HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-01-20Approved February 3, 1981 L MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1981 - 7:00 PM COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Bannister (7:25), Kenefick, Winchell, Porter, Greer COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Schumacher, Bauer Chairman Porter directed that the record show that the absences of both Commissioner Schumacher and Commissioner Bauer are excused absences., CONSENT CALENDAR: ON MOTION BY WINCHELL AND SECOND BY KENEFICK THE CONSENT CALEN- DAR, CONSISTING OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 6, 1981, WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Kenefick, NOES: None ABSENT: Bannister, ABSTAIN: None Winchell, Porter, Greer REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: Schumacher, Bauer CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 80-8/TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 80-580 Applicant: Dick Kelter A request to permit the creation of one 55-foot lot and one 60- foot lot in lieu of the code -required 60 foot minimum requirement on property located on the north side of Glencoe Avenue approxi- mately 370 feet west of Beach Boulevard. Savoy Bellavia reviewed the staff's recommendation on the pro- posal, which is to allow the division of the 115 foot wide lot but to require that the parcels have equal frontage of 57.5 feet. The public hearing was opened. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission January 20, 1981 Page 2 Dick Kelter, applicant, explained his intent to construct a four- plex on the 60 foot lot and a triplex on the 55 foot lot, as he contended has been done on other properties in the immediate vic- inity. Bob Wood, representing the present owners of the property, ex- pressed the opinion that it would constitute an injustice to deny this property the same rights which have been granted to other prop- erties in the area. Ken Kelter also addressed the Commission to urge approval of the original request for 60 and 55 foot wide lots. There were no other persons present to speak for or against the request, and the public hearing was closed. The discussion which followed centered upon the allegation that other properties had received permission,to be subdivided in the manner requested by the present applicant'. A MOTION WAS MADE BY WINCHELL AND SECONDED BY PORTER THAT CONDI- TIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 80-8 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 80-580 BE APPROVED WITH THE FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF, WITH THE ADDITIONAL FINDING THAT THE DIVISION OF THIS PARCEL CONFORMS WITH THE GENERAL PLAN. MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Bannister, Winchell, Porter NOES: Kenefick, Greer ABSENT: Schumacher, Bauer ; ABSTAIN: None Further discussion ensued. Staff was directed by the Commission to supply them with a complete history of the,general area, including how many similar lot splits have been permitted and the dates on which they were approved. Legal counsel Jim Georges informed the Commission and staff that the findings for the conditional exception should include the reasons for arriving at such findings, as appel- late court decisions have seemed t;-i dicate that governmental agencies should in effect "bridgeJ.h'e�gap" between the raw data and the conclusions derived from that data. ON MOTION BY KENEFICK AND SECOND BY PORTER CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 80-8 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO.i80-580 WERE CONTINUED TO THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3, 1981, BX THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Kenefick, Winchell, Porter, Greer NOES: Bannister ABSENT: Schumacher, Bauer ABSTAIN: None r -2--20-8i - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission January 20, 1981 Page 3 DISCUSSION ITEMS: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 79-26/TENTATIVE TRACT 10888 Applicant: Paul Shapiro Request for revised garage elevations for the development of a 28-unit planned residential development located at the west end of Newman Avenue and the removal from the map of a four - foot alley dedication formerly required by the Fire Department. Savoy Bellavia outlined the grade differential which has prompted the need for the revised garage elevations and explained that the Fire Department no longer requires the 4-foot alley dedica- tion to provide emergency access to the -units because the devel- oper is fully fire sprinklering,the stkuctures in the project. The Commission reviewed the proposed berming to visually miti- gate the 2-foot increase in the dlley,garage elevation and how the ultimate roof height will be measured. Mr. Bellavia informed them that the applicant has agreed to modify the roofline if it is found to be over the allowed-.35 foot height limitation. Steve McClure, partner in the subject project, addressed the Commission to indicate that in their opinion the project would not be over the height limit. ON MOTION BY KENEFICK AND SECOND,BY WINCHELL THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE REVISIONS TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 79-26 AND TENTATIVE TRACT 10888 AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN RECEIVED AND DATED SEPTEMBER 12, 1980, AS NOTED BELOW, BY THE -FOLLOWING VOTE: REVISIONS: 1. Tentative Tract 10888 revised to eliminate the four (4; foot dedication adjacent to the alley. 2. Conditional Use Permit No. 79-26 approved to revise the fin- ished garage elevations per grading --plan. AYES: Bannister, Kenefick, Winchell, Porter, Greer NOES: None ABSENT: Schumacher, Bauer ABSTAIN: None TAYLOR STREET CUL-DE-SAC Submitted by Department of Public Works Bruce Gilmer from the Department of Public Works requested re- consideration of the City's prior action on the closure of Taylor Street. He cited the possibility that CalTrans may put a traffic signal at Taylor and Beach, changing conditions in the neighborhood, and lack of budgeted funds to close the street as a basis for reconsidering the closure. -3- 1-20-81 - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission January 20, 1981 Page 4 Ron Russell spoke to the Commission in opposition to the position taken by Public Works. He described the problems faced by the neighborhood -because of the loading and unloading of vehicles, the penetration of the residential area by employees of the automobile agencies using the tract streets for parking their own cats and for the mechanical testing of agency cars, truck and commercial traffic from the Five Points shopping center, and beach -goers using the tract streets as a short cut from the north. He outlined the past City actions in regard to the closure, stating that it had been the intent to close the street as soon as Ellis had been opened to the west across the railroad tracks, and urged that the City honor its past commitment. Commission discussion ensued, and the consensus emerged that no need for further study existed although funds for a permanent clos- ure might have to be appropriated in the next budget. ON MOTION BY GREER AND SECOND BY KENEFICK THE COMMISSION DETERMINED TO RECOMMEND THAT TAYLOR BE TEMPORARILY CLOSED AT PAMMY LANE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO EFFECT A PERMANENT CLOSURE, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Kenefick, Winchell, Porter, Greer NOES: None ABSENT: Schumacher, Bauer ABSTAIN: Bannister CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 80-13/TENTATIVE TRACT 11104 Savoy Bellavia explained that this is a request for modification of an architectural feature for a previously approved 102-unit planned residential development. This modification would permit enclos•-re for additional storage area of an element of the building designed as an architectural relief and partial enclosure for fireplace equip- ment. The Commission reviewed the concept, concluding that blanket approval to the approach would set an undesirable precedent but that the modi- fication might be better considered under a special permit procedure. By consensus of the Commission the matter was referred back to the staff for further review. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 80-4/TENTATIVE TRACT 10910 Applicant: Prisco N.V. (Revision to Special Permit Request) Savoy Bellavia informed the Commission that, although some of the issues presented by the applicant had been discussed by the Commission prior to its former approval of the project, they had not specifically been included in the special permit. These'issues are the variation in roofline which provides for a one-story reduction in one-third of the roof area all the way around the building, a reduction in depth of setback of garages from the -private drives resulting from increased. street width as required by the Fire Department, and a reduced build- -4- 1-20-81 - P.C. 1 Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission January 20, 1981 Page 5 ing separation in three areas of the project where buildings cannot be adjusted to achieve the minimum separation require- ment. The Commission discussed the changes at length, taking into consideration the stated reasons for the deficiencies and their original approval of the project. ON MOTION BY BANNISTER AND SECOND BY KENEFICK THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE ADDITION TO THE SPECIAL PERMIT REQUEST FOR CONDI- TIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 80-4 OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS, BY THE FOL- LOWING VOTE: APPROVED ADDITIONS TO THE SPECIAL PERMIT: 1. Decreased building separations for three (3) units. 2. Reduced setback of garages from private drives. 3. Variation in roofline as proposed by applicant. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Bannister, Kenefick, Winchell, Porter None Greer, Schumacher, Bauer None CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 79-32 (Revised Site Plan) Applicant:. William Blurock (for First Christian Church) Revisions to plan for a previously approved church project loc- ated at -the southwest corner of Main Street and Adams Avent,. The Commission reviewed the proposed changes, which consist of a reduction in main sanctuary seating, alteration of the loca- tion of mechanical units, and construction of a lower level to the church facility to be used only when the main sanctuary is vacant. ON MOTION BY BANNISTER AND SECOND BY KENEFICK THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 79-32 BY THE'FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Bannister, NOES: None ABSENT: Schumacher, ABSTAIN: None Kenefick, Winchell, Porter, Greer Bauer -5- 1-20-81 - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission January 20, 1981 Page 6 PACIFICA COMMUNITY PLAN Applicant: Robert Zinngrabe Request to amend the Pacifica Community Plan to allow conduininium construction with reduced parking. Secretary Palin reported that there is no provision in the specific plan to allow for conveyance of ownership of units; the applicant is asking the Commission to review that concept and, if it concurs, direct staff to amend the plan. It was noted that any proposal for an actual development would come before the Commission, and the pro- vision for ownership would not apply to any presently existing parts of the Pacifica Community Plan area. Commissioner Kenefick pointed out that the problems of parking which are allegedly being experienced at Wycliffe Gardens,should be in- vestigated to make sure that no future adult developments are built with a reduced parking ratio for senior citizens if that ratio does not really satisfy the needs of the residents. ON MOTION BY KENEFICK-AND SECOND BY BANNISTER THE STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO CONSIDER AMENDING -THE PACIFICA COMMUNITY PLAN PURSUANT TO THE REQUEST BY THE APPLICANT, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Bannister, Kenefick, Winchell, Porter, Greer NOES: None ABSENT: Schumacher, Bauer ABSTAIN: None TRANSPORTATION CENTER AT GOTHARD AND EDINGER Requested by Public Works The Department of Public Works is requesting that they be a' -lowed to proceed with the establishment of a multi -modal transportation center at Gothard Street and Center Drive, letting the decision on a downtown"site wait until final planning for that area is completed and the needs can be more certainly determined. The Commission extensively discussed the possible downtown locations, and concurred with the recommendations of Public Works. ON MOTION BY BANNISTER AND SECOND BY KENEFICK THE COMMISSION DETERMINED TO SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: 1. Request OCTD to establish a multi -modal transportation center in north Huntington Beach at the -northeast corner of Gothard Street and Center Drive. -6- 1-20- 81 - P.-C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission January 20, 1981 Page 7 2. Request OCTD to withhold consideration of a transportation center in downtown Huntington Beach until a decision is made on the Beach Boulevard mass transit corridor location or until specific development plans for downtown Huntington Beach are approved, whichever occurs sooner. AYES: Bannister, Kenefick, Winchell, Porter, Greer NOES: None ABSENT: Schumacher, Bauer ABSTAIN: None ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY Bolsa Chica Planning Study Session Secretary Palin informed the Commission that the County EMA has expressed its willingness to participate in a joint workshop with the City in regard to the ongoing planning being done for the Bolsa Chica. A tentative date of February 10, 1981, has been set. ON MOTION BY KENEFICK AND SECOND BY GREER THE COMMISSION DETER- MINED TO SET A JOINT STUDY SESSION, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Kenefick, Winchell, Porter, Greer NOES: Bannister ABSENT: Schumacher, Bauer ABSTAIN: None MINI -MARKETS Savoy Bellavia reported that work is starting on the Mini -Market ordinance. ZONE CHANGE NO. 80-16 Ap licant: Donald Weir Request for "0" designation for property located at the north- west corner of Clay Street and Holly Avenue. This proposal was previously heard on December 2, 1980 and con- tinued for a three-month period with the applicant's consent to allow study by the Oil Committee. In light of recent City Council action on a similar zone change which was appealed from a Planning Commission denial, the applicant.has since withdrawn his permission for continuance and requested a public hearing at the earliest possible date. ON MOTION BY BANNISTER AND SECOND BY KENEFICK THE.STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO RE -ADVERTISE ZONE CHANGE NO. 80-16 FOR THE MEET- ING OF FEBRUARY 3, 1981, AND CHECK THE OWNERSHIP OF THE SUBJECT PARCEL, BY THE FOTLOWING VOTE: -7- 1-20-81 - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission January 20, 1981 Page 8 AYES: Bannister, Kenefick, Porter, Greer NOES: Winchell ABSENT: Schumacher, Bauer ABSTAIN: None REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO M1-A ZONE Applicant: Chuck Sherrer Staff reported that a letter has been received from Mr. Sherrer asking that consideration be given to amending the M1-A provisions to permit automobile storage in conjunction with -automobile -towing service. The Commission discussed the request and instructed staff to re- ceive and file the communication. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ITEMS: Secretary Palin reported on City Council action of January 19th, in particular the action taken on Zone Change No. 80-17.appealed by the applicant from a Planning Commission denial. This zone change was discussed by the Commission. ON MOTION BY WINCHELL AND SECONDED BY KENEFICK STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THERE IS NO CHANGE IN THE COMMISSION'S POSITION ON THIS ZONE CHANGE NO. 80-17, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: AYES: Kenefick, Winchell, Porter NOES: Bannister ABSENT: Schumacher, Bauer ABSTAIN: Greer The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Marcus M. Porter, an 1 1-20-81 - P.C.