HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-12Approved Jan. 3, 1979 MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION ADJOURNED MEETING Council Chambers - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1978 - 7:00 PM COMP-4ISSIONERS PRESENT: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Cohen, Bazil, Papne COMP'IISSIONERS ABSENT: Finley NOTE: A TAPE RECORDING OF THIS MEETING IS ON FILE IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT OFFICE. CONSENT CALENDAR: ON MOTION BY BAZIL AND SECOND BY RUSSELL THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 28, 1978, WERE APPROVED AS AMENDED, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Russell, Stern, Bazil, Paone NOES: None ABSENT: Finley ABSTAIN: Cohen ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None SCHEDULED ITEMS: ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-4 Applicant: A. J. Hall Corporation To permit a change of zone from ROS-0 to R2-PD-O and a change of zone from R2-PD-O and R2-0 to ROS-0 on approximately 1.488 and 1.669 acres, respectively, located west of Goldenwest Street north of Palm Avenue. AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 78-37 Applicant: A.J. Hall Corporation To permit the division of 300 acres of land into four (4) separate parcels located west of Goldenwest Street north of Palm Avenue. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission December 12, 1978 Page 2 AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 77-23 Applicant: A. J. Hall Corporation To permit construction of 533 single-family and townhouse residen- tial units on 114 acres of land located west of Goldenwest Street north of Palm Avenue. AND TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10067 Applicant: A. J. Hall Corporation To permit 190 lots (one lettered lot) - Product B, located west of Goldenwest Street north of Palm Avenue. AND TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10068 Applicant: A. J. Hall Corporation To permit a one -lot subdivision (Product C) located west of Golden - west Street north of Palm Avenue. AND TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 10069 Applicant: A. J. Hall Corporation To permit a 147 lot subdivision, one lettered lot (Product A) located west of Goldenwest Street north of Palm Avenue. Commissioner Higgins again informed the Commission that he will abstain from the Commission's consideration of these requests. Acting Secretary Palin discussed the revised fiscal impact analysis submitted by Mr. Arguello, Finance Director, and the information from the Local Coastal Program staff in regard to the project. Commissioner Cohen presented his analysis of the figures submitted and said his extensive review indicates that the City will probably suffer a net loss on the total project. Commissioner Bazil agreed, but found no basis for denial, noting that the City will be fortunate if housing can be provided at even close to a break even point. Commissioner Stern discussed the effect of the project on the'Local Coastal Program's coastal energy impact studies, questioning whether removal of such a large area from consideration might not result in loss of funding for the study. He also reviewed the possibility that the site might be chosen for a future landfall for offshore oil operations. Acting as Chairman Pro Tempore, Mr. Stern requested public input on the fiscal analysis. -2- 12-12-78 - PC Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission December 12, 1978 Page 3 Bruce Greer addressed the Commission to question the validity of the 1976 study on which the fiscal figures were based. He discussed - the costs of improvements to feeder streets which may be necessitated by the extension of 38th Street and the cost of signalization of the intersectinens of 38th with Garfield and Pacific Coast Highway. The public -.hearing on Zone Change'78-4 was reopened. No one was present to speak in regard to the zoning, and the public hearinq was left open during Commission discussion. Acting Secretary Palin pointed out the areas on the map which are pro- posed to be involved in the change of zone from ROS to R2-PD-O and vice versa. He informed the Commission that the applicant has deleted two units and shortened the cul-de-sac as he had agreed to do at the prior meeting, but that any necessary alterations to the golf course have not been delineated on the plan. Commissioner Stern pointed out that the major area to be rezoned to ROS was in reality one of the drainage basins for the project, which was not really usable open space, and the result would be that the zone change would in effect be merely,a transition to R2-PD-0 at the expense of the ROS zoning and the golf course. Commissioner Paone concurred that the proposal did constitute an encroachment on the -golf course without a corresponding meaningful trade off for usable open -*- space; however, it was -his -opinion that the deletion of the two units could constitute a trade off for approximately 1.5 acres of the originally requested 2.8 acres, reducing the zone change to approxi- mately 1.5 acres. He suggested that a trade off be made for this acreage by dedication by the developer of a corresponding amount of future park land. Dave Walden, project engineer, informed the Commission that some relo- cation work will be necessary around the area of the drainage basin, but that-no'tees or greens will have to be moved. The drainage area will still .be -a part of the -golf course, and is in fact desirable ,in the play of the green at that location. He also noted that it would- be -underwater for only very short periods of time during and after rains,.. The public hearing was closed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PAONE AND SECONDED BY COHEN THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSZON,.RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-4 INSOFAR AS IT REnUIRES-.A,BOUNDARY -CHANGE ADJUSTING 1.48 ACRES OF ROS-0 ZONING TO-_. R2-PD-O.ZQNING BUT IN NO OTHER RESPECTS, AND UPON THE CONDITION THAT DEDICATION.OF 1.488 ACRES OF ADDITIONAL PARK LAND BE MADE IN AN AREA TO BE DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSION. Legal counsel -John Q'Connor reviewed the restrictions the code places on.the City'.s ability to require park dedication. Commissioner Bazil-said he would rather approve the zone case as submitted with the deletion of Parcel 4 from consideration. Commissioner Paone noted•- that:approval of a zone change is purely discretionary -in nature and could be conditioned to effect what could be termed a transfer of development rights. -3- 12-12-78 - PC Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission December 12, 1978 Page 4 John Stern requested that th- maker of the motion concur to adding a recommendation to the City Council that the zone chanqe may be rejudicial to preparation of the Local Coastal Program; maker of he motion did not so concur. MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Cohen, Paone NOES: Russell, Stern, Bazil ABSENT: Finley ABSTAIN: Higgins A MOTION WAS MADE BY BAZIL TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-4 AS SUBMITTED EXCEPT FOR THE DELETION OF PARCEL 4. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF SECOND. A MOTION WAS MADE BY PAONE AND SECONDED BY RUSSELL THAT ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-4 BE RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL AS SUBMITTED. MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Paone, Russell, Bazil NOES: Stern, Cohen ABSENT: Finley ABSTAIN: Higgins Commissioner Bazil requested that the record show his preference for the approval of the zoning with the deletion of Parcel 4 is for the reason that such approval will assure that the gross acreage of the golf course will remain the same under that treatment. Alternative approaches were discussed. ON MOTION BY PAONE AND SECOND BY BAZIL ZONE CHANGE NO. 78-4 WAS RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL SUBJECT TO ONE OF THE TWO FOLLOWING COURSES OF ACTION, WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1) APPROVE ZONE CHANGE NO. 78--4 INSOFAR AS IT REQUESTS BOUNDARY CHANGES OF 1.488 ACRES OF ROS ZONING TO R2-PD-0 ZO?ZING AND IN NO OTHER RESPECTS, WITH T1IE CONDITION THAT A CORRESPONDING 1.488 ACRES OF LAND BE DEDICATED BY THE HUNTINGTON BEACH COMPANY AND ALLOCATED TO PARK ACREAGE IN AN AREA TO BE LATER DETERMINED; OR 2) APPROVE ZONE.CHANGE NO. 78-4 AS REQUESTED, WITH THE CONDITION THAT PARCEL 4 (A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM ROS TO R2-PD-O ON 0.362 ACRES OF LAND) BE DELETED FROM THE REQUEST. FINDINGS: 1. The planned residential development zoning exchange for ROS zoning in some areas and the corresponding exchange from ROS to R2-PD-0 in other areas is consistent with the City's General Plan. 2. The proposed uses permitted by the R2-PD-O zoning will be compat- ible with surrounding land uses. -4- 12-12-78 - PC Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission December 12, 1978 Page 5 AYES: Russell, Cohen, Bazil, Paone NOES: Stern ABSENT:, Finley ABSTAIN: Higgins The Commission polled its members for individual preference between the two alternative courses of action on the zone change and the reasons for that preference, as follows: Commissioner Paone: Alter- nate 1. The open space allocated as a drainage basin is not really usable open space, and this alternative will allow the acquisition of additional park land. Commissioner Bazil: Alternative 2. Park dedi- cation requirements are provided for in the ordinance code, and this alternative will allow present acreage to be retained in the golf course. Commissioner Cohen: Alternative 1. This alternative would allow additional park dedication to be obtained, perhaps in the area of the linear park. Commissioner Russell: Alternative'2. Commissioner Russell wished the record to clearly state that his vote to approve the zone change was a compromise to permit the request to go to the City Council. Commissioner Stern: The majority of the ROS area as submitted by the applicant is clearly unusable open space, and approval of the zone change under the Coastal Act would be detrimental and prejudicial to the preparation of the Local Coastal Planning effort. The Commission discussed the treatment of arterials on the tentative parcel map and the method of making sure that the future 38th Street is -.dedicated and improved to Commission requirements. The public hearing on Tentative Parcel Map No. 78-37 was opened. Jeff Fellbach, Amigos,de,Bolsa Chica, addressed the Board to read -a communication from that organization urging denial of the Seacliff IV projects. Reasons cited for this stand were the drainage into the Bolsa Chica, the.need for the alignment of 38th Street to be set prior to�approval of the project, the unsuitability of Product C to its location nearest the bluff-, and the adverse impact which the Amigos de Bol.sa.Chica feels would result to the Local Coastal Plan should the projects, be., approved. There:bei.ng no. -.other persons to address the Commission, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Stern made a motion; seconded by Commissioner Cohen, that Tentative Parcel Map No. 78-37 be denied for failure to comply with the Circulation Element of the General Plan in street designa- tion, for failure to address the possibility of the site being used as landfall for oil operations on the outer continental shelf, and for its prejudicial and detrimental effect on the Local Coastal Plan. Discussion followed. Commissioner Cohen suggested that consideration of anv further applications for Seacliff IV be postponed until after the Local Coastal Plan has been presented to the City. Counsel - O'Connor informed the Commission that denial or continuance of a pro-- ject based on a possible future use would be speculative in nature and would raise serious legal problems. -5- 12-12-78 - PC Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission December 12, 1978 Page 6 Commissioner Bazil presented figures .for vehicle miles traveled and gasoline consumption saved when 38th Street is constructed, noting that it should result in a savings of 90,000 gallons of gasoline and $75,000 per year to the residents of Seacliff IV in the future. After extensive review of the procedure and conditioning of the tenta- tive parcel map application, Commissioner Stern withdrew his motion for denial. ON MOTION BY PAONE AND SECOND BY RUSSELL TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 78-37 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed tentative parcel map is consistent with the City's General Plan, subject to final adoption of Zone Change 78-4. . 2. The proposed parcel map is in compliance with standard plans and specifications on file with the City as well as in compliance with the State Map Act and supplementary City Subdivision Ordinance. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The tentative parcel map received by the Planning Department on October 5, 1978,, shall be the approved layout, subject to conditio of approval and adjustment to reflect boundary line changes result- ing from the final adoption of Zone Change No. 78•-4. 2. A parcel map shall ►)e filed with and approved by the Department of Public Works and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. 3.' Copies of the recorded parcel map shall be filed with the Planning Department and with the Department of Public Works. 4. Water supply and sewage disposal shall be through the City. of Huntington Beach at the time of development. 5. The boundaries of Parcels 1 and 3 shall be extended to include the full rights -of -way of 38th Street and Palm Avenue. The boundary of Parcel 2 shall be extended to include to total right-of-way of Palm Avenue. .1 - 6. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 78-37 shall be null and void if Zone Change 78-4 does not become effective. 7. The City will precise plan 38th Street within a period of one year. Said precise plan shall terminate at Pacific Coast Highway on the south and Garfield Avenue and Edwards Street on the north. Dedication of 38th Street to its full ultimate precise -planned width shall be made by the developer from Pacific Coast Highway to Garfield Avenue. Full street improvements shall be installed within the blue border of the subject map, and improvement of at -6- 12-12-78 - PC