HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-09-12APPROVED
Room B-8, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1978 - 7:00 P.M.
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley,
Cohen, Bazil, Paone
Jensen, Kennedy, Mossteller,
Vander Molen
Acting Planning Director Jim Palin explained that the purpose of
this session was to solidify policy direction from the two Commissions
relative to park needs and planning in the Seacliff area. He noted
that while the immediate concern was being generated by Seacliff IV,
the issues involve the whole Huntington Beach Company area from
Garfield to Palm.
Monica Florian presented a summary of background information regarding
parks planning in the area. She reviewed existing plans calling for
four park sites in the vicinity and discussed the uncertainty of
school district plans. Mrs. Florian discussed the approximate 14.5
acres of park dedication currently owed or proposed by Huntington
Beach Company developments and reviewed several of the options being
considered for disposition of this debt:
1. prepare a comprehensive master plan for the area prior to commit-
ment on any park acreage
2. utilize all acreage to secure a foothold on the regional linear
3. secure neighborhood park sites in proximity to developed areas
and devote only excess acreage to the linear park
4. utilize 10 acres of the existing and proposed park dedication
to complete park commitments at Main/17th and Palm/Goldenwest
with remaining land for the linear park or neighborhood park.
Recreation and Parks Director Norm Worthy expounded further on
proposed number 4 and Mr. Moffet of the Huntington Beach City Schools
District explained the uncertainty of future school site locations
in the area. The two Commissions debated the merits of a neighbor-
hood park at Palm and Goldenwest.
Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission & Rec & Parks Commission
Tuesday, September 12, 1978
Page 2
Commissioner Higgins stated that neighborhood park needs should be
satisfied as development occurs and that the linear park might or
might not be a part of that. Commissioner Paone felt that the
linear park could serve as a neighborhood facility but not necessarily
fulfill total neighborhood park need.
Commissioner Stern felt that the Palm and Goldenwest site was
undesirable as a park because it does not really serve Seacliff nor
does it meet the greater park needs of the Townlot Area. Commissioner
Stern requested that some attention be given to identifying an
appropriate site for a Townlot park.
Recreation and Parks Commissioner Kennedy stated that the current
parks plan had been developed over time with the needs of the entire
community in mind and said that it was improper for the Planning
Commission to judge the Palm-Goldenwest site and the Main-17th site
solely in relation to the Seacliff area.
Recreation and Parks Commissioner Vander Molen expressed concern
that land use and population projections had been changing in the
Seacliff area without the Recreation and Parks Commission or the
School District being advised. She felt that no decision be made
until further analysis is made. Commissioner Russell agreed, saying
that decisions on parks in Seacliff should be made in the context
of the overall City Parks Plan.
Mrs. Florian summarized the direction being given to staff:
1. The formulation of an overall parks plan for Seacliff is desirable
but should not halt current decision making on development or
parks in the area.
2. The Commissions support the concept of the linear park and
should assist the County in its planning especially by determining
the ultimate alignment of 38th Street.
3. A rigid distinction between the regional linear park and
neighborhood parks is unnecessary and undesirable. A linear
park can assist in 'illing neighborhood park needs but it
should not totally rL-place the idea of individual neighborhood
4. There is not yet agreement as to the disposition of park dedi-
cations generated by Huntington Beach Company development. The
Planning Commission generally feels that the dedication should
be used within the Seacliff area to serve those residents
directly. However, the Planning Commission concurs with the
Recreation and Parks Commission that any decision be made keeping
the overall City Parks Plan in mind. The Recreation and Parks
Commission is generally supportive of the existing parks plan
in regard to Main/17th and Palm/Goldenwest.
The Recreation and Parks Commission adjourned.
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Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission & Rec & Parks Commission
Tuesday, September 12, 1978
Page 3
The Commission recessed for 15 minutes.
The Commission reconvened.
Commissioner Paone suggested that a subcommittee be formed to work
directly with the Huntington Beach Company on future planning
of the whole Seacliff area including 38th Street alignment, park
and school needs, and ultimate density.
Commissioner Bazil suggested that park sites be secured on the basis
of the imminence of development. He felt this made the Main/17th
site more critical than the linear park.
Chairman Finley stated that due to Proposition 13, the whole concept
of neighborhood parks and schools should be reanalyzed.
Commissioner Russell felt it was critical that the school sites be
determined prior to commitment on park sites. He also recommended
that Council liaison be a member of the subcommittee.
Chairman Finley appointed Commissioners Paone, Bazil, and Stern
to the subcommittee with Commissioner Russell as alternate.
Councilman Mandic agreed from the audience to participate.
Associate Planner Bryan Austin reviewed possible alingment alter-
natives for 38th Street. Commissioner Bazil, Stern, and Higgins
suggested that Seacliff IV be required to provide full dedication
of 38th Street as a condition of approval. The Commission also
suggested that a Plan of Street Alignments for 38th
Street to Garfield be approved soon and that a plan for 38th
Street be approved by Resolution north of Garfield. The Commission
felt the street should be above the bluff, not below.
City Engineer Mike Z3mbcry reviewed drainage concepts in the
Seacliff area. He state] that the current proposal takes care of
existing development I)lans but future development will necessitate
addition of more retention basins.
Commissioner Stern asked if a storm drain system in 38th Street would
be another option. Mr. Zambory agreed but stated that it would be
very expensive and require a pump station which the City really
doesn't want.
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Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission & Rec & Parks Commission
Tuesday, September 12, 1978
Page 4
Mr. Austin summarized the areas of concern contained in the upcoming
General Plan Amendment.
Acting Planning Director Palin requested Planning Commission approval
to initiate revocation of Precise Plan of Street Alignment 70-4,
Atlanta -Lake Street. Commissioner Stern opposed the action but
the Commission approved the request.
Mr. Palin announced details of the upcoming bus tour with the City
Chairman Finley requested information on septic tank requirements.
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. to September 16, 1978 at 8:30 A.M.,
City Hall Parking Lot for bus tour.
'JcIrMes W. Palin
Acting Secretary
Ru h Finley
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