HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-08-01APPROVED 8/15/78 MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING.COMMISSION Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1978 - 7 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE CONSENT CALENDAR MINUTES OF JULY 11, 1978 MINUTES OF JULY 18, 1978 RESOLUTION NO. 1228, 1229, 1230, AND 1231 ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY STERN THE MINUTES OF JULY 11, 1978 AND RESOLUTION NO. 12,28 EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO ROGER D. SLATES FOR HIS SERVICE ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell,' -Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None The Minutes df July 18, 1978, were pulled from the agenda and continued to August 8, 1978. A MOTION WAS MADE BY STERN AND SECONDED BY RUSSELL TO CONTINUE RESOLUTIONS 1229, 1230;. and 1230, RESOLUTIONS OF APPRECIATION TO SUSAN NEWMAN, DR. FRANK HOFFMAN, AND PRIM SHEA TO THE NEXT STUDY SESSION. Commissioner Paone stated that he did not feel these items should be continued as they were on the agenda and he did not think it proper to hear them at a study session. VOTE: AYES: Russell, Stern, Cohen NOES: Higgins, Finley, Bazil, Paone ABSENT: None THE MOTION FAILED. Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 2 ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY BAZIL RESOLUTIONS 1229, 1230 AND 1231, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR SERVICE OF SUSAN NEWMAN, PRIM SHEA, AND DR. FRANK HOFFMAN WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Finley, Bazil, Paone NOES: Russell; Cohen ABSENT: Stern At this point Commissioner Higgins was joined by the other Commissioners in expressing appreciation for Ed Selich as Planning Director and congratulated him on his new position. PUBLIC HEARINGS: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 78--1 Chairman Finley announced that the public hearing was continued from the July 18 Planning Commission meeting to allow the participation of the full Commission. Secretary Selich referred to a letter from the Daon Corporation requesting reconsideration on Area of Concern 2.1 which the Planning Commission in a straw vote continued until the Local Coastal Program is adopted. Commission discussion ensued regarding reopening this item for public hearing. Secretary Selich stated that all persons who had spoken on this item at the previous public hearing had been contacted and advised that it might be heard again. Chairman Finley polled the Commission and b majority agreed to reopen the public hearing. The public hearing was reopened on Area of Concern 2.1, 106.9 acres located north of Pacific Coast Highway. The request of the Daon Corporation was a change of designation from Planning Reserve, Com- mercial and Medium Density to Planned Community. Dave Neish addressed the Commission and stated that Daon wanted to allow planning of the project to occur simultaneously with the completion of the City's Local Coastal Plan. He further discussed benefits to both the City and Daon Corporation. Chuck Colton, representing Daon Corporation, addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of the change of designation. Commissioner Paone stated that he did riot think the City would be incurrina a risk in approving this area for Planning Community Development and that the landowner has the right to participate in the planning proces of the Local Coastal Program. Commissioner Higgins agreed with Commissioner Paone. -2- 8/1/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 3 ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY RUSSELL AREA OF CONCERN 2.1 WAS CONTINUED UNTIL THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM IS ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil NOES: Higgins, Paone ABSENT: None 2.2 This is a request by Sassoon-Mayer Development Company to change the designation from Planning Reserve and Commercial to High Density & Commercial on 14.47 acres. The Planning Commission at its July 18, 1978 meeting approved the designation of the northerly 2.67 acres of Area of Concern 2.2 for commercial _ use . . j The Planning Commission _continued the southern portion, which consists of 8.32 acres, to the meeting of August 1, 1978 meeting. Commissioner Bazil stated that he felt it should be high density=resi- dential with "Q" zoning. Commissioner Russell preferred medium density. A -MOTION WAS MADE BY HIGGINS AND SECONDED BY BAZIL TO DESIGNATE THE PROPERTY HIGH DENSITY LAND USE WITH THE "Q" ZONE TO BE ADDED WHEN IT IS REZONED. VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Bazil NOES: Stern, Russell, ABSENT: None THE MOTION FAILED. Finley,- Cohen,- Paone- _ - A MOTION WAS MADE BY RUSSELL AND SECONDED BY PAONE TO REDESIGNATE THE AREA MEDIUM DENSITY. Chairman Finley stated that she would vote against it as she would like to see it remain in planning reserve. She expressed concern about thQ sewers. Commissioner Russell withdrew his motion and Commissioner Paone withdrew his second. Bryan Austin in response to a question by the Commission stated that only about 6 acres of the 8.32 acres would be buildable. Further discussion ensued. -3- 8/1/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 4 ON MOTION BY PAONE AND SECOND BY BAZIL THE SOUTHERLY PORTION -OF AREA OF CONCERN 2.2 WAS APPROVED TO BE DESIGNATED MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND THE DENSITY WILL BE BASED ON 8.32 GROSS ACRES BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Paone, Bazil NOES: Finley, Cohen ABSENT: None 2.3 This is a request by B. G. Williams to redesignate 17.22 acres of land located east of Beach Boulevard north of Atlanta Avenue from Medium Density and Commercial to Medium Density. B. G. Williams gave a brief presentation on the history of the property and spoke in favor of the requested change in designation. John Kingsley also spoke in favor of the redesignation as requested by B. G. Williams. B. G. Williams stated that he had explored studies on the need for office professional in the area and there was not sufficient need to develop it as such, stating that the property had been listed with Coldwell Banker several years. Commissioner Bazil felt office commercial should be in a larger development rather than small developments. Chairman Finley was concerned that no one knows what the effect of Proposition 13 will have on the income of the City. Commissioner Paone expressed concern over proliferating the area with residential which all looks the same from the street. He preferred a mixture of development in that area. ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY STERN THE COMMISSION VOTED TO RETAIN THE PRESENT DESIGNATION OF MEDIUM DENSITY AND COMMERCIAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen Paone NOES: Bazil, Higgins ABSENT: None 2.4 This is a request by the City of Huntington Beach to change the designation north of Talbert Avenue east of Gothard Street from medium density to industrial. John Silver addressed the Commission and agreed with the staff's recommendation that the area be redesignated to industrial. John Stern referred to page 49 of General Plan Amendment 78-1 and requested that it be made a part of the minutes. It is quoted as follows: Following the general plan amendment, the applicant pursued a zone change to allow medium density development on the site. -4- 8/1/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 5 After considerable public testimony and Council discussion, the City Council denied the zone change and directed staff to include the area of concern in a general plan amendment to be redesignated industrial. The Council also indicated its desire to retain the industrial character of the Gothard Corridor in its rejection of citywide industrial land reductions as pro- posed by General Plan Amendment 77-2 in the Fall of 1977. A subsequent request! -.to rezone the east half of the area of concern R2 to allow medium density residential development was also denied by the -City Council in February 1978. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY BAZIL AREA OF CONCERN 2.4 LOCATED NORTH OF TALBERT AVENUE EAST OF GOTHARD STREET, CONTAINING__38.85 ACRES, WAS APPROVED FOR REDESIGNATION FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAT, TO INDUST_RIAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None 2.5 This is a request by the City of Huntington Beach to redesignate property located west of Brookhurst Street and north or Orange County Flood Control District Channel D2-2, containing 15.82 acres, from Medium Density to Low Density. There was no one present to speak on the area of concern. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY BAZIL AREA OF CONCERN 2.5 WAS APPROVED FOR A CHANGE OF DESIGNATION FROM MEDIUM DENSITY TO LOW DENSITY BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None 2.6.1 This is an administrative item to reinsert on the Open Space and Conservation Plan the Rancho View Park Site. There was no one present to speak on this item. ON MOTION BY_HIGGIN,S. AND SECOND BY STERN THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE REINSERTION OF THE RANCHO VIEW PARK SITE ON THE OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION PLAN.BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: - AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None -5- 8/1/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 6, 1978 ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY RUSSELL NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-20 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY RUSSELL NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-21 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY RUSSELL GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 78-1 WAS ADOPTED TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING DESIGNATIONS FOR AREAS OF CONCERN: AREA OF CONCERN 2.1 WAS CONTINUED UNTIL THE LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM IS ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL; AREA OF CONCERN 2.2— NORTHERLY 2.67 ACRES WERE APPROVED FOR COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION - SOUTHERLY 8.32 GROSS ACRES WERE APPROVED FOR MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL; AREA OF CONCERN 2.3 WAS APPROVED TO RETAIN PRESENT DESIGNATION OP MEDIUM DENSITY AND COMMERCIAL; AREA OF CONCERN 2.4 WAS APPROVED FOR REDESIGNATION TO INDUSTRIAL; AREA OF CONCERN 2.5 WAS APPROVED FOR REDESIGNATION TO LOW DENSITY;._ADMINISTRATIVE_________ ITEM 2.6.1 -4 COMMISSI_ON APPROVED REINSERTION_ OF THE RANCHO VIEW PARK.SITE ON OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION PLAN; ALSO TO INCLUDE APPROVAL OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION 78-20 AND 78-21; AND RECOMMEND CERTIFICATION OF EIR 77-9 AS'COMPLETE AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH CEQA AND CITY PROCEDURES BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None A five minute recess was called at 9:30 p.m. When the meeting reconvened it was determined by the Deputy City Attorney that the resolution should be adopted. ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY PAONE RESOLUTION NO. 1232, A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN 78-1 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None 11 -6- 8/1/78 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 7 ZONE CHANGE NO. 77-29/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 77-126 IN CONJUNCTION WITH GARFIELD-GOLDENWEST STUDY Zone Change No. 77-29 is a request for a change of zoning from RA-0 to R2-0 on property located on the east side of Stewart Street between Clay Avenue and Garfield Avenue. At its December 6, 1977,meeting the Planning Commission continued this zone change in order for the staff to prepare a comprehensive study of the subject and sur- rounding area. The applicant is TerBorch Developers, Inc. Chuck Clark addressed the Commission and discussed the study made by the staff. He discussed the two alternatives proposed, stating that the staff favored Alternative No. 1. The staff proposed to change the zoning to R2-PD rather than R2-0 as requested by the applicant. Commissioner Bazil felt it was a good planned development area. Commissioner Higgins felt strongly about control in that area, that it should be a planned development, and further stated that he did not feel the Commission should get involved in any rezoning that would create non -conforming uses. ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY BAZIL THE STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO INITIATE A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO REZONE STUDY AREA TO R2-PD ON REQUEST. Monica Florian addressed the Commission on Zone Change 77-29, and stated that the applicant had not agreed to a R2-PD zone change. The public hearing was opened on Zone Change 77-29-. Trere being no one present to speak on this zone change, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stern stated that when the project comes through he would like to see environmental documentation. Commissioner Bazil felt the zone change should be continued to determine if the applicant is willing to accept this zone or leave it as it is. It was noted by the Chairman that a letter was on file from Ila N. Dabney requesting that the oil suffix not be removed from the property. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY RUSSELL ZONE CHANGE 77-29 WAS CONTINUED TO AUGUST 15, 1978, TO ALLOW STAFF TIME TO CONTACT THE APPLICANT TO SEE IF SUGGESTED CHANGE WAS ACCEPTABLE BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None -7- 8/1/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 8, 1978 Chairman Finley reopened the public hearing on Zone Change 77-29 and continued it to August 15, 1978. CODE AMENDMENT 78-7 RESOLUTION NO. 1233 This code amendment calls for a reduction in the required outdoor play area for day care centers and nurseries from 175 square feet per child to 75 square feet per child, and was prepared on the direction of the Planning Commission after reviewing a conditional use permit and conditional exception requesting an expansion of an existing day care center and the reduction of ourdoor play area. Monica Florian addressed the Commission and stated that requirements of other cities had been checked for minimum square footage per child in day care centers, and that the code amendment reflected the State average. Commissioner Bazil felt that the code amendment should reflect that a minimum of 500 sq. ft. of outdoor play area should be met. The public hearing was opened. Pam Griffith, representing a day care center, addressed the Commission in favor of the Code Amendment and presented letters to the Commission from Marsha Shaw and John J. Janson, Jr., which favored approval of the code amendment. The public hearing was closed. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY BAZIL RESOLUTION NO. 1233, A - RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF CODE AMENDMENT NO. 78-7, REDUCTION OF OUTDOOR PLAY AREA,'TO INCLUDEA MINIMUM OF 500 SQUARE__FEET OF OUTDOOR PLAY AREA AS REQUIREMENT, WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 78-13 TENTATIVE TRACT 10414 NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-59 Applicant: James McKeighen Tentative Tract No. 10414 and Conditional Use Permit No. 78-13 is a proposed 6 unit planned residential development located on the north side of Los Patos Avenue, west of Lynn Street. -8- 8/1/78 7 PC I Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 9 Dave Eadie addressed the Commission stating that the staff recommended denial based on the location, site layout, and design of the proposed use which is not conducive to properly adapting the proposed structures to streets, driveways, and adjacent property; and approval and design of the development would inhibit development of adjacent parcels of land in symmetrical configurations. He stated that if the Commission did approve the applications that the applications be continued to allow staff time to prepare conditions of approval. The public hearing was opened. James McKeighen addressed the Commission and briefly discussed the problems he had encountered with this property. He stated the cost was prohibitive and some of the property was already developed and he was unable to negotiate with some adjacent property owners to consolidate. He further stated that he had provided more than required amenities for the property. --- --- ------------- The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Higgins expressed concern over the effect of the con- figuration on surrounding properties and the precedent that would be established in approving a project of this shape. Commissioners Bazil and Russell concurred with Commissioner Higgins. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HIGGINS AND SECONDED BY RUSSELL TO APPROVE NEGATIVE DECLARATION 78-59. VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Bazil NOES: Stern, Finley, Cohen, Paone ABSENT: None THE MOTION FAILED. Commissioner Stern questioned the Negative Declaration and did not feel it was adequately prepared, citing utility systems, seismic concerns and standard mitigating measures which were not included in the Negative Declaration. Commission discussion ensued on the ramifications of the applicant's appealing the Tract Map and Conditional Use Permit which would result from denial of the Negative Declaration. ON MOTION BY PAONE AND SECOND BY BAZIL THE COMMISSION VOTED TO RECONSIDER ITS ACTION ON DENIAL OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-59 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: Stern ABSENT: None -9- 8l1(78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Canttission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 10 ON MOTION BY PAONE AND SECOND BY BAZIL NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-59 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: Stern ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY PAONE AND SECOND BY RUSSELL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 78-13 WAS DENIED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The location, site layout, and design of the proposed use is not conducive to properly adapting the proposed structures to streets, driveways, and adjacent property. 2. Approval and design of the development would inhibit development of adjacent parcels of land in symmetrical configurations. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY PAONE AND SECOND BY BAZIL TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10414 WAS DENIED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The location, site layout, and design of the proposed use is not conducive to properly adapting the proposed structures to streets, driveways, and adjacent property. 2. Approval and design of the development would inhibit development of adjacent parcels of land in symmetrical configurations. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 78-39 - APPEAL Applicant: Emery Takacs This is a request to permit construction of a five foot high wrought iron fence to be located within the front yard setback in lieu of S. 9104(a) and to allow said fence to encroach into the twenty-five foot corner cut off in lieu of S. 9104.1 and 9104-2. The property is located at 18372 Goodwin Lane. Dave Eadie stated that he had nothing to add to the information contained in the staff report. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Trujillo;« representing Emery Takacs addressed the Commission and spoke in favor of granting the appeal. He discussed the pedestrian traffic on the corner lot that cut across the lawn. He referred to six letters he had from neighbors who concurred with the request and had no objections. These were presented to the Planning Commission and returned to him. The public hearing was then closed. -10- 8/1/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 11 Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY BAZIL CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION APPEAL WAS DENIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Bazil, Paone NOES: Cohen ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 78-14/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-65 Applicant: Brown/Zinngrabe This is a request for a 46 unit senior citizen residential/care facility located at 18901 Delaware. Monica Florian addressed the Commission and discussed some modifications to the site plan. The public hearing was opened. Bob Zinngrabe.addressed the Commission and suggested some changes to be_ made_ in t_h_e suggested conditions of approval concerning___ sewer systems, tree replacement, and geologic reports. Mike Rogers, Council on Aging, addressed the Commission and referred to a letter he had written to the Commission and Planning Director ___.in which he requested approval of this__proj ect, citing the fact that there is a great need for housing for seniors aae 65 and over. The public hearing was closed. Commissioner Russell discussed the need for a signal at Delaware and Main. Further Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY HIGGINS NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-65 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES:' Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY BAZIL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT No. 78-14 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed 46 unit elderly housing development furthers the goals, policies, and plans expressed in the City's General Plan, particularly in regard to housing and land use. -11- 8/1/78 - PC Minutes:- H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 12 . 2. The proposed project is in conformance with the Pacifica Community Plan. 3. The proposed project will satisfy a need for this type of use within the community. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The plan received and dated June 2, 1978, shall be the approved site plan with the following amendments: a. 20 ft. setback on east property line b. 27 foot turning radius on driveway. 2. Prior'to issuance of building permits, a reciprocal agreement to allow auto access between the subject property and property located to the north will be recorded with the County Recorder's Office and filed with the Department of Building and Community Development. 3. If within 120 days of approval of the Conditional Use Permit the Public Works Department determines that the existing sewer system is at capacity and the Main Street sewer line is not constructed, the developer shall provide an alternative sewer system acceptable and designed to both the City and Orange County Sanitation standards. 4. Two (2) 24 inch box trees shall be provided for each tree removed from the site. 5. A detailed geologic analysis shall be prepared by a registered geologist if the Department of Building and Community Develop- ment determines that existing studies on file are not -adequate for this project. The analysis shall indicate the potential for ground rupture and make recommendations regarding structural and foundation design. The geologic analysis shall be submitted to the Building Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 6. Natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. 7. Low volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 8. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. -12- •8/1/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 13 9. The structures on the subject property, whether attached or detached, shall be constructed in compliance with the State Acoustical Standards set forth for all units that lie within the 60 CNEL contours of the property. 10. If outside lighting is included on site, high pressure sodium vapor lamps shall be used to prevent "spillage" onto adjacent areas and for energy savings. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None SPECIAL SIGN PERMIT NO. 78-5 Applicant: Harold C. Ericson This is a request for inclusion of price information on major identi- fication sign located on the southeast corner of Edinger and Spring- dale. Monica Florian gave a brief presentation on this request and responded to questions by the Commission The public hearing was opened. There being no one present to speak on this application, the'Chairman closed the public hearing. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY STERN SPECIAL SIGN PERMIT NO. 78-5 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITION OF APPROVAL. FINDINGS: 1. Special Sign Permit No. 78-5 is in compliance with the intent of the Sign Code. 2. Special Sign Permit No. 78-5 substantially meets the conditions necessary for granting such a permit. CONDITION OF APPROVAL: 1. Detached signs as permitted by Section 9481.17.2 shall not be permitted on the subject site. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None -13- 8/1/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 14 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 78-15 Applicant: Mark Manderson This is a request for the establishment of a women's health spa located at 16672 Beach Boulevard #QRS on the northeast corner of Beach and Terry. Monica Florian addressed the Commission and stated that the health spa would be compatible with surrounding uses and there would be adequate parking. --- -- - - - --- --------- The public hearing was opened, and then closed with no one present to speak on the -use. Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY STERN AND SECOND BY BAZIL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 78-15 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: -- - - - - 1. The proposed health spa is compatible with the existing shopping center and surrounding land uses. 2. The subject shopping center has adequate parking to accommodate the proposed health spa at peak hour demands. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The site plan and floor -plan received and dated June 5, 1978, shall be the approved layout. 2. Hours of operation shall be limited to the operating hours of the existing shopping center. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10449/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-63 Applicant: G. F. Goeden Company This is a request for a 13 lot subdivision of 2.92 gross acres located on the west side of Graham, 902+ feet north of Warner Avenue. Dave Eadie stated that the developer had-_presented_plans dated August 1, 1978, which moved the 5 foot,�aide recessed landscape planter -from Lot 11 to Lot 12 which improved the plans. John Mickler addressed the Commission as a representative of the developer. He discussed the revised map. -14- 8/1/78 - PC Minut'et: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 15 Commission discussion ensued. ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY HIGGINS NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-65 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY COHEN TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10449 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The General Plan has set forth provisions for this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for development of resi- dential property.. 2. The lot•size, depth, frontage, street w•idth,.and all other design and improvements features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance with standard plans and specification; on file with the City as well as in compliance with the State Map Act and supplementary -City Subdivision Ordinance. 3. The proposed subdivision of this 2.92 acre parcel of land zoned R1 (which allows 6:5 units per gross acre) is proposed to be constructed having 4.7 units per gross acre. 4. The property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the time the land use designation for low density residential was placed on said property. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The tentative map received and dated August 1, 1978, shall be the approved layout. - 2. The developer shall participate in the Orange County Sanitation District's annexation fee. 3. A physical and chemical analysis and soils report prepared by a qualified soils engineer registered by the State, based upon adequate field investigation, shall be submitted to the -Director of Building -and Community Development. If the preliminary soils and chemical analysis report indicates presence of critical expansive soils and other soil.problems which if not corrected could lead to structural defects, or significant damage to improvements, the developer shall be required to submit an analysis for each lot within this subdivision. Whenever any such analysis indicates such problems, the Director of Public Works and the Director of -15- 8/1/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 16 Building and Community Development shall recommend corrective action which is likely to prevent structural damage to each structure proposed to be constructed. 4. Drainage for the development shall be subject to approval by the Director of Public Works prior to recordation of a final map. This system shall be designed to provide for siltation and erosion control both during and after construction of the project. 5. A thirty-five (35) year hydraulic study with hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works prior to recordation of the final map. 6. The developer shall construct a sewer main in Graham Street from Warner Avenue to the northerly boundary of the Subdivision if approved developments to the south are not carried through prior to development of Tentative Tract 10449. 7. The developer shall construct masonry walls along the west and south property lines which -shall be subject to approval by the Planning Director. A decorative masonry wall shall be constructed to City specifi- cation along Graham Street and the north property line. Such wall shall be six (6) inches wide and a minimum of six'(6) feet high. The height of said wall shall be measured from whichever side is higher at finished grade: The architectural design of said wall shall be subject to approval by the Planning Director. The structural design of the wall shall be subject to approval by the Director of Public Works if said wall is located within the ultimate public right-of-way. 8. A landscape planter shall be provided along Graham Street. Such planter shall conform to the plans and specifications on file with the Department of Public Works. It shall be the developer's responsibility to landscape such planter and provide irrigation facilities in conformance with specifications on file in the Department of Public Works. 9. A qualified archeologist shall be engaged to observe the initial excavation of the site. Excavation plans should include a statement permitting such personnel to remove resource finds if encountered, or to delay construction up to three (3) days of the area of encounter for proper archeological excavation of the artifacts in their original position. 10. To compensate for the loss of existing trees on site, one 24 inch box tree shall be planted for each tree removed. Location of trees shall be at the developer's option except that for those -16- 8/1/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1, 1978 Page 17 11. Natural gas and 220V electrical shall be stubbed in at the location of clothes dryers. 12. Natural gas shall be stubbed in at locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. 13. Low volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 14. All building spoils such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus and unusable material shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 15. -The structures on the subject property, whether attached or detached shall be constructed in compliance with the State Acoustical Standards set forth for all units that lie within the 60 CNEL contours of the property. 16. Construction upon lots 1 and 13 shall be limited to one story structures. 17. Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall submit evidence to the Planning Department that he has secured approval of the project from the Federal Aviation Administration. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None PROPOSED ALTERNATIVES FOR PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT NO. 78-4 (ATLANTA/LAKE) Jim Palin addressed the Commission and referred to the 10 alternatives for precise alignment of Atlanta/Lake. He noted that each alternative contained advantages and disadvantages_ and further s_tated the f stafs -__ the staff' s__-recommendation was '. that Alternative 3 or 9--would-be _would be a nreferrec alignment. It was the consensus of the Commission that Alternative 10 would be the preferred alignment, and the staff was directed to complete more detailed design and analysis of costs and bring back at a public hearing on Alternative 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS REPORT ON PLANNING COMMISSION DINNER MEETING Secretary Selich stated that he felt this meeting should be cancelled in view of the action on the Resolutions. Commissioner Stern stated that he wanted to bring out the intent of taking resolutions of commendation for Commissioners Shea, Newman, and Hoffman off the calendar. He stated that he personally felt that the treatment those three Commissioners gave the City was pretty shabby at the time that the Commission was disbanded, in particular Commissioners -17- 8/1/78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, August 1; 1978 Page 18 Shea, Newman, and Hoffman who neither resigned nor attended meetings after the Commission was disbanded. He stated that he felt that such action did not deserve commendation. Commissioner Paone stated that he did not feel the Commission should continue these Resolutions to a study session which he referred to as semi -closed door regardless of the reasons. Chairman Finley stated that she felt enough bitterness had been exhibited and her feeling was that the Commission should cease this attitude and proceed with*the business at hand in an orderly fashion. ITEMS DISTRIBUTED: Sally Gipple's letter concerning problems in the downtown area. Commissioner Stern discussed the need for merger of properties in the vicinity of Palm, loth and Lake Street and directed the staff to come back with a Resolution of Intent to rezone this area. The Commission expressed its,concerns'with what is happening in the downtown area and Commissioner Bazil stated that in 1946 an ordinance had been adopted prohibiting the construction questioned in Ms. Gipple's letter. The Commission felt that the tunnel effects being created between units should be corrected and that the area should be toured with attempts made to resolve the problems being created by development on 25 ft. lots. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: Commissioner Bazil discussed the need for aesthetic treatment of Gothard and Talbert area. Commissioner Russell stated that while he voted for Precise Plan of Street Alignment 78-3 in order to get the property out from under one ownership, he was not pleased with the proposed street alignment and felt the Council should be made aware of this. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 12:35 a.m. to a meeting of August 8, 1978, to be held in Room B-7 in the Civic Center. Ed -ward D. Selich c Secretary L A�' _ZL 4 Ruth Finley Chairman ri -18- 8/1/78 - PC