HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-12-18MINUTES Room B-8, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, December 18, 1978 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor Pattinson called the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 6:30 P. M. to meet with the Redevelopment Commission. ROLL CALL - CITY COUNCIL Present: Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, (6:40), Pattinson, Thomas, Siebert Absent: Shenkman ROLL CALL - REDEVELOPMENT C0MMISSION Present: Andreassen, Milkovitch, Garofalo, Harman Absent: Jean JOINT MEETING - DISCUSSION Informal discussion was held between the Council and Redevelopment Commissioners. Dave Garofalo presented overall introductory remarks, including a request for direction in regard to the Senior Center Housing at the old Civic Center site. Acting Planning Director Palin commented on the current status of the Redevelopment Projects, including downtown and Warner/Goldenwest areas. The Council and the Redevelopment Commissioners discussed many related problems and possibilities, such as: Senior Center Housing location; definition of "Redevel- opment Agency"; pier improvements; Maxwells; stricter codes; low-key development; private enterprise development; new or restructured downtown; the pertinence of the time element; "beach" City's valuable asset; downtown joint effort for revitaliza- tion; planning data; traffic patterns; economic base; and need for a working plan. IN CONCLUSION Councilman Siebert felt the downtown development project needed a catalyst, data for planning and a study of traffic pattern,and a change of economic base. Councilwoman Bailey cited the "Terry Law Suit" holdup; felt a decision must be made regarding private enterprise; stated loan monies being available; must cater to tourists; have more activities; and finally, a blend with private developers. Councilman Thomas felt the City should stay with the General Plan, be consistent in zoning and place the Senior Center in the Five Point area or north of that area. Page #2 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 Councilman Mandic suggested upgrading with Housing and Community Development Funds, selling ity owntown property when feasible and investing in the downtown re- vitalization. Councilman MacAllister saw the need for restaurants; cited parking problems; need for retaining downtown property for parking; and support for the expansion of Maxwell's Restaurant. Mayor Pattinson agreed with Siebert on the need for a catalyst; importance of code enforcement; the need for time to plan and move and go after loans; the need for Commission input for plans; filling of vacancies by Council; hiring of a Redevelop- ment Coordinator; and the preparation of a statement of intent. GAROFALO RESIGNATION David Garofalo submitted his resignation from the Redevelopment Commission. The resignation was accepted with regret. Council requested a report from Admin- istration on possible replacements. Councilman MacAllister requested Dave Garofalo to stay until the vacancy was filled. ADJOURNMENT Their being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Clerk of the City of Huntington Beach, California Ron Pattinson Mayor MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, December 18, 1978 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor Pattinson called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M. HUNTINGTON BEACH CONCERT BAND The Huntington Beach Concert Band made a short presentation of Christmas music at this time. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman MacAllister. ROLL CALL Present: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson Absent: Shenkman ' RESIGNATION OF COUNCILMAN SHENKMAN A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Mandic, to accept the resignation of Councilman Shenkman. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: Shenkman The City Clerk declared the seat of City Councilman Shenkman vacated. Council- woman Bailey inquired whether Council could discuss the procedure of electing a new City Councilperson, to which Mayor Pattinson responded that it would be dis- cussed under "New Business". CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEMS APPROVED On motion by Bailey, second Mandic, Council approved the following items, as recommended. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES• None ABSENT: None MINUTES APPROVED Approved minutes of the regular meeting of November b, 1978 and adjourned regular meeting of November 27, 1978 and minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of December 4, 1978, as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. PARCEL MAP 78-7 - BOLSA BUSINESS PARK - Approved Final Parcel Map 78-7 and accepted the offer of dedication pursuant to findings set forth by the Board of Zoning 195 Page #2 - Council Minutes -- 12/18/78 Adjustments on November 29, 1978, on property located south east of Bolsa Ave- nue and Bolsa Chica Street, and instructed the City Clerk to execute same and release for processing by 7 e County./ 1' SOUTHERN CALIFOR141A EDISON COMPANY EASEMENT - MARINA_ PARK - Approved the grant- ing of an easement to Southern California Edison Company for electrical service facilities within Marina Park and aut�prized execution by the Mayor and the City Clerk. ,/ ,/ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON EASEMENT - WATER WELL #8 - Approved the granting of an easement to Southern California Edison Company for the installation of an electrical service to Water Well #8 located east of Goldenwest Street within Murdy Park, and authorized execution by the Mayor and the City Clerk. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO PRESENT LATE CLAIM AND LATE CLAIM #78-140 - FRANCIS - Refused Application for Leave to Present Late Claim and rejected Late Claim 78-140 filed by Harry C. Flynn, Attorney at Law, on behalf of Denise Francis for alleged personal and property damages incurred on or about August 10, 1978 in the vicinity of the intersection of 7th a V Acacia Streets, City. YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM, INC. - OLD CIVIIC CENTER - Approved and authorized execution of Supplemental Agreement #3 between the City and Y.S.P., which deletes a portion of their leased premises at the old Civic Center. I MADDY LOCAL APPOINTIVE LIST ACT - Approved the list of boards, commissions and committees and appointees 979 expiration dates pursuant to the Maddy Act and directed the City Clerk to post Notices of Vacancies and the list at the Hunt- ington Central Library and the Civic Center. ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL RESIGNATION - HUBBARD - Accepted, with regret, the resigna- tion of Horace Hubbard from the Environmental Council and directed the prepara- tion of an appropriate commendatiyh. I COASTLINE REGIONAL OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM AFFILIATION AGREEMENT - Approved and authorized execution of an agreement between the City and tie Coastline Regional Occupational Program allowing Coastline Community College to utilize a portion of the City"s Park Maintenance Yard for class instruction. AGREEMENT - WEST ORANGE PUBLISHING COMPANY - LEGAL AD PUBLICATIONS - Approved and authorized execution of a three-year agreement between the City and West Orange Publishing Company, dba Huntington B ch Independent for the publication of legal advertisements. CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICE LEASE - OLD CIVIC CENTER - Approved and authorized execu- tion of an amendment to the agreement between the City and Catholic Community Agencies which would reduce t eir leased office space at the Old Civic Center, 520 Pecan Street. VI LEGAL AID SOCIETY LEASE - OLD_ CIVIC CENTER - Approved and authorized execution of an amendment to the agreement between the City and the Legal Aid Society to allow them to relocate their offices to another portion of the old Civic Center at 520 Pecan Street. Page #3 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 FINAL TRACT 7 DEFERRED TO 1 2 - ALL OF TT 10512 - SHE r HUNTIN OUSE PARTNERSHIP - The City Clerk presented Final Tract 10512, being all of TT 10512, located on the north side of Main Street between Huntington and Delaware Streets. The City Administrator gave reasons why Final Tract 10512 should be deferred to the January 2, 1979 Council meeting. On motion by Siebert, second MacAllister, Council deferred acting upon Final Tract 10512 to the January 2, 1979 Counc i meetings The motion carried unanimously. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT - COUNTY OF ORANGE - VESSEL PUMP -OUT FACILITY AND PUBLIC DOCK - DEFERRED TO 2 79 The City Clerk presented an Amendment to Agreement between the City and the County of Orange extending completion time for the pump -out facility and public dock to December 31, 1978. The City Administrator requested that the Amendment to Agreement for the vessel pump -out facility and public dock be deferred to the January 2, 1979 Council meeting. IZI PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CASE 78-25 - APPROVED - ORD NO 2339 - INTRODUCED Mayor Pattinson announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Zone Case 78-25 initiated by the Planning Department. This is a request to rezone 1.38 net acres, located at the southeast corner of Warner Avenue and Leslie Lane - R1-PD (Low Density Residential Planned Development District) to Q-C4 (Quali- fied Highway Commercial District) allowing only non -medical office uses and requir- ing a fifty foot setback from the ultimate right-of-way line. The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, publication, and posting had been met and that no protests either oral or written had been received. The Acting Planning Director apprised Council of the situation with regard to Zone Case 78-25 informing them that a requirement of the ordinance had been left out. He suggested a fifty foot setback for the ultimate right-of-way and that Ordinance No. 2339 be amended to read as follows: ..."SECTION 1. The following described real property located at the southeast corner of Warner Avenue and Les- lie Lane is hereby changed from Rl-PD, "Low Density Residential Planned Development District" to (Q) C4, "Highway Commercial District" provided that future development of the subject site shall be limited to non -medical office facilities only, and requiring a fifty foot setback from the ultimate right-of-way line on Warner Ave- nue...". Mayor Pattinson opened the public hearing. Bill Waldercott addressed Council and informed them that he was available to answer questions. There being no one further to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. The Clerk was directed to give Ordinance No. 2339 a reading by title - "AN ORDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM LOW 1_97 Page #4 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TO QUALIFIED HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL. DISTRICT ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WARNER AVENUE AND LESLIE LANE (ZONE CASE NO 78-25)". A motion was made by Mandic, seconded by MacAllister, to approve Zone Case No. 78-25 and introduction of Ordinance No. 2339 as amended to add the wording "and requiring a fifty foot setback from the ultimate right-of-way line on Warner Avenue" as recommended by the Planning Department. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING - CODE AMENDMENT 78-8 - APPROVED. ORD NO 2340 - INTRODUCED Mayor Pattinson announced that.this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on Code Amendment No. 78-8 amending the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code with the following changes: (1) addition of definitions to Art. 970, (2) define "outside storage" under S. 9481.5, (3) extension of time for Use Permits under S. 9811.2.4, (4) allow minor lot line adjustments under S. 9711.3.1, (5) 18 month time period for CUP's for planned residential developments under S. 9843, (6) amend S. 9841.4 by adding Article 936 to criteria for denial by the PC of CUP's. (7) addition of Article 936 to permitted uses in the Oldtown and Townlot Specific Plans, Article 915 and Article 935, (8) revise setbacks for garages on 25' wide lots in the Town - lot and Oldtown Specific Plans, (9) revise densities for S. 9162.3, S. 9202.3, S. 9232.3 (1) revise legal description for the Townlot Specific Plan, (11) revised driveway width -for S. 9517, (12) repeal of S. 9202.3.1, S. 9232.3.1, S. 9232.3.1.1, S. 9232.3.1.2. The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for publication, notification and posting had been met and that no protests, either oral or written had been received. The Acting Planning Director informed Council of a provision for minor lot line adjustment for inclusion in the zoning ordi- nance of the City. Mayor Pattinson opened the public hearing. There being no one to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Discussion was held between Council and staff on the definition of "minor lot line adjustments". The Clerk was directed to read Ordinance No. 2340 by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING SECTIONS 9202.3.1, 9202.3.1.1, 9232.3.1, 9232.3.1.1. 9232.3.1.2; BY AMENDING VARI- OUS OTHER SECTIONS OF DIVISION 9; AND ADDING THERETO SECTIONS 9811.2.4 AND 9811.3.1, TO EFFECT NECESSARY CHANGES TO MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS OF SUCH CODE." A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Mandic, to approve Code Amendment No. 78-8 and introduction of Ordinance No. 2340. The motion carried by the follow- ing roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: Thomas ABSENT: None Page #5 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 ,x PUBLIC HEARING - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 78-3 APPROYED, RES-NO 4708 ADOPTED Mayor Pattinson announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on General Plan Amendment 78-3, a request to amend the Land Use Element from Law Density Residential to Medium Density Residential on 16.48 acres of land located south of Warner Avenue and east of Bolsa Chica Street. The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met and that no protests, either oral or written had been received. The Acting Planning Director informed Council that alternative resolutions had been prepared, should Council approve Alternative (B). Viewgraphs of the area were displayed by Bill Holman, Planning Department, who clarified the difference between Alternative (A) and (B). Considerable discussion was held on the matter between Council and staff. The Acting Planning Director gave reasons for the Planning Department's recommendations. Mayor Pattinson opened the public hearing. Barbara Baker addressed Council, informing them that she owns property on the east side of Bolsa Chica Street. She informed Council that she would prefer the area be changed to R2, rather than changed to 'C' Zone later on. Frank Mola, Mola Development, addressed Council and informed them that his company owns seven acres which is considered to be a dump site. He gave reasons why he favored the recommendations of the Planning Commission, which he urged Council to consider. There being no one further to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. The Clerk was directed to read Resolution No. 4708 by title: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN BY ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO 78-3." A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Pattinson, to sustain the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve GPA 78-3 and Alternative 'E' as shown in Figure 27 in the Planning Department Transmittal, and adopt Resolution No. 4708. Considerable discussion was held between Council and staff on the intent of the motion. A roll call vote was taken on the motion, which carried as follows: AYES: MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Pattinson NOES: Thomas, Siebert ABSENT: None g �� ✓ PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF APPROVAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW 78-76 DEFERRED TO 1/2/79 Mayor Pattinson announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal to the approval of Administrative Review No. 78-76 - a request to establish a permanent wholesale lumber storage facility. This application was approved by the Planning Commission on November 21, 1978. The appeal is based on the lack of a condition of approval to require the entire storage area to be 1 �� Page #6 - Council Minutes - 12A/78 enclosed by a block wall. Subject property is located on the west side of Nichols Street approximately 620' north of Slater Avenue in the MI (Light Industrial District).' The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met and that no protests, either oral or written had been received. The City Adminstrator elaborated upon the recommendations of the Planning Depart- ment. Councilman Thomas stated that he would like to see the storage yard blocked in by a fence. He also believed that the area should be landscaped. The Acting Planning Director informed him that wrecking yards are required by ordinance to have block walls but that lumber yards do not have the same requiremets. Councilman MacAllister stated his concern that there be a pleasant view of the area in the future. He stated that he would support the alternative proposal but believed that additional conditions should be imposed in such instances in the meantime. Councilman Thomas expressed concern for what he believed to be illegal activities in the City. In his opinion, due to the laxity in provisions of the code in the City, there were too many companies moving in. Councilman Mandic inquired whether the appellant was receiving privileges, to which the Acting Planning Director responded that he did not believe so. Considerable discussion was held on the matter. Councilman MacAllister stated that he would like to direct the City Attorney's office to issue "Cease and Desist" orders to all businesses operating within the City which do not operate within the code. He stated that he would support some type of modification to the code when the time is apropos. Mayor Pattinson opened the public hearing. There being no one present to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, other than the appeal, Mayor Pattinson closed the hearing. Councilman Siebert inquired how long the City would continue to permit business to expand and improve when such improvements may not have been done "according to the book". Mayor Pattinson inquired what would happen should Council sustain the appeal and direct the City Attorney to change the ordinance. The Acting Plan- ning Director informed him that it would have no effect upon the application under consideration, since it would not be retroactive unless the provision were included now. A motion was made by Thomas, seconded by MacAllister, to sustain the decision of the Planning Commission and approve AR 78-76 with the conditions imposed therein and also provide landscaping and a decorative block wall which would screen the area from the park. No action was taken on the motion. The Acting Planning Director requested clarification of the motion. He inquired whether the entire storage area was to be enclosed. Councilman Thomas responded that the street side of the property was to be enclosed; there was no nuisance on the side walls. Councilwoman Bailey requested that Council look at all the requirements for block walls in the City. Page #7 - Council Minutes - 12//8/78 A ration was made by Siebert, seconded by Bailey, to continue decision on the matter to the January 2, 1979 Council meeting and direct the City Attorneys office and the Planning Department to present a review of Councilman Thomas' suggestions. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL TO CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL CE 78-51/AR 78-74 AND ND 78-89 - CE ,78-51 - AR 78-74 - ND 78-89 - DE141ED Mayor Pattinson announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal to conditions of approval imposed by the Planning Commission upon its approval of Conditional Exception No. 78-51 and Administrative Review No. 78-74 on November 7, 1978. Administrative Review No. 78-74 is a request to establish a contractor's equipment yard in an MI -CD, light manufacturing civic district, while Conditional Exception No. 78-51 is a request to reduce the required landscaping for the subject yard. The subject site is located on the east side of Gothard Street, approximately 800 ft. north of Talbert Avenue. Also for review will be Negative Declaration No. 78-89. The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met and that no protests, either oral or written, other than the letter of appeal, had been received. The Acting Planning Director referred to a wall display of the area of concern and explained the conditions. The City Administrator requested Council to defer action on the matter until March 5, 1979. Mayor Pattinson opened the public hearing. A motion was made by Mandic, seconded by Bailey, to continue the matter to the March 5, 1979 Council meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Thomas, Bailey, Mandic, Pattinson NOES: MacAllister, Siebert ABSENT: None Councilman MacAllister referred to illegal use of the property. He inquired how the City could enforce the code when a person is in violation of it in the interim. The City Attorney responded that the Building Department could request prosecution by the City Attorney's Office to the Cease and Desist order. Councilman Thomas informed Council that the appellant had moved into the area of concern illegally and was now endeavoring to expand his operation. Mayor Pattinson directed the City Administrator to monitor the operation and ensure that the code was stringently adhered to. Councilman Siebert stated his.opinion that Council did not have control in the City with regard to business operations and in his opinion to, grant the appeal would be condoning the business operation, which in his opinion was not right. Councilman Thomas informed Council that he would like to change his vote on the motion to continue the matter to "NO". He concurred with Councilman Siebert. Page #8 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 A motion was made by Thomas, seconded by MacAllister to retract the motion to continue to March 5, 1979. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: Bailey, Mandic ABSENT: None Ray Miller, Family Home Builders, City, addressed Council and informed them that they owned seventeen acres of property which they hoped to develop into an indus- trial park but that this would require a substantial number of businesses. With reference to the blight in the City, he assured Council that his company would make every effort to make their property attractive and urged Council to do the same on an area -wide level. Tom Manthei addressed Council and referring to the property under discussion, explained his intention with regard to it. He believed there is a need to realign this area. In conclusion, he requested Council to continue the matter in order that a study session could be held. Jim Foss, appellant, addressed Council and informed them that along with Mr. Poss, he owns the property under discussion. With regard to illegal procedure, he assured Council that it was not their intent to "blatantly" do anything against regulations of the City. He stated that the area was graded with a permit granted by the City; they believed they had followed the correct procedure. However, this was not the case; their application had been presented but not with the intention of proceeding with any illegal activities. He referred to and specified condi- tions given by the Planning Department. There being no one further to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, Mayor Pattinson closed the hearing. Councilwoman Bailey stated that she believes the whole area should be planned which was the intent in continuing the matter. Following discussion, Councilman Siebert stated that in his opinion, the City should first decide the "use" and then the "requirements"; his concern was that the correct procedure was not fol- lowed. Discussion was held on the appropriate motion to make at this time. A motion was made by Siebert, seconded by MacAllister, to overrule the Planning Commission and deny Administrative Review 78-4 and Negative Declaration 78-79, and also deny Conditional Exception 78-51. The City Attorney advised Council that it would be necessary to make specific findings, which she itemized. A motion was made by Siebert, seconded by MacAllister, to amend the motion to include the following findings: 1. The nature of the use and size of the subject parcel do not constitute excep- tional circumstances on the property; for example, distribution of landscaping in the amount of proportion to the code requirements would serve no useful purpose in furthering the intent of the Ordinance Code to provide a pleasant street scene. Furthermore, the imposition of landscaping in excess of code requirements along the existing and proposed streets for the property complies with the intent of the code provisions. 2. The requirements for six percent landscaping upon the subject site do not constitute an exceptional hardship for the applicant for the aforementioned Page #9 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 reasons. Disapproval of the exception request is necessary for the preservation of property rights in this instance. 3. Granting of the conditional exception would be materially detrimental to the public health-, safety, and welfare. 4. Correct procedures of City were not followed. The following vote was taken on the amendment to the motion: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: Bailey, Mandic ABSENT: None Councilman Mandic inquired how soon operation of the equipment yard could be termi- nated. The City Attorney informed him that the courts would determine the fine to be imposed. Following further discussion, Councilwoman Bailey stated that she did not believe Council could terminate the business and was not sure that the right procedure was being followed. Councilman Thomas suggested that she observe the many illegal operations in the Gothard corridor. The Acting Planning Director informed Council that the use there was a permissible use but that if Council considered it to be an "undesirable" use, the code could be amended in order to terminate the operation., A vote was taken on the motion as amended, which carried as follows: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: Bailey, Mandic ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING - PPSA 70-4 - DEFERRED PENDING ALTERNATIVE PLANS Mayor Pattinson announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider repealing Ordinance No. 1633 which would revoke PPSA #70-4,the align- ments of Atlanta Avenue from 1265 feet west of Beach Boulevard to Lake Street; (2) Lake Street between Orange Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway and; (3) Olive Avenue between Lake Street to 135 feet west of Second Street. The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, publi- cation and posting had been met and that no protests, either oral or written, had been received. The Acting Planning Director informed Council that he had received numerous calls on this matter. He referred to a viewgraph of the area and apprised Council of the situation. Discussion was held between Council and staff on the matter. Mayor Pattinson opened the public hearing. Tom Whaiin , downtown property owner, addressed Council and made several sugges- tions, urging Council to defer action at this time. Mr. Whaling was concerned that Council might take some illegal action and suggested that the City Attorney counsel them on the matter. 3 Page #10 - Council Minutes - 12118178 Robert Smith, Downtown Action Committee, addressed Council and expressed concern with regard to the area under discussion. Mr. Smith informed Council that he concurred with comments made in a memo from the Director of Harbors, Beaches, Recreation and Parks. He urged Council to use vision in making a decision and spoke in favor of maintaining the present requirement of 120 feet. Jim Vander H de, City, addressed Council and gave reasons why he favored revocation of PPSA 70-4and offered various suggestions to Council. Gordon Offstein, City, expressed concern that the proposed expansion would necessi- tate removal of mobile homes in the area. There being no one further to speak on the.matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, Mayor Pattinson closed the hearing. The City Attorney responded to comments made by Mr. Whaling, following which dis- cussion was held between Council and staff. The Clerk was directed to read Ordinance No. 2341 by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING; THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING ORDINANCE NO 1633, AN AMENDMENT TO DISTRICT MAP 16." A motion was made by Siebert, seconded by Mandic, to approve the revocation of Precise Plan of Street Alignment No. 70-4 and to approve introduction of Ordinance No. 2341. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister NOES: Bailey, Mandic, Siebert ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Pattinson A motion was made by Siebert, seconded by Mandic, to defer the matter until alterna- tive plans can be designed for the intersection of Atlanta Avenue and Lake Street. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, NOES: Thomas ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Pattinson ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Bailey, Mandic, Siebert JugStricker, Costa Mesa, addressed Council in regard to Resolution No. 1964 of the City Council of the City of Westminster upon which matter she had sent communica- tions to Council. She pointed out the issue was not one of the legality of animal extermination, however, the Orange County Pound does sell animals and find them homes, or put them to sleep. In her opinion, the practice of selling animals to research laboratories prolongs their death. Mrs. Stricker informed Council that she believed that.people who found animals were not turning them over to the shelter for this reason. In conclusion, she requested Council to consider Huntington Beach adopting a similar resoluion. Gordon Offstein, City, addressed Council and referred to code enforcement and in particular the Steverson Bros. Mud Dump where an illegal use exists and nothing is 1 Page #11 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 being done about it, in his opinion. He inquired whether they had taken out permits to extend the walls higher and whether they would be permitted to continue operating in the City. Pay Guiver, President of the Animal Assistance League in Orange County, addressed Council in support of Mrs. Stricker's request, giving reasons for her belief. She also stated that many animals are found and not turned over to the shelter because of the research program and are ultimately let loose on the streets, which in her opinion creates hazards. Robert Smith, City businessman, addressed Council and thanked them for their action and support of the downtown area. He referred to the foot patrol by police officers in the area and urged Council to continue the service. // Muriel Peterson, City, addressed Council and supported Mrs. Stricker's request and remarks. Hildegarde Blightenstein addressed Council and also concurred with Mrs. Stricker's remarks. CITY OF WESTMINISTER RES NO I964 - ANIMALS FOR RESEARCH APPEAL A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Mandic, to support Resolution No. 1964 of the City of Westminster, requesting the County of Orange to discontinue selling or giving away stray animals for research purposes. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: Thomas, MacAllister ABSENT: None RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED v% RES NO 4707 - ADOPTED - DEVELOPMENT OF HEIL AVENUE The Clerk was directed to read Resolution No. 4707 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO INCLUDE WITHIN THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM THE UEVELOPMENT OF HEIL AVENUE." Following discussion on the matter a motion was made by Siebert, seconded by Mandic, to adopt Resolution No. 4707. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS ✓ KELVIN LANE "NO PARKING" PETITION - NEXT YEAR'S BUDGET REQUESTS The City Adminstrator referred to his transmittal dated December 14 regarding a petition received from residents of Kelvin Lane to restrict parking for better street -sweeping in an area bounded by Adams Avenue and Atlanta Avenue/Newland Street and Brookhurst Street. Staff had been requested to ivestigate the feasibil- tip- 5 Page #12 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 ity of including this under the present street -sweeping program. The Director of Public Works had indicated that the area could be included under the present program but that $1,000 would be necessary for the purchase of appropriate signs. He had informed the City Administrator that if these funds could be made available from Revenue Sharing the expanded area of parking restriction could be implemented by February of 1979, or alternatively the cost could be included in next year's Budget requests. Mayor Pattinson gave reasons why he was opposed to the petition. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Mandic, to direct staff to include the request for $1,000 for the purchase of appropriate signs in next year's bud- get and inform the petitioners of the.action taken. The motion carried unanimously. STEVERSON MUD DUMP PROJECT TEAM The City Administrator referred to his transmittal of December 14, 1978 enclosing a report prepared by the Steverson Mud Dump Project Team which he had appointed. He informed Council that the Project Team had outlined significant issues as well as short-range and long-term objectives to neutralize these issues and were now soliciting Council's advice on the matter. He added that some research had been carried out on several issues. ✓ GENERAL PLAN/ZONING INCONSISTENCIES - TO BE PURSUED The City Administrator referred to his transmittal dated December 14, 1978 remind- ing Council that they had directed the Planning Department to identify areas in the City where inconsistencies exist between the General Plan and the Zoning Code. He referred to a report attached which identified these areas and recommended action to achieve consistency. Of the approximate 100 inconsistent areas, staff recommended amendment to the General Plan for 26 of the areas, and zone changes for the remaining areas. On motion by MacAllister, second Thomas, Council directed the Planning Department to proceed with the recommended zone changes. Councilwoman Bailey believed that a study session with the Planning Commission would be beneficial. Mayor Pattinson informed Council that he was not in favor of the motion and would like to first review the areas. A motion was made by Mandic, seconded by Pattinson, to table the motion. The motion failed by the following tie -vote: AYES: Pattinson, Bailey, Mandic NOES: Thomas, MacAllister, Siebert ABSENT: None The City Attorney informed Council that a tie -vote resulted in no action being taken. Following discussion, the Acting Planning Director suggested that the matter be deferred pending a study session with the Planning Commission. A vote was taken on the original motion, which was to direct the Planning Director to proceed with the recommended zone changes. The motion carried unanimously. Page #13 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 ✓ ANTI -RECESSIONARY FUNDS - TREE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM The City Administrator referred to his transmittal of December 14, 1978 attaching a communication from Administrative Analyst, Jeri Chenelle, clarifying items which may be funded from anti -recessionary funds, and informing Council that new programs may be initiated with these funds provided the basic service category (i.e. Police, Planning, Public Works) already exist. He also attached a memo from the Director of Public Works explaining the City's limited tree replacement program over the past three years which was funded from anti -recessionary funds. In light of the high citizen demand for this service, the City Administrator recommended that these monies be utilized to fund a tree replacement program. A motion was made by Thomas, seconded by Mandic, to authorize the expenditure of anti -recessionary funds for tree replacement throughout the City. The motion failed by the following tie -vote: AYES: Thomas, Mandic, Pattinson NOES: MacAllister, Bailey, Siebert ABSENT: None A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Siebert, to approve the Fiscal Impact Model. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: Thomas ABSENT: None SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT USER FEES - NO ACTION The City Administrator referred to his transmittal of December 14, 1978 enclosing a communication from the Director of Public Works, responding to a communication from the Office of Auditor -Controller of the County of Orange concerning solid waste management user fees. He informed Council that the Revenue Search Committee of the County of Orange is planning to meet on December 19, 1978 in order to incor- porate views of the Cities of Orange County into a final report to the Board of Supervisors. Three options had been outlined by the Director of Public Works for Council's consideration. Discussion was held between Council and staff on the matter. A motion was made by Siebert, seconded by MacAllister, that the City take no action on the matter at this time, and direct staff to attend the meetings bringing back more information. Councilwoman Bailey requested that the hours of operation at the Gothard Station be extended, to which the Director of Public Works responded that under budget constraints of the County of Orange, the situation was getting worse. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: Thomas ABSENT: None Mayor Pattinson requested the Director of Public Works to convey Council's position on the matter to the County and report b ck to them. BICYCLE SAFETY PROGRAM - APPROVED The City Administrator referred to his transmittal dated December 14, 1978 attach- ing a memo from the Chief of Police regarding the Bicycle Safety Program for Page #14 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 schools and informing them of Mr. Gitsham's willingness to train one person in each school to conduct the bicycle safety checks and safety classes. He pointed out that Mr. Gitsham had formerly conducted this program. Councilman MacAllister informed Council that he was in favor of the Bicycle Safe- ty Program and made several recommendations regarding it. Following discussion, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Siebert, to direct Mr. Gitsham to train one person in each school to conduct the bicycle safety checks and safety classes and request the schools to participate in the program. The City Treasurer informed Council that should Mr. Gitsham visit each school twice a year, this would be a full-time function and the intention was to have each district bring repre- sentatives from each school to be instructed, sending them back with the latest ordinances and regulations Councilman MacAllister was concerned that the program be conducted at least once or twice a year. Councilwoman Bailey stated that she was in favor of the program but did not believe that the funding should be the City's responsibility. Discussion was held by Council on the matter. The City Administrator apprised Council of Mr. Gitsham's present function in the City which is the handling of liability claims consisting of safety and follow- up on accident claims filed. He also informed Council that Mr. Gitsham still conducted Saturday Bicycle Safety classes. The City Treasurer informed Council that the Saturday Bicycle Safety classes might possibly be funded in future by the Orange County Courts. Mayor Pattinson spoke in favor of the program. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None WYCLIFFE GARDENS PROJECT - NO ACTION The City Administrator referred to his communication dated December 14, 1978 referring to a communication from the Acting Planning Director relating to a problem involving the Wycliffe Gardens Section No. 8 - New Construction For The Senior Housing Project. Steve Kohler, Senior Community Development Specialist was asked by Mayor Pattinson what would happen to the grant funds, should the Wycliffe Gardens Project not be developed. He explained that HCD would recapture the funds should the project be denied, readvertising under Notice of Availability to anyone in Orange County, following which they would decide upon the recipient. The amount in grant funds on the part of the Federal Government to the City would be approximately $1,000,000 per year for forty years. Considerable discussion was held on the matter. The City Administrator informed Council that HCD's deadline for getting a firm com- mitment is January 20, 1978. Fred_Leaht+, City, addressed Council and expressed concern for the apparent impasse and the repercussions should a decision not be made by January 20, 1979. Considerable discussion was held on the matter. Mr. Kohler made suggestions to Council, explaining the HCD regulations to Council. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Thomas, to direct the City Adminis- trator to endeavor to be involved in negotiations for the Wycliffe Gardens and should the private parties involved be unable to reach an agreement, allocate Page #15 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 $80,OOO from the Housing and Community Development Block Grant Funds towards the project. The City Administrator informed Council that it would take the entire purchase price, should the City become involved and take title, in the amount of $360,000. This money would be reimbursed. Councilman MacAllister requested that his motion be amended, removing any specific dollar amount. Councilman Thomas concurred. It was generally agreed that the matter would be further discussed at a Special Meeting. Mayor Pattinson requested Councilman MacAllister to rephrase his motion. Amended Motion: To direct the City Administrator to negotiate to bring the Wycliffe Gardens project to a conclusion and should the private parties be unable to reach an agreement, allocate money from the Housing and Community Development Block Grant Funds towards the project. A vote was taken on the amended motion, which failed by the following roil call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Pattinson NOES: Bailey, Mandic, Siebert ABSENT: None A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by MacAllister, to direct the City Adminis- trator to keep in touch with both parties, informing Council of the situation, and if necessary tail a Special Meeting in order that the City not lose the funding. The ration carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None ✓ INTERIM AGREEMENT - FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION - APPROVED The City Administrator referred to the revised Interim Agreement of the Firemen's Association. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Siebert, to approve the revised Interim Agreement of the Firemen's Association. Don Weddle, Firemen's representative, addressed Council and explained that the City had made the Firemen's Association an offer which was presented for ratifica- tion without the exact wording. He had consulted the Attorney's office on Decem- ber llth and written in the language, which was the outcome of the last negotiating session which was then submitted to the City's Outside Legal Consultant, Personnel, etc. Considerable discussion was held between Council and staff on the matter, following which a roll call vote was taken on the motion which carried as follows: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None ORDINANCES ADOPTED A motion was made by MacAllister, second Thomas, to adopt Ordinance Nos. 2329, 2333, 2334, 2335, 2336 and 2337 after reading by title: 0 Page #16 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 f ORD NO 2329 - ADOPTED - ZONE CASE NO 78-14 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDI- NANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM TOWNLOT SPECIFIC PLAN AREA ONE - SECTION B TO QUALIFIED GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTH CORNER OF SEVENTEENTH STREET AND OLIVE AVENUE (ZONE CASE NO 78-14)." A hearing had been held on November 6, 1978 and the ordinance had been reintroduced on December �, 1978. ORD NO 2333 - ADOPTED - ZONE CASE NO 78-18 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDI- NANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AND OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN (DISTRICT ONE) TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF ATLANTA AVENUE WEST OF BEACH BOULEVARD, (ZONE CASE NO 78-18)." ORD NO 2334 - ADOPTED - OLDTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN ✓✓ DISTRICT TWO "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDI- NANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9151.2 TO CORRECT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION FROM OLD - TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN DISTRICT TWO." ORD NO 2335 - ADOPTED - ZONE CASE NO 78-22 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDI- NANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ATLANTA AVENUE AND BEACH BOULEVARD (ZONE CASE NO 78-22)." Z'. ORD NO 2336 - ADOPTED - ZONE CASE NO 78-23 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDI- NANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT AND HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ATLANTA AVENUE AND BEACH BOULEVARD (ZONE CASE NO 78-23)." ORD NO 2337 - ADOPTED - BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FEES "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICI- PAL CODE BY REPEALING SECTIONS 17.24.070, 17.24.080 AND 17.28.110; BY AMENDING SECTIONS 17.04.070, 17.04.090, 17.04.100, 17.28.010, 17.40.070, 17.40,080, 17.44.130, 17.44.140, 17.48.130, 17.48.150, 17.48.160, 17.48.200, 17.60,060 AND 17.04.305 TO DELETE FEE SCHEDULES RELATING TO BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES AND PROVIDE THAT SUCH FEES BE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None r 9i0 J Page #17 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 ORD NO 2327 - INTRODUCED - PARKING SPACE MARKINGS "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 10.40.230 RELATING TO PARKING SPACE MARKINGS." A motion was made by Siebert, seconded by Mandic, to approve introduction of Ordinance No. 2327. The motion carried unanimously. STUDY SESSION SLATED - 1/8/79 Mayor Pattinson announced that there would be a study session of Council on Janu- ary 8, 1979, at 7:00 P.M. for the purpose of selecting a Councilperson. He request- ed the City Clerk submit tally -sheets from the last two elections showing how can- didates placed and invited Council to submit names of prospective candidates. DOWNTOWN CODE ENFORCEMENT - RECOMMENDATIONS APPROVED On motion by Pattinson, second MacAllister, Council unanimously approved the fol- lowing Downtown Code Enforcement recommendations: 1. The Redevelopment Commission, the Redevelopment Agency and the City Council establish a positive course of action for downtown area improvements. 2. Council direct the City Attorney to integrate the Seismic Safety Ordinance with the Dangerous Building Ordinance. The ordinances apply to the entire community. 3. Contract with a structural engineer to survey the downtown area for compliance with the Seismic Safety Ordinance. 4. Direct the staff to prepare a comprehensive plan for a downtown improvement program based upon final Council decision on a course of action. 5. Implement the plan at the earliest possible date. MEETINGS WITH BUDGET TEAM TO BE ARRANGED Councilman Siebert suggested that meetings be set up with Councilmembers and the Budget Team on a rotating basis every two weeks or so, starting in January. Mayor Pattinson directed the City Administrator to schedule such meetings on days when Councilmembers are in the office. CITIZENS FACT FINDING COMMITTEE - 112179 Councilman Siebert reminded Council that when the Citizens' Fact Finding.. Committee was organized, a statement was made that following a period of time, Council would review the effectiveness of it. Mayor Pattinson directed that the matter be placed on the January 2, 1979 Council agenda. CITIZENS FACT UNDING COMMITTEE -.REQUEST DEFERRED TO 1/2/79 Councilman Thomas requested Council's approval of his request to remove Sally Tunstall of her appointment to the Citizens Fact Finding Committee. Mayor Pattin- son stated that on January 2, 1979, Council would determine whether the Committee would continue to function. Page #18 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 APPRECIATION TO BOARD OF REALTORS The City Administrator commended the Board of Realtors for their efforts on mobile home rent stabilization. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - MEETING SCHEDULED 1/2/79 Councilwoman Bailey stated that she would like a date and time set to discuss the goals and objectives of the City. Mayor Pattinson directed the City Administrator to schedule the meeting at 6:30 P.M. on January 2, 1979. APPOINTMENTS AND PROCEDURES Councilman MacAllister commented on the need for a procedure for appointments to boards and commissions, stating that he felt each Councilperson should submit one name for consideration of the full Council. MACALLISTER OUT OF STATE % Councilman MacAllister requested and was granted permission to be out of state the week of December 22nd, 1978. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AWARDS PROGRAM - CITY PARTICIPATION APPROVED The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Recreation, Parks and Human Services regarding the California Recreation and Parks Society "Environ- mental Planning Awards Program" presented to public agencies within California in a continuing effort to honor cities, counties and special districts for out- standing and unique achievements in park design and development. A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Mandic authorizing the Recreation, Parks and Human Services Department to submit a competitive application for an award to the CPRS Environmental Planning Awards Program for the recent development of Marina Community Park. Motion carried unanimously. MUNICIPAL PIER - STRUCTURAL SURVEY ADDITION The Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works regarding the need to expand the services within the existing agreement involving the struc- tural survey of the municipal pier. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Thomas authorizing the expenditure of $1,000 from Revenue Sharing Funds for a thorough examination of the rusting steel reinforcing bars within the concrete supports of the municipal pier, by the follow- ing roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, NOES: None ABSENT: None MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson 1979 SPECIAL CENSUS QUESTIONS The City Clerk presented a communication from the Acting Planning Director request- ing the list of proposed 1979 special census questions. Discussion was held on the questions submitted by the Acting Planning Director. Council recommended amendment to question #16 in order to consider the issue of Page #19 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 revitalization and amendment to question #17 reflecting the issue of a linear park. On motion by Mandic, second Siebert, Council approved questions #l, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 15, 16 (as amended), 17(as amended) and 20 as the ten special questions for the 1979 Special Census, as submitted by Planning Staff. STREET LIGHT TRIAL CONVERSION The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator transmitting a report regarding the status of the City owned street light trial conversion program. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Pattinson, to allow for a continuance of the project with periodic reports to the City Council with regard to testing of the lighting levels, power consumption, cost effectiveness, and the acceptability to the public. Motion carried unanimously. BUYER - PURCHASING DIVISION - APPROVED (CETA REPLACEMENT) The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator regarding the request of the Purchasing Divison to add one permanent buying position. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Pattinson, authorizing the addition of one permanent buying position in the Purchasing Division. Motion carried unani- mously. ✓ ARCHITECT PROPOSALS APPROVED - WATER DIVISION OPERATIONS BUILDING The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works regard- ing the need to retain an architectural firm to prepare the plans and specifications for the new water operations building to be located on the southwest corner of Garfield Avenue and Huntington Street. A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Thomas, authorizing the Purchasing Officer to solicit proposals from qualified and licensed architects. Motion carried unanimously. ,/ POLICE DEPARTMENT POSITIONS - CHANGES APPROVED The City Clerk presented a communication from the Police Department regarding Administrative Services clerical specialists positions, requesting permission to make certain changes within the Adminstrative Services Division. A motion was made by Siebert, seconded by MacAllister, to allow the Police Department to downgrade a Service Officer position, Range 212 to a Principal Police Clerk, Range 175, and to increase their allocated positions by one Clerk Steno, Sr., Range 146. The motion carried unanimously. PIER BOAT RAMP - REPLACEMENT APPROVED .I The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Harbors, Beaches and Development, regarding the replacement of the boat ramp at the end of the Municipal Pier, which was destroyed by high surf on February 10, 1978. Page #20 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Thomas, to approve replacement of the boat ramp at an estimated cost of $15,000. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None COUNCILMAN THOMAS LEFT THE CHAMBER AT,'HIS TIME BEACH CONCESSIONAIRE CASH REGISTER INSTALLATIONS - DEFERRED TO I/2/79 On motion by MacAllister, seconded by Mandic,.Council deferred the matter of installation of cash registers and lease rental rates for beach concessionaires, to Tuesday, January 2, 1979. Motion carried unanimously. WARNER AVE CITY BOAT RAMP - TO REMAINN CLOSED AT PRESENT The City Clerk presented a communication from the Planning Department, informing Council of the recommendation of the Local Coastal Program Citizens Advisory Committee that the City Council take action to open the public boat ramp into Harbour Channel near the City Fire/Harbor Facility. Following discussion on the matter, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Mandic, not to open the public boat ramp before the makeup dock is constructed, due to liability exposure. Motion carried unanimously. POLICE DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE II ALLOCATED The City Clerk presented a communication from the Police Department regarding the need for a civilian Administrative Aide II position in the Special Operations Division of the Police Department, to fill a position that had previously been oc- cupied by a sworn police officer. On motion by MacAllister, seconded by Siebert, Council approved the increase of one permanent allocation of an Administrative Aide II in the Police Department. Motion carried unanimously. COUNCILMAN THOMAS RETUREND AT TF�IS TIME ANTI VIVISECTION - RESOLUTION TO BE PREPARED The City Clerk presented a resolution from the City of Westminster, requesting the County of Orange to discontinue selling or giving away stray animals for re- search purposes. Mrs. Judy Stricker, Costa Mesa, representative of the Society against vivisection addressed the Council and further requested Council support of the resolution of the City of Westminster. On motion by Bailey, seconded by Mandic, Council directed the City Attorney to pre- pare a resolution requesting the County of Orange to discontinue selling or giving away stray animals for research purposes, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: Thomas, MacAllister ABSENT: None ?14 Page #21 - Council Minutes - 12/18/78 ITEMS DISTRIBUTED TO COUNCIL 1. City of Stanton resolution withdrawing as a member of the California Associa- tion of Governments. 2. Application of Southern California Edison Company to PUC for authority to increase its base rates to recover increased expenditures made toward the development, purchase and testing of advanced energy conservation metering equipment. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pattinson adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council to Tuesday, January 2, 1979, at 6:30 P.M. in Room B-8. City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California or MayorCity Clerk ?IIL5 -