HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-03-1911, MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, March 19, 1979 Mayor Pattinson called the Special Meeting Qf the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Pattinson Absent: Siebert The City Clerk was directed to enter the Call for Special Meeting in the record. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL Ron Pattinson, Mayor Richard Siebert, Mayor Pro Tempore Bob Mandic, Councilman Ruth Bailey, Councilwoman John A. Thomas, Councilman -Doan MacAllister, Councilman Clancy Yoder, Councilman Gentlemen: You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, is called for and will be held in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, at the hour of 6:30 P.M. on Monday, March 19, 1979, for the purpose of discussing the Huntington Beach Inn litigation and for person- nel negotiations and possible action on these matters. Dated: March 8, 1979 ATTEST: ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, CITY CLERK Is/_ Connie A. Brockwa Deputy ETty Clerk /s/ Ronald R. Pattinson Mayor, City of Huntington Beach, California 56 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 I hereby certify that I received the above notice, "Call for Special Meeting of the City Council" prior to 6:30 P.M., on Sunday, March 18, 1979. Mayor J s/ Ronald R. Pattinson Mayor Pro Tempore Councilmember /s/ Ruth S. Bailey Councilmember /sl Clancy Yoder Councilmember /s/ Don MacAllister Councilmember Councilmember CALL -EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Pattinson called an Executive Session of the City Council to discuss the Huntington Beach Inn litigation and personnel negotiations. RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of the Council at 6:30 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 7:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pattinson adjourned the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach at 7:30 P.M. Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City un ington Beach fornia ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk 57 MINUTES Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, March 19, 1979 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor Pattinson called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by all present in the Council Chamber. The invocation was given by Carolyn Hunt, First Church of Christ, Scientist. ROLL CALL Present: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Siebert, Pattinson Absent: None PROCLAMATION - POLICE RECOGNITION MONTH - APRIL, 1979 Mayor Pattinson presented a proclamation to Police Captain Grover Payne designating the month of April as Police Recognition month. PROCLAMATION - QUALITY WEEK - MARCH 11-17 The Mayor presented a proclamation to Mr. Hank Lang, Director of Quality Assurance for Douglas Aircraft, Long Beach, designating March 11•-17 as Quality Week. HUNTINGTON BEACH COMPANY CONTRIBUTION - FOURTH OF JULY PARADE Mayor Pattinson announced that a check in the amount of $5,000 had been donated by the Huntington Beach Company for use toward the Fourth of July Parade. On behalf of the Council and community, he thanked Mr. Stan Young, President of the Huntington Beach Company for the donation. RESIGNATION FROM COUNCIL ACCEPTED - COUNCILMAN SIEBERT Councilman Siebert announced that he wished to tender his resignation as a City Council member, and informed the Council and audience of various reasons which led to his decision. On motion by Siebert, second Mandic, Council accepted the resignation of Councilman Siebert .from the City Council and declared the position vacant. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Yoder, MacAllister, Siebert, Pattinson NOES: Thomas, Bailey "ABSTAIN: Mandic ABSENT: None 58 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO TEMPORE THOMAS The seat being declared vacant, the Mayor opened nominations for the position of Mayor Pro Tempore. Councilman Yoder nominated Councilman Mandic. Mayor Pattinson nominated Council- man MacAllister. A vote was taken on the nomination of Councilman Mandic and failed as follows: AYES: Yoder, Mandic, Bailey NOES: Thomas, MacAllister, Pattinson ABSENT: None A vote was taken on the nomination of Councilman MacAllister and failed as follows: AYES: MacAllister, Pattinson NOES: Thomas, Mandic, Bailey ABSTAIN: Yoder ABSENT: None Councilman Mandic nominated Councilwoman Bailey for the position of Mayor Pro Tempore. Councilman MacAlister nominated Councilman Thomas. A vote was taken on the nomination of Councilwoman Bailey and failed as follows: AYES: Yoder, Mandic, Bailey NOES: Thomas, MacAllister, Pattinson ABSENT: None A vote was taken on the nomination of Councilman Thomas and carried as follows: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Pattinson NOES: Mandic, Bailey ABSTAIN: Yoder ABSENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS REMOVED) Mayor Pattinson requested that the minutes of the regular meeting of March 19, 1979 be removed from the consent calendar for separate action. Parcel Map No. 78-41 was deferred to later in the meeting and the City/Yacht flub modification agreement was removed for separate discussion. CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS APPROVED On motion by MacAllister, second Mandic, the following items were approved, as recommended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - TRACT 10248 - LA CUESTA - Accepted Faithful Performance Storm Drain Pumping Unit Bond #2872673, Guarantee and Warranty Bond #2872675, Monument Bond #2872674 - Faithful Performance Bond #2872672, Labor and Material 59 Page #3 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 (Storm Drain Pumping Unit) Bond #2872673 - (Safeco Insurance Company of America) and approved and authorized execution of the Subdivision Agreement for property located northwest of Beach Boulevard and Atlanta Avenue. PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS - WATER MAIN - CC-492 - Approved plans and specifications or the construction of water main in Main Street to Beach Boulevard and auth- orized the call for bids. FINAL TRACT 9889 - ALL OF TT 9889 - SAND DOLLAR DEVELOPMENT - Approved map pursuant to the mandatory findings set forth in Section 66 of the Government Code and accepted offer of dedication and improvement as shown on Final Tract flap No. 9889, being all of Tentative Tract No. 9889, located on the west side of Lawson Lane, approximately 490 feet south of Adams Avenue, examined and certified by the Director of Public Works and the Secretary to the Planning Commission as being substantially in accordance with the tentative map as filed with, amended and approved by the Planning Commission. Final Tract 9889 was previously accepted by the. City Council on January 22, 1979, however, minor lot line adjustments necessitate acceptance of the revised map. Acreage: 3.3334;'Lots: 16 and lot A; Developer: Sand Dollar Development, Huntington Beach; adopted map subject to stipulations as follows: Deposit of fees for water, sewer., drainage, engineering and inspections; Certificate of Insurance, Subdivision Agreement, Park and Recreation Fees.shall be paid.prior to recordation of the Final Map; Conveyances between lots 3, 4 and 5 of Tract 5197 for the purpose of extending Jill Drive to Lawson lane and adjusting lot lines shall be recorded by separate instrument prior to recordation of the final map; the final map shall be recorded prior to the expiration of Tentative Tract 9889 on August 22, 1979; and further instructed the City Clerk that she shall not affix her signature to the map nor release such map for preliminary processing by the County or for recordation until the aforementioned conditions have been met. TRACT 9481 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION - LOWELL ZEHNDER - Accepted improvements dedicated or public.use in Tract 9481.1ocated southeast of -Delaware Street and Yorktown Avenue, authorized the release of the Faithful Performance Bond, Monument Bond and termination of the Subdivision Agreement.- , , PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS/AGREEMENT - CC-490 - SEWER LINE - Approved and authorized execution of an agreement between the City and Ro ert spitia for the design and construction of.a sanitary sewer in Huntington Street, north of Main Street and.approved plans and specifications and authorized the call for bids. PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS - MUNICIPAL PIER STAIRWAY REPLACEMENT - CC-487 - Approved plans an specifications for the replacementof the existing stairway at the municipal pier and authorized the call for bids. PARCEL MAP 78-41 - CHARLES HERMANSEN - Approved Final Parcel Map No. 78-41 pursuant to the mandatory fin ings set forth by the Board of Zoning Adjustments on property located southwest of Heil Avenue and Bolsa Chica Street and instructed the City Clerk to execute same and to release for processing by the County. s ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES FOR WATER OPERATIONS BUILDING - Accepted the proposal from J. Don Hart e. er, Architect, to complete the construction plans and specifications for the new water operations building to be located at the southwest corner of Garfield Avenue and Huntington Street,for a sum not to exceed $28,500 and authorized the preparation of a professional service agreement. TRACT 5502 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION - FAMILY HOME BUILDERS - Accepted improvements dedicated -for public use in Tract No. 5502 located northwest of Utica Avenue and Florida Street, authorized the release of the Faithful Performance Bond, and Monu- ment Bond and the termination of"the Subdivision Agreement. 60 Page.#4 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 FINAL PHASE -_PCH BIKEWAY - RE UEST FOR PROPOSALS - Authorized a "Request For Proposals" or a design o thefinal— phasF oT tthe Pacific Coast Bikeway through Huntington Beach, SPECIAL EVENTS C"ITTEE,RESIGNATION HILL Accepted with regret, the resignation of Laurie Hill from the Specialvents Committee and directed the preparation of an appropriate commendation. MINUTES - APPROVED AS CORRECTED Mayor Pattinson stated that he wished to abstain from consideration ofthe March 5, 1 9 minutes as he was'not present at the meeting. Councilman Mandic requested that his vote on the Gothard Corridor Expansion Feasi- bility Study on Page #13 of said minutes be"corrected to reflect an "abstain" vote rather than a "no" vote, On motion by MacAllister, second Yoder, Council approved the minutes of the regular meeting of March 5, 1979., as corrected, and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. �.The.`motion carried by the following vote: RYES; Yoder, Thomas* MacAllister, Ma.ndic, Bailey NOES. bone 'ABSTAIN: Pattinson ABSENT: None CITY/YACHT CLUB. AGREEMENT MODIFICATION - DEFERRED The City Clerk presented a modification to the agreement between the City and Huntington Harbour Yacht Club relative to the Warner Fire Station and Marine Facility, which would insure publ'ic.use of public.way� and would provide parking and a boat storage area for the Yacht. Club: Councilwoman Bailey requested that. the agreement be. deferred to a later date as she had questions regarding the boundaries. Coonc,ilman. MacAllister also requested that the possibility of.requiring $1,000,OOO insyrance certificate rather than $300,0009 .be explored. On motion by Bailey, second Mandic, Council deferred consideration of the agreement modification between the City and Huntington Harbour Yacht Club to a later date. Motion carried.unanimously. APPEAL TO DENIAL OF ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT - MAIN STREET SALOON-.DECISION,DEFERRED 4/2j_7.9 . Mayor Pattinson announced that this was the time and hour set for the continuation from March 5, 1979 of a hearing on an appeal filed by Gary Mulligan, President of the Main Street Saloon, to the denial of a.renewal of entertainment permit.` Deputy City.Attorney Sage, Police Department, addressed Council and presented additional. documentary evidence together with some proposed findings. The City Attorney requested that they be provided to Mr. Mulligan and that he be advised that he.would be entitled to a continuance of.this matter if he so desii^ed. .Mr. Sage introduced.Ron Pomeroy, Police Department, who presented information as to why he believed issuance of live entertainment permits to bars increased the incidences of police 'ca l Is to the .premi ses .E Page 15 Council Minutes - 3/19/79 Mr. Thomas Wilson, business owner, adjacent to the Main Street Saloon addressed Council regarding the reasons why he believed the .permit should not be granted, citing the detrimental effect the saloon had on his business. Mr. Mulligan, addressed Council and refuted the stati.stics'as they pertained to the number of calls generated by his saloon and stated that his business accounts for only one-half of one percent of the calls to that area. He'stated thata downtown redevelopment plan was necessary to upgrade the area. He presented a list of 20 businesses in the area supporting his position. Mr. Mulligan stated that having an entertainment permit discouraged the undesirable element from frequenting his business as he then could require a cover charge from the patrons.' He stated that Finding No. 2 was in error as he filed the appeal. There being no one further present to speak on the matter the hearing was closed by the Mayor. On motion by MacAllister, second Mandic, Council directed that the matter be taken under submission and deferred action on the matter to the April 2, 1979 Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING = PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO 2357 - DECISION DEFERRED' The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on proposed Ordinance No. 2357 to repeal Administrative Review requirements for operation of group homes serving six or fewer mentally disordered or otherwise handicapped per- sons. Under existing code provisions 9730.27 through 9730.27.9 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, an Administrative Review and a public hearing is required before this type of use can commence in a,residential neighborhood. The proposed ordinance would repeal Sections 9730.27 through 9730.27.9 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and eliminate City regulation of these types of facilities. The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for publication and post- ing had been met and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The City Attorney gave background information on the matter. She stated the City's present ordinance.was invalid under State law but that there is'legislation pending which may allow the Conditional Use Permit process to be reinstated. Mrs. Phyllis Sariego, West Orange County Area League of Women Voters,'addressed Council and asked that Council delay decision until after a public forum to'be held April 5, sponsored by the League of Women Voters, Coordinating Council, human Resource Board, ASUW, the Orange County Mental Health Association and the Patrons of Golden - west. There being no one futher present to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. A motion was made by.MacAllister, seconded by'Sailey, that Council not take action at this time pending results of the pending litigation and the forum which is scheduled to be held. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Yoder, MacAllister, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: Thomas, Mandic ABSENT: None 62 Page #6 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 PUBLIC HEARING - REVOCATION OF PPSA 70-4 - ORD NO 2360 - DECISION DEFERRED - 4/16/79 The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to con- sider repealing Ordinance No. 1633 which would revoke Precise Plan of Street Align- ment No. 70-4, the alignments of (1) Atlanta Avenue from 1265 feet west of Beach Boulevard to Lake Street: (2) Lake Street between Orange Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway and; (3) Olive Avenue between Lake Street to 135 feet west of Second Street. The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for notification, pub- lication and posting had been met and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The City Engineer stated that he had the cost -estimates for the right-of-way purchase and for the construction once the right-of-way is purchased. Mr. Thomas Whaling, city resident, addressed Council and questioned why the matter was not being studied in connection with the Local Coastal Plan and stated that he did not believe the planning should be piecemeal. Mr. Thomas Winfield. III, Attorney at Law, representing Vanderwood Corporation, ad- dressed Council. and urged that the precise plan be revoked to enable his client to develop his property. There being no one further present to speak on the matter and there being no further protest filed, either oral or written., the hearing was closed by the Mayor: The Planning. Director spoke regarding the matter and presented a viewgraph of the area. On motion by MacAllister, second Yoder, Council deferred action on the revocation of Precise Plan of Street.Alignment No. 70-4 until April 16, 1979. Motion carried unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION CALLED The Mayor called an Executive Session of Council for the purpose of .discussing litigation matters in connection with an item of the forthcoming General Plan Amend- ment public hearing. RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of the Council at 9:30 P.M. Councilwoman Bailey left the Executive Session prior to its conclusion. The meeting was reconvened at 9:55 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 79-1 A&B & ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS RESOLUTION NOS 4728 &-2729 - ADOPTED Mayor Pattinson announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing for the purpose of considering General Plan Amendment No. 79-1 A & B, proposed amend- inents to the Land Use Element and the Circulation Element of the General Plan for those areas sunuiarized as follows: 63 Page #7 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 .AND USE ELEMENT - PART A AREA LOCATION 2.1 S/Heil W/Bolsa Chica 2.2 S/Warner E/Bolsa Chica 2.3 N/Talbert W/Beach 2.4 S/Garfield E/Beach 2.5 ' N/Orange W/5th ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS 3.1 N/W - NE PCH 3.2 S/Edinger E/Bolsa Chica 3.3 N/Heil W/Springdale 3.4 N/Edinger W/Goldenwest 3.5 W/Warner W/Newland 3.6 S/Slater E/Goldenwest 3.7 S/Ellis betwn Edwards/ Gothard 3.8 S/Adams W/Huntington 3.9 N/Yorktown W/Brookhurst 3.10 Atlanta & Brookhurst 3.11 S/Hamilton E/Bushard CIRCULATION ELEMENT - PART B AREA SEGMENT A Lake Street, between Garfield and Yorktown Aves. B Talbert Ave., .between Goldenwest and Gothard Sts. C Ellis Ave., Between Edwards and Goldenwest Streets PC RECOMMENDATION Medium Density Residential to General Commercial - 4.78 acres Low Density Residential to Medium Density - 2.83 acres Medium Density Residential to Industrial - 38.85 acres General Commercial to Medium Density Residential - 8.02 acres Planning Reserve to Mixed Development 5.44 acres Medium Density Residential to General Commercial - 10 acres Low Density Residential to General Commercial - 1.47 acres Low Density Residential to General Commercial - 1.79 acres Low Density Residential to General Commercial - 3.09 acres Low Density Residential to General Commercial - 2.08 acres Open Space to General Commercial 2.45 acres Open Space to Estate Residential 71.95 acres Medium Density Residential to General Commercial - 2.00 acres Low Density Residential to General Commercial 4.09 acres Low Density Residential to General Commercial - 4.34 acres Low Density Residential to General Commercial - 3.31 acres REQUEST Delete primary arterial designation Designate as a secondary arterial Realign Ellis .to intersect with Talbert Ave. at Edwards Street r 64 64 Page #8 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 Mayor Pattinson announced that each portion of the proposed General Plan Amendment would be opened separately and that Council would take straw votes on each item. The City Clerk informed Council that all legal requirements for publication, notifi- cation and posting had been met and that she had.received a communication from Mr. Leonard. Wright on the matter. gill'Holman, City Planning Department reviewed the proposed General Plan Amendment and presented'viewgraphs of the areas involved. The Acting Planning Director stated that Council had been provided with his communication dated Parch 14, 1979 giving supplemental information. Area 2.1 - south of Heil Avenue, w/o Bolsa Chica Street Mayor Pattinson declared the hearing open. Mr. Charles Hermansen,-applicant, addressed Council and stated that a commercial development would act as a buffer. There being no one present to speak further on Area 2.1 of the amendment, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Mandic, to redesignate said area from Medium Density Residential to General Commercial. Motion carried unanimously. Area 2.2 - south of Warner, e/o Bolsa Chica Street Mayor Pattinson declared the hearing open. Barbara Baker,,, owner of property on Bolsa Chica Street, addressed Council and stated that if this area had to be rezoned she would request it be R2 rather than Commercial. There being no-one present to speak further on this portion of the amendment, a motion was made by Mandic, seconded -by Thomas, to redesignate said area from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. Motion carried unanimously. Area 2.3 - north of Talbert Avenue, w/o Beach Boulevard Mayor Pattinson declared the hearing open. William L. Anderson, Attorney at Law, representing Mr. Frank Buccella, owner of one- half of the property, addressed Council and requested that it be designated residential. He stated that Mr. James Kawamura, private traffic engineering consultant, was present to speak on the matter. Mr. Kawamura addressed Council and supported the request for residential zoning. John Silver, owner of Marlin..Industries,.addressed Council and gave reasons why he concurred with a redesignation to industrial use. Mr. William Sullivan, addressed Council and.requested that the area be zoned indus- trial. The matter of a pending tentative tract on this property on which the property owner believed the City was by Government Code obligated to approve was discussed. The Acting Planning Director stated reasons why he believed the property owner's conten- tion was invalid and that he. disagreed with the City Attorney's opinion. There being no one present to speak further on Area 2.3, a motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Mandic, to redesignate Area 2.3 from Medium Density Residential to In- dustrial. 65 Page #9 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 The City Attorney stated that she had reviewed the record and that she was of the opinion that the Government Code and City Planning laws provide that once a map has been presented and the fees paid, the time begins to run. She stated that she regreted that the Planning Commission had not acted on the map and that it had not had a chance to review and reject it, thereby stopping .this period of time that is provided for in the Government Code, Deputy City Attorney O'Connor was requested by Council to comment on the matter and he stated the reasons why he believed the map filed did not comply with the Subdivision Map Act. The City Attorney responded to the matter. The motion made by Bailey, seconded by Mandic, to redesignate Area 2.3 from Medium Density Residential to Industrial carried by the following vote: AYES: Thomas, Mandic, Bailey NOES: MacAllister, Pattinson ABSTAIN: Yoder ABSENT: None Area 2.4 - south of Garfield Avenue, e/o Beach Boulevard Mayor Pattinson declared the hearing .open. There being no one present to speak on this portion of the amendment, a motion was made by Mandic, seconded by MacAllister, to redesignate Area 2.4 from General Commercial to Medium Density Residential. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Yoder, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: Thomas ABSENT: None Area 2.5 - North of Orange Avenue, w/o Fifth Street Mayor Pattinson declared the hearing open. Mr. Thomas Whaling, addressed Council in favor of commercial use for this area. There being no one present to speak further on this portion of the amendment, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Bailey, to redesignate Area 2.5 from Planning Reserve to Mixed Development. -The moti.on carried unanimously. Administrative Items 3.1 through 3.11 Mayor Pattinson declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on this portion of the amendment, a motion was made by Bailey, seconded by MacAllister, to approve Administrative Items 3.1 through 3.11 as recommended by the.Planning Commission. Councilman Mandic requested that he be recorded as abstaining on Area 3.7. The motion carried unanimously. Environmental Documents Adopted A motion was made by Mandic, seconded by Bailey, to adopt, in connection with General Plan Amendment 79-1A, the following negative declarations: ND .#78-110 (Area 2.1), N-D 979-2 (Area 2.2), ND #78-21 (Area 2.3), NO"#79-5 (Area 2.4) ND #79-4 (Area 2.5). The motion carried unanimously.. 66 Page #10 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 RESOLUTION NO. 4728 - ADOPTED - GPA 79-1A The Clerk was directed to read Resolution No. 4728 by title.- "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN BY ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 79-1A." On motion by Bailey, second Pattinson, Council adopted Resolution No. 4728 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Yoder, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: Thomas ABSENT: Bone PART B - CIRCULATION ELEMENT Circulation Element Area A - Lake Street between Garfield and Yorktown Avenue Mayor Pattinson declared the hearing open. Dave Eadie, representing the'Huntington Beach.Company addressed Council and supported the Planning Commission's recommendation to delete Lake Street from the Circulation Plan. Mr. Bernard Rodgers, resident of Lake Street, addressed Council in favor of the Plan- ning Commission's recommendation. Mr. Lance Jacot, city resident, addressed Council in favor of the deletion of Lake Street from the Circulation Plan. Mr. Steve Holden, resident of loth and Lake Street, addressed Council and stated that he believed the street should remain as it presently is and cited safety factors involved. Leonard Wright addressed Council in favor of deleting the Lake Street extension. Gloria Hemsley also addressed Council in support of deleting the Lake Street extension. There being no one present to speak further on this portion of the amendment, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Pattinson, to delete Lake Street, between Gar- field and Yorktown Avenues from primary arterial designation. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Yoder, MacAllister, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: Thomas, Mandic ABSENT: None Area B - Talbert Avenue between Goldenwest and Gothard Streets Mayor Pattinson declared the hearing open on this portion of the amendment. There dieing no one present to speak, a motion was made by Mandic, seconded by Bailey that Talbert Avenue between'Goldenwest and Gothard Streets be designated as a secondary arterial. Motion carried unanimously. Area C - Ellis Avenue between Edwards and Goldenwest Streets A motion was made by Mandic that the matter of realigning Ellis to intersect with Talbert Avenue at Edwards Street be brought back at the next meeting for final 1 I- 67 Page #11 - Council Minutes- 3/19/79 vote and at that time the appeal to the matter which he had filed could be heard. The motion died for lack of a second. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Yoder, to approve Circulation Element Part B (excepting Area C to be brought back in the next General Plan), adopt Negative Declaration Nos. 79-3, 79-12. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: Mandic ABSENT: None RESOLUTION NO. 4729 - ADOPTED - GPA 79-13 The Clerk was directed to read Resolution No. 4729 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN BY ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 79-18." On motion by MacAllister, second Mandic, Council adopted Resolution No. 4729 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None L PARCEL MAP 78-41 - CHARLES HERMANSEN - ADOPTED The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works recommend- ing approval of Final Parcel Map No. 78-41,'located southwest of Heil Avenue and Bolsa Chica Street, which had been removed from the consent calendar for separate action. On motion by Mandic, second MacAllister, Council approved Final Parcel Map No. 78-41 pursuant to the mandatory findings set forth by the Board of Zoning Adjustments and instructed the City Clerk to execute same and to release to the County for processing. Motion carried unanimously. ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNTIY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL ELECTION Councilwoman Bailey announced that the Orange County Community Development Council woul-d be holding an election for membership. She distributed information relative to the polling sites. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Roland Clark addressed Council in support of Urgency Ordinance No. 2361, appearing titer on the Agenda, which. would prohibit new massage parlor permits for a six month period. He stated that he was also speaking on behalf of other spa owners'in the City. He recommended that the Council confider allowing such businesses on the basis of a Certificate of Need and Necessity as outlined in his letter to the City Admin- istrator. He protested the portion of the. Police Department communication to Council stating that acts of prostitution are occurring frequently in the eight spa businesses in the City and requested that this statement be stricken from the record. Mr. Eliot Martinez, city resident, addressed Council and presented an informal petition listing fifteen signatures of residents of Trudy Lane protesting what they believe to be unsafe road conditions,.and a very unsanitary condition, on Trudy Lane, and requesting that Council act to return their street to its former condition, La.. Page #12 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 The City Administrator stated that he, and a member of the Public Works Department, had visited the area Friday, March 16, 1979, and it was his understanding that the contractor would be doing some of the blacktopping in the area of construction and that the street is also scheduled to be asphalted. The City Administrator informed Mr. Martinez that he would send him a copy of the report which the Public Works Department is preparing. Mr. Dean Albright, representing the Northwest Huntington Beach Residents Assn., a ressed Council regarding their problem of obtaining police patrol of neighborhood problems which are now spreading to the schools. He stated the problem of auto- mobiles speeding through the streets and driving onto the lawn of the school. He read statements from school workers stating their problems in obtaining police response. Following discussion between Mr. Albright, Council and Police Captain Payne, the Mayor requested that a Police Captain or Liieutenant be assigned to meet with the Homeowners Association at their next meeting. Mike Vanden Bos, Orange County Director of Equestrian Trails, Inc., addressed Council and stated his appreciation for the cleanup of the equestrain trails. He stated that he opposed the move of Aventure Playground to the eucalyptus grove near the horse trail as he believed it would scare the horses on the trails. He stated that to his knowledge no attempt was made to contact the horse groups relative to this matter as had been stated in the Recreation and Parks Commission minutes. Mayor Pattinson informed Mr. Vanden Bos that this may not be a permanent location and that the City will attempt to find a solution. The Director of Harbors, Beaches, Recreation and Parks stated that his. department was aware of the problem and that meetings were being scheduled, not only on this problem, but on the future development of equestrian trails. Herb Chatterton, Co -President of Amigos de Bolsa Chica, addressed Council and stated that in or er to avoid duplicate planning, he would recommend that the City have the Coastal Commission transfer the Local Coastal Program task from the County to the City. Henry Bohrman, addressed Council and spoke regarding the noticable increase in jet noise over his home. He stated that he had spoken with the FAA, and had been in- formed that the flight level was now 15,000 rather than 30,000 feet. Mr. Bohrman stated that he believed anything lower than a 15,000 foot level would -ruin the city. He„gave the Council the telephone number of the appropriate person with whom to dis- cus's the matter, should Council desire to do so. RECESS - HUNTINGTON BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENED Mayor Pattinson called a recess of the Council. He then called the regular meeting of the Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agency to order. ROLL CALL Members Present: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic, Pattinson Members Absent: None am Page #13 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 WARNER GOLDENWEST REDEVELOPMENT - STAFF AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH NEGOTIATIONS - nntntn� TTTI - r.i rnnainr nrnirrTrn The City Administrator stated that a communication had been received from Redevelopment Director Palin, dated March 19, 1979, recommending that the Redevelopment Agency authorize the staff to proceed with the negotiations for acquisition of the subject properties at Warner and Goldenwest as the negotiation process will not commit the Agency to any particular course of action while the Participation Agreement is under review. The City Attorney reported on the matter. She stated that, for the information of Council, the suit brought against the City (Novrafchan, Hatch, et al), relative to the Redevelopment Agency's entry into the Participation Agreement, had been totally decided in favor of the City by the Appellate Court. On motion by Mandic, second Pattinson, Council authorized staff to proceed with the negotiations for acquisition of the subject properties at Warner and Goldenwest while the participation agreement is under review. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Mandic, seconded by Bailey, that the City Attorney's staff pro- ceed with the matter of Downey Savings and Loan entering into the project as a coventurer by agreeing in writing to the agency's satisfaction to be bound by the Participation Agreement to the extent of its participation per Section 108 of the agreement. Following discussion the motion was withdrawn. On motion by Mandic, second Bailey, the Agency directed the City Attorney to explore alternatives with Business Properties, and report back to the Agency. Motion carried unanimously. On motion by Bailey, second Mandic, the Agency requested L. C. Smull to furnish the Agency with a Policy of Title Insurance showing the properties they claim to own. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Yoder, Thomas, NOES: MacAllister ABSENT: None An.101IRNMFNT Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson The meeting of the Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agency was adjourned. RECONVENE COUNCIL Mayor Pattinson reconvened the meeting of the City Council. RESOLUTION ADOPTED On motion by MacAllister, second Mandic, Council directed the Clerk to read Resolution Nos. 4726 and 4727 by title and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Yoder;.Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None . i� Page #14 - Council Minutes - 3119/79 RES NO 4726 - ADOPTED - REQUEST FOR ALLOCATION OF FUNDS - FLOOD CONTROL CHANNELS "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM THE FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT BUDGET FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF FLOOD CONTROL CHANNELS WITHIN THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH." RES NO 4727 - ADOPTED - AHFP - ELLIS AVE BETWEEN SPRR & GOTHARD "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO INCREASE THEIR ALLOCATION FROM THE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRAM FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ELLIS AVENUE BETWEEN SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD AND GOTHARD STREET." AUTHORIZATION FOR PERMANENT POSITION - APPROVED - (RCA 79-12} The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator recommending approval of a permanent position of Administrative Analyst, Sr., effective June 29, 1979. On motion by Bailey, second MacAllister, Council approved the permanent position of Administrative Analyst, Sr., effective June 29, 1979 by unanimous vote. TRANSFER OF FUNDS APPROVED - COUNCIL RETREAT OF 1/13/79 On motion by MacAllister, second Mandic, Council approved the transfer of $125 from the City Administrator's Contingency Account into the Administrator's Meeting Account to provide sufficient funds to pay for the Council Retreat held January 13, 1979. Motion carried unanimously. PARK NAME. RECOMMENDATIONS - HUNTINGTON HARBOUR PARKS - APPROVED The City Administrator brought Council's attention to a communication dated March 15, 1979, from the Recreation and Parks Commission recommending that the following names be given to the park sites in the Huntington Harbour area to allow them to be offi- cially dedicated on April 6, 1979, along with the six other parks just completed under the J. B. Crosby Company contract: Site Size Recommended Name Seabridge island 4.5 acres Seabridge Park (after Roy Seabridge untington each Mayor 1952-56) Trinidad Island Beach .5 acres Trinidad Beach Park Trinidad Island Greenbelt 3.0 acres Conrad Park (after Elson Conrad, untington Beach Mayor 1931-34) ..Trinidad Island Vista 3..3 acres French Park (after E. E. French, unt ngton Beach Mayor 1918-19) Trinidad Island Viewpoint .2 acres Prince Park (after Les Prince Deceased tington Beach Police Officer) On motion .by Mandic, second Bailey, Council approved the aforementioned recommended names for the Huntington Harbour area park sites by unanimous vote, r �. Page #15 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 REQUEST FOR RECOGNITION TO NANCY & CHUCK VOGELGESANG - APPROVED The City Administrator referred Council to d communication from the Recreation and Parks Commission recommending that Council recognize by proclamation or resolution, theoutstandingservice given to the Pleasant View School by Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Vogel gesang. On motion by Mandic, second MacAllister, Council directed that the appropriate commendation be prepared for presentation t4 Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Vogeigesang for their outstanding service to the Pleasant View School. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO 4731 - ADOPTED - MEd - HB FIUMEN'S ASSN The 'Clerk was directed to read Resolution No. 4731 by title - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING AND IMPLEMENTING A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH THE HUNTINGTON BEACH FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION." On motion by MacAllister, second Pattinson, Council adopted Resolution No. 4731 by the following ro l l call vote: AYES: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None :ORD NO 2356 - ADOPTED - ZONE CASE NO 79-1 The Clerk was directed to give Ordinance No, 2356 a second reading by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT OT MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ATLANTA AVENUE AND BEACH BOULEVARD (ZONE CASE NO. 79-1)." .On motion by Mandic, second MacAllister, Council adopted Ordinance No. 2356 by the following roll call' vote: .AYES:Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: Norte ABSENT: None ORD NO 2358 - INTRODUCTION - CHANGES SPEED 6IMIT/STREET NAME CHANGE MANSION TO YORKTOWN The Clerk was directed to give Ordinance Not 2358 a first reading by title - "AN .ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 10.12.030, 10.12.P40 AND 10.12.050, CHANGING THE NAME MANSION TO YORKTOWN WHERE NECESSARY, AND CHANGING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT ON CERTAIN STREETS." -On motion by Mandic, second Bailey, Council approved introduction of Ordinance No. 2358 by unanimous vote. The Clerk was directed to read Urgency Ordinance No. 2361 by title - "AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION.5.24.050 PERTAINING TO,PERMITS FOR BATHHOUSES AND MASSAGE PARLORS." 01y. Page #16 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 On motion by Mandic, second MacAllister, Council adopted Urgency Ordinance No. 2361 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None URGENCY ORD NO 2359 - ADOPTED - ROLLER SKATES & SKATEBOARDS ON PIER The Clerk was directed to read Urgency Ordinance No. 2359 by title - "AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 13.12.050 PERTAINING TO ROLLER SKATES AND SKATEBOARDS ON THE PIER." On motion by iacAllister, second Yoder, Council adopted Ordinance No. 2359 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None ZONE CASE NO 78-19 - APPROVED - ORD NO 2355 INTRODUCED The City Clerk presented Zone Case No. 78-19, a reconsideration of a petition filed by Dr. Joseph Noble, for a change of zone from C4 (Highway Commercial District) to R2-Q (Medium Density Residential Qualified Classification District) on property generally located on the north side of Pacific Coast Highway approximately 200' west of Anderson Street. Said zone case was denied on February 20, 1979 and on March 5, 1979 a motion to reconsider and schedule for this meeting was made by Council. The Clerk was directed to read Ordinance No. 2355 by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT TO QUALIFIED MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY, WEST OF ANDERSON STREET (ZONE CASE NO. 78-19)." On motion by MacAllister, second Yoder, Council adopted Negative Declaration No. 78-109, approved Zone Case No. 78-19 and approved introduction of Ordinance No. 2355 by unanimous vote: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MASSAGE VS CITY - FINDINGS ADOPTED - NEW ORDER TO DENY ADOPTED The City Clerk presented a transmittal from the Police Deartment relative to the denial of a business license to the American Institute of Massage. On March 5, 1979, a hearing was held for the consideration of further evidence and to make findings regarding the case. The Appellate Court had commanded further hearing to make findings identifying the reasons for the denial of the license. Mayor Pattinson announced that he had listened to the tape of the public hearing and was eligible to vote on the issue. Councilwoman Bailey stated that she would like to delete Finding No. 9 and discussion ,was held between the Council and Deputy City Attorney Sage. On motion by MacAllister, second Yoder, Council adopted the Findings of Fact in the matter of American Institute of Massage vs the City of Huntington Beach, as on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Motion carried unanimously. i� Page #17 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 On motion by MacAllister, second Mandic, Council made a new order to deny based on the aforementioned findings of fact. .Motion carried unanimously. REPORT - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES CONFERENCE - WASHINGTON, D.C. Mayor Pattinson stated that his attendance at the National League of Cities Congress- ional Conference in Washington, D.C. on March 4, 1979 had been very informative and productive. He stated the possibility of obtaining Federal funding to explore Dr. Tom Ashley's proposal concerning the impact of the socioeconomy on the financial condition of a city. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Councilman Mandic stated that he would like the City Administrator to report back to Council on the feasibility of reinstituting the position of Economic Development Officer. PITCH IN LITTER CONTROL PROGRAM TO BE REVIEWED Councilman Mandic requested that the Public Works Department meet with the Environ- mental Review Board to clarify the cost to the City of the Pitch In Litter Control Program. ORAL COMMUNICATION PORTION OF THE AGENDA Councilman Mandic requested that the feasibility of placing the Oral Communications portion of the Council Meeting earlier on the Agenda be studied so that the public will not have to wait so long to address Council. Councilman Thomas stated that he also believed that Oral Communications should appear earlier on the Agenda.. SENATE BILL 182 OPPOSED - SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS Councilwoman Bailey informed Council of pending legislation that would repeal the school crossing guard legislation recently passed which gave the schools the opportun- ity to fund the school crossing guard program. On motion by: Bailey, second MacAllister, Council stated its opposition to Senate Bill 182 (Dills) by unanimous.vote. PROCEDURE FOR SCHEDULING PUBLIC HEARINGS Councilwoman Bailey stated that she would like to limit public hearings to no more than two per Council Agenda and should there -be more, that an adjourned meeting be held. She also recommended that public hearings on General Plan Amendments should be scheduled at adjourned meetings, rather than regular meetings, so that the entire meeting can be devoted to the subject. The Mayor stated that it was the consensus of Council that a public hearing on a General Plan Amendment be scheduled at a time other than a regular meeting. It was detenuined by Council that as many public hearings take a minimum of time, that no change would be made in the scheduling. JET NOISE - CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO REPORT i v Councilman MacAllister recommended that the City Administrator investigate the jet noise issue which was brought to Council's attention earlier in the meeting. I 1 Page #18 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 DIAL -A -RIDE PROGRAM - REPORT REQUESTED Councilman MacAllister brought Council's attention to a communication from the Council on aging requesting that a study be made relative to a Dial -A -Ride pro- gram in Huntington Beach. He requested that the City Administrator determine whether there was presently a City committee which could study the issue, rather than appointing a new committe, and that recommendations be presented to Council. CONVERTING GAS STATION AT MAIN & ORANGE Councilman MacAllister recommended that the matter of converting the gas station at Main and Orange. into a parking lot be scheduled for a future agenda. PACIFIC MOBILE HOME PARK FLOODING Councilman.Yoder stated that the residents were very satisfied with the action taken by the City staff relative to the flood problem at Pacific Mobile Home Park. AGREEMENT FOR WATER BILL PAYMENT - SYSTEM CAR WASH - APPROVED The City Clerk presented a transmittal from the Department of Public Works of an agreement between the City and System Car Wash for payment of a water bill. On motion by MacAllister, second Bailey, Council approved the agreement between the City and System Car Wash for payment of a water bill in the amount of $10,398.90 in 16 monthly installments and authorized execution of same by the Mayor and City Clerk. The motion carried unanimously. RES NO 4730 - SOUTH COAST AREA WIDE WASTE TREATMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN - STAFF TO WORK WITH LEAGUE UP CALIFORNIA The Clerk presented a communication from the Development Services Department trans- mitting a resolution recommended by SCAG for adoption by Council which commits the City to the implementation and enforcement of 208 South Coast Area Wide Waste Treat- ment Management Plan programs appropriate to this jurisdiction. The City Engineer stated his concern relative to the financial impact of 4the program. On motion by MacAllister, second Thomas, Council determined that no action would be taken on the proposed resolution. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic, Pattinson NOES: Bailey ABSENT: None On motion by MacAllister, second Pattinson, Council recommended that staff look in- to support from the League of California Cities and oppose portions a, b and c of Section 1 of Resolution No. 4730 relative to maintenance of existing street sweeping programs, current litter control programs and current catchbasin and storm drain cleaning programs, respectively. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Pattinson NOES: Mandic, Bailey ABSENT: None r� Page #19 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 REVISION TO CETA AUDIT AGREEMENT - DEFERRED TO 4/2/79 The City Clerk presented a transmittal form City Administration requesting approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 4 with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company for an audit of City CETA funds from July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1978. On motion by Mandic, second MacAllister, Council continued the revision to the CETA audit agreement to the April 2, 1979 Council meeting by unanimous vote. BID AWARD - MSC-152 - SLURRY SEAL - MUNICIPAL BEACH PARKING LOT - SLURRY SEAL CO The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works stating that bids had been received for the slurry sealing of the Municipal Beach Parking Lot - MSC-152. The bids were opened on March 12, 1979 in the Council Chamber by the City Clerk and the Director of Public Works. The bids submitted were as follows: Roy Allan $25,972.00 Corrected Ted R. Jenkins Co., Inc. 31,680.00 Pavement Coatings Co. 33,496.00 Mission Paving and Sealing 52,912.60 Corrected A motion was made by Mandic, seconded by MacAllister, to award the contract for the slurry seal of the Municipal Beach Parking Lot to Roy Allan Slurry Seal Company Laguna, Niguel, in the amount of $25,972; hold all other bids until Slurry Seal Company has executed the contract and filed the necessary bonds and insurance and directed the City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders of the action, returning their bid bonds forthwith. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Yoder, Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: None ABSENT: None PUC - SO CALIFORNIA GAS CO APPLICATION FOR RATE INCREASE - OPPOSE The City Clerk presented a communication from the Public Utilities Commission ad- vising of an application filed by Southern California Gas Company for gas rate in- crease (23% to cover costs through March 31, 1980). On motion by Pattinson, second MacAllister, Council stated its opposition to the proposed gas rate increase requested by Southern California Gas Company. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Yoder, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Pattinson NOES: None ABSTAIN: Thomas ABSENT: None BEATRICE FOODS CO, ET AL VS COUNTY OF ORANGE, ET AL The City Administrator advised Council of a communication from the City Attorney dated March 14, 1979, recommending that Council request the County to undertake the City's representation in the case of Beatrice Foods Company, et al, vs County of Orange, et al - OCSC Case No. 30-62-69. On motion by Pattinson, second MacAllister, Council requested the County of Orange to undertake to answer for and defend the City in the case of Beatrice Foods Company, et al vs. County of Orange, et al, OCSC Case No. 30-62-69, relative to Ad Valorem Taxes, pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 5138. Motion carried unan- 16 imously. Page #20 - Council Minutes - 3/19/79 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pattinson adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned to Monday, April 2, 1979 at 6:00 P.M. in Room B-8 Civic Center. ATTEST: City Clerk City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California WE -A .�� m I1 1 City of Huntington Beach P.Q. BOX 190 CALIFORNIA 9260 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUWCIL Ron Pattinson, Mayor Richard Siebert, Mayor Pro Tempore Bob Mandic, Councilman Ruth Bailey, Councilwoman John A. Thomas, Councilman Don MacAllister, Councilman Clancy Yoder, Councilman Gentlemen: You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, is called for and will be held in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, at the hour of 6:30 P.M. on Monday, March 19, 1979, for the purpose of discussing the Huntington Beach Inn litigation and for personnel negotiations and.,pes-s*le action on_thes,Q_matters. Dated: March 8, 1979 of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, City Clerk By Deputy 41 I hereby rtify at I e e above notice, of the ity Coy l" prior o 6:3 PM., on Sunday, Mayor Mayor Pro Temnore Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember „Call for Special Meeting March 18, 1979.