HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-01-19MINUTES Warner Fire Station Conference Room Huntington Beach, California Saturday, January 19, 1980 A cassette tape recording of this meeting is on file in the office of the City Clerk Mayor MacAllister called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 8:30 A.M. for the purpose of holding a Council Retreat. ROLL CALL Present: Pattinson, MacAllister, Bailey, Finley, Yoder, Mandic (arrived at 8:45 A.M.) Absent: Thomas EXECUTIVE SESSION CALLED .Mayor MacAllister called an executive session of the City Council at 8:35 A.M. to discuss personnel and litigation matters. Councilman Mandic arrived during the Executive Session. RECESS - RECONVENED The meeting was recessed by the Mayor and reconvened at 10:15 A.M. GOALS & OBJECTIVES The City Administrator presented Council with his revised draft of Goals and Objectives for 1980, as follows: CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S 1980 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES GOAL PROVIDE EFFRIENTND EFFECTIVE CITY —SERVICES NECMARY TO IMPLEMENT CITY CO NCIL POLICY AND MEET THE NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY IN THE 1980'S OBJECTIVES 1. ESTABLISH COOPERATIVE CITY COUNCIL/CITY ADMINISTRATOR RELATIONS. Action: A. Mayor's Advisory Committee and City Administrator meet on a regular basis, at least twice a month. B. Mayor's Advisory Committee (or other Council members) meet once a month with the combined management groups. C. Utilize retreats as a means of communicating with the City Council for purposes of establishing policy. 155 Page #2 - Council Meeting - 1/19/80 D. Improve followup on City Council direction. 2. DEVELOP A MORE EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION. Action: A. Prepare a multi -year financial and management plan. B. Continue to improve the practice of team management. C. Increase accountability for implementing adopted City goals and policies by continued improvement of budgeting procedures including tying programs goals to adopted City goals and more extensive description of annual work program by program. D. Increase fiscal accountability through continued im- provement of budgeting procedures and integration with accounting and data processing systems. E. Increase productivity through streamlining and consoli- dating operations utilizing the employee suggestion pro- gram, revising employee evaluation procedures and merit system. Consolidation issues which have been considered: 1. Park Maintenance/Street Tree 2. Vehicle Maintenance 3. Centralized Warehousing 4. Licensing 5. Risk Management G. Parking Enforcement F. Improve compliance with administrative procedures by formalizing and recording administrative policies in a usable, retrievable format. G. Increase alternatives for utilization of cost saving practices through expansion of management rights H. Revise personnel rules to reflect the needs of a changing work environment. 3. ESTABLISH OR IMPROVE THE PROCESSES UTILIZED TO IMPLEMENT THE GENERAL PLAN. Action: A. Finalize rewrite of Division 9. B. Revise Division 9 as necessary to reflect update of the General Plan. C. Establish a City-wide five year capital improvements program. 4. REVISE THE INSTRUMENTS FOR CITY ORGANIZATION, IMPLEMENTING OF GOALS AND POLICIES, AND CITY DEVELOPMENT TO REFLECT CITIZEN INPUT, CHANGING ORGANIZATIONAL NEEDS AND NEW ECONOMIC, DEMOGRAPHIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL DATA. Action: A. Update the General Plan. 15 1. Phase I - Internal consistency 2. Phase II - Reflect revised Policy Plan Page #3 - Council Meeting - 1/19/80 B. Revise January 1979 City Council adopted goals and policies. 5. DEFINE C014MUNITY NEEDS WITH THE AID OF CITIZEN INVOLVEMENT ON ISSUE IDENTIFICATION AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT, Action: A. Revise the adopted January 1974 Policy Plan through establishment of a City Council appointed citizen advisory committee. B. Possible target areas for strengthening management rights. 1. Uniforms and equipment 2. Layoff procedures 3. Flexibility in promotional procedures where necessary for affirmative action compliance 4. 4-10 Plan in the Police Department 5. Fire Department manning requirements C. Other possible proposals 1. Reduced retirement benefits for new employees 2. Language which will avoid the payment of all unused sick leave in the case of disability retirements 3. Eliminate minimum $50 payment under long term disability plan 4. Phase out Education Incentive Plan in Marine Safety Unit 5. Input from department heads Following the City Administrator's presentation, considerable discussion was held by Council relative to Staff/Council relations and interactions taking place. Board, Commissions and Committees were discussed regarding Council control. Council deter- mined to direct the Citizens' Advisory Committee of the Local Coastal Plan to choose a citizen chairman and set policy on attendance at meetings at the earliest possible time. Discussion was held on fees and the need for re-evaluation of such fees as sewer hook-ups and park fees. Councilwoman Bailey left the meeting at 11:15 A.M. General discussion was held on the Administrator's Goals and Objectives as presented, and Council concurred that he was heading in the direction which Council wished to move. They commended Mr. Belsito for detailed charts on program scheduling, Council meeting follow-up status report, multi -year financial management plan, utilization of management groups, consolidation efforts and Division 9 re -write tentative timetable. RECESS - LUNCH - RECONVENED Mayor MacAllister called a recess of the City Council for lunch at 11:45 A.M. The meeting was reconvened at 12:10 P.M. 157 Page #4 - Council Minutes - 1/19/80 FRANCHISING ANALYSIS Considerable discussion was held regarding the City Administrator's analysis of franchising. A summary of franchises being used by other Orange County cities for ambulance, paramedics, taxis, towing and trash was discussed. Bidding pro- cedures were discussed, along with the procedure for Certificates of Need and Necessity and franchising. Following Council comments, it was determined that further study should be made on franchises in larger cities. HUNTINGTON CENTRAL PARK Vincent Moorhouse, Director of Community Services, gave a one hour presentation, presenting a first draft of a Schematic Masterplan for Huntington Central Park. He presented procedures to be followed for the masterplanning of the park. Mr. Moorhouse presented his reasons for the conclusions and alternatives presented. Councilwoman Finley left the meeting at 2:00 P.M. Following a brief discussion with Council, it was determined that any questions that Council might have concerning the plan, would be presented at the joint meeting on Monday, January 21, 1980, at 6:30 P.M. with the Community Services Commission. An.]nuRNMFNT Mayor MacAllister adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council at 2:10 P.M. to Monday, January 21, 1980, at 6:30 P.M. in rooms B-7 and B-8. ATTEST: City Clerk and ex-offildlo C er of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California `�,v 95, Mayor 0 158