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Council Chamber, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, December 8, 1980
A tape recording of this meeting is
on file in the City Clerk's Office
Mayor Bailey called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly
Absent: Thomas r
The Acting City Administrator presented a communication from the Director of Public
Works requesting consolidation of the offices of the Landscape and Tree Maintenance
personnel with the Park Maintenance offices in order to improve communication and
coordination between these two sections of the Park, Tree and Landscape Division.
The Director of Public Works requested that Council authorize moving the Community
Clinic building from the old Civic Center to the Park Maintenance Yard. The cost
of all improvements would total $96,700. He suggested that the site of the exist-
ing tree holding farm in the City Yard be declared as surplus property and sold
as residential lots.
Daryl Smith, Superintendent of the Park, Tree and Landscape Division presented
slides and viewgraphs showing the site and clarified the proposal.
Following discussion, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Pattinson, to
consolidate the offices of the Landscape and Tree Maintenance personnel with the
Park Maintenance offices; to authorize moving the Community Clinic building from
the Old Civic Center to the Park Maintenance Yard and other improvements as listed
in the memo from the Director of Public Works dated December 3, 1980 for a total
cost of.$96,700. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly
NOES: None
ABSENT: Thomas
On motion by MacAllister, second Finley, Council declared the two parcel site of
the existing tree holding farm in the City Yard as surplus property. The motion
carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly
NOES: None
ABSENT: Thomas
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The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set to continue a public
hearing opened November 17, 1980 to consider the Coastal Element, a proposed
addition to the General Plan which indicates the kinds, location and intensi-
ties of land uses in the City's coastal zone.
The Mayor stated that testimony would first be heard on the Downtown Area and
then on all areas of the coastal zone from persons who have not previously given
June Catalano, Senior Planner, presented viewgraphs showing alternative intensi-
ties and catagories of uses for the downtown area.
Discussion was held by Council regarding height limit recommendations.
Ida Henderson, Chairman, Anti -High Rise Committee of Huntington Beach, presented
an informal petition listing 607 names protesting urban development of the area.
Roseanne Hall spoke on behalf of the Environmental Board in favor of Alternative 1
or 2. She recommended protection and acquisition of the old railroad right-of-way.
Rita Bohanan spoke regarding negative aspects in the old downtown area including
parking pro lems, sewers and crime. She stated that she believed that high rise
buildings would exacerbate the problem already experienced in the downtown area.
Ann Carter spoke in favor of Alternative 1.
Martin Benson spoke in favor of Alternative 1 and in opposition to Alternatives 2
an 3. He was concerned about parking and wanted a village atmosphere.
Harold Jobe stated that he believed a buffer zone is needed between high rise and
residential land uses; he cited Fashion Island with golf courses and natural can-
yons; and that he did not believe high rise was a compatible development for the
downtown area of Huntington Beach.
Doug Lan evin stated that he owns a building downtown, but would not be in-
fluenced y ecisions regarding zoning as his building is not condemned. He
spoke against high rise citing possible parking problems and traffic congestion
and spoke in favor of Alternative 1.
William Stanim spoke regarding density involving the block running from Pacific
Coast Highway from 6th Street to Goldenwest Street. He stated that he believed
that medium density residential with commercial nodes would best serve the needs
of the communi ty.
Kenneth Flint urged Council to approve Alternative 1 and stated that he believed
it was the east objectionable of all the alternatives that had been presented.
He stated that the downtown area was already high density than elsewhere in the
City and would be even more so after zoning as defined in Alternative 1. He
stated his concern regarding parking and littering.
Dean Albright stated that he represented the Huntington Beach Environmental Board
and spoke in favor of Alternative 1. He stated his concern regarding preservation
of the railroad right-of-way corridor citing possible future use for rapid transit
such as a monorail or tram.
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Jim Samuelson stated that he did not oppose high rise building and cited the
need for p anning in the City.
Jim Hemsley spoke in opposition to high rise. He stated that he believed that
t e entire community had made it clear that they did not want high rise and ad-
monished the Council to vote the way their constituency wanted them to vote. He
further stated that he believed that the issue should be a matter for referendum
on which the citizens could vote.
Charles Case requested a show of hands from people in the audience in favor of
A ternative . He stated his concern regarding the statistical data used in the
fiscal impact reports. He distributed a communication to Council.
Frank Mola stated that he was not in favor of any of the alternatives and re-
minded �Council that all of the property in question was presently zoned R-4
and that by implementing the present zoning high rise over three or four stories
would be precluded. He stated that his company was willing to comply with any
decision that the City Council might make.
Nancy Aldridge spoke regarding problems she perceived in the downtown area and
drew a correlation between high density and an increase in crime, She stated
that she believed that the three story building height downtown at the present
time was fair and urged Council to keep that height limit.
John Stern referred to a newspaper article written by Bob Barker that appeared
in��Daily Pilot on November 17, 1980. Mr. Stern stated that he saw a lack of
consistency in planning the downtown area in that arteries feeding traffic into
the area had been narrowed constricting traffic circulation which would be incom-
patible with high density. He urged Council to keep density in line with the
previous decisions or change some of the previous decisions and be consistent with
current intentions regarding the downtown area.
Linda De Gercio stated that she had been working with the proposed skating rink
or downtown and cited the lack of facilities for young people in the area. She
requested that Council include provisions for young people in the downtown area.
Bob Terry stated that he was a downtown property owner and a member of the Down-
town 'Development Committee. He stated that the Committee consisted of property
owners, Council members and City staff and. that the Committee had discussed mixed
use development. He recommended that Council adopt Alternative 3 with no heights
mentioned. He also recommended Pacific Coast Highway be enlarged to six lanes
and pointed out that Ultra Systems.recommended Alternative 3.
Joyce Rollin s, President, Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, stated that to
be economically viable the downtown area should be developed under Alternative 3
with no reference to height limitation. She stated that they believed that height
could be dealt with during the specific plan process. She spoke regarding the
mobilehome park and Pacific Coast Highway and distributed a communication to Council.
Will Woods of Huntington Beach Realty stated that the downtown area must change
and that it cannot remain a sleepy little village. He stated that he believed that
if a change is not forthcoming the City faced rent control and inclusionary zoning.
John Conle stated that he bought property twenty years ago and that he was told
at that time there would be a revitalization of downtown Huntington Beach and that
instead the area had been deteriorating and that it must change.
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Judy_Condomat_os spoke in favor of Alternative 1 and opposed high rise off the
Gar Mulligan stated that he was a property owner downtown and was in favor of
A ternati, He stated that he believed that private enterprise could do the
best job in developing the downtown area and that economics would dictate -the
height of buildings.
Margaret Ea leton stated that she was a property owner and that her family did
not favor high rise. She stated that she believed they would be forced to change
but that there must be a compromise plan that could benefit both the business
people and the residents.
Michael McMahon commended the City Council and Planning Commission on the planning
of the town of area. He stated that he was not opposed to a limited number of
quality high rise and commercial buildings if they were limited to the downtown
area. He stated that he was opposed to changing the density in the townlot area
or the extension of high rise buildings from the downtown area down toward Golden -
west Street.
Richard Harlow stated that he represented the Huntington Beach Company and favored
Alternative 3 and suggested that land use be decided separately from high rise.
He suggested high density, but not high rise.
Tom Moseley stated that as far as he was concerned high rise or low rise was not
the issue; he was speaking as a concerned taxpayer. He spoke regarding future
City expenditures and taxes and urged Council to develop the downtown area in
sucha manner as to bring tax dollars into the City.
Cynthia Doe stated that she was against high rise and cited psychological factors,
"ire f g fng problems associated with high rise and potential earthquake problems.
Dick Dusterhoff described the area he lived in before moving to Huntington Beach
as overpopulated and cited traffic congestion, noise and crime. He recalled
Huntington Beach when it was predominately a farming community. He stated that
he supported Alternative 1.
Ed Zschoche stated that he was for change, but one that was compatible with the
re'siential environment of the community. He spoke in favor of a'height limita-
tion of three stories and the need for a mixture of commercial and residential
uses. He stated that he believed that the transportation corridor was an asset
in the development of any plan.
Lieiana Rinaldi reminded City Council of a Council meeting held December 11th
where they voted to rezone 2nd Street. She urged Council to protect the residents
of 2nd Street and stated that she was in favor of Alternative 1.
Lance Jacot spoke regarding the Project Area Committee and stated that the community
had respon ed again and again that they wanted a village concept. He mentioned
water bill surveys and input from citizens throughout the City that were in favor
of Alternative 1.
Leonard Wright spoke in favor of a village and beach atmosphere for the downtown
area, a spoke in favor of Alternative 1.
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Richard Holt stated that he was a member of the Downtown Planning Committee; that
he had purc ased property in the downtown area in 1963 and had been waiting to see
the new city put together. He referred to a memo to Police Chief Robitaille and
read statistics regarding crime reports in the downtown area. He distributed a
communication to Council.
John Gable spoke regarding the crime rate in the downtown area. He paraphrased
remarks made by Chief Robitaille regarding crime and downtown redevelopment.
Carley Hilton stated that she would speak for the youth of Huntington Beach. She
spoke regarcGin9 parking problems, litter at the beach and a dearth of youth activ-
ities in the area. She requested that Council consider young people when making
decisions regarding the downtown area.
Gordon Smith spoke regarding various Boards and Commissions and the wetlands issue.
He states t he believed that the definition of wetlands should be argued before
the Department of Fish and Game and not before the City Council.
Ma!:X Lou Matthias, President of the Huntington Beach Fountain Valley Board of
Realtors, spoke regarding her concern for housing within the City. She stated
that staff from the Board of Realtors had presented Council with copies of some
suggestions to the original draft of the Local Coastal Plan. She stated that
they would like to reiterate their position in the matter.
Peter Green presented an informal petition to the City Clerk of 2,427 names. The
petition was "To Save the Bolsa Chica Wetlands From Marina and Waterfront Home
Development." He urged Council to listen to the Planning Commission, Citizens
Advisory Committee and the people of the community regarding planning of the Bolsa
Leon Paulos resident of Huntington -By -The -Sea Mobilehome Park spoke regarding com-
pensation to property owners if their land was designated wetlands. He spoke
regarding the wetlands adjoining the mobilehome property.
Ann Bra stated that she lived at the Huntington -By -The -Sea Mobilehome Estates.
She stated that she wished to remind Council that four different agencies, each
through independent criteria and study, had determined the area from Beach Boulevard
south to the Santa Ana river along the Pacific Coast Highway to be wetlands.
Tim Paone stated that he was a resident of Huntington Harbour and represented KTJ
Properties involving five acres off the end of Edinger Avenue. He reviewed the
history of the property and some aspects of the staff report. He stated that
commercial use of the property was not feasible.
Paul Thompson stated that he was a minor stockholder of the KTJ Properties and
spoke regarding the leasing program he had pursued. He stated that commercial
use was not viable for this location.
Hugh Finley,.of Coldwell Bankers, spoke regarding their efforts in leasing out.
sites on the KTJ Property. He stated that they were unable to secure customers
due to access.to and location of the site.
Don Abby, of Grubb and Ellis, stated that he was an Associate Broker and that KTJ
Properties had requested that Grubb and Ellis look at their property last summer and
that after deliberation they had decided not to associate their name with the project.
He stated that because of the location of the project it was not a viable commercial
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Bob Odle of the Warmington Company stated that they would be the residential
dev�oper for the KTJ Property were it rezoned for this use.
Richard Overdorff stated he was a concerned neighbor of the KTJ Property pro-
ject and favored residential zoning of the property.
Don Glowacz stated he was a neighbor of the KTJ Property and favored residential
zoning of the property.
Ernie Follico requested that Council change the zoning of the KTJ Property to any
type o resi ential zoning.
There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being, no
further protests filed either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor.
Mayor Bailey stated that Council would be studying the Coastal Element at the
adjourned meeting at 6:00 P.M., Monday, December 15, 1980, and that the Coastal
Element would also appear on the December 15th regular City Council meeting agenda,
with a final decision scheduled for January 5, 1981.
Mayor Bailey called a recess at 10:25 P.M. Council reconvened at 10:30 P.M.
Councilwoman Finley reported on the PERR right-of-way Committee and stated that
the committee requested that Council make a policy decision regarding the Pacific
Electric Railroad right-of-way.
Following extensive discussion, a motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Finley,
to direct staff to prepare an amendment to the Circulation Element of the General
Plan to preserve the PERR right-of-way from the Pacific Ocean to the border of the
Councilman MacAllister suggested that the motion be amended to preserve the corridor,
but that it go around the Huntington Beach Company ranch.
Following discussion, the motion made by Kelly, seconded by Finley, carried by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Finley, Bailey, Mandic, Kelly
NOES: Pattinson, MacAllister
ABSENT: Thomas
Mayor Bailey called an Executive Session of Council for the purpose of discussing
litigation matters.
Mayor Bailey called a recess of Council at 11:07 P.M. She reconvened the meeting
at 11:25 P.M.
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The Mayor adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach to Monday, December 15, 1980 at 6:00 P.M.
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City Clerk ana ex-officio C erk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California