HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-05-27MINUTES Room B-8, Civic Center. Huntington Beach, California Tuesday, May 27, 1980 A tape recording of this meeting J's on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor Bailey called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:80 P.M. ROLL' CALL Present: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly Absent: Thomas Mayor Bailey stated that this was the second study session for the i`Y 11980/81 budget and that the focus would be on specific items. She presented 'the format 'of the meeting and stressed that the Council would not take action on' items until after the public hearing on the budget scheduled for Tuesday,- June.lOth. The City Administrator emphasized that this was a Preliminary Budget. He,- stated his willingness to answer any and all questions from Council or the audience. With the use of viewgraphs, he presented an overview of the Pre- 1 imnary Budget for FY 1980/81. The City Administrator presented the Operating Programs and invited Council's comment. CouncilWoman Finley referred to item be pertaining to Elevator Earthquake Protection and suggested that this could be funded "through the Public Facilities Corporation. Discussion was held and Mayor Bailey stated that she would present the proposal to the PFC at its next meeting. Councilman Pattinson questioned Item 40a pertaining to painting the Civic Center and whether this could be accomplished in-house. The Director of Public Works stated that it was possible, however it would take two months of staff time and other projects would have to be neglected. Discussion was held regarding weed abatement and it was reported by the Direc- tor of Public Works that this program is approximately one-half self -funded.. Discussion wa's held regarding doing jobs i't o 4s opposed to contracting them. out. The City. Administrator responded tha i tb i' i s onet of the steps the management group will 'be consioering when going over the budget. this year. The City Adro in i strator p'resenteo Staff Department Programs and invited -counts f rom Count 11 Discussion was held regard 'ng Item 27 Photo Pra&ction and Item 28 grant Pro- grams -and their priori ties . Items 15 and 25 pertaining to Civil 'Defense was d"iscus°s,04 'Courrci'l 4,Wstfoned the Purcha`sineg Officer as to the rpe of vehicles.he was acquiring f O the City. The Suggestion Program was discussed and Councilman 'Ke1.1y sta.ted reasons why 'he belrived th s program sho4ld be contiTrued . i6 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 5/27/80 The Finance Director presented a RevenUp-Analysis. Council discussed Self -Fundable Programs and the difference between a program being subsidized or self-sufficient and the reasons pertaining to each concept. Various fees were discussed.by Council with emphasis.on fees pertaining to Recreation and Parks Programs, Development Services, the Library and fees related .to parking and cam,pi.:ng at the beach. The City Administrator referred to pages 4bfi through 491 of the Preliminary Budget pertaining to Water Utility Budgets and pages 491 thro.ugh.495 pertain- ing to Other Funds. Discussion was held regarding the need to purchase a boat for use in cleaning the inlets in Huntington Harbour. PUBLIC CONTENTS Stan'Cohen complimented the City Administrator and staff on the budget prepara- tion'.-' He suggested that a budget committee of citizens be formed to. act as liaison between -staff and Council. -He gave -reasons why. .hebelieved such,: a..com- -mit.te ; would be beneficial. Dean Albright stated his concern if fees to developers were raised and the 'e ect:t at could have on costs of housing. Charlene Bauer s"poke.in,opposition,to char gin:g.a;fee for a. library card,: but state :tat she would not have objections relative to room rental fees, etc. She suggested that if the Historical Society could supply funds for material that the -Department of Public Works could supply manpower for improve- ments`to the Newland House. She stated that"she did not believe that developer fees were too high considering the profits they make on the houses. Tom Livengood distributed a questionaire:to Council containing twenty-five questions he would like answered at the public:hearing:on the budget scheduled for dune:l0th Merry:Lent stated that she believed that when Proposition 13 had passed that citizens: id=>not want fees raised a.nd that she was opposed to purchasing such : items as chairs, drapes, etc., for the CivicCenter. Ralph Bauer spoke in favor of adequate budget provisions for the library and :.for1recreation and park monies .as it,relates to services_. for. young people such as after --school acti vi ties He stated that such acti vi ties serve as an outlet for young people and if necessary should be subsidized. He stated his concern regarding an- adequate; _budget.,for:.Devel.opment ,Services emphasizing the need :for long: ;tero� ,planrii.ng .for. ,the. Ci ty>. Fred Froelich stated that 10 of the population was elderly and requested that Council consider .the impact If. the elderly and, poverty. level citizens were exempt from :the, utility tax. COUNC It COMMENTS - Councilman :MacAl1ister compl.imen- 4l staff. aft the viewgraphs and stated that he believed that the fat in the budget: had:- been :cut. Councilwoman Finley stated that she woul d I i ke Counci l ,.to have.;an opportun ty. ;to .review their goals. 77 Page #3 - Council Minutes - 5/27/80 Councilman Mandic thanked staff for their work. Councilman Kelly commented on the suggestion made during Public Comments regarding the formation of a citi- zens committee to study the budget and the suggestion regarding certain citizens being granted exemption from utility taxes. Discussion was held regarding the matter of granting exemption rrom utility taxes. Mr. Froelich referred to Supervisor Wieder and studies that were made in the past regarding the matter. Mayor Bailey stated her appreciation to the citizens that studied the budget in depth. Ralph Bauer stated that Council serves as the citizens committee as they are elected by the voters and that he believed no other committee was needed. Mayor Bailey stated that she believed that staff had tried very hard to be responsive to Council and to the people. APPOINTMENT TO SPECIAL EVENTS BOARD - APPROVED - WES BANNISTER On motion by Bailey, second Pattinson, Council appointed Wes Bannister to the Special Events Board. The motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD JULY 8th Mayor Bailey stated the need to shift the regular Council meeting from July 7th to July 8th as Council had been invited to view the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach on the 7th. On motion by MacAllister, second Kelly, Council re -scheduled the July 7th regular Council meeting to July 8th. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: None ABSTAIN: Pattinson ABSENT: Thomas ADJOURNMENT Mayor Bailey adjourned the adjourned regular Council meeting of the City of Huntington Beach. Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk and ex-o ficio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California BY Deputy City Cie ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk BY Deputy City Clerk i T5