HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-12-17MINUTES Council Chambers, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, December 17, 1979 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor MacAllister called the regular meeting of the City Council -of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilwoman Finley. The invocation was given by the Reverend James D. Caley, Retired, St. Wilfrid's Episcopal Church. ROLL CALL Present: Pattinson, Thomas, Mandic, MacAllister, Bailey, Yoder, Finley Absent: None PRESENTATION TO CITY FROM THE COMPREHENSIVE EMERGENCY SERVICES ANCILLARY ASSN George Thyden, Civil Defense Coordinator, presented the Mayor with a commendation which he had received on behalf of the City from the Comprehensive Emergency Services Ancillary Association. Mr. Thyden explained the function of the C.E.S.A. Assm., following which Mayor MacAllister thanked him for his efforts and contributions to the City in the role of Civil Defense Coordinator. PRESENTATION TO REEVA KING - WHITECAPPER Mayor MacAllister presented Reeva King of the Whitecappers with a plaque in appre- tiation of her having served 1000 hours to the City as a Volunteer. q PRESENTATION - JOHN STERN - PLANNING COMMISSIONER Mayor MacAllister presented a plaque to John Stern for his service on the Planning. Commission. CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS REMOVED) At the request of Council, the following Consent Calendar items were removed for s . eparate discussion: Appraisal Update City -owned Neighborhood Parks, Maddy Local Appointive List Act, Master Design Plans (Manning & Helme Parks), plans and specifi- cations/call for bids (Beach & Florida Sewers), selection of consultant to administer rehabilitation loans program (Bill Bond & Associates, Inc.) and agreement - H.B. Company - purchase of land for City gym parking lot. Councilman Pattinson stated thgt he would abstain from voting on the minutes of 12/3/79 as he was not present, CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by Pattinson, second Mandic, the following items were approved, as.recom- mended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Mandic, MacAllister, Bailey, Yoder, Finley NOES: None 109 ABSENT: None Page #2 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 MINUTES - Approved and adopted minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of 11/26/79 and regular meetings of 11/19/79 and 12/3/79, as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. AGREEMENT - E & G CONTRACTORS, INC - TRASH & DEBRIS REMOVED - Approved and authorized execution of an agreement between the City and E & G Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $6,000 for the removal of trash and debris at both the City's landfill site and the future "Old Town" park site. REAPPOINTMENT TO 0 C VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT - HALL - Approved the reappointment of Warren G. Hall as City representative on the Orange County Mosquito Abatement District for a two-year term, to expire 12/31/81. AGREEMENT - 0 C FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL - Approved and authorized execution of an agree- ment between the City and the Orange County Fair Housing Council pursuant to the City's Fifth Year Housing and Community Development Block Grant Program, and authorized immediate disbursement of the $10,000 payment. SELECTION OF ARCHITECTURAL PROPOSAL - OAK VIEW CENTER EXPANSION - Approved the selection of the firm of MIY6ny & Langford of Huntington Beach to design and prepare drawings and specifications for the Oak View Center expansion and directed the City Attorney to prepare a contract for architectural services. NOTICE OF COMPLETION/CHANGE ORDERS - MODIFICATION TO DPW OFFICES - (MSC-158-PHASE IIIB) Approved Change Orders Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in the amount of $678.00, accepted work on the modifications to the Department of Public Works' Engineering Offices (Phase IIIB) com- pleted by Andre A. Duhamel Construction for a final contract price of $25,560, in- structed the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion, and approved transfer of the balance of Account #710731 to Account #710705. REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM AGREEMENT - SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK - Approved and authorized execution of an agreement between the City and the Security Pacific National Bank extending services of Security Pacific National Bank for the implement- ation of the financial aspects of the Neighborhood Preservation Program. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS/CALL FOR BIDS - WARNER AVENUE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT - (CC-393) Approved plans and specifications for replacement of the Warner Avenue Bridge crossing the Solsa Chica Channel and authorized the call for bids, contingent upon receiving final approval from the California Department of Transportation (Cal Trans), the State Lands Commission. AGREEMENT - HUNTINGTON BEACH COMPANY - PURCHASE OF LAND FOR CITY GYM PARKING LOT — Approved and authorized execution of an agreement between the City and the Huntington Beach Company to acquire the property located at the southwest corner of Palm Avenue and 16th Street for City gym parking lot for the appraised value of $110,000, subject to conformance with the General Plan. ASSIGNMENT OF JOE'S BEACH HUT LEASE - Approved and authorized execution of the assign- ment of Lease for Joe's Beach Hut, between the City and Roy and Beth McClymonds. LCP-CAC CONFIRMATION OF MEMBERSHIP - ROY C McCLYMONDS - Confirmed the appointment of Roy C. McClymonds as the designated representative of the Western Oil & Gas Associatio for membership on the Local Coastal Program Citizen Advisory Committee. .. . . .110 Page #3 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT - UTILITY TRAILER SALES CO - Authorized the Risk Manager to indemnify Utility-Tra-liTiw-Wes Co, for the temporary use of heir e,ui,menl and approved and authorized execution of the Indemnification Agreement between the City and Utility Trailer Sales Company. APPRAISAL UPDATE - CITY -OWNED NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS - APPROVED The Clerk presented a communication from the Community Services Department1rans- mitting an agreement between the City and Locke Land Associates, Long Beach, for the appraisal of 46 neighborhood park sites. Councilwoman Bailey expressed her desire for additional background information on this item. Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding the matter and the feasibility of the appraisal being conducted in-house. A motion was made by Mandic, seconded byFinley, to approve and authorize execution of an agreement between the City and Locke Land Associates, Long Beach, for the ap- praisal of 46 neighborhood park sites providing both air and ground level photos of each site, as well as all customary parksite and market data for the total sum of $�,960. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Mandic, MacAllister, Yoder, Finley NOES: Bailey ABSENT: None MADDY LOCAL APPOINTIVE LIST ACT - APPROVED AS MODIFIED The Clerk presented a communication from her office, transmitting the Maddy Local Appointive List Act - a list of boards, commissions, committees and appointees' 1980 expiration dates. Councilwoman Bailey referred to the list of boards, commissions and committees and appointees' 1980 expiration dates, and informed Council that the Advisory Board on the Handicapped had asked to be merged with the Human Resources Board and should, therefore, be deleted from the present list. She also suggested that although the Design Review Board has not been removed from the ordinance code, it should be deleted as it no longer exists. A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Mandic, to approve the list of boards, com- missions and committees and appointees' 1980 expiration dates, with deletion of the Advisory Board on the Handicapped and the Design Review Board, pursuant to the Maddy Act and direct the City Clerk to post Notices of Vacancies and the list at the Hunting- ton Central Library and the Civic Center. The motion carried unanimously. MASTER DESIGN PLANS - MANNING & HELME PARKS - DEFERRED PENDING COUNCIL RETREAT The Clerk presented a communication from the Community Services Department recom- mending approval of the master design plans for Manning Park and Helme Park, and authorization for the working drawings and specifications to be completed by Cardoza, DiLallo, Landscape Architects of Costa Mesa. Councilman Pattinson expressed concern in regard to plans for the development of parks within the City and in particular, Manning Park and its proximity to the beach and Lake Park. He was especially concerned with the cost of maintaining the proposed parks. 111 Page #4 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 The Director of Community Services responded to the matter, explaining that the Master Plan called for plans and designs for the proposed parks as soon as possible, in an effort to complete as many parks as possible, as had been promised to the public several years ago. He pointed out that this was being done in an,effort to meet demands of the law, a nd that he hoped that all the plans could be designed. Councilman Thomas left -the room at this time. Council expressed concern that. the City become involved in purchasing acreage to which they were opposed. Mayor MacAllister suggested.that the matter be deferred for two weeks, pending further information. Following further discussion, a mo . tion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Mandic, to continue consideration of the Master Design Plans for the Manning and Helme Parks until a forthcoming retreat between Council and staff. The motion carried by the following vote: . AYES: Pattinson, Mandic, MacAllister, Bailey, Yoder, Finley NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas (out of room) BEACH BLVD & FLORIDA STREET SEWERS - CC-198 - PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS/CALL FOR BIDS - DEFERRED TO 1/7/80 The Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works recommending approval of plans and specifications for the installation of sanitary sewers in Beach Boulevard from Ellis Avenue to Ronald Drive and the extension of the Florida Street sewer souther ' ly to serve the new Wycliffe development, adoption of Addendum EIR 7B-3 and authorization to call for bids. Councilwoman Bailey stated that she believed this matter had been presented previously to Council. She stated that she would like to know where on the priority list these sewers were and what was the previous action taken by Council. The Director of Public Works suggested that the matter be deferred at this time. On motion by Mandic, second Bailey, Council deferred action on the Plans and Specifi- cations/Call for Bids for the Beach Blvd. and Florida Street Sewers to the 1/7/80 Council meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Pattinson, Mandic, MacAllister, Bail'ey, Yoder,.Finley NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas (out -of room) Councilman Thomas returned to the meeting. SELECTION OF CONSULTANT TO ADMINSTER REHABILITATION LOANS PROGRAM - BILL BOND & ASSOC. INC - CONTINUED TO 1/7/80 The Clerk presented a communication from the Development Services Director recommending that Council select the proposal submitted by Bill Bond & Associates, Inc. relative to the administration of the Rehabilitation Loans Program, and approve execution of the contract. Page #5 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 Councilwoman Bailey expressed concern regardi ' ng administration costs of the Re- habilitation Loans Program, suggesting that the City get together with other cities involved with a view to administering the program jointly. She inquired as to the cost to the City of administering the program. The Senior Housing & Community Dev- elopment Specialist discussed costs for administration of the prog . ram with Council, apprising them of the situation. Councilwoman Bailey stated that she would like Council to look into alternatives offered by the Senior Housing & Community Develop- ment Specialist and requested'that more material be made available to them. Council- woman Finley stated her concern with costs involved in administering the program, - especially in light of performance. She was in favor of consolidation with other cities and sharing the costs and suggested a continuance of the matter. A motion was.made by Bailey, seconded by Thomas, to continue the matter of selection of consultant to administer Rehabilitation Loans Program to 1/7/80. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor MacAllister requested staff to present recommendations regarding the concerns shown by Council, especially the idea of contracting with someone to be on the City payroll, and how to reduce the seemingly high overhead cost of the program. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL TO DENIAL OF ZC 79-8 & ND 79-67 - APPEAL GRANTED - ORD NO 2409 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED Mayor MacAllister announced that this was the7day and hour set for the continuation of a public hearing from November 19, 1979 on an appeal filed by Dewey Davide, repres- enlativo of Ind Street property owners, to the denial by the Planning Comm ission of lone Case 79-8 and Negative Declaration 79-67. Said zone case is a request to change zoning from C3, General Business District to Old Town Specific Plan, District One, on the properties generally located southwest of Lake Street and northeast of 3rd Street. Jay Fehli, Ind Street resident, stated his support for the zone change and made sug- gestions for improving the area of concern. He referred to scrap and junk in the area and urged Council to make some effort to clean it up. Rosan Tyler, resident, spoke in favor of the area being developed residentially, giving reasons for her opinion. Jim lyler, resident, gave reasons why he believed the area should be developed resi- dentially, rather than commercial. Sarah Deundian, Ind Street resident, informed Council that she had been a Huntington Beach resident since 1948 and gave reasons why she believed the appeal should be granted. Liliana Rinaldi, 2nd Street resident and property owner in the City, thanked the Co—incil members who had discussed this matter with her. She stated her concern for the area, urging Council to develop it residentially. Caroline Rezendez, 2nd Street resident, gave reasons why she was in favor of the area being rezoned to residential, AnQelo Rinaldi, one of the applicants and resident of the area, gave reasons why he did not believe commercial zoning would be favorable to the area. He spoke of res- trictions on his own property, with regard to developing it commercially. I_JL3 Page #6 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 Dewey David spoke in favor of residential zoning. There being no one further present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Councilman Pattinson spoke in favor of the appeal, pointing out that for years the property had been zoned commercial and nobody had shown any interest in developing it. He referred to the restrictions the present zoning imposes on residents. Councilmembers Finley, Bailey and Yoder concurred with Councilman Pattinson's comments. The Clerk was directed to read Ordinance No. 2409 by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM C3 TO OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN, DISTRICT ONE, ON REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTHWEST OF LAKE STREET AND NORTH- EAST OF THIRD STREET (ZONE CASE NO 79-8)." A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Thomas, to overrule the decision of the Planning Commission, approve Zone Case 79-8 and Negative Declaration 79-67, and approve introduction of Ordinance No. 2409. The motion carried by the following.roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Yoder, Finley NOES: Mandic ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL TO PC APPROVAL OF CUP #79-25 - COUNCILMAN THOMAS - APPEAL DENIED I Mayor MacAllister announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal filed by Councilman Thomas to the approval by the Planning Commission of Con- ditional Use Permit 79-25, a request to establish a private karate studio in an existing industrial building, located approximately 900 ft. south of the centerline of Heil Avenue and west of Gothard Street in the MI Light Industrial District. The Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met and that other than the letter of appeal, she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Planning Director informed Council that during the agenda review meeting, he had been requested to evaluate the anticipated revenue to the City from this use. He referred to his,communication to Council dated December 17,1979 regarding the matter. Mayor MacAllister declared the hearing open. Dan Ardell gave reasons why he believed the Conditional Use Permit should be granted. There being no one further present to speak on the matter, and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Councilwoman Finley gave reasons why she believed the Conditional Use Permit should be granted. Councilman Thomas stated that he believed there was too much commercial business in the area, referring in particular to the parking conditions which he did not find to be ideal.. He also believed that the karate studio was being conducted. without the proper permits. .114 Page #7 - Council Minutes.- 12/17/79 The Development Services Director responded that he was unaware that the karate studio had possibly been established illegally, however, he would study the matter and report back to Council. Mayor MacAllister requested Mr. Ardell to clarify the matter. Mr. Ardell introduced Tina Taylor who informed Council that a temporary Certificate of Occupancy had been acquired with the understanding that it would have to be vacated were the approval of use not granted. Discussion was held by Council as to whether the studio was in operation legally, following which, the City Attorney informed Council as to the legal aspects of the matter. A motion was made by Finley, seconded by Bailey, to sustain the recommendation of the Planning Commission and staff and approve Conditonal Use Permit 79-25, pursuant to Findings of Fact and Conditions as follows: Findings: 1) the subject industrial complex has adequate parking to accommodate the proposed use, and (2) the proposed karate studio is generally compatible with the surrounding land uses. Conditions of Approval:( 1) the site plan received and dated Sept. 12, 1979 shall be tTFe approved layout; (2) classes shall be limited to six (6) students per session during daytime hours (8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.) and 15 students per session during even- ing hours (4:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.); (3) A fifteen minute separation between classes shall be required to allow students time to leave the parking lot and make room for the next class; (4) the Planning Commission reserves the right to rescind this Con- ditional Ise Permit in the event of any violation of the applicable zoning laws. Any such decision shall be based upon specific findings: (5) the classes to be held during daytime hours shall be conducted without the use of shouting or other excess- ively loud verbal expressions. The motion carried by the following vote: AY ES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Bailey, Yoder, Finley NOES: Thomas, Mandic ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING APPEAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF CE #79-41, #79-42, #79-46, #79-47 - CORONA APPEAL GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS Mayor MacAllister announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by Robert Corona to the Planning Commission's denial of Conditional Exceptions Nos. 79-41, 79-42, 79-43, 79-46, 79-47 on November 2, 1979. Said Conditional Exceptions are to allow an encroachment of approximately five (5) sq. ft. of structure into the required 25 ft. by 25 ft. corner cut-off and were re- ferred to the Planning Commission by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. The sobject parcels are located at the northwest corner of 19th Street and Orange Avenue, south- west corners of 19th Street and Palm Avenue, and 21st Street and Palm Avenue, and the southeast corners of 21st Street and Palm Avenue , and 20th Street and Palm Avenue. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met and that other than the letter of appeal, she had received no com- munications or written protests to the matter. RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 9:15 P.M. The meeting was reco nvened at 9:25 P.M. by the Mayor. Page #8 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 The Development Services Director displayed viewgraphs indicating the encroachment as it would be, subsequent to the developer's revising the site plan, after filing the Conditional Use Permit. Mayor MacAllister declared the hearing open. Layne Neugart, City, referred to slides of the area, indicating that he believed visibility would not be impaired if the project were allowed to be developed with the requested setback. He urged Council to grant the appeal. Robert Corona, developer and builder of the project, informed Council that he believed the subject had been well covered and would be available to answer any questions. Gordon Offstein, City, spoke against the appeal, giving reasons for his conviction. He stated that he believed approval of this request would take advantage of developers who build according to code. There being no one further present to speak on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. The Planning Services Director stated that he hopes, should Council grant the appeal, it would not set a precedent; future developments would be judged on their individual merit. Considerable discussion was held on the matter between Council and staff. The Develop- ment Services Director "informed Council that they would receive a code amendment and precise plan relative to this matter in January. A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Yoder, to overrule the decision of the Planning Commission and grant the appeal, pursuant to Findings of Fact and Conditions as follows: Findings and Conditions: (1) The granting of these Conditional Exceptions does not constitute a grant of special,previlege inconsistent upon other properties in like zone classifications within the community; (2) Because of special circumstances applicable to these properties (twenty-five (25) foot widths), the strict application of code requirements was found to-depriVe subject properties of privileges enjoyed by other properties within the community; (3) The granting of these conditional ex- ceptions are found not to adversely affect the General Plan. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, MacAllister, Bailey, Yoder, Finley NOES: Mandic ABSENT: None PUBLIC HENRING - APPEAL TO BZA APPROVAL OF TPM 79-579 - COUNCILMAN MANDIC - DEFERRED TO 1/7/79 Mayor MacAllister announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing on an appeal filed by Councilman Mandic to the Board of Zoning Adjustments' approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 79-579. Said parcel map is a request to allow the con- solidation of two parcels of land into one lot and was approved by the Board of Zon ing Adjustments on.11/14/79. The subject property is located at the southeast corner of Warner Avenue and Lynn Street. The Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met and that other than the letter of appeal, she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. Page #9 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 The Director of Community Services informed Council that they had been provided with his additional communication on the matter dated December 13, 1979 which re- ferred to the installation by the develoDer.o.f off -site improvements and the recom- mendation that the City acquir-4-a"'p'ortfon of the property. He presented slides and background information of the area and informed Council that he had requested Councilman Mandic to appeal this matter, due to problems and hazards involved in the dOYelopment, as proposed. Councilman Pattinson stated -that he believed -he had a possible conflict of interest and would, therefore, abstain from voting on the matter. Mayor MacAllister declared the hearing open. Norm BedlU informed Council that he was not notified of the public hearing. Mr. Bedley spoke regarding his efforts to negotiate with the major developer in the area and urged Council to postpone a decision at this time. Clark McCort, representing Westfield Development Company, informed Council that they had 6een med that the property.was 'buildable' before purchasing it. He stated that he would answer any questions Council might have. Coun . cilwoman.Finlgy and Councilman Thomas left the room at this time. Mayor MacAllister stated that he believed -there should " be a 30 day continuance on the matter, pending more facts. Discussion was held between Council and the City Attorney as to what action should be taken,at this time. Mr Bedley and Mr. McCortagain addressed Council on -the matter. A motion Was made by Mandic, seconded by Bailey, to conti nue the public hearing to the January 7, 1980 Council meeting. The motion carried as follows.: AYES: Mandic, MacAllister,, Bailey, Yoder WE$: None ABSENT: Thomas, Finley ABSTAIN- Pattinson Coun . cilwoman Finle.v and.Councilman Thomas returned torthe meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Jack Mahnken, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel, Fountain Valley School District, addressR incil regarding the'agenda item pertaining to Housing & Community Develop- ment funds for the Bushard Neighborhood. He stated that the district had approved the concept of a lease agreement -between the City and Fountain Valley School District, subject to the City's review and possible approval. Mr. Mahnken pointed out the need for adult supervision after school hours, weekends, vacation time, etc. He pointed out that Council's approval.wbuld trigger the District to seek State approval to allow the lease, as it is,State-owned property. Conrad Epley, resident of the Bushard-area, addressed.Council in favor of the Bushard N09h5o hood project. Bruno Dawid, resident, addressed Council regarding the a genda item pertaining to street parking�on Slater Avenue between Beach Blvd.'and Newland Street and the problem of residents in regard to parking.. 117" Page #10 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 Mr. Dawid stated that he was given no indication of what was being done in.the area, pointing out that there is no near parking to his.dwelling,.and,parking in.'the alley was not permitted. He believed that the turning lane was -unnecessary, pointingr.out .that there was a school in t he area and that the area had been zoned residential. M , r. Dawid also stated that parking and walking across the busy street was hazardous. in his opinion, parking and a bicycle lane could be provided on his side,of the street. Pete Seanoa, City resident, spoke regarding the parking problems on Slater Avenue. informed Council that the alleys were not lit and that traffic in the area from Beach Blvd. to Magnolia Street travelled at 45 m.p.h. minimum, making this area hazardous to children. In conclusion, he urged Council to consider giving residents back their parking area. James Samuelson addressed Council regarding what he believes to be a confusing traffic situTt-i-on on Adams Avenue between Beach Blvd. and Brookhurst Street, due to the broadness of the street causing drivers uncertainty as t6the driving lanes and the situation of drivers passing on the right.: He requested that this problem be resolved. John Stern addressed Council regarding the agenda items pertaining to truck parking on Adams Avenue. He stated that trucks park in front of houses and start their engines early in the morning. He urged Council to consider the petition ' submitted and commented on'the dangers during the foggy season when trucks are parked on Adams Avenue. Jim Van Derhyden addressed Council regarding Resolution No. 4822 pertaining to c1se Plan ' of Street Alignment No.79-2. Mr. Van Derhyden requested that when the resolution is considered later in the meeting, the opinion of the City Attorney be given with regard to revocation of building permits. Discussion was held on the matter between Council and staff and the City Attorney informed Council that the builder has no vested right -until he has.substantially improved the property. Fol- lowing further comments, the Mayor stated that the matter would be considered when the resolution was before Council later in'the meeting. Frederick P. Leahey, resident, gave reasons why he believed the City should support e TIN CUP ordinance - (Ordinance No. 2408) scheduled for consideration later in the meeting. Lucila Laino, repres . enting the League of Women.Voters of West -Orange County, re- Te-rred to the need for campaign reform- practices � -urging - CouAci.l.:to adopt same an'd gave reasons for her request. Lorraine Faber, Secretary of the Home Council addressed Council regarding the TIN CUP ordinance, listing reasons why she believed Council should adopt same. She referred to the legal opinion from the City Attorney's office stating -that they were mainly In agreement with same. Tom Livengood referred to the Home Council and the TIN CUP ordinance, giving reasons wFy he believed it should be adopted. Jerry Matney spoke regarding campaign financing and expenditure and 'loopholes' ex- perienced 17i the'past in this regard, and urged Council to adopt Ordinance No. 2408, or revise the ordinance so that the loopholes are blocked. I Ralgh Kiser, Executive Manager, Chamber of Commere, read a -letter dated December 17, TT9, transmitting the policy statement of the Community Political Action Committee of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce opposing the proposed "TIN CUP"ordinance. lis Page #11 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED Resolution Nos. 4815 and 4817 were removed from the consent calendar for separate discussion. On motion by Mandic, second Thomas, Council directed the Clerk to read Resolution Nos. 4814, 4815, 4816, 4818, 4819, 4820 and 4821 by title; and adopted same by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Mandic, MacAllister, Bailey, Yoder, Finley NOES: None ABSENT: None RES NO 4814 - ADOPTED - REGULATIONS FOR ELECTIVE CANDIDATES - GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING REGULA- TIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICE, PERTAINING TO MATERIALS SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORATE AND THE COSTS THEREOF FOR THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1980." RES NO 4815 - ADOPTED REQUEST TO BOA-RD OF SUPERVISORS FOR SPECIFIED SERVICES - GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THECOUNTY OF ORANGE TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO SAID CITY RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1980." RES NO 4816 - ADOPTED NOTICE - GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR CERTAIN CANDIDATES "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1980 FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS OF SAID CITY AS RE- QUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH." RES NO 4818 - ADOPTED - SUPPLEMENT TO AGREEMENT IMPROVING R/R CROSSING - TALBERT AVE "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SUPPLEMENT NO 06 TO AGREEMENT NO 0775181 TO IMPROVE THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY'S RAILROAD CROSSING NO BAA521.59 ON TALBERT AVENUE." RES NO 4819 - ADOPTED - MARCH 1980 - CENSUS MONTH "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH PROCLAIMING MARCH 1980 AS "CENSUS MONTH". RES NO 4820 - ADOPTED - FEES/GUIDELINES - FISCAL IMPACT MODEL "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING GUIDE- LINES AND SETTINGFEES FOR USE OF THE FISCAL IMPACT MODEL." 119 Page #12 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 RES NO 4821 - ADOPTED - UUD #73-4 (Y6RK'TOWN AVENUE) - EXTENSION OF TIME OF COM- PLETION "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH EXTENDING TIME OF COMPLETION FOR UNDERGROUNDING IN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT NO 73-4.11 RES NO 4817 - PARKING AREAS/PRIVATE PROPERTYMANDICAPPED PERSONS - DEFERRED TO 1/7/80 The Clerk presented Resolution No. 4817 for Council's consideration. On motion by Pattinson, second Bailey, Council deferred action on Resolution No. 4817 to the January 7, 1980 Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously. RES NO 4822 - ADOPTED - PPSA #79-2 (ALTERNATIVE #8) - LAKE STREET The Clerk presented Resolution No. 4822 for Council's consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, ADOPTING PRECISE PLAN OF STREET ALIGNMENT NO 79-2, ALTERNATIVE NO 8, THE ALIGNMENT OF LAKE STREET BETWEEN ORANGE AVENUE AND WALNUT AVENUE AND ATLANTA BETWEEN DELAWARE STREET AND LAKE STREET." Considerable discussion was held between Mr. Van Derhyden, the Development Services Director and Council regarding the proposed resolution. Following a�reading by title, a motion was made by Mandic, seconded by Finley, to adopt Resolution No. 4822. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, Mandic, MacAllister, Bailey, Finley NOES: Yoder ABSENT: None I ABSTAIN: Pattinson RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKING ORDINANCE - CITY ATTORNEY TO REVISE FOR CONSIDERATION AT 1121/80-COUNCIL MEETING The City Administrator referred to his communication (CA 12/14/79) advising that the Police Department had been requested to give input as to any changes which would be beneficial in the Recreational Vehicle Ordinance, however, they had indicated that the ordinance was sufficient except for Section 10.44.060, dealing with the length of disallowed vehicles. Said section states that 25 ft. is the maximum but fails to identify from what point on the vehicle the measurement is to be taken (the width is adequately covered). He informed Council that the Police Department requested the ordinance to be amended to state that the 25 ft. maximum length will be measured from the furthest projecting point at either end of the vehicle. . A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Yoder, to direct the City Attorney to prepare an amendment to the municipal code relative to the Recreational Vehicle Park- ing Ordinance for consideration at the January 21, 1980 Council meeting. The motion carried unamimously. CONSOLIDATION OF PARK MAINTENANCE DIVISION AND TREE/LANDSCAPE DIVISION - APPROVED T he City Administrator referred to his communication (RCA 79-91) relating to con- solidation of the Park Maintenance Division and Tree/Landscape Division into the Public Works Department. Izo. I Page #13 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Yoder, to approve recommendations of the City Administrator as follows: 1) Approve the transfer of the balance of funds effective January 1, 1980 in the Park Supervis-ion,(380) and the Park Maintenance (381) accounts to a new Park Main- tenance program (544) in the Public Works Department. 2) Approve the organizational chart for this new division to be effective for the balance of the 1979-80 fiscal year. 3) Authorize staff to begin personnel recruitment for closed promotional exami-n- ations to fill the vacant positions of Park, Tree and Landscape Maintenance Super- intendent and Park Maintenance Supervisor. 4) Approve the expenditure of $60,950.00 from Capital Outlay funds for new equip- ,ment as shown on Exhibit "A". 5) Direct the City Administrator to hold in abeyance the expenditure of the estimated $46,675.00 in personnel cost saving and $54,000 in preparation of an analysis of needs by April 1, 1980. Councilwoman Bailey gave reasons why she did not approve the consolidation of Park Maintenance/Tree Landscape Divisions with the Public Works Department. She suggested that these divisions be consolidated with the Community Services Department. Council- man Pattinson presented reasons why he believed the City Administrator's recommen- dations should be followed. Considerable discussion was held by Council and the City Administrator on the matter. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried as follows: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Yoder, Finley NOES- Mandic, MacAllister, Bailey ABSENT: None HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ASSN - REQUEST -FOR ADDITIONAL HOLIDAY - DENIED The City Administrator referred to a letter from the President of the M.E.A. which had been distributed to Council for their consideration. The letter requested that Council consider Monday, December 24, 1979 an additional holiday for all City employ- ees, and pointed out that recent action'had been taken by President Carter to declare this date an additional holiday for all Federal Government employees. It was established that lost time from such a holiday would amount to approximately $82,000. The City Attorney informed Council that the issue was a 'Meet and Confer' procedure. On motion by Pattinson, second Thomas, Council denied the request for Monday, December 24, 1979 to be considered an additional holiday for all City employees. The Motion carried unanimously. INFORMAL PETITION RE STREET PARKING (SLATER BETWEEN i - DEFERRED TO The Clerk presented an informal petition listing approximately 76 signatures of residents in the area of Slater Avenue, between Beach Boulevard and Newland Street, requesting Council to reinstate on -street parking, citing lack of adequate parking for residents and guests and unnecessary safety hazards for children. A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Finley, to refer the matter back to staff for more input, to be brought before Council at the January 7, 1980 Council meeting. Page #14 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Mandic, MacAllister, Finley NOES: Bailey, Yoder ABSENT: None I ORD NO 2406 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED - CODE AMENDMENT - LICENSING OF ANIMIALS The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2406 for Council's consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY RE- PEALING SECTION 7.08.120, AND AMENDING SECTION 7.97.050 RELATING TO THE LICENSING OF ANIMALS." On motion by Pattinson, second Yoder, Council directed the Clerk to give Ordinance No. 2406 a reading by title and approved same for introduction by unanimous vote. ORD NO 2407 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED CODEAMENDMENT - FOOD HANDLING/VENDING The Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2407 for Council's consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY RE- PEALING SECTIONS 8..04.010, 8.04.020 AND -CHAPTER 8.08 THEREOF, AND ADDING THERETO NEW SECTIONS 8.04.010 AND 8 ' 04.020 RELATING TO FOOD -HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS, AND CHAPTER 8.08 ENTITLED, "FOOD VENDING VEHICLES.' On motion by Pattinson, second Thomas, Council directed the Clerk to give Ordinance No. 2407 a reading by title and approved same for introduction by unanimous vote. ORD NO 2408 - INTRODUCTION DENIED - POLITICAL CAMPAIGN REGULATIONS I The Clerk introduced Ordinance No. 2408 for Council's consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY RE- PEALING CHAPTER 2.04 AND ADDING THERETO NEW CHAPTER 2.04 ENTITLED, "POLITICAL CAMPAIGN REGULATIONS." Councilman Mandic stated that he was in favor of the ordinance; that he would like to see some of the Council's differences ironed out and returned at a later meeting. He requested that a straw vote be taken to determine if there was support for his recom- mendation. Considerable discussion was held between Council on the best way of handling the matter. Councilwoman Bailey spoke in favor of campaign reform laws. A motion was made by Mandic, seconded by Bailey, to take a straw vote in favor of the TIN CUP proposal. The straw vote failed, as follows: AYES: Mandic, Bailey, Finley NOES: Pattinson, Thomas, MacAllister, Yoder ABSENT: None A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Thomas, that Ordinance No. 2408 not be introduced. The motion carried by the following roll call vote; AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, MacAllister, Yoder NOES: Mandic, Bailey, Finley ABSENT: None JL-22 Page #15 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 _A11 TRUCK PARKING ON ADAMS AVENUE - PARKING PROHIBITED - ADAMS/RESTRIPING 6 LANES The Clerk presented a communication from the Department of Public Works regarding an informal petition received to prevent commercial truck parking on Adams Avenue, said item had been deferred from November 19, 1979. Discussion was held by Council regarding the matter. Councilman Pattinson spoke regarding the undeveloped parcel of land east of Beach Blvd. to the first housing project, which he believed could present a traffic hazard when the six lanes nar- rowed to four lanes. It was mutually agreed that on recommendations (a) and (b), the limits to Coldwater Lane be changed to Newland Street. On motion by Pattinson, second Thomas, Council approved (a) - to prohibit parking on both sides of Adams Avenue from the easterly City limits to Newland Street, and (b) - the restriping of Adams Avenue to provide six lanes of travel from the easterly City limits to Newland Street. Councilwoman Bailey stated that while she approved of the motion, she would like to see bicycle lanes on Adams Avenue. The motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON PROPOSAL FOR EXPENDITURE OF HCD FUNDS IN BUSHARD NEIGHBORHOOD - APPROVED The Clerk presented a communication from the Development Services Director regarding the ex,end1ture of Housing and Community Development funds in lu 5 lard Neighborhood Mayor MacAllister stated that since he sits on the Board of Trustees to the Boys' Club, he might possibly have a conflict of interest. The City Attorney informed him that he did not. A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Thomas, to approve the recommendations of the Development Services Director with regard to expenditure of HCD funds in Bushard Neighborhood, as follows: 1) Define Community Development Program to include provision of a gymnasium at the Bushard School site, and authorize by minute action expenditure of HCD funds for that purpose; (2) Direct the City Attorney and staff to commence negotiation of a.lease agreement for real property with the Fountain Valley School District; (3) Direct the City Attorney and staff to commence negotiation of a management agreement with the Boys' Club of Huntington Beach; (4) Authorize staff to recruit the services of an architect in conformance with Municipal Code, Chapter 3.03, Professional Services; (5) Authorize staff to recruit the services of an architect in conformance with Muni-cipal Code, Chapter 3.03, Professional Services. Steve Kohler, Senior Housing & Community Developmen.t.Specialist, addressed Council and stated that the Housing and Community Development Citizens Advisory Committee had not had time to formally review the.recommendations. Councilman Yoder inquired what would happen in the event that the Boys' Club was ever unable to maintain the project. Discussion was held on the matter between Council and staff, following which, the Senior Housing and Community Development Specialist clarified the matter. Councilman Pattinson suggested that at the time the City Attorney's Office commences negotiations of a management agreement with the Boys' Club of Huntington Beach, the agreement should include the options that are available to the schooldistrict and the City, should the Boys' Club fail. 123 Page #16 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79. Mayor MacAllister stated that if the recommendations are approved, a study session between Council, the Boys' Club and the Fountain Valley School District could be held on January 14, 1980. The motion carried -unanimously. LEAGUE OF CITIES STUDY SESSION - EMPLOYEE RELATIONS INSTITUTE - 1/23/80 AND 1/24/80 Mayor MacAllister reminded Council of the League of Cities Study Session - Employee Relation Institute to be held January 23/24, 1980 in Los Angeles, The City Attorney informed him that perhaps two staff members would be attending, and Councilman Mandic stated that he too, may attend. ADJOURNED COUNCIL MEETING 7:00 PM - 117180 - RE TRANSPORTATION - AL HOLLINDEN Mayor MacAllister announced that there would be an adjourned Council meeting preceding the regular Council meeting on January 7, 1980, from 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM to meet with Al Hollinden, representative of the Orange County Transit District. ADJOURNED COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULED - 1/21/80 WITH COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION RE HUNTINGTON CENTRAL PARK Mayor MacAllister referred to the need to clarify the direction given by Council to staff regarding boundaries for Huntington Central Park. He stated that a meeting would be held with the Community Services Commission on January 21, 1980 at 6:30 PM to clarify this matter. SALES TAX PROPOSAL - STUDY BY STAFF REQUESTED Mayor MacAllister referred to the California League of Cities' suggestion that the City consider a ballot measure to allow the cities to derive an increase from one to two cents in the amount of sales tax received from the state. Following discussion, a motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Finley, to direct staff to look into the recommendation of the League of California Cities relative to an increase in the amount of sales tax received by the City from the State, and report back to Council. The motion carried unanimously, with Councilwoman Bailey temporarily out of the room. HUNTINGTON CENTRAL PARK - COST ANALYSIS OF LAND ACQUISITION ON ELLIS AV REQUESTED Councilman Mandic referred to the potential expansion of Huntington Central Park north of Ellis Avenue. He requeste&staff to bring back cost figures on purchase of property involved for expansion, the funding available and the potential reven- ues that will come to the City from park dedication and park fees. DIVISION 9 MUNICIPAL CODE - UPDATE REOUESTED Councilman Mandic stated that he would like a progress report on Division 9 re- visions, with a timetable as to its completion by the next meeting. He stated that on:certain projects, off -site parking is given credit on arterial streets with parking space on the actual projects reduced. He believed that this should also be considered in the re -write, possibly before the complete revision. I izil Page #17 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 UTILITY FRANCHISES - REPORT REQUESTED Councilman Mandic referred to the utility franchises; in particular the 112% level lifetime clause. He stated that he would like staff to look into ways of removing these indeterminable franchises. The City Administrator informed Council that a study was being made. UPDATE ON LEASE AGREEMENTS REgUESTED - POLLYEA Councilman Mandic requested up -dates on the accounts with City & consultant Charles Pollyea, relative to his services on the Huntington Beach Inn and Huntington Central Park leases. . DIVISION 9 REVISION - PROGRESS REPORT The City Attorney reported to Council the progress being made on the Division 9 re- write of the Ordinance Code and the problems encountered because of staff turnover in the Development Services Department and the City Attorney's Office and various other factors. She spoke regarding her intention to employ a legal intern through the CETA Program, who would be able to complete the re -write in a timely manner. FRANCHISE SYSTEM Councilwoman Bailey inquired as to the outcome of meetings which had been held be- tween the City and other cities relative to franchises. The City Administrator re- ported on the matter. He stated that a report would be presented to Council and informed them that a task force would be formed to address all other franchises which may come up in the future. RES 4812 REVISING ADOPTED FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 GENERAL FUND BUDGET - SCHEDULED FOR 1 111JI Ion Councilman Pattinson referred to Resolution No. 4812 adopted at the last Council meeting at which he was absent. He requested reconsideration of the resolution, as he believed the various items contained in the resolution should have been presented separately. Councilman Pattinson referred specifically to the expense of an Assis- tant City Administrator, which he believed to be unnecessary. A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Thomas, that Resolution No. 4812 be .reconsidered. Following discussion, the riiotion was withdrawn. A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Thomas, to divide Resolution 4812 into .three separate sections and bring same before Council at the January 21, 1980 Council meeting. Councilwoman Bailey gave reasons why she was opposed to the motion. The. motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Yoder, Finley NOES: Mandic, MacAllister, Bailey ABSENT: None 125 Page #18 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 nr) PROPOSED TOWING ORDINANCE MOTION TO CONSIDER AT 1/21/80 COUNCIL MEETING - FAILED Councilman Pattinson referred to action taken at the previous meeting relative to the towing ordinance for the City and his belief that the City would benefit best by entering into a franchise, A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Thomas, to direct staff to research data on the matter including information on other cities which franchise their towing, for presentation to Council under 'New Business' at the January 21, 1980 Council meeting. Mayor MacAllister gave reasons why he would not support the motion, and discussion was held by Council on the matter. The motion failed by the following vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Yoder NOES: MacAllister, Bailey, Finley ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Mandic VENETIAN BLINDS FOR DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPT - REPORT FORTHCOMING Councilman Thomas requested Council to consider the purchase of venetian blinds for the south side of the Development Services Department. A motion was made by Thomas, seconded by Bailey, to direct staff to purchase venetian blinds for the Development Services Department in the amount of approximately $1,000 from Capital Outlay Funds. Discussion was held between Council, following which the City Administrator stated that he would present Council with a report on the matter. The motion and the second were withdrawn. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON FRANCHISE Councilman Yoder stressed the need to challenge the franchise between the Southern California Edison Company and the City as he did not believe such,an agreement could be considered "indefinite". HUNTINGTON BEACH LIBRARY - FOUNTAINS TO BE OPERATED DURING CHRISTMAS Discussion was held between Council regarding utilization of the fountains outside the Huntington Central Library. Councilman Yoder expressed concern that the pumps would deteriorate and believed they should be tested. The City Administrator stated that the fountains were shut down as a cost and energy saving measure at the direction of Council. The Director of Public Works reported on the matter. A motion was made by Yoder, seconded by Finley, to direct staff to turn on the pumps for the fountains outside the Central Library, from the present time until after the New Year, at an expense not to exceed $500. Discussion was held between Council and the City Administrator upon the motion. Councilwoman Bailey stated her belief that there was a design deficiency which caused malfunctioning. 126 Page #19 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 The motion carried as follows: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Yoder, Finley NOES: Mandic, MacAllister, Bailey ABSENT: None GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - PROGRAM & TIMETABLE - STUDY SESSION TO BE ARRANGED Councilwoman Finley spoke regarding the goals and objectives on which she believed the City had not followed through. In regard to the proposed hiring of an Assistant City Administrator, Councilwoman. Finley informed Council of her disapproval of this action. She did not believe it would be constructive to hire an Assistant City Administrator without wording a proper description of the role. In conclusion, she urged continued implementation of the City's goals and objectives. A motion was made by Finley, seconded by Pattinson, to direct the City Administrator to provide a program and timetable relative to the City's goals and objectives, to be presented at a study session of Council. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. A motion was made by Finley, seconded by Yoder, to put a freeze on the hiring of an Assistant City Administrator and the interviews entailed. The motion carried as fol- lows: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Bailey, Yoder, Finley NOES: MacAllister, Mandic ABSENT: None BASEBALL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS - LeBARD SCHOOL/SEA VIEW LITTLE LEAGUE - FUNDS ALLOCATED T . he Clerk presented a communication from the Community Services Director regarding a request from the Sea View Little League for City assistance in remodeling their base- ball fields at LeBard School. A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Bailey, that the City allocate a maximum of $5,000 this year from the Park Acquisition and Development Fund, to assist Sea View Little League in remodeling of LeBard School baseball fields. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Mandic, MacAllister, Bailey, Yoder, Finley NOES: None ABSENT: None 19 80 LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM - APPROVED - RESOLUTION TO BE DRAFTED The Clerk presented a communication from the City Treasurer regarding the recommended 1980 Liability Insurance Program. A motion was made by Mandic, seconded by MacAllister, to approve the liability program selected by the Administrator and Risk Manager on December 7, 1979; said program became effective December 15, 1979. The motion carried unanimously. 127 Page #20 - Council Minutes - 12/17/79 A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Mandic, to authorize the City Attorney to draft a resolution conforming to Charter Section 613(a) and similar in content and form to Resolution No. 4454, "...to authorize the Risk Manager and Mayor to sign contracts for insurance policies as long as they conform to the adopted Risk Management Budget." The motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Mayor MacAllister adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to Monday, January 7, 1980, at 7:00 P.M., Room B-8, Civic Center. ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk &-Va &,"- PIPI. Deputy City Clerk Alipia M. Wentworth City Clerk and ex-officio ClerW of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Deputy Ci-ty Clerk AP/ P F-- -7 0 -, �Mi I I 128,