HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-07-18APPROVED AUGUST 8, 1978 MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1978 - 7 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Finley, Bazil NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE CONSENT CALENDAR: ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY HIGGINS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ON THE CONSENT CALENDAR WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: MINUTES OF JUNE 27, 1978 MINUTES OF JULY 5, 1978 RESOLUTION 1227 - RESOLUTION FOR ALTERATION OF NONCONFORMING USE ZONE CHANGE NO. 77-21 - APPROVE REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL OF APPLICATION AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 78-1/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-9/ NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-20/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-21 2.1 This is a request by the Daon Corporation for a change of designation from Planning Reserve, Commercial and Medium Density to Planned Community on property located north of Pacific Coast Highway, east of Beach Boulevard. containing 106.9 acres. It was the staff's recommendation that this item be continued until the Local Coastal Program is adopted by the City Council. Staff further recommended certification of EIR 77-9 as complete and in conformance with CEQA and City procedures, having been _ posted for 30 days ending May 1, 1978. Vice -Chairman Stern opened the public hearing. Dave Neish, representing the Daon Corporation, addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of�the proposed designation. He stated that the area is in close proximity to schools and parks and is consistent with the General Plan. Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 2 Bob Radovich, Department of Fish and Game, addressed the Commission and stated that the Fish and Game Department was strongly opposed to development of this site. Frank Novarro, representing Huntington -By -The -Sea Mobile Village and Travel Trailer Area, addressed the Commission and presented a letter for the record which requested a continuance of the public hearing to a later date to give the mobile home village time to study and analyze the effect it may have on the leaseholds of the tenants who occupy the two parks. Margaret Carlberg, representing the Environmental Council, spoke in opposition to the designation and stated that the Environmental Council concurred with the Department of Fish and Game. She stated that such development would have an adverse effect on the sparrows and lease terns. She felt that a decision should be delayed until the Coastal Program is approved. The public hearing was closed on Area of Concern 2.1. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY PAONE THE C014MISSION FOUND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-9 TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH CEQA AND CITY PROCEDURES BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY COHEN AREA OF CONCERN 2.1 WAS CONTINUED UNTIL THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM IS ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, NOES: Paone ABSENT: Finley, Russell, Stern, Cohen Bazil 2.2 This is a request by Sassoon-Mayer Development Company for a change of designation from Planning Reserve and Commercial to High Density and Commercial on property located east of Beach Boulevard south of Atlanta Street containing 14.47 acres. Vice Chairman Stern opened the public hearing Bijan Sassounian, representing Sassoon-Mayer Development Company, addressed the Commission and stated that the project consists of six individual parcels that have been consolidated together for their better planning and most desired land use. There being no one present who wished to address the Commission, Vice -Chairman Stern closed the public hearing. u Ll -2- 7/18/78 - PC 1 I Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 3 Commissioner Cohen expressed concern about sewers, noise along Beach Boulevard, and flooding. Vice -Chairman Stern suggested that the requested designation on the northerly 2.67 acres in Area of Concern 2.2 be approved anA leave the southerly 8.32 acres in -Planning Reserve since Daon property needs to be planned. ON MOTION BY PAONE AND SECOND BY RUSSELL THE NORTHERLY 2.67 ACRES OF AREA OF CONCERN 2.2 WERE APPROVED FOR COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil Commission discussion ensued on the southerly portion of the area. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COHEN AND SECONDED BY STERN TO DENY THE HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DESIGNATION FOR THE SOUTHERLY 8.32 ACRES. VOTE: AYES: Stern, Cohen NOES: Higgins, Russell, Paone ABSENT: Finley, Bazil THE MOTION FAILED. Commissioner Paone expressed concern about putting residential along Beach Boulevard. Bijan Sassounian presented a rendering of the proposed development. COMMISSIONER HIGGINS MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE HIGH DENSITY DESIGNATION ON THE SOUTHERLY 8.32 ACRES WITH THE RECOMMENDATION THAT THE "Q" ZONE DESIGNATION BE PLACED ON THE PROPERTY WHEN THE ZONING IS -.APPLIED FOR. THE MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PAONE AND SECONDED BY STERN TO AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN TO PROVIDE FOR MEDIUM DENSITY DESIGNATION ON THE SOUTHERLY 8.32 ACRES OF THE PROPERTY. VOTE: AYES: Paone, NOES: Cohen, ABSENT: Finley, Stern, Russell Higgins Bazil THE MOTION FAILED. -3- 7/18/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 4 Secretary Selich stated that perhaps further hearings and discussion on General Plan Amendment 78-1 should be continued until a full Commission was present. ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY COHEN THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF AREA 2.2 AND THE REMAINING AREAS OF CONCERN ON GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 78-1 WERE CONTINUED TO AUGUST 1, 1978 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, NOES: Stern ABSENT: Finley, Russell, Cohen, Paonel Bazil Vice -Chairman Stern called a five minute recess at 9:00 p.m. TENTATIVE TRACT 10248 Subdivider: Frank H. Ayres & Son IN CONJUNCTION WITH: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 78-3 Applicant: Frank H. Ayres & Son Tentative Tract 10248 is a request for a planned residential development containing 151 lots located at the northwest corner of Atlanta and Beach. Conditional Use Permit'No. 78-3 is a request for a 141 planned residential development located at the northwest corner of Atlanta and Beach. Dave Eadie addressed the Commission and discussed the conceptual plan on display. He further discussed the changes made regarding open space areas and relocation of units. The public hearing was opened. Jim Christensen, representing the Ayres Corporation, addressed the Commission and discussed the changes that had been made in the plan during the Subdivision Committee, stating that he felt that as a result of their work with staff a better plan had been achieved. Gordon Offstein addressed the Commission and expressed concern over the drainage and seismic problems. Dave Eadie stated that the seismic issue had been addressed in the Environmental Impact Report. Margaret Carlberg., representing the Environmental Council, addressed the Commission and expressed concerns over sewage capacity, flood control drainage in that area, and recommended a continuance until the services could be improved. The public hearing was closed. LJ Commission discussion ensued. -4- 7/18/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 5 Commissioner Cohen stated that he could not vote for approval of the project for reasons stated at the July 5, 1978 meeting, i.e., schools and services. He further stated that applicant had removed ui�ts and replaced them with 7 units. He also addressed the noise acos. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY RUSSELL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 78-3 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed subdivision of this 19.35 acre parcel of land zoned R2-PD (which allows 15 units per gross acre) is proposed to be constructed having 7.54 units per gross acre. 2. The General Plan has set forth provisions for this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for implementation for this type of housing. 3._' The property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the time the land use designation for medium density residential was placed on said property. 4. The lot size, depth, frontage, street width, and all other design and improvement features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance with standard plans and speci- fications on file with the City, as well as in compliance with the State Map Act and supplementary City Subdivision Ordinance. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The site plan received and dated July 14, 1978, shall be the approved layout. 2. All details and amenities of the development as shown on the site plan submitted for approval shall be constructed within the development, such as the linear open space areas with undulating grass and tree area, tennis court, paddle tennis court, and pedestrian walkway, etc. 3.. Prior to the issuance of building permits, all exterior building elevations shall be subject to review and approval by the Planninq Department. 4. The CC&R's and association rules shall set forth provisions for the restriction on the storage of recreational vehicles in open parking spaces. 5. A thirteen foot parkway shall be provided along Atlanta Avenue in accordance with standard plans of the City. Decorative masonry walls shall be constructed at the locations noted upon the approved site plan. (Atlanta Avenue wall to be set back reflecting standard plans.) Said walls shall,be a minimum of six (6) feet in height measured from whichever side is higher at finished grade. Materials and design of the wall shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department. 6. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall submit a final landscape plan for review and approval by the Planning Department and the Department of Public Works. Said -5- 7 /18 /78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 6 landscape plan shall be in conformance with Section 9312.16 of the Huntington Beach ordinance Code and shall indicate all street hardware including project identification signs, street signs, street lighting, etc. 7. The developer shall provide 1.25 30-inch box trees per unit. The type and placement of such trees shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning Department. 8. The developer shall install underground conduit for a future traffic_ signal at the intersection of Atlanta Avenue and Delaware Street and along the Atlanta Avenue and Delaware Street frontage of the project in accordance with the specifications of the Director of Public Works. 9. All -garages within the development shall be equipped with automatic garage door openers. 10. If the developer proposes to provide air conditioning, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be -a minimum of R-19 and R-11 respectively. If no air conditioning is to be provided, the insulation in ceilings and exterior walls shall be a minimum of R-13 and R-7, respectively. 11. All building spoils such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable materials shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 12. A chemical analysis as well as tests for physical properties of the soil on the subject property shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of building permits. 13. The structures on the subject property, whether attached or detached, shall be constructed in compliance with the State Acoustical Standards set forth for all units that lie within the 60 CNEL contours of the property. 14. Energy saving lighting, such as high-pressure sodium vapor lamps, shall be used in recreation areas. 15. Low -volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 16. Crime prevention techniques shall be applied to the design of the project (e.g., single -cylinder locks, etc.). 17. Construction techniques recommended in the geotechniccil investi- gation shall be undertaken to the satisfaction of the Director of Building and Community Development. 18. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall submit to the Planning Department for -review and approval, a fully dimensioned site plan for all lots within the subdivision. -6- 7/18/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 7 19. Prior to the issuance of building permits for any lots within the subdivision, detailed calculations based on final building plans shall be submitted to the Planning Department and Building Department for review and approval, insuring that interior noise levels for all structures shall not exceed the California Noise Insulation Standards of 45 db CNEL. 20. Provisions shall be contained within the CC&R's authorizing the Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association to impose fines on violators of the parking restrictions. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Paone NOES: Cohen ABSENT: Finley, Bazil ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY RUSSELL TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10248 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed subdivision of this 19.35 acre parcel of land zoned R2-PD (which allows 15 units per gross acre) is proposed to be constructed having 1.54 units per gross acre. 2. The General Plan has set forth provisions for this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for implementation for this type of housing. 3. The property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the time the land use designation for medium density residential was placed on said property. 4._' The lot size, depth, frontage, street width, and all other design and improvement features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance with standard plans and speci- fications on file with the City, as well as in compliance with the State Map Act and supplementary City Subdivision Ordinance. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The tentative map received July 14, 1978 shall be the approved layout. 2. Delaware Street, Atlanta Avenue, and Beach Boulevard shall be dedi- cated and improved to the ultimate right-of-way. 3. The developer shall pay for the installation of an additional pumping unit at the Atlanta Avenue pump station. 4. The developer shall submit a 35-year hydrology and hydraulic study and 100-year calculations for the protection of structures per the Orange County Flood Control District requirements. -7- 7/18/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 8 5. A storm drain and catch basin shall be installed at the north- east corner of the project to pick up water from.the trailer park to the north. Said design shall be subject to approval by the Director of Public Works. 6. No cross gutter shall be permitted at the Delaware and Atlanta intersection and at the intersection of Atlanta Avenue and "A" Street. 7. The sewer, water, and fire hydrant systems shall be subject to City standards. 8. Vehicular access rights to Delaware Street, Atlanta Avenue, and Beach Boulevard shall be dedicated to the City of Huntington Beach except at the private entry drive intersection and the pedestrian/bicycle access points at the northeast and northwest corners of Atlanta Avenue and Delaware Street. 9. Drainage for the subdivision shall be approved by the Department of Public Works prior to the recordation of a final map. This system shall be designed to provide for siltation and erosion control both during and after construction of the project. 10. Lot 151 shall be dedicated to the City for park purposes. The developer shall be reimbursed by the City for that portion of property dedicated beyond code requirements for the development of the park. 11. Should the precise plans of street alignment for Atlanta Avenue and Delaware'Street not be approved reducing the ultimate right-of-way width, the developer shall be required to design to existing right-of-way widths. If a redesign is necessary, said redesign shall be subject to further Planning Commission consideration and a revision to the tentative map. 12. No final map shall record until the Pacific Coast Highway Trunk Sewer is approved by the California Coastal Commission or an alternative sewer system acceptable and designed to both the City and the Orange County Sanitation District standards is approved. AYES: Higgins, RnsZ.el 1., Stern., Paqne, NOES: Cohen ABSENT: Finley, Dazil TENTATIVE TRACT 10447 Subdivider: Gothard Street Associates This is a request for a 19 lot industrial subdivision located on the I southeast corner of Gothard & Heil. IN CONJUNCTION WITH: -8- 7/18/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 9 TENTATIVE TRACT 10446-X/NEGATIVE DECLARATION 78-58 Subdivider: Princeland Properties This is a request for a 2 lot subdivision on property located on the east side of Gothard 790 ft. south of Heil. IN CONJUNCTION WITH: PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT NO. 78-3 This is a proposal to precisely align two industrial streets in the configuration depicted upon the'above tentative map. Dave Eadie addressed the Commission and gave a background report on these applications and discussed suggested conditions of approva. He elaborated on the traffic study which was conducted on Tentative Tract 10447. The public hearing was opened on Precise Plan of Street Alignment 78-3. .Howard Subnick addressed the Commission and spoke in opposition to the applications, citing safety factors of people walking, increase in traffic, and truck traffic. Jerry Matney, former Mayor and Councilman of the City of Huntington Beach, addressed the Commission and stated his concerns for industrial developers in the City of Huntington Beach. He stated that it took three years to get the grant through to improve Gothard, and that Ashwill Burke had invested money in this development, the project is legal, Heil Avenue is an arterial highway and is planned and designed to handle the traffic. He further stated that if it was zoned resi- dential more traffic would be generated. Bill Burke addressed the Commission and gave a brief history of the' project. He stated that he had done everything possible to provide a plan which would be good for the City and developer, stating that it is a balanced development. Bob Dingwall addressed the Commission and spoke in opposition to having the industrial park under one ownership, and urged the Commission to approve the applications. Mark Porter, President of the Home Council, addressed the Commission and stated that he had been in favor of preserving the Gothard Industrial Corridor. He urged the Commission to approve the applications. Bruce Greer addressed the Commission as a member of the Gothard Industrial League. He stated that the project was an asset to the City and urged the Commission to approve it. The public hearing was closed. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY RUSSELL NEGATIVE DECLARATION 78-58 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil -9- 7/18/78 - PC Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 10 ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY RUSSELL PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT 78-3 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY RUSSELL TENTATIVE TRACT 10447 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The General Plan has set forth provisions for this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for development of industrial land. 2. The property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the time the zoning'was applied to the subject property. 3. The lot size, depth, frontage, street widths, and all other design and improvements features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance with standard plans and specifi- cations on file with the City as well as in compliance with State Map Acts and supplementary City Subdivision Ordinances. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The Tentative Map received and dated July 14, 1978 shall be the approved layout. 2. _The sewer, water, and fire hydrant system shall be subject to City standards. Sewer and water laterals shall be bored if installed •after completion of the street surface. 3. Drainage for the proposed subdivision shall be approved by the Department of Public Works prior to the recordation of a final map. This system shall be designed to provide for siltation and erosion control both during and after construction of the project. 4. Vehicular access rights shall be prohibited along Heil Avenue except for the Burke Street opening and a driveway previously approved located between Burke Street and Gothard Street. 5. All conditions of approval of Administrative Review 78-49 shall be applicable to this subdivision. 1 6. A six (6) foot high by six (6) inch thick masonry wall shall be constructed along the east property line. Said wall shall be completed' prior to occupancy of the first industrial building. 7. Sidewalks shall be installed along Gothard Street and Heil Avenue in accordance with standard plans. The street sections upon the map shall be revised appropriately. 8. No cross gutter shall be allowed at the intersection of Heil Avenue and "Burke Street." 9. Gothard Street and Heil Avenue shall be posted "No Parking." -10- 7/18/78 - PC 1 Minutes: H. B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 11 10. Reciprocal agreement(s) for vehicular ingress and egress purposes shall be recorded. Said agreement(s) shall be subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and content. 11. The interim access easement shown along the common property lines of the tentative maps shall be 40 feet in paved width. 12. The Burke Street/Heil Avenue intersection shall be designed to prohibit left turns for westbound traffic on Heil Avenue into Burke Street and left turns from Burke Street onto Heil Avenue. AYES: Higgins, NOES: Stern ABSENT: Finley, Russell, Cohen, Paone Bazil Vice -Chairman Stern voted against the motion since he had requested that the motion to approve would include a provision that signs be posted on 3 ton trucks or more to read "No Trucks on Heil" from Brucke onto Heil Avenue and also at Heil and Gothard. The maker of the motion did not agree• to the inclusion of this provision. ON MOTION BY COHEN AND SECOND BY RUSSELL TENTATIVE TRACT 10446-X WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The General Plan has set forth provisions for this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for development of industrial land. 2. The property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the time the zoning was applied to the subject property. 3. The street design will not preclude subsequent parcels to be established from meeting or exceeding ordinance code requirements. 4. The street widths, and all other design and improvements features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance with standard plans and specifications on file with the City as well as in compliance with State Map Acts and supplementary City Subdivision Ordinances. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The Tentative Map received and dated June 16, 1978 shall be the approved layout. 2. The sewer, water, and fire hydrant system shall be subject to City standards. Sewer and water laterals shall be bored if installed after completion of the street surface. 3. Drainage for the proposed subdivision shall be approved by the Department of Public Works prior to the recordation of a final map. This system shall be designed to provide for siltation and erosion control both during and after construction of the project. -11- 7/18/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 12 4. Vehicular access rights along Gothard Street and Herrman Way shall be dedicated to the City of Huntington Beach. Approval of any proposed driveways shall be subject to approval of the Board of Zoning Adjustments. 5. A six (6) foot high by six (6) inch thick masonry wall shall be constructed along the east property line. Said wall shall be completed prior to occupancy of the first industrial building. 6. Sidewalks shall be installed along Gothard Street in accordance with standard plans. The street section upon the map shall be revised appropriately. 7. Gothard Street shall be posted "No Parking." 8. Full street improvements shall be constructed on each of the streets prior to the recordation of a parcel map or maps. 9. The interim access easement shown along the common property lines of the tentative maps shall be 40 feet in paved width. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Cohen, Paone NOES: Stern ABSENT: Finley, Bazil ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-7/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-47 Applicant: William Tater This is a request for a change of zone from C3 to R4 on property located at 708 Pacific Coast Highway. Dave Eadie stated that he had no information to add to that contained in the staff report. The public hearing was opened. William Tater addressed the Commission and stated that after dis- cussing this zone change with the staff he was in agreement that the property should remain commercial instead of residential. The public hearing was closed. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY COHEN NEGATIVE DECLARATION 78-47 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY COHEN ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-7 WAS DENIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil -12- 7/18/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 13 ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY RUSSELL THE COMMISSION FOUND THE EXISTING C3, GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, TO BE INCONFORMANCE WITH THE GENERAL PLAN BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil The staff was directed to prepare a specific plan that would provide for development on each of the blocks between 6th and Goldenwest and Walnut and Pacific Coast Highway. ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-8/NEGATIVE DECLARATION 78-53 Applicant: Thomas H. Welch This is a request for a change of zone from RA to C4 on property located at the northeast corner of Warner and Springdale. Dave Eadie stated that he had no information to add to that contained in the staff report. Thomas Welch, applicant, addressed the Commission and requested the approval of this change of zone which would aid him in selling the property. Jerry Matney addressed the Commission and urged its approval of the zone change. The public hearing was closed. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY COHEN NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-53 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil ON MOTION BY COHEN AND SECOND BY RUSSELL ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-8 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil CODE AMENDMENT 78-6/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-63 "POLITICAL SIGNS" Dave Eadie stated that he had no information to add to that contained in the staff report. Vice -Chairman Stern opened the public hearing. There being no one present who wished to speak on this Code Amendment, the public hearing was closed. -13- 7/18/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 18, 1978 Page 14 Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY HIGGINS NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-63 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY HIGGINS CODE AMENDMENT NO. 78-6 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bazil DISCUSSION ITEMS: PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT 7874 (ATLANTA/LAKE) PROPOSED ALTERNATIVES FOR THIS PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT This item was removed from the agenda until a full Commission is present to discuss the alternatives. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Gordon Offstein addressed the Commission and expressed concern over poor construction on 25 foot lots, stating that he feared they would become blighted. He also expressed concern over solid waste disposal. Mark Porter addressed the Commission on the sign code and was advised by Vice -Chairman Stern that there would be a study session on the sign code in the future. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: Vice -Chairman Stern requested staff to look at possibility of establishing a landscape maintenance district. STAFF ITEMS: Secretary Selich discussed City Council action at its July 17 meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting,adjourned at 11:45 p.m. - fo, NJ Edward D. Selich Secretary -14- 7/18/78 - PC