cleaning up the recent oil spill and commended Director of Harbors and Beaches, the Di- rector of Public Works and staff for their assistance to the oil company. He stated that the costs incurred by the City would be reimbursed by the oil company. JUNIOR LIFEGUARD PROGRAM FEES - APPROVED On motion by Bailey, second MacAllister, Council approved an increase in the Junior Lifeguard Program fees from $36 to $68. The motion carried by the fol- lowing roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Shenkman NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 10:15. The meeting was reconvened by Mayor Shenkman at 10:25. RECREATION & PARKS PROGRAM FEES Due to the need for six affirmative votes another motion was made relating to the Parks & Recreation Program. I ] i LA .90 Page #5 - Council Minutes - 6/13/78 I A motion was made by Siebert, seconded by MacAllister to authorize the Recreation & Parks Department to raise the fees of the Recreation and Parks Department Program commensurate with the expenses. The motion failed to pass by the following vote: AYES: MacAllister, NOES: None ABSTAIN: Thomas ABSENT: Pattinson ADJOURNMENT Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Shenkman The Mayor adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to Friday, June 16, 1978 at 10:00 A.M. in the Coun- cil Chambers. ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk gi �' s&&. Deputy r Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California �r Deputy e' Mayor