HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-14MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Room B8, Civic Center 2000 Main Street Iluntington Beach, CA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1979, - 1:15 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Spencer, Crosby, Ott BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None MINUTES: ON 'MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY SPENCER, THE MINUTES OF MARCH 7, 1979, :MEETING WERE APPROVED AS SUBMITTED. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS TENTATIVE PARCEL 11AP NO. 79-558/NEGATIVE DECLARATION 79-14 Applicant: Manthei/Buccella Investments A proposal to create four (4) lots from two (2) lots zoned 141-CD on property located on the northeast corner of Talbert Avenue and Gothard Street. These items were continued from the March 7, 1979, meeting. Frank Buccella, applicant, was present and acknowledged receipt of the suggested conditions of approval. He addressed the Board. The Board desired to add two additional conditions pertaining to_ easements on Parcels 3 and 4. Easements shoule be delineated on the parcel map for 20 foot storm drain easement across Parcels 3 and 4, sewer easement on the northly 10 feet of Parcel 4, and a 25 access easement through Parcel 4 to Talbert Avenue. Discussion followed among the Board, applicant, and Jeff Renna from the Public Works Department regarding the easements. It was determined that adjustments to the easement for access can be adjusted at the time of development of the parcels. Also, that the inegress-egress and sewer easement could be together on Parcel 4. Mr. Buccella was concerned with the ultimate development of the parcels but preferred that the Board take action on the Tentative Parcel Map at this time. Recommended mitigation measures for the Negative Declaration were given to the applicant who questioned measure number one. ON MOTION I3Y CROSBY AND SECOND BY SPENCER, NEGATIVE DECLARATION 79-15 WAS ADOPTED WITH THE MITIGATING MEASURES AS PRESENTED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, March 14, 1979 Page 2 1. In accordance with the recomitiendati_on from the Development Section of the Public Works Department, a traffic report shall be submitted assessing the impact of the project on existing traffic volumes and street capacities. The traffic report shall be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to BZA consideration of permits for development on the site. 2. -A survey of existing trees shall be submitted to the Landscape Divisioi of the Public Works Department. All healthy trees proposed for removal shall be replaced at the time of development on a one-to-one basis in addition to the standard landscaping requirement; the size and location of said trees to be determined by the Landscape Division of the Public Works Department. 3. Drainage facilities and sewer and storm drain easements shall be required in accordance with the recommendation from the Development Section of the Department of Public Works. 4. At time of development natural gas shall be stubbed in at the location of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. 5. At time of development lots volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 6. At time of development all building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 7. At time of development, if lighting is included in the parking lot, high pressure sodium vapor lamps shall be used for energy savings. All outside lighting shall be directed to prevent "spillage" onto adj ace`n t properties. 8. At time of development, if foil -type insulation is to be used, a fire retardant type shall be installed as approved by the Building Departmen( kY;; Cros'3v, Ott, "--)enter NOES: None ABSENT: None ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND BY SPENCER, TENTATIVE PARCEL MU 79-558 WAS APPROVED WITII TILL FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FTNDINGS 1. The proposed creation of four (4) parcels from two (2) parcels for purpOSrS of various industrial uses is in compliance with the size ,Ind sh.ipe of property necessary for that type of development. 2. The General Plan has set forth provisions for this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for implementation of this type of use. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, March 14, 1979 Page .3 3. The property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the time: the )_and use dos;iynat-i.on for General Indust-rial., which al -lows industrial uses and bu i_ I d in(ls, was placed on sub jecL property. 4. The sire, depth, I r'ont,igo, :;I reel w.idLh, arld other design and imps-ovemcnt feaLures ol- t W l,r o))o:;ecl Subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance wiLl-i standard plans and specifications on filed with the City as well as in compliance with the State Map Act and supplemental City Subdivision Ordinance. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL A. TO BE CO"4PLETED PRIOR TO USE OR OCCUPANCY OF SAID PARCELS FOR ANY PURPOSE: 1. The tentative parcel map .rec(lived by the 111annin('I Department on February 16, 1979, shall be the approved layout (with the amendments as noted thereon). 2. A parcel map shall be filed with, and approved by, the Department of Public Works, and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. 3. Access rights shall be reviewed and approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments at the Lirne each parcel is developed. 4. Negative Declaration 79-15 mitigatincl measures shall v)e complied with. 5. A copy of the recorded parcel map shall be fied with the Planning Department. AYES: Crosby, Ott, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 79-5 Applicant: Ronald L. Knudtson A proposal to permit a reduction in minimum sideyard setback from five (5) feet to three (3) feet on property located on the east side of 13 Street, approximately 100 feet north of Crest Avenue. Address is 812 - 13 Street.) This -application is a categorical exemption, Class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. The application was continued from the meeting of March 7, 1979. Chairman Crosby reopened the public hearing. The Board reviewed the revised plan with the applicant and noted that no changes were made to the elevations. The public hearing was closed. board diSCUSsian enSucd. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, March 14, 1979 Page 4 ON *'LOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY CROSBY, CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION 79-5 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS 1. Subject lot is "pie shaped" having a frontage dimension of fifty (50) feet and a rear property line dimension of thirty-nine (39) feet. 2. Proposed dwelling's encroachment along the westerly side yard is minimal. Easterly sideyard encroachment consists of a portion of the first floor and the second floor. 3.. Adjacent property (east side) hap a recently constructed single family dwelling with a sideyard dimension of seven (7) feet, therefore, producing a minimum separation between existing and proposed dwellings of -ten (10) feet. 4. Proposed garage is detached and its setbacks meet Code requirements. 5. Because of size and shape of subject,property, the strict application of the Code is found to deprive,it-of,privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity. 0 CONDITION OF APPROVAL: 1. The site plan received by the Planning Department on 'March 12, 1979, shall be the approved plan. AYES: Crosbv, Spencer NOES: Ott ABSENT: None USE PERMIT NO. 79-4 Applicant: Marie De La Torres A proposal to permit an addition along existin setback lines on property located on the southwest corner'of Huntington Street and Hartford Avenue. The application was continued from *March 7, 1979. This request is a categorical exemption, Class I, California Environ- mental Quality Act, 1970. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY OTT, USE PERMIT NO. 79-4 WAS CONTCNULD TO MARCH 28, 1979, TO BE HEARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION 79-7 BY THE FOLLOWINr VOTE: AYES: Crosby, Ott, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning 1�djustments Wednesday, March 14, 1979 Page 5 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 79-559 Applicant: Warren H. Lortie and Robert E. Jarrard A proposal to relocate an existing property line between two lots to equalize square footage of properties located on the southwest corner of Main and Florida Streets in the Pacifica Community Plan, District 2. This application i$ a categorical exemption, Class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY OTT, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 79-559 WAS REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 3, 1979, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Crosby, Ott, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 79-12/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 79-16 Applicant: Lortie & Jarrard A proposal to permit the construction of a light industrial, multi - tenant facility located on property on the east side of Gothard Street, approximately,1,000 feet south of Slater. The Board expressed compliments to the applicants on their first industrial project. General discussion followed on industrial code requirements and environmental mitigating measures as presented. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY CROSBY, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 79-12 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING t'ERMI`T_'S: 1. The conceptual plot plan and elevations received I'ebruary 27, 1979, shall be the approved layout. In its approval action, the Board of_ 7.oninc1 Adjustments con5idcrod the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: Traffic circulation and drives; Parking layout; Lot area; Lot width and"lot depth; Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; Past administrative action regarding this property. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, March 14, 1979 Page 6 2. The following plans shall b(� submitted to the Secretary of the Board. a. Landscape and irrigation plan complying with Article 979 of the Huntington Beach ordinance Code and landscaping specifi- cations on file in the.gepartment of Public Works. b. Rooftop mechanical equipment screening plan. Said plan shall indicate screening of all rooftop mechanical equipment and and shall delineate the �ype of material proposed to screen said equipment. 3. Negative Declaration 79-16 mitigating measures shall be complied with.. a. Low volume heads shall }fie used on all spigots -and water faucets. b. All building spoils, sugh as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disnosed of at an offsite facilil7y equipped to handle them. c. If lighting is included in the parking lot high pressure sodium vapor lamps steal; be used"for energy savings. All outside lighting shall �e directed to prevent "spillage" onto adjacent propertieI. d. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by a registered soils engineer. This a0aly.sis shall include on -site soil sampling and laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recommendations regarding grading, chemical and fill ,properties, foundations; retaining walls, streets, and utilities. e. A topographic map to shgw be submitted in accordance standards. AYES: Crosby, Ott, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None existing drainage courses shall with Public Works Department ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 79-14 Applicant: Harbor Engineers &-Sonstructors A proposal to permit the construction of a 22,140 square foot industrial building located on roperty on the south side of Oceanus Avenue, approximately 1;5 feet east of Triton Lane. This request is covered by EIR 73-16, approved by the City Council on March 18, 1974. The applicant presented a copy of the floor plan to the Board. A plan check on the project revpaled a shortage in required parking, 1 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments-' Wednesday, March 14, 1979 Page 7 200 square foot shortage in required landscaping, and the necessity of a garage door for the two parking stalls within the facility. The Board advised the applicant that the plan will be analyzed for the user for possible elimination of parking stalls. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY CROSBY, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 79-14 WAS APPROVED WITH -THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: I., Revised plot plan and elevations shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board delineating the following modifications: a. Additional landscaping shall be provided. b. Additional,.parking stall shall be provided. c.•' garage door shall be depicted on elevation. ,If,such.plan complies with the modifications outlined by the Board, said plan shall be approved and made'a permanent part of the administrative file: In its approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered -the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: .. Traffic, circulation and drives; ..-Parking layout; . Lot area; . Lot width and lot depth; . Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; . Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. The following plans shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Board: a. Landscape and irrigation plan complying with Article 979 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and landscaping specifications on file in the Department of Public Works. b. Rooftop mechanical ecluipn►ent screening elan. Said plan shall indicato screening, <,f all. rooftop mechanical equipment and sh,11l do] inoatb� the typo of:.11latorial proposed to screen said QgIIiE11110nt. AN'L'S: Crosby, Ott, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT: None Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, March 14, 1979 Page 8 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 79-15 Applicant: Harbor Engineers & Constructors A proposal to permit the construction of a 19,440 square foot industrial building located on the south side of Oceanus Avenue, approximately 385 feet east of Triton Lane. This application is covered by EIR 73-16 which was approved by the City Council on March 18, 1974. The applicant presented a copy of the floor plan to the Board. The Board requetted that the applicant provide a revised plan to delineate a garage door for the two parking spaces within the structure. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY CROSBY, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 79-15 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: A. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: 1. Revised plot plan and elgvations_shall be submitted to the Secretary of.the Board delineating the following modification: a. Garage door shall be depicted on elevation. If such plan complies with the modifications outlined by the Board, said plan shall be approved and made a permanent part of.the administrative file. In its approval action, the Board of Zoninq Adjustments considered the following issues relating to the conceptual plan: . Traffic circulation and drives; . Parking layout; . Lot area; . Lot width and lot depth; . Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the immediate vicinity; Past administrative action regarding this property. 2. The following plans shall be submitted to the Secretary of -the Board: .i. Landscape and irritiation plan complying with Article 979 of the 111intintlton fetich Ordinance Code and landscaping spo ci.fications on file in the Department of Public Works. b. RoOftop Mechanical oquipment screenintl plan. Said plan s :l indi.catv screenincl of allrooftop mechanical equipment ant shall delineate the type of material proposed to screen said equipment. AN'ES: Crosby, Spencer, Ott NOES: None Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments Wednesday, March 14, 1979 Page 9 SPECIAL EVENT NO. 79-3 Applicant: _Marta Campbell A proposal to permit a one -day parking lot rummage sale to be held March 31, 1979; or April 7, 1979; in case of rain, on property located on the south side of Edinger Avenue, approximately 500 yards west of Beach Boulevard. The applicant was present. The Board reviewed the proposal and found no problems with Code requirements. ON MOTION BY SPENCER AND SECOND BY CROSBY, SPECIAL EVENT NO. 79-3 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. The plot plan received March 7, 1979, shall be the approved layout. - 2. An on -site inspection by the Fire Department shall be required prior to the event. 3. A certificate of insurance form shall be filed in the License Division of the Finance Department ten (10) days prior to the event. AYES: Crosby, Ott, Spencer NOES: None ABSENT:-,-, None There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. arles P. Spen r Secretary /s