HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-04-19Huntington Beach, Cal. Apl, 19, 1a20. Regular. Pursuant to adjournment of April 5t h,. 1920, the Board of -Trustees met in regular session and was called to order at 8 oclock p. m. by President Vavra. Roll call. Trustees present, Vavra, Andrews, Manning, Chapin, Drew. Absent , None. Canvass of This being the date specified' by the statutes for the Election canvass of the votes at the General Municipal Election held returns. on the 12th day of April in cities of the sixth class the following Resolution No. 544 was presented: Reso, 544, (Copy of said resolution attached and made a part here.- att ached . of) Announcement President Vavra announced the election of C. J . Andrews, of elected R. L. Obarr, and Albert Onson as Trustees for four year terms. of f icexs . Ed. Manning as Trustee for Two years, Chas. R . Nutt as Clerk Scorn in and, and C. E. Lavering as Treasurer. the new officials were. sworn seat ed . in by the Clerk and took their seats. Organizat ion Mr. Vavra remained seated to assist the new ?3oard to of nevi 1?oa.rd . get organized and Trustee Andrews placed Trustee Manning in Manning as nomination for President of the Board and it was moved by President . Trustee Drew, seconded by Trustee Onson that the nominations be closed, Carried. The question was put and Trustee Manning was declared elected to -the office of President of the Board for Two years or until a new Hoard ,should be elected. Officials Ponds Ponds of Clerk and Treasurer with American Surety Co. approved. in the sums of $1.000 and $33, 000 . respectively and!the personal Bond of the Marshal in the sum of $1,000. were presented and on motion by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews were approved and the Prie-sident of the Board em— powered to sign same. Rids for This being the date set for the opening of the bids* on yaiarovesr;ent the improvement of the Alleys in Rlocks 104, 203 and 204 the Alleysrr��inrr]� following bids were opened and read by the Clerk: r� 104,204,205 Coast Concrete Co. Paving 19j¢ per six ft . Curb 900 lin opened. Brunton & Insley,, " 20 n n n 600 n Wells & Pressler, 11 354 " " " 600 " Isidor Carroll. " 39 " " " 600 " Submitt ed to and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews City P,n that bids be submitted to City Engr. Sewer Contractors Mlagenovich and Gillespie, Contractors on Sewer between ask extension. Huntington and Calif Aves . requested 30 days extension in which to complete sewer.and it was moved by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Andrews that extensionbe granted. Carried. Petition for Petit icon of owners of property on Becond St . to have Grading said street graded and oiled was presented and it was moved Second St. by Trustee Drew seconded by Trustee Obarr that petition be Tabled. laid on table until the owners should be advised that it would have to be done by frontage assessment. Carried. Request for Mr. J . H. Lawrence requested that permit be granted to Permission to him to move a house from Block 2203 East Side Villa Tract to move house. Block 404:non 5th St. and it was moved by Trustee Obarr, Grant ed . seconded by Trustee Onson that the permit be granted. Carried. Demands Moved by Trustee Obarr seconded b Tr z tee An re allowed . that Demands approved by Finance Cow, bye a�l�owed . �arr�ied. Demmdds as follows: U.S.Pipe & Fdry Co. 49.73 Mrs. Ada Moore, 5.00; C. E. Dixon, 5.00; .M.A.Higgins 5.00 Sam'1 Ferguson, 5.00; Mrs. Ella Labadie, 5.00. Adj ourned Moved by T rust ee Drew , Be conded by Trust ee Obarr t o sine die. adjourn.' ) Carried. Approved. . i�� a <o rd of T• rust e �. perk , President o: 1 he e 0 Ott est ."� Clerk of the roar 0 RES01"Tri. 10111 00 0 3 �j a 1 THE BOARD OF TRUITESS OP THE GIWY OP 11101211ITGTOI4 2 BBA04v STATE 011 CALIPORIIIAG 3 4 gBQ2LUjI011 DECLAU140 RESULT BUCTO 0 'UHMEAS9 a general unnicipal eloctioi von hoW W con- 6 Woted in the City of luntin&ton Boach, on Monday the 12th day og April* 1920, as requiFed by 1aWq 7 AMD PRERPASO it appears that notice of nald olectian wn" j� duly and legally giveno that votina procincts,,were proparIj estab- Whoat that 0100tion osTicars Vero appolnto4 t=l olection cuppliec 9 WrAGW9 EW, that 'in all r0pecto eala of oation une hold anal con- dustod and tho votos cast thoreat SCOW& W eanva0000 and tho 10. roturns thereof, made and aoclared in time, form W m2nnor so ro- qQrS by W Conoral la nn oR tho Nato Govorning clootions in 11 01ties ol,tho 212th and Unth Won 12 1 . PM) i*JLM`2'�AS, tiio Dow oR TrAzteoo of Wd City, met alt 4ho Counoil Chamber og tho Doara on NoWay, the 19th 07 of April, 13 :11920, to oanvaao tho roturns 09 saij 0100tion ana Notall the noNw_ ly eel octod OWNGTO as a rosult o2 Wich tho-board finds that the 14 OT VOW eacut the Anmoo ok "Vie porsono votoa fort and othar to be as heTeInafter alated, now thorofore ,�wattor* reqnlrod by lano 16 j 16 BE IT RhKOVEWas gollows; That zaQ regular municihold oloction was ld an, 000 17 Wted in tha City of Huntinjon Bonchq on NoWay, the 120day of 18* April, 1920, In time, form and manner as roquirod by ltv; 19 That there was one voting proolnot establiahed for the purposo of holding zaid election, consisting of a connolidation of the rpoular election preoincts established for holding ganoral 20 state ana county elections as follown: 21 WnWidated,Voting 2recinst 'A"", comVrising otate ant 22 oQnty procKeto numborO. onci two and throe. 23 That the rholo numbor 09 votes caot in 0ald city van two hunarea anA tmenty-throo, (223); 24 T-7-Lat the names of the poreons votoa ior, tho officea for 25 Kich thoy rare votQ; tho nnmbet of votos Givon In each precinct to each of said percona, toeether vith the Kole numbor oX votes 26 KiN thoy recolvea in the omit City, aro as follows: 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VOTES RBOW21 YED. At4aaa ox peroons TrUsTee XU14 Chas. J. Andrew o 133. R. asaf Obarr 3.06 i,66 JA'bexrt Onson s PF 1-67 147 Jowph Vavrra 1-3.6 116 pp Short term Ed 11kanning. 141 3.41 Chas. Ro Matt �­Clerk 193 Treasuror C, 99 Lavering 103. San Clapp I RESOMUP therb;oroj that, at said gonorrA- mtuilcipal oloction Chao. J. indrowis wag. to the office of TRUSIA".F.R, of Uo City of Rvntineton Beach for the PULL TPUM of four goarel, A11a0, that R-0 L. 'Cbarr w..e elected to the office of Tzmwtao of Pul-ICI City for the FULL TMOIJI I o: four years-, that Albert Orson r-7as elected to tho office of, TROOTEE of vald. Cit"Y for th-e 1"M-WI, TIRMM of four yoero; Pjz"00, that RA Manning was elected to tho olfico Of TRUST I 1� oX oaid City for the 311011j, TPIUA of two yc:,,,arsj*, ALSO® that Chas, Ra Nutt vans elected to the 0-f? co 0?_ (vanAk-of 'a'atd City for `:rye tetra of our Years A-LIS00 -that 0. 12o Lavoring we -a oloctod to the Office Of TM 5SUIN-M of caid, City gor the term of four ye ars The cievk shAn antov on ti-,w rocords oT tho Board, ant or vie Irowat o:f tb.o oloction, shovine; (1) The witolo nimber of votee capt in cald Cl'ty-(22) Tho wwwo oIC tho peroons voted for, (3) The office %1hich cach percon rii voted for-, (4 Tray: nw!lbor off votes given lat each precinct to each of Brach porsonb, MC �-` ticulai and. () The nimber o? votea glvon in, s,�Ad -2- i C 1 City to omeh of ouch persons, and for ana abainat each or ouch Px0powiion e voted Upow 3 The Clock chall WRIVely maN and doliver to each of ,.Oh persono eleded$ a cortifiento of'olection, slgnQ hy him and 4 duly authentioatod; ho mholl alao Xmpoao tha conetitutionj oath M avo them nubooribe the��-oto 9 wlteveikpon they Hall A2 0M00 E ul 11, 5 be Wented into tiro rospact ive uncoo to which they hake seen 7 1, the UAWSQUO10 horoby aertiTy that tho da k, _N ''rogoing Remolutlan mum duly and lagolly Intradamand d Qopte& by the BRAI&RD OP 09 tho cit'v'r 02 11"untine;- ton Beach at a regular manting, hold April 19th, 1920, by the follovIng vota, to -wit; "14 15 MORS, 16 17 18 IN TEST13 W %'11 X hereunto not mq hend and Wixed tho Official Seal 62 said Cityo h to 19th dr"q of April, 1920. 20 21 22 .00, 23 24 Soak. 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -3-