HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-11-07Approved Nov. 21, 1978 MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers - Civic Center Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1978 - 7:00 PM COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil Paone COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. CONSENT CALENDAR: ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY HIGGINS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 26, 1978 2. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 17, 1978, AS AMENDED. 3. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 77-14 - Request for Extension of Time. 4. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 78-14/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 78-76 Request for withdrawal. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley ABSTAIN: None CONFORMANCE WITH GENERAL PLAN 78-21 - Find in conformance with the General Plan the sale of a parcel of County surplus land abutting Warner Avenue. Commissioner Stern, after requesting that the above item be pulled from the consent agenda for individual discussion, suggested that the property should be reevaluated by the Planning Commission for possible rezoning from its present high density to R2 at some future date. He also discussed the geologically hazardous location and the City's policy of limiting access to major arterials. After review, the Com- mission directed staff to communicate with the County of Orange request- ing that any future buyer of this property be apprised of the above constraints on the site - i.e., the dedication of access rights to Warner Avenue, the geologic hazard, and the possibility of some future downzoning. Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission November 7, 1978 Page 2 ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY COHEN CONFORMANCE WITH GENERAL PLAN NO. 78-21 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley ABSTAIN: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-18 Applicant: Frank H. Ayres & Son Construction A request for change of zone from R2-PD and Oldtown Specific Plan (District Two) to R2 at the northwest corner of Atlanta Avenue and Delaware Street. AND: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10248/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 78-3 Applicant: Frank H. Ayres & Son Construction To permit revisions to a previously approved planned residential dev- elopment located at the northwest corner of Atlanta Avenue and Beach I Boulevard. IN CONJUNCTION WITH: CODE AMENDMENT NO. 78-09 Initiated by the Planning Department To revise the legal description for the Oldtown Specific Plan, Dis- trict Two. The public hearing was opened. Ren Newcomb addressed the Commission to explain that the changes requested had been made necessary by re- quirements imposed by the Coastal Commission upon its approval of the project. There being no other persons to speak in regard to this appli- cation, the public hearing was closed. Acting Secretary Palin reported to the Commission that the staff had felt that by locating the required low cost housing in that portion of the approved project on the west side of Delaware Street a better pro- ject had been obtained than would have resulted from attempting to integrate the low cost units throughout the total complex. Commissioner Paone found no problem with the zone change or the amended applications, but objected to the procedure which the City seems obligated to follow and which results in the Coastal Commission in effect determining zoning and housing policy for the city. -2- 11-7-78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission November 7, 1978 Page 3 ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY FINLEY ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-18 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the subject properties as Medium Density Residential. Therefore, the pro- posed R2 zoning is consistent with the City's General Plan. 2. The resulting residential uses will be compatible with surround- ing land uses. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY STERN TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10248 WAS APPROVED AS AMENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The tentative map received and dated November 2, 1978, shall be the approved 13. If Zone Change layout. No. 78-18 is not adopted, the proposed modification shall become null and void and the previous approval by the Planning Commission on the Tentative Map and the Conditional Use Permit shall prevail. 14. All previously imposed findings and conditions of approval shall continue to apply. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY RUSSELL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 78-3 WAS APPROVED AS AMENDED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The site plan received and dated July 14, 1978, shall be the approved layout, showing the deletion of that portion of the site plan west of Delaware Street. 21. If Zone Change No. 78-18 is not adopted, the proposed modifica- tion shall become null and void and the previous approval by the Planning Commission on the Tentative Map and the Conditional Use Permit shall prevail. -3- 11-7-78 PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Page 4 22. All other conditions of approval and findings previously made on original approval of the request shall continue to apply. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None CODE AMENDMENT NO. 78-09 Initiated by the Planning Department ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY RUSSELL CODE AMENDMENT NO. 78-09 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 78-51 (APPEAL TO DENIAL) Applicant: Charles W. Poss and James D. Foss To permit reduction of the required six (6) percent landscaping to approximately one and one-half (1-1/2) percent. AND: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 78-74 (APPEAL TO DENIAL) Applicant: Charles W. Poss and James D. Foss To permit establishment of a contractor's equipment yard located on the east side of Gothard Street approximately 800 feet north of Talbert Avenue in an M1-CD District. The continued public hearing was reopened. Pat Spencer reported that the new site plan now reflects the concerns the Commission had at its prior review of this appeal. Commissioner Stern directed that the record shall show that all testimony taken and discussion heard at the Planning Commission meeting of October 17, 1978, is hereby included by reference as part of the minute record of the present hearing. James Foss, applicant, addressed the Commission to protest the suggested conditions of approval, namely: 1) the 15 foot setback; 2) the forty foot recess for the wall, which he felt was unreasonable and accom- plished no purpose; 3) the landscaping islands which in his opinion were inconsistent with requirements imposed on other projects; 4) the screening, which he said would result in unsafe traffic conditions onsite; 5) the return of the wall at the future intersection with Metzler Lane; and 6) the asphalt/cement drive finish which he felt to be unnecessary. Mr. Foss also objected to the dedication and bonding for Metzler and was informed by staff that this particular item was a code requirement. -4- 11-7-78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Page 5 Herb Chatterton, 5602 Ludlow Lane, H.B., addressed the Commission, citing the improper procedures followed by the applicant in his original establishment of the subject use; Mr. Chatterton supported the restrictions suggested in the staff report as reasonable and valid, considering the location of the project in a visually sensi- tive area. There being no other persons to speak for or against the proposed project, the public hearing was closed. During Commission discussion, Commissioner Bazil emphasized the im- portance of also requiring an adequate automatic sprinklering system for the landscaping. In response to his query regarding review of the landscaping plans for compliance, Savoy Bellavia reported that the Design Review Board will review both exterior and interior land- scaping and the wall. Mike Zambory informed the Commission that there is a possibility of a future assessment district being formed for the extension of Metzler Lane, and a discussion took place regarding the timing and enforcement procedures for bringing the project up to code. ON MOTION BY FINLEY AND SECOND BY COHEN CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 78-51 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The nature of the use and size of the subject parcel constitute exceptional circumstances on the property; for example, distribu- tion of landscaping in the amount of proportion to the code requirements would serve no useful purpose in furthering the intent of the Ordinance Code to provide a pleasant street scene. Further- more, the imposition of landscaping in excess of code requirements along the existing and proposed streets for the property complies with the intent of the code provisions. 2. The requirements for six percent landscaping upon the subject site constitute an exceptional hardship for the applicant for the aforementioned reasons. Approval of the exception request is nec- essary for the preservation of property rights in this instance, as the institution of landscaping along the street -side property lines as depicted on the submitted plan is comparable to or exceeds the amount of landscaping mormally required for small parcels in like zones. 3. Granting of the conditional exception will not be materially detri- mental to the public health, safety, and welfare because of the landscaping treatment proposed within the public view. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The revised plan reviewed and dated November 7 1978 shall be the approved layout, subject to all of the following conditions: -5- 11-7-78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Page �6 1. The landscaped area along the Gothard Street frontage shall be at a width of fifteen (15) feet with a six (6) foot high decorative masonry wall at 15 foot setback, recessed a minimum of forty (40) feet at the proposed driveway. 2. A landscaped island or grouping to be placed at some reasonable distance in the facility directly in back of the proposed driveway opening at a width and length to sufficiently screen as much of the onsite activity from public view as possible. 3. A minimum of a ten (10) foot landscape area shall be provided along the future Metzler Lane frontage at such time that Metzler Lane is physically improved to City standards. 4. The proposed six (6) foot high block wall along the Gothard frontage shall be extended around the future return at its intersection with Metzler Lane and the curved area within the return shall be fully landscaped at the time of construction of the block wall. 5. All landscaped areas shall be provided with an automatic sprinkler system and plans for such irrigation and landscaping shall be submitted to the City Planning Department for review and approval. 6. The proposed driveway from the Gothard Street property line into the facility shall be paved with asphalt concrete for a minimum width of thirty-five (35) feet and to a depth of 100 feet (or to the proposed onsite landscaped island). 7. A revised plan reflecting all of the above conditions shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review. 8. The sewer, water, and fire hydrant systems shall be designed to City standards. 9. The sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach sewage system. 10. The water system shall be through the City of Huntington Beach water system. 11. The property shall be subject to local drainage assessment district requirements and fees. 12. All applicable ordinances and codes shall be complied with. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen,Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Paone -6- 11-7-78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Page 7 ON MOTION BY FINLEY AND SECOND BY RUSSELL ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 78-74 WAS APPROVED SUBJECT TO ALL CONDITIONS IMPOSED UPON CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION 78-51, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Paone SEACLIFF PHASE IV Applicant: A. J. Hall Corporation ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-4 - A change of zone from ROS-0 to R2-PD-O. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 77-23 - To permit 533 single-family and townhouse residential units. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 78-37 - A four -lot division of land. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10067 - To provide 190 lots; one lettered lot. (B). TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10068 - To provide one lot.(Product C.) TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10069 - To provide 147 lots, one lettered lot. (Product A.) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 77-6. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 1237 - To initiate alignment of 38th Street. Commissioner Higgins informed the Commission that he would abstain from discussion or action on the above items, due to a potential for conflict of interest, and left the dais. Monica Florian made a brief presentation of the project, outlining eight critical issues for the Commission's information as follows: 1) impact on the Local Coastal Program; 2) drainage and future mainten- ance of that drainage system; 3) sewering of the project; 4) exterior circulation; 5) interior circulation, including the desire of the Fire Department that the final Real Estate Report for the project reflect its concerns in regard to their response time and parking in the pro- ject; 6) park requirements, both neighborhood and the proposed linear park; 7) scenic highway consideration; and 8) intensified street landscaping. Other items discussed by Ms. Florian were the location of the high density Product C in relation to its surroundings and the special permit requests submitted by the applicant for the complex. Minor corrections to the suggested conditions of approval contained'in the staff report were outlined. A. J. Hall addressed the Commission in support of the proposals. Rod Freeman, architect for Product C, addressed the Commission to pre- sent justification for the reduced parking in that area, noting that -7- 11-7-78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Page 8 it had been their intent to include the perimeter street, which is inaccessible from both Products A and B, as part of the parking tabu- lation for C. Ms. Florian reported that this reduction of 53 spaces below minimum requirements in Product C is the only special permit request which the staff feels it cannot endorse. In response to a question from Commissioner Finley, Dave Walden ex- plained the new drainage construction proposed to take place at the base of the bluff. He noted that, while the runoff from the project will follow its present natural course into the Bolsa Chica, no increase in runoff will occur. The public hearing was opened. Herb Chatterton addressed the Commission to point out contradictions on both volume and quality of runoff between the proponents presenta- tion and the EIR for the project. He cited an Orange County Environ- mental Management Agency study on the Anaheim Bay drainage area (dated August, 1977) to support his contention that a 25-year storm would result in one ton per hour of leads and other poisonous metal compounds being dumped into the Bolsa Chica from the Seacliff IV product areas. He stated that the storm runoff should be directed toward the ocean and also that the project should be found prejudicial to the Local Coastal Program. Steve Schumacher, 6921 Lawn Haven Drive, addressed the Commission in general opposition to the project. He spoke in regard to the existing conditions in the area, specifically traffic congestion and the absence of small parks for the present Seacliff development, and asked that the City solve those problems before adding to them by another develop- ment. Margaret Carlberg, representing the Environmental Council, addressed the Commission. She stressed maintenance of the drainage systems; the aesthetic impact of Product C on the bluff line; the methods of handling known archaeological sites in the general area; safe construc- tion on the bluff top; and compliance with the mitigating measures put forward in the environmental review. She also expressed the Envir- onmental Council's support of the suggestion from Fish and Game that testing for water quality be required, to begin prior to any grading on top of the bluff. Marc Porter, president of the Home Council, addressed the Commission. He stated that the project should not be constructed with only one main access off Palm Avenue; -that the proposed linear park should not be considered to satisfy the park requirements for the project; that no building permits should be issued until construction on Reach 3 of the trunk sewer has begun; and that a finding of consistency with the Local Coastal Program would preclude this project from participating in the low-cost housing objectives of the Coastal Act. He also urged that the Commission consider the economic impact this project would have in provision of City services. -8- 11-7-78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Page 9 Rhoda Martin, of Amigos de Bolsa Chica, expressed the opinion that the proposals would have adverse effects on the lowlands and would preclude many options for the linear park. She also urged the Com- mission to make a finding that the project would be prejudicial to the Local Coastal Program. Jeff Fillbach, also of Amigos de Bolsa Chica, addressed the Commission to emphasize the importance of designing 38th Street without the necessity of having to design around an already approved project. He also agreed with the previous comments on the effect the project would have on the development of the Local Coastal Program. The public hearing was left open while Commission discussion took place. The Commission discussed the problems brought up at this meeting. Extensive discussion took place on whether or not the Commission had the authority to make a finding that any project in the coastal zone would be prejudicial to the Local Coastal Program, and the Commission directed staff to request a written opinion from the office of the City Attorney on the matter. Rhoda Martin again briefly addressed the Commission, and the public hearing was closed. The Commission discussed alternative methods of handling the requests, and A. J. Hall concurred to a continuance. ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY RUSSELL ALL THE ITEMS ENCOMPASSED UNDER SEACLIFF PHASE IV WERE CONTINUED TO AN ADJOURNED MEETING ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, AT 7:00 PM, WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE APPLI- CANT, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Russell, Stern, Finley, Bazil, Paone NOES: Cohen ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Higgins A MOTION WAS MADE BY COHEN AND SECONDED BY STERN THAT THE COMMISSION REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON THIS 114-ACRE SITE WITHIN THE COASTAL ZONE. MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: AYES: Cohen NOES: Russell, Stern, Finley, Bazil, Paone ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Higgins ON MOTION BY PAONE AND SECOND BY BAZIL THE COMMISSION DETERMINED TO REQUEST THAT THE CITY COUNCIL EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITY OF OBTAINING PERMITTING AUTHORITY WITHIN THE COASTAL ZONE FOR THE CITY OF HUNTING - TON BEACH AND DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTATION, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None -9- 11-7-78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Page 10 SPECIAL SIGN PERMIT NO. 78-7 Applicant: Union Sign Company, Inc. To permit modification to an existing non -conforming sign by adding a 2 by 10 foot additional sign. The public hearing was opened. Bob Lassiter addressed the Commission, stating that the additional sign area was necessary because the grade differential between the street and the sign location made a conforming sign impossible to see. There being no other persons to speak in regard to the project, the public hearing was closed. The request was reviewed by the Commission. ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY FINLEY SPECIAL SIGN PERMIT NO. 78-7 WAS APPROVED, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: Stern ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-22 Initiated by the Planning Department To change a 13.64 parcel at the northeast corner of Atlanta Avenue and Beach Boulevard from C4 to R2. Savoy Bellavia explained that the zone change is proposed to bring the zoning into conformance with the General Plan. The public hearing was opened. B. G. Williams addressed the Commission, speaking in favor of the proposal. There being no.other persons present to discuss the matter, the public hearing was closed. Commission review included discussion of the possibility of adding the PD designation to the zoning, and Mr. Williams committed to constructing a planned development on the property in any case. ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY FINLEY ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-22 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDING, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDING: 1. The proposed R2 zoning is consistent with the City's General Plan. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None -10- 11-7-78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Page 13 TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 9580/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 76-26 - REVISED Applicant: W & B Builders, Inc. To permit revisions to a previously approved 370 unit condominium project located on the southwest corner of Atlanta and Beach Boulevard. Frank Thompson was present at the meeting and outlined the action by the Coastal Commission which has required the change to his plan. He noted that the low- and moderate -income rental units will all be loc- ated on Lot 10 of the tract. Commissioner Paone asked that the permit be amended to require compli- ance with the landscape corridor concept on Beach in order to obtain consistency and continuity with what has been required on other tracts in the area. Mr. Thompson was in agreement with that approach as long as the required landscaping could be located between the curb face and the proposed wall on his property. ON MOTION BY PAONE AND SECOND BY HIGGINS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 76-26 WAS APPROVED AS AMENDED UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The site plan, floor plans, elevations, and landscaping plans dated April 12, 1977, shall be the approved layout except for the 75 units on Lots 9 and 10, which shall be constructed in compliance with those plans received and dated November 2, 1978. 2. Landscaping plans consistent with the landscape corridor concept on Beach Boulevard shall be submitted to the Planning Department staff for review and approval for compliance. 3. All previously imposed conditions of approval shall continue to apply. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 1238 Initiated by Planning Department To initiate a zone change to eliminate the "0" suffix on lots at Pacific Coast Highway and llth Street. Savoy Bellavia informed the Commission that the owner of the property has received adequate notification and that production on the well on the property has ceased. Commission review ensued. -13- 11-7-78 - PC Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Page 14 ON MOTIN BY FINLEY AND SECOND BY BAZIL RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 1238 WAS ADOPTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None PLANNING DEPARTMENT ITEMS: ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-14 (Referral from City Council) Applicant: Foxx Development Corporation Secretary Palin reported that when this item had come before the City Council the applicant had requested relief from certain conditions of approval previously imposed by the Planning Commission; namely, conditions requiring dedication of vehicular access on 17th Street and the need for filing a Conditional Use Permit on the property. The Council then referred the matter back to the Commission for a report. After hearing the applicant, Jim Foxx, present his reasons for the request and discussing the project extensively, the Commission con- cluded that there was no reason to rescind the action on dedication; however, in the interest of processing time, they did concur that a Use Permit application to the Board of Zoning Adjustments would ex- pedite processing and serve the same plan review purpose. ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY FINLEY THE COMMISSION RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-14 TO THE CITY COUNCIL WITH THE FOL- LOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The zone change shall carry the "Q" designation. 2. Vehicular access shall be dedicated on 17th Street. 3. A Use,Permit shall be filed with the Planning Department. AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Secretary Palin reported on the City Council meeting of November 6. 1 -14- 11-7-78 - PC 1 Minutes: H.B. Planning Commission Tuesday, November 7, 1978 Page 15 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Bazil noted that it had been his understanding at the Subdivision Committee meeting on Seacliff IV that the precise plan for 38th Street would be modified by Committee direction to extend from Pacific Coast Highway to Garfield Avenue. He urged that this action be taken so that the precise plan would be on the books before any further development is proposed southerly of Seacliff IV. The Commission discussed and concurred, and the staff was directed to amend the plan accordingly. Commissioner Russell made a motion seconded by Bob Bazil to recon- sider Zone Change 78-16, a request for change of zone from C2 to R3 on property south of Taylor Avenue, which had previously been denied by the Commission and is on appeal to the City Council. Mr. Russell stated that the applicant is now pursuing the possibility of asking for an R2-PD zoning and has a tentative development plan for all the property with which the Commission had prior concerns. After dis- cussion on the proper procedure to .follow, both the maker of the motion and the second withdrew the motion. ON MOTION BY RUSSELL AND SECOND BY BAZIL THE COMMISSION DIRECTED STAFF TO PURSUE INITIATION OF A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R3 AND C4 TO "Q" R2-PD FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTIES, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil NOES: None ABSENT: Paone ABSTAIN: None Commissioner Finely presented a letter of inquiry in regard to pro- vision of handicapped facilities in the Old World Shopping Center. The letter was submitted to staff for follow up action. Mrs. Finley also requested that special resolutions of appreciation be prepared for Monica Florian and Dave Eadie. Acting Secretary Palin informed the Commission that a study session will be held on November 16. ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY STERN THE COMMISSION ADJOURNED TO A SPECIAL MEETING ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1978, AT 7:00 PM, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Finley, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None MEETING ADJOURNED AT 12:45 PM. James W. alin Ruth Finley �L Acting Secretary Chairman