HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-02MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, Califor-ia Monday, February 2, 1981 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor Bailey called the adjou med regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 6:30 P.M. She announced that this was a joint meeting with the Housing and Community Development Citizens Advisory Board. ROLL CALL Present: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister Mandic arrived 6:45 P.M.; Kelly arrived 7:00 P.M.; Thomas arrived 7:10 P.M. Absent: None Stan Cohen, Citizens Advisory Board Chairman introduced members of the Board to Council. Steve Kohler, Senior Community Development Specialist presented a summary of the Citizens Advisory Board's recommendations including downtown and the Oakview area, as well as community wide projects. Stan Cohen reviewed the activities of the Citizens Advisory Board and stated that the board has plans for better advertising of meetings for next year. He spoke re- garding forthcoming projects including street improvements in the northern part of the Oakview area, the street light at Warner and Nichols, the Women's Transi tonal Center and neighborhood preservation. Discussion was held regarding spending money in rehabilitation of the downtown area. Mr. Cohen stated that low and moderate income people should be the main recipients of HCD funds. Discussion was held regarding allocating funds for activities out- side of the City. Mr. Cohen stated that a certain percentage of people that use these facilities are from Huntington Beach and that the City is paying their fair share. Discussion was held regarding the possibility of spending money in the downtown area for sewers and lighting. Rehabilitation of the City gym was discussed. Council thanked members.of the Citizens Advisory Board for their volunteer partic- ipation in the program. Page #2 - Council Minutes - 2i2j81 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Bailey adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach. ATTEST: �'ar- - City Clerk 6.0 00, 11 City Clerk and ex-officio C erk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California nl�Mv'- �iv:-IOOJ 1 79 MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California. Monday, February 2, 1981 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor Bailey called the regular meeting of the City. Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M. The Flag Ceremony was conducted by Girl Scout Cadette,Troop 812 sponsored by Sts. Simon. & Jude Catholic Church, leader Betty Croteau, co -leader Judy Condon. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Kristen Herman. The Invocation was given by Karen Croteau. ROLL CALL Present: Pattinson, Thomas, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly Absent: None PRESENTATION - CUELLAR - MEADOWLARK AIRPORT BOARD Mayor Bailey stated that a plaque had.been prepared for Frank Cuellar in.appre ciation of his participation on the Meadowlark Airport Board. PRESENTATION - HILL --DPW Mayor Bailey presented a plaque to Joe Hill for his outstanding work in the Public Works Department. PRESENTATION - BAUER - IN APPRECIATION OF DONATION TO LIBRARY Mayor Bailey presented a plaque to Charlene and Ralph Bauer in appreciation of their donation of $500 to the Library. PRESENTATION - 1980 CITY CHRISTMAS'DECORATING CONTEST Mayor Bailey, with the assistance of Elaine Craft and Carole Ann Wall of the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce, presented awards to the following winners in the 1980 City Christmas Decorating Contest Sweepstake Winner - Neighborhood Award - Merchants' Window Award - Children's Fantasy Award - Best Use of Lights Award Indoor free Award - Tom Gold Goldenwest Homeowners Association, Lorraine Faber American Beauty Florist, Gordon Wheatley Sharron Causer Al Mu rse Orville Hanson Page #2 - Council Minutes - 2/2/81 Commercial Award - Seacliff Village, Barbara Dodd Mobile Home Award - George Anthill CITY ADMINISTRATOR APPOINTED - CHARLES THOMPSON Mayor Bailey announced that Council had appointed.Charles Thompson, presently the City Manager of the City of Downey, to be the City Administrator for the City of Huntington Beach, 7TH YEAR HCD GRANT APPLICATION - PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED OPEN TO Z 17 81 The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing re- garding the 7th Year Housing and Community Development Grant Application.for 1.345 million. Under the HCD Act of 1977, these funds are intended to benefit low and moderate income families by improving housing conditions, community services or economic opportunities. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for publication and posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. Steve Kohler, Senior Community Development Specialist, presented a.summary of the HCD Citizens Advisory Board's recommendations including the downtown and Oak view areas'as well as community wide projects. He stated that they would be re- programming money from the shamel ash tree and smoke detector programs into hazardous building rehabilitation programsHe presented an. overview of.the last six years of the HCD program. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Gloria Just stated that she was representing the Catholic Social Service Huntington Reach ounseling Office; she spoke regarding renovation of a building at Terry Park. She requested that Council allocate HCD funds for this purpose. Helen Smith stated that she participated in the Women's Guild, a support group for the at o zc Social Service and requested Council's support of the organization. Linda Torena stated that she was President of the Women's Guild that supports the at o is ocial Service; she requested Council's support of that organization. Merry Lent spoke regarding the Oakview Day Care Center, the service it supplies and the need for that service. She stated that it should be thought of as a day care center for the entire city. Debbie Newton stated that she was the Executive Director of.the Women's Transitional Living Center. She expressed her appreciation to everyone in the City of Huntington Beach for their support. Jacqueline Cain spoke regarding Oakview Day Care. Center. She stated that she has. used the day care center and'spoke regarding the difference it made in her life. She requested that Council support the facility. The Mayor continued the public hearing open to February 17, 1981. 1 Page.#3 - Council Minutes - 2/2/81 PUBLIC HEARING - RESOLUTION NO 4962 - ADOPTED - CLOSURE OF WEATHERLY LANE AT ARM R V U The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider Resolution of Intent No. 4952 to close Weatherly Lane at darner Avenue. The City Clerk announced that all legal tion and posting had been met, and that written protests to the matter. The Mayor declared the hearing open. requirements for notification, publica- she had received.no communications or Kenneth Kirk stated that he was a ten year resident of the neighborhood and was fore osing the.street. He stated that cars speed on the street and that since the temporary closing this problem.has abated. He requested that Council close. the street permanently. Bill Hartge stated that he had presented the plans to the City regarding closure of the street and was here to answer questions. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. The Clerk presented Resolution No. 4962 for Council's consideration - "A RESO- LUTION.OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDERING THE CLOSURE OF WEATHERLY LANE AT WARNER AVENUE." On motion by Mandic, second MacAllister, Council adopted Resolution No. 4962 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson,.Thomas, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING - ZC NO 80-19 - APPROVED - ORD NO 2474 - INTRODUCED The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider Zone Case No. 80-19, a request to change the zoning on 10.18 acres of property from C4 (Hi,ghwi y Commercial District) to C4-MS (Highway Commercial Dfstri ct combined with Multi -Story Suffix). The subject property is located at the south- west corner of Beach Boulevard and Warner Avenue. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publication and.posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Frank Mora, appellant, stated that he was present to answer questions. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. 0 • Page #4 - Council Minutes - 2/2/81 The Clerk was directed to read Ordinance No. 2474 by title - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT TO HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT COMBINED WITH MULTI -STORY SUFFIX ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF WARNER AVENUE AND BEACH BOULEVARD (ZONE CASE NO. 80,-19)." On motion by Pattinson, second Mandic, Council approved Zone Case 80-19 and approved introduction of Ordinance No. 2474 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL TO PC DENIAL OF TT 11245.- CONTINUED OPEN TO 3/2/81 C M�TT€+1ED - The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by Mansion Properties, Inc., to the Planning Commission's denial of Tentative Tract No. 11245, a request to subdivide a 2.8 acre site located on the east side of Lake Street between Yorktown and Utica Avenues into twenty-nine parcels. She stated that the Council would also con- sider Negative Declaration No. 80-56. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for publication and posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Director of Development Services presented a viewgraph of the area. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Dave Eadie stated that he represented the appellant and spoke regarding the issue oTbicycle trails planning. He requested that the matter be continued to allow his company to present a bicycle trail plan to Council for their consideration. A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by MacAllister to form a committee for the purpose of meeting with the appellant to work out a solution regarding the bicycle trails and that the public hearing be continued open to March 2, 1981. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: None The Mayor appointed Councilmembers Mandic, Finley and Bailey to the committee, with Councilman MacAllister as the alternate. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL TO PC DENI_AL OF TPM 80-579/CE 80-07 - APPEAL GRANTED The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed ty Dorothy Higginbotham and Richard A. Cook, partners, Page #5 - Council Minutes - 2/2/81 to the Planning Commission's denial of Conditional Exception No. 80-07 in con- junction with Tentative Parcel Map No. 80-579, a request to permit the creation of two twenty-five foot wide lots in lieu of the required thirty-foot lot width required by the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. The Mayor stated that the sub- ject property is located at the northeast corner of 12th Street and Pecan Avenue in the Townlot Specific Plan Area #1-A. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publica- tion and posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Director of Development Services presented a viewgraph of the area and clarified the matter. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Richard Cook, appellant, referred to the map and showed where one block had al- ready been split and built upon. Gary Brown, appellant in the next scheduled public hearing, pleaded a hardship in waiting a year to reappeal the matter and requested that Council permit them to build on twenty-five foot lots. Leonard Wright spoke in favor of this appeal as well as the appeal on TPM 582 and ari following this hearing. He pointed out to Council that 9-0% of the'lots in that area are on twenty-five foot lots. There'"being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Following discussion, a motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Thomas, to overrule the Planning Commission's denial and approve CE 80-07 and TPM 80-579 with the following Findings of Fact and Conditions of Approval: Findings - CE No. 80-07 1. That the proposed subdivision along with its design improvements is consis- tent with the general and specific plans in the area and that: a. The two lot division of land and the development of two single family dwellings is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Townlot Specific Plan. b. The subdivision of this parcel into two 25' lots will create parity with what exists in the general area. Findings - TPM No. 80-579 1. The request will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare of the community as the development proposed upon the two parcels is proposed at the same intensity as that of surrounding uses. . 8-11 Page #5 - Council Minutes - 2/2/81 2. The General Plan has set forth provisions of this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for implementation of this type of use. 3. The size, depth, frontage, street width, and other design and improvement features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance with the State Map Act and supplemental City Subdivis�un Ordinance. Conditions of Approval - TPM No. 80-579 1. The Tentative Parcel Map received by the Department of Development Services and dated November 25, 1980, shall be the approved layout. 2. A parcel map shall be filed with and approved by the Department of Public Works and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. 3. Street improvements shall be dedicated and constructed in accordance with City standards. 4. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 5. Sewage and drainage facilities shall be constructed in accordance with City standards. 6. All utilities shall be installed underground at the time said parcels are developed. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Finley, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: Bailey, Mandic ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL TO PC DENIAL OF TPM 80-582/CE 80-09 - APPEAL GRANTED The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by Gary W. Brown to the Planning Commission's denial of.Conditional Exception No. 80-09 in conjunction with Tentative Parcel Map No. 80-582, a request to permit the creation of two twenty-five foot lots in lieu of the thirty foot lot width required by the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. The subject property is located on the southwest corner of Acacia Avenue and llth Street in the Townlot Slpecifzc Plan Area #1-A. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publica- tion and posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Mr. Brown and Mr. Wright spoke in support of the appellant during the previous public hearing and there being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. 8 Page #7 - Council Minutes -- 2/2/81 A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Thomas, to overrule the Planning Commission's denial and approve CE 80-09 and TPM 80-582 with the following Findings of Fact and Condition-- of Approval: Findings - CE No. 80-09 1. That the proposed subdivision along with its design improvements is consistent with the general and specific plans in the area and that: a. The two lot division of land and the development of two single family dwellings is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Townlot Specific Plan. b. The subdivision of this parcel into two 25' lots will create parity with what exists in the general area. Findings - TPM No. 80-582 1. This request will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare of the community as the development proposed upon the two parcels is proposed at the same intensity as that of surrounding uses. 2. The General Plan has set forth provisions of this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for implementation of this type of use. 3. The size, depth, frontage, street width, and other design and improvement features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance with standard plans and specifications on file with the City Subdivision Ordinance. Conditions of Approval - TPM No. 80-582 1. The Tentative Parcel Map received by the Department of Development Services and dated November 25, 1980, shall be the approved layout. 2. A parcel map shall be filed with and approved by the Department of Public Works and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. 3. Street improvements shall be dedicated and constructed in accordance with City standards. 4. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system. 5. Sewage and drainage facilities shall be constructed in accordance with City standards. 6. All utilities shall be installed underground at the time said parcels are developed. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson; Thomas, Finley, MacAllister, Kelly NOES: Bailey, Mandic ABSENT: None S6 Page #8 - Council Minutes - 2/2/81 Councilman Thomas vacated his chair. PUBLIC HEARING.- ZC 80-17 - APPROVED - ORD NO 2472 - INTRODUCED The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider Zone Case No. 80-17, a request to change the zoning on propu,-ty located on the north side of Garfield Avenue, approximately 150 feet east of Goldenwest Street from Ml-A-CD (Restricted Manufacturing District Civic District) to MI-A-0-CD (Restricted Manufacturing District combined with oil production - Civic District). The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publica- tion and posting had been met, and that she had recieved no communications or written protests to the matter. The Mayor declared the hearing open. There being no one to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. A motion was made by MacAllister, second Kelly, to approve ZC 80-17 and, after reading by title, approve introduction of Ordinance No. 2472 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIVE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM RESTRICTED MANUFACTURING DISTRICT, COMBINED WITH CIVIC DISTRICT TO RESTRICTED MANUFACTURING DISTRICT COMBINED WITH CIVIC DISTRICT AND OIL PRODUCTION ON REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON GARFIELD AVENUE, EAST OF GOLDENWEST STREET (ZONE CASE NO. 80-17)." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas (out of the room) Councilman Thomas resumed his chair. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Leonard Wri ht spoke regarding the Coastal Element particularly 6th Street to oldenwest Street. He disagreed with the decision Council made regarding density and height limitations in that area. Kaye MacLeod spoke regarding the drainage system in Old Town and cited problems associated with the recent storm. She suggested that signs be posted on the street informing the public regarding street sweeping days. She requested Council's help regarding the drainage situation in her neighborhood. CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS REMOVED) Resolution No. 4961 pertaining to the reservation of parking areas on private prop- erty for handicapped persons was removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of the Acting City Administrator. 1 Page #9 - Council Minutes - 2/2/81 CONSENT CALENDAR - ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by Mandic, second Pattinson, the following items were approved, as recommended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: None MINUTES - Approved minutes of the adjourned regular meetings of January 12, 1981, January 19, 1981 and January 20, 1981 and regular meeting of January 19, 1981 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.. ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD RESIGNATION - TAKES - Accepted, with regret, the resignation of John A. Takes from the Environment5l Board and directed the preparation of an appropriate commendation. WATER MAIN INSTALLATION - CC-536 - MAGNOLIA/PCH - PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS/CALL FOR BIDS - Approved plans and specifications for t e insta anon of a twelve inch water main in Magnolia Street and Pacific Coast Highway and directed the City Clerk to advertise for bids. -c7 -2, � RESOLUTION NO 4959 - ADOPTED - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACIfADOPTING THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO APPOINT A MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE COORDINATOR." FINAL TRACT MAP 5419 - PORTION OF TT 5419 - SIGNAL LANDMARK, INC/SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT - Approve2 Final Tract Map 5419, 'aportion of Tentative ract 419, pursuant to the required findings set forth in S. 66458 of the Government Code and the mandatory findings as set forth by S. 66474 of the Government Code, accepted offer of dedication and improvement subject to completion of require- ments stipulated on property located at the southwest corner of Indianapolis Avenue and Magnolia Street; examined and certified by the Director of Public Works and the Secretary to the Planning Commission as being substantially in accordance with the tentative map as filed with, amended and approved by the Planning Com- mission. Acreage: 26.661; Lots: 3 numbered and 2 lettered; Subdivider: Signal Landmark, Inc., Irvine, adopted map subject to stipulations as follows Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage engineering and inspections; Certificate of Insurance; Subdivision Agreement; Park and Recreation fees shall be paid prior to recordation of the final map, the final map shall be recorded prior to the expiration of Tentative Tract 5419 on January 4, 1982; Drainage for the sub- division shall be approved by the Department of Public Works prior to recorda- tion of a final map; Accepted Guarantee and Warranty Bond No. 882205, Faithful Performance Bond No. 882204, Labor and Material Bond No. 882204 - (Seaboard Surety Company) and approved and authorized execution of the Subdivision Agree- ment and further instructed the City Clerk that she shall not affix her signa- ture to the map nor release such map for preliminary processing by the County or for recordation until the aforementioned conditions have been met, RESOLUTION NO 4960 - ADOPTED - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A GRANT OF EASE- MENT TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SUPPLY AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS." ti Page #10 - Council Minutes - 2/2/81 EDINGER AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS - FROM BOLSA CHICA TO WEST CITY LIMITS - Approved and authorized execution of Re Administrative Agreementbetwee-n t e City and County of Orange - AHFP #1027 for the improvement of Edinger Avenue from Bolsa Chica to the west City limits, authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the standard Right -of -Way Certification and approved plans and specifications for said work and authorized call for bids upon approval from the County and receipt of the Coastal Permit. RE -SUBMITTAL OF FINAL TRACT 10888 - ALL OF TT 10888 - PAUL SHAPIRO - Approved Final Tract Map 10888, being all of Tentative Tract 10888, pursuant to the re- quired findings set forth in S. 66458 of the Government Code and the mandatory findings set forth by S. 66474 of the Government Code; property located on the north side of Newman Avenue, approximately 1000 feet west of Beach Boulevard; examined and certified by the Director of Public Works and the Secretary of the Planning Commission as being substantially in accordance with the tentatiave map as filed with, amended, and approved by the Planning Commission. Acreage: 1.136; Lots: 1; Developer: Paul Shapiro, Newport Beach; adopted. map subject to stipu- lations as follows: The final map shall be recorded prior to the expiration of Tentative Tract 10888 on May 20, 1981; Drainage: Drainage for the subdivision shall be approved by the Department of Public Works prior to the recordation of the final map; and further instructed the City Clerk that she shall not affix her signature to the map nor release such map for preliminary processing by the County or for recordation until the aforementioned conditions have been met. REVISION OF FY 1980-81 GAS TAX BUDGET - Approved the revised 1980-81 Gas Tax Budget as su mitte y the Depirtment of Public Works, CITY GYMNASIUM MODIFICATIONS - PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS/CALL FOR BIDS - CC-475 - Approved the working drawings and specifications for the C-ity Gymnasium modifica- tions and authorized the call for bids. ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - WM BLUROCK & PARTNERS - Approved and autho- rized execution of SupplementalAgreement #2 to the' architectural services agree- ment between the City and Wm. Blurock & Partners for Oakview Day Care Center. to increase the "not to exceed" amount to $6,500 (an increase of just $1,500 over the previously approved amount). TRAFFIC SIGNALS - NOTICE OF COMPLETION - CC-448 (II) CC-462 - CC-493 Accepted word—completedy Steiny & Company on the construction of traffic Signals at the following locations: CC-448 II - (Edwards at Slater and Newland at Atlanta) - CC-462 (GW at Ellis) CC-493 (GW at Palm) for a total contract cost of $250,581.00, and instructed the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion. STATUS OF CETA II-0 PROGRAM RCA 81-01 - GRANT APPLICATION TO.BE FILED - GRAND JURYINVESTIGATION AUDIT FORTHGOMIN6 - The City Clerk presented a communication from the Administrative Services Department - Personnel Division regarding the status of the CETA iI-D Program for the City. Following discussion, a motion was made by Mandic, seconded by Thomas, to authorize the Acting City Administrator to initiate a grant application to continue the CETA-II-0 Program for a grant period of October 1, 1981 to September 30, 1982. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, Finley, Mandic, Kelly .NOES: Pattinson, Bailey, MacAllister ABSENT:. None 9 Page #11 - Council Minutes - 2/2/81 A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by MacAllister, to call for a Grand Jury Investigation of the Orange County Manpower operation including all of their subgrantees which includes the City of Huntington Beach. The motion carried unanimously. The Mayor stated that she would write a letter, with the assistance of the City Attorney, to the Grand Jury regarding the matter. Mayor Bailey informed the Council that an ultimatum had been issued to Peat, Marwick and Mitchell requesting that a draft of their audit from 1976 through 1979 be submitted to the City no later than February 4, 1981. CLOSURE OF TAYLOR STREET AT PAMMY LANE - APPROVED The City Clerk presented a communication from the Department of Public Works regarding the closure of Taylor Street at Pammy Lane which was approved with the adoption of Precise Plan of Street Alignment #73-1 and later included as part of the Taylor and Beach Specific Plan. Following discussion, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Thomas, to authorize the use of interim measures to close Taylor Street immediately east of Pammy Lane per the drawing submitted and to direct staff to study the effects of the closure in six months. The motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO 4963 - APPROVED - STORM DRAIN CLEANING - MSC-184 - EMPIRE PIPE ClEANIN6 & MqUIPMENT Co The City Clerk presented a communication from the Department of Public Works regarding the cleaning of the existing 54" storm drain from the south side of _Ocean View High School to the south side of Slater Avenue at Central Park. A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by MacAllister, to approve the proposal for cleaning the existing 54" storm drain from the south side of Ocean View High School to the south side of Slater Avenue at Central Park; adopt Resolu'4.on No. 4963 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AUTHORIZING THE LETTING WITHOUT ADVERTISING FOR BIDS ON PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT MSC-184, STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT, DUE TO URGENT NECESSITY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE, HEALTH OR PROPERTY," and awarded a contract to Empire Pipe Cleaning and Equipment Company. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: None CITY POSITION REGARDING BOLSA CHICA CLARIFIED - LETTER TO BE SENT TO COUNTY The Mayor presented a communication to Council regarding the clarification of the City's position regarding the Bolsa Chica dated February 2, 1981. She stated that she would like to submit the information to the County Planning Commission public hearing on February 10, 1981. 90 Page #12 - Council Minutes - 2/2/81 A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by MacAllister, to submit the City's position regarding the Bolsa Chica as outlined in the Mayor's memo dated February 2, 1981; the information to be sent to the County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors for consideration at the County Planning Commission public hearing on February 10, 1981. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: None ABSTAIN: Finley ABSENT: None USER FEES FOR TRANSFER/DISPOSAL SOLID WASTE DISCUSSED The Mayor referred to a letter she had received from Bruce Finlayson, President, of the Midway City Sanitary District, stating the District's opposition to user fees for the transfer and disposal of solid waste. The Director of Public Works expressed concern regarding user fees. A resolution that will be coming before the League of California Cities was discussed. REgUEST TO BE ABSENT - APPROVED Councilman Kelly stated that at the meeting of January 19, 1981 he had inadvertently requested to be absent February 2nd rather than March 2nd. On motion by Pattinson, second MacAllister, Council approved Councilman Kelly's request to be absent March 2, 1981 by unanimous vote. RESIGNATION - RODGERS - COUNCIL ON AGING - FROELICH - NEW PRESIDENT On motion by MacAllister, second Kelly, Council accepted the resignation of Mike Rodgers on the Council on Aging and directed staff to prepare a special award of appreciation for his participation in the organization. The motion carried unanimously. Councilman MacAllister stated that Mr. Fred Froelich is the new President of the Council on Aging. REPORT REQUESTED - HCD/DISASTER FUNDS - STORM DRAINS Councilman MacAllister stated his concern regarding flooding in the City and directed staff to investigate the feasibility of using HCD and/or Federal disaster funding for storm drains. He requested a report on the matter before the next public hearing on HCD funding. PERIPHERAL CANAL LEGISLATION - AB-9 - SUPPORT OF BILL APPROVED The City Clerk presented a communication from Councilman MacAllister regarding a referendum to bar construction of the Peripheral Canal on which Californians are scheduled to vote at the June 2, 1981 election. Councilman MacAllister urged support of AB-9 (Johnson) which calls for an earlier special statewide election in June, 1981 to decide this matter. 1 Page #13 - Council Minutes - 2/2/81 On motion by MacAllister, second Pattinson, Council supported AB-9 (Johnson) which calls for an earlier special statewide election in June 19.81 to decide the matter of the Peripheral Canal. The motion carried unanimously. PART-TIME POSITIONS TO BE REVIEWED Councilman Mandic stated his concern regarding part-time City employees that have been employed for a lengthy time. He mentioned grievances filed in the past and directed staff to review part-time positions that may fall in the same category. COUNCIL INFORMATION DEADLINE SUGGESTED Councilman Mandic stated his concern regarding last minute information that council receives Monday evening before the Council meeting. He requested that information be given Council in a timely manner, such as Friday before the Monday meeting, unless such information is regarding the continuation of a matter. PATTINSON TO BE ABSENT 2/9/81 Councilman Pattinson stated that he would be out of the state February.9, 1981 if Council scheduled an adjourned meeting for that night. The Mayor stated that Councilman Pattinson would be excused from attending the meeting. ORDINANCE NO 2473 - ADOPTED - DEFINING "LIFEGV ARD" The City Clerk was directed to read Ordinance -No. 2473 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING -THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 13.20.010 DEFINING "LIFEGUARD,,, On motion by MacAllister, second Kelly, Council adopted Ordinance No. 2473 by the following roll call.vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Finley, Bailey, MacAllister, Mandic, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: None ADJOURNMENT The Mayor adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council to 6:00 P.M. Monday, February 9, 1981 in Room B-8 in the Civic Center. ATTEST: tity C I er My Clerk and ex-o ficio C er of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California W�W MOO 7XA'