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Council Chambers, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, November 24, 1980
A tape recording of this meeting is
on file in the City Clerk's Office
Mayor Bailey called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present: Finley, Bailey, Mandic, Kelly
Thomas - (arrived 7:29 P.M.) - MacAllister - (arrived 7:22.P.M.)
Absent: None
The Acting City Administrator reported on the California Housing Bond Credit
Committee's denial of the City's application for a $30,000,000 authorization for.
tax exempt mortgage revenue bonds. He stated that the denial was without prejudice
and that the committee was planning to reconsider it on December 2, 1980.
The Acting City Administrator stated of the recommendation of the Development serv-
ices Director that prior to holding a public hearing on a General Plan Amendment,
that the City Council and the Planning Commission hold a joint study session to re-
view the amendment. He stated that this would clarify major issues involved in
General Plan Amendments.
The Acting City Administrator informed Council that he had provided them with a
letter dated November 24, 1980 from Gulf Oil Company relative to their pipeline
franchise with the city. Discussion was held regarding the deliberations of the
Council appointed committee which studied this matter:.
He stated that representatives of Gulf Oil were present at the meeting to answer
any questions Council may have.
A motion wa$ made by Pattinson, seconded by Mandic, to authorize the City Attorney"s
Office to take whatever legal action necessary in this case including looking into
the possible hiring of outside attorneys to assist.
Councilman MacAllister arrived at the meeting.
Mayor Bailey suggested that an Executive Session be held prior to voting on the
motion. Councilman Kelly gave reasons why he favored the motion.
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A vote was taken and the motion carried as follows:
AYES: Pattinson, Finley, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly
NOES: Bailey
ABSENT: Thomas
Councilman Thomas arrived at the meeting.
Status of City Operating Fund
Dan Villella, Assistant Finance Director, reported on the status of the City
Operating Fund. He stated that Council had been provided with a report and
graphs detailing the presentation to be made by staff. He presented a review
of the City's revenue, expenditures and source and application of funds.
Future of City Operating Fund
The Acting City Administrator reported on the future of the City Operating Funds
citing the effects of Proposition 13 and Proposition 4. He spoke regarding the
need to plan for street, sewer and drainage system maintenance or replacement and
the park system.
Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding the establishment of a
replacement fund. The Acting City Administrator reviewed the Development of the
Balance of the City - General Plan, Levels of Service Offered, City's Goals and
Objectives, Operational Funding Philosophy, Productivity Level and Cost of Future
Personnel Service Negotiations.
Councilman MacAllister spoke regarding the need for planning ahead, working as a
team, and establishing a multi -year budget. Councilman Pattinson stated that he
believed a program was needed to inform the citizens of the financial outlook
of the City. He commented on the small amount of tax money the City received in
comparison to the scope of services provided by the City. Councilman Kelly spoke
regarding the need to inform the public of the situation. Councilwoman Finley
stated that she believes the public needs to be given confidence in the informa-
tion provided relative to the City's financial status. Mayor Bailey stated that
she would like to see the City reach out to other agencies in an effort to con-
solidate services utilizing facilities jointly. Councilman Pattinson stated
that the public should be informed of many of the cost -savings measures estab-
lished by the City, such as the Fire Department Net 6 Program. He believed that
the information program to the public should begin now. Councilman Mandic stressed
the need for savings in city government.
Feasibility of Contractinq Out Services To Be Investiqated
On motion by Mandic, second Pattinson, Council directed staff to initiate a pilot
project of investigating the feasibility of contracting out certain city functions.
The motion carried unanimously.
Councilman MacAllister spoke regarding the Public Cable Television Project, stat-
ing that approximately $750,000 will be available in five years. He stated that
these funds must be utilized very carefully. Councilman.Kelly spoke regarding
the portion of the report relative to City Goals and Objectives, and commented
on the City's 1979 Goals and Objectives relative to provision of public safety,.
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recreational facilities or public works facilities unless funding is guaranteed
for operation and maintenance.
Departmental Requests for Budget Revisions
The Assistant Finance Director reviewed the requests for budget revisions sub-
mitted by various departments and considerable discussion was held between Council
and staff.
The Mayor called a recess of Council at 9:35 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at
9:40 P.M.
Permanent Neighborhood Watch Coordinator - Approved
On motion by MacAllister, second Bailey, Council approved funding of $8,643 for
a Permanent Neighborhood Watch Coordinator; said funds to come from the salary
surplus due to vacancies. The motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Permanent Apprentice Helicopter Mechanic -Approved
On motion by Pattinson, second MacAllister, Council approved funding of $11,872
for the Permanent Apprentice Helicopter Mechanic. The motion carried by unanimous
roll call vote.
Forms Burster and Forms Trimmer/Imprinter - Data Processing --App roved
On motion by Pattinson, second Kelly, Council approved funding of $7,500 for the
purchase of a Forms Burster and Forms Trimmer/Imprinter, a large portion of the
funding to come from the Water Derpartment Fund. The motion carried by unanimous
roll call vote.
Public Works Survey Truck Body and lz Ton Cab and Chassis - Approved
On motion by MacAllister, second Kelly, Council approved funding of $7,000 to
augment -an existing budgeted amount of $9,000 for the purchase of a Survey Truck
Body,and a. 12 Ton Cab and Chassis for the Public Works Department. The motion
carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Lambert Park - Tree Topping and Debris Removal - ARproved - Direction Given Re:
Status of Property
Considerable discussion was held regarding the request for tree topping and debris
removal at Lambert Park.
A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Mandic, to refer the tree topping and
debris removal at Lambert Park to the Community Services Commission for recommen-
dation. The motion failed by the following vote:
AYES: Pattinson, Mandic
NOES: Thomas, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Kelly
` ""Q
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On motion by Thomas, second Finley, Council approved funding of $9,000 for
tree topping of the eucapyptus grove and debris removal at Lambert Park.
The motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
Discussion was held and the Deputy City Attorney reported on the liability
factors of allowing the trees to remain untopped. He also spoke rege-ding the
matter of returning the park property to the adjacent homeowners.
A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by MacAllister that staff look into the
appropriateness of returning the property to the adjacent homeowners association
and the legal ramifications in doing same.
Following discussion, the motion and second were withdrawn.
Community Clinic Relocation to Parks Maintenance Yard and Necessary Improvements
Discussion was held regarding the request to consolidate the personnel and equip-
ment of the park, tree and landscape division at the Park Maintenance Yard by
moving the Community Clinic building to that location.and making other necessary
improvements. To finance the project, it was proposed to move the existing tree
storage area from the City Yard to the Park Maintenance Yard and sell the two
residential lots on which the tree storage area is located.
A motion was made by MacAllister to declare surplus the two lots on Ford.Drive
on which the tree storage area is located. The motion died for lack of a second.
Discussion was held by Council and staff.
On motion by Mandic second MacAllister, Council directed staff to prepare backup
information on matter of the relocation of the Community Clinic to the Parks Main-
tenance Yard and other necessary improvements to the adjourned regular meeting of
December 8, 1980. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly
NOES: Thomas
Councilman MacAllister reminded Council of the send-off for Huntington Beach High
School Band on their trip to the Macy's Parade in New York City.
Councilman MacAllister brought Council's
by St. Stephens School, Bombay, Auckland,
Golden West College on December b, 1980.
attention to the Maori Concert presented
New Zealand, which is. to be held at
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The Mayor adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach.
City C erk
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California