HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-25MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach,. California Monday, August 25, 1980 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor Bailey called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 P.M. The Mayor announced that this meeting had been called for the purpose of meeting jointly with the Community Services Commission. ROLL CALL - CITY COUNCIL Present: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly Thomas (arrived 7:10 P.M.) Absent: None ROLL CALL - COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION Present: Jay Rivera, William Osness, Lee Mossteller, Martha Valentine, Betty Kennedy, Gene Farrell, Tom Cooper, Art Giese Absent: Norma VanderMolen, Glen Dysinger, Marilyn Jensen ORD NO 2448 RECONSIDERED - ORD NO 2453 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED - ZONE CASE NO 80-7 MEADOWLARK AIRPORT Councilman MacAllister stated that as the maker of the motion to approve introduction of -Ordinance No. 2448 pertaining to Zone Change 80-7 he would like Council to recon- sider the matter.. He stated that the purpose for the reconsideration would .be for the imposition. of additional conditions of approval. Following discussion, a motion was made by MacAllister seconded by Mandic, to recon- sider Ordinance No. 2448 pertaining to Zone Case 80-7. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: Thomas ABSENT None The Clerk was directed to read Ordinance No. 2453 by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO QUALIFIED MOBILEHOME DISTRICT ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF WARNER AVENUE AND EAST OF BOLSA CHICA STREET (ZONE CASE NO. 80-7)." A motion was made by MacAllis.ter,.'seconded by Mandic, to approve introduction of Ordinance No: 2453. Discussion was held regarding the matter. 1865 Page #2 - Council Minutes - 8/25/80 RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of the Council at 7:20 P.M. and announced that Council would reconvene in the Council Chamber to accomrtzodate the audience. The motion that was made by MacAllister, seconded by Mandic, carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic NOES: Pattinson, Thomas, Kelly ABSENT: None RES NO 4915 - ADOPTED - FISCAL YEAR 1980-81 TAX RATE -($--.18.54) The Mayor directed Council's attention to a communication from the Finance Director regarding the setting of the tax rate for the City. Following discussion, a motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Thomas, to adopt Resolution No. 4915 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH FIXING THE FISCAL YEAR 1980-1981 TAX RATE FOR SAID CITY." The motion carried by the.following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: None PARKS STUDY SESSION - ALTERNATE PARK MAINTENANCE FUNDING SOURCES TO BE STUDIED The Director of Community Services presented an overview of the City's park system. The Director of Public Works reviewed problems encountered in park maintenance. He suggested that when Council approves new parks in the future that they .also approve funding for maintenance of the parks at $4,000 annually per acre. Council discussed the possibility of creating park assessment districts; the 1972. Landscape & Lighting Act; commercial recreation, use fees, and general fund and alternate sources of financing of park maintenance. Council discussed future parks that have been planned and funding sources for park maintenance. A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Thomas, to direct staff to assess the logis- tics of park maintenance assessment programs. Following discussion, the motion failed by the following roll call vote AYES: Thomas, Kelly NOES: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic ABSENT: None A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Mandic, to direct staff to investigate interim funding sources for park maintenance in excess of current funding until Central Park begins to generate funds for park maintenance and further that the solutions offered be included in the water bills with a request for public comment. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: Thomas ABSENT: None 1.S6 Page #3 - Council Minutes - 8/25/80 UPDATE ON CENTRAL PARK - MARKET ANALYSTS APPROVED - ROS ZONING APPROVED N ELLIS R NT MONIES TO BE APPLIED TO PARCEL "A" RV CAMPGROUND FACILITY The Director of Community Services presented a schematic masterplan of Central Park. He stated that the Community Services Commission had conducted a public hearing on July 9th and made the following recommendation at their September 13th meeting: "The Community Services Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Huntington Central Park schematic plan and authorize staff to develop a preliminary master plan and hire a qualified economist or firm to prepare an economic or marketing analysis report prior to preparation of a preliminary master plan." The Community Services Director stated that if Council approved Ellis Avenue a! the southerly boundary of Huntington Central Park and concurred with the proposed bound- ary of the schematic plan, there would be a total of 58.61 acres to be acquired for inclusion in Huntington Central Park. He stated that the estimated acquisition costs of the land itself would be $7,468,296 and that there would be the possibility of relocation costs which could not be identified at this time. On motion by Pattinson, second Mandic, Council authorized staff to prepare a Request for Bid Proposal.for performance of an economic or marketing analysis on the Hunt- ington Central Park schematic plan. The motion carried unanimously. Discussion was held regarding Ellis Avenue and thelsoutherly boundary of Central park. The problem of land acquisition and inversej.condemnation was discussed. Council discussed recreation open space (ROS) zoni�g of land near Central park, acquisition of park land and the use of park funds,. i The Community Services Director stated that Development Services, Planning Division, had requested that all property north of Ellis Avenue within the proposed park boundary be rezoned ROS (recreational open space). He stated that this property must be rezoned for recreational use prior to Park Acquisition and Development funds being expended for its purchase. Following discussion, a motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Thomas, to direct staff to proceed with recreational open space rezoning of all property .north of Ellis Avenue. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: Mandic ABSENT: None The Community Services Director stated that the City had been awarded a federal grant from the State of California in the amount of $609,600 for the acquisition of a Recreation Vehicle Campground facility. He stated that this was a matching fund grant and that the property must be appraised and an appraisal report submitted to Sacramento no later than December 1, 1980; and that a decision must be made on which property to apply the grant, parcel "A" or "B". Following discussion, a motion was made by Thomas, seconded by Pattinson, to autho- rize an appraisal.on parcel "A", a proposed recreational vehicle campground facility The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: Mandic ABSENT: None Page #4 - Council Minutes - 8/25/80 LANGENBECK PARK - EDISON COMPANY LEASE - LETTER TO EDI ING CITY'S CON RE FARMING ON THE NRUPLKTY The Community Services Director stated that the Southern California Edison Company had communicated with the City offering Edison..property for lease for park purposes. He stated that the Edison property'is contiguous tb'ten;acres of city -owned property previously farmed by Sakioka Farms. Sakioka Farms is currently farming the eight acres.of;the Edison property and Edison will lease the.ei.ght.acres.to the City for $100 an acre annually. He_pointed out that the City would .then be responsible for maintaining;. and insuring the property... . Mayor Bailey invited members of the audience to address Council regarding Langenbeck Park at. this time. Lee Shadrick--stated that children in the area.must play in the street; that the akioka farm was dangerous to the children because of deep trenches on the property. She urged Council to develop the entire eighteen acres as a park. David Zimmerman stated that he and his neighbors have been waiting for Langenbeck Park since 1966, that La Cuesta'develd'ors had donated the money for a park and that they wanted the money to:. go .to the;. ,park now. Russell Moresey suggested that" the City would= save. mo,ney..by putting in all of the park at once. Tony Luccia stated that he believed .the Sakoka '-'fam._presented '-a health hazard to neighbors and urged Council to develop all eighteen acres of the park. J_udyLLenntt stated that before she bought her home she checked'w�th the City and was assured,that Langenbeck.:Park would be, de`velo.ped_ She s ated,,that:she.b.elieved that the farm was.dangero s aand urged Council to again. make a commitment to develop the full eighteen acres. Dan Scott stated that,,he was a po:l,lce officer and was conc'erne`d for the safety of the children in the neighborhood as the on.1y place -they had -to play was in the street. He urged Council to consider total park development. Dennis Nag ft stated that he believed that the `flooding type' of irrigation used on the Sakioka farm did not belong in a residential neighborhood. He urged Council to lease the land from Edison. Walter Ra t suggested that the City spend 'more money on park maintenance. 'He urged Councilto pay close attention to.the recommendations staff wou,ld.b,e submitting regarding alternate funding.: A motion was Made by Thomas to purchase the lease on the eight acres. The motion died for lack of a second. Following discussion, a motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by MacAllister, to decline to lease eight acres of, right -.of -way property from the -Southern California Edison Company at this time. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: Thomas ABSENT: None ISIS Page #5 - Council Minutes - 8/25/80 On motion by MacAllister, second Pattinson, Council directed staff to prepare a letter to the Southern California Edison Company conveying the City's concern re- - garding the Sakioka farm and requesting that the Edison Company, should they renew Sakioka's lease, moniter the farming operation closely in relation to the safety of children in the area. The motion carried unanimously. A. C. MARION PROPERTY The Community Services Director stated that Mr. Marion had communicated with the City requesting that a decision be made regarding City acquisition of his property. He further stated that staff had met with Mr. Marion, an appraisal of the property had been ordered and that staff was currently awaiting title reports. Mildred Marion stated that she objected to the recreation open space rezoning of their property that Council had just approved. RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of the Council at 10:55 P.M. Council reconvened at 11:00 P.M. DEVELOPER PARK FEES - STAFF TO STUDY ALTERNATIVES The City Administrator stated that City parklands had been recently reappraised. He stated that the problem facing the City was that when acquiring land by dedication or purchase, the City is subjected to inflated values. The park developer fees had not been increased since 1976 and that there is a need to increase these fees commen- surate with current land values. He suggested that Council review this matter and establish a policy in regard to developer park fees. On motion by MacAllister, second Pattinson, Council directed staff to explore alter- natives regarding developer park fees and report back to Council on the matter. The motion carried by unanimous vote. COUNTY LINEAR PARK - UPDATE REQUESTED The Mayor requested a memo report from staff regarding progress on the County Linear Park. BUDGET FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION The City Administrator stated that the Community Services Commission would like to review its budget with Council for a policy decision regarding the issues of Commissioners fees, meeting and conference expenses. The City Administrator informed Council that staff would be examining all Boards and Commissions regarding expenses and would be reporting back to Council. The Mayor thanked the Community Services Commission for meeting with the Council. EXECUTIVE SESSION CALLED Mayor Bailey called an Executive Session of the City Council at 11:05 P.M. to discuss personnel and litigation matters. Page #6 - Council Minutes - 8/25/80 RECESS - RECONVENE The meeting was recessed by the Mayor at.11:05 P.M. The Mayor reconvened the meetin at 12:50 A.M. Councilman MacAllister stated that he would not be attending the Council meeting to be held on September 2nd as he would be out of town. ADJOURNMENT The Mayor adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council. ATTEST: City Clerk ��116*'- aeg6g' City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California M1 Mayor 1 f ��