HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-06-08MINUTES
Rooms B-7 & 8, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
7:00 P.M., June 8, 1981
A tape recording of this meeting is
on file in the City Clerk's Office
Mayor Finley called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present: MacAllister, Thomas, Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, Mandic, Kelly
Absent: None
Councilman Thomas stated that his appointee to the Planning Commission would
be Dan Mahaffey.
On motion by Thomas, second MacAllister, Council ratified the appointment of
Dan Mahaffey as Councilman Thomas' representative on the Planning Commission
by unanimous vote.
June Catalano, Deputy Director, Development Services Department, presented
a report on the status of the Local Coastal Plan. She referred to the Develop-
ment Services staff report dated June 3, 1981 which had been provided to
Council. She stated that staff and the State Coastal Commission had met to
further refine the remaining points of contention between the City and State
regarding the Coastal Element. She stated that staff had suggested 31 possible
changes to satisfy many of the concerns of the Coastal Commission while not
changing the City's Element in a major way; 23 of these were acceptable to
the Commission with the remaining eight changes being further analyzed by
the Commission staff.
Councilman MacAllister stated that he would like a staff report to be pre-
sented on the validity of inclusionary zoning on housing. He stated his
concern on Section b - wetlands - "Definitions," and requested that it be
clarified. He referred to Page #144-9a and requested that the working "envi-
ronmentally sensitive habitat areas" be defined. He stated his concern rela-
tive to Page #144-12c and Page #144-12d as he believed the wording may limit
oil production.
Councilman Pattinson referred to Page #153 - Policy 161 requesting that the
word "existing" be deleted relative to parking standards.
Discussion was held regarding the procedure whereby an area could be deleted
from the plan for separate consideration.
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Councilman Kelly spoke regarding Page #144-9a as it would affect the possible
widening of Pacific Coast Highway, Discussion was held and Ms. Catalano stated
that staff would report back on this matter.
Discussion was held regarding the date this matter would return to Council and
it was determined that a date would be scheduled at a later time.
Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding whether a public hear-
ing should be held prior to submittal to the State. Discussion was held re-
garding Page #153 - Policy #161 - Parking Standards in conjunction with the
development of off -site parking strategies.
Mayor Finley suggested that staff provide Council with an analysis of the
various changes and what represents changes of policy which Council may not
have had before them when the LCP was presented and public hearings held.
Councilman Pattinson stated that if public hearings are necessary that they
be confined to the changes of policy and not the entire element.
The Mayor called a recess of Council at 7:50 P.M. The meeting was reconvened
at 8:05 P.M.
Mayor Finley stated that a presentation on the Ultrasystems study would 4e
made by John Rau of Ultrasystems. Discussion was held between the Council
and Vince Moorhouse, Community Services Director who spoke regarding pro-
cedures to be followed prior to adoption of a plan.
A motion was.made by Finley, seconded by Kelly, that at the time the Hunt-
ington Central Park Plan comes before Council that a public hearing be held.
Following considerable discussion, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. John Rau, Ultrasystems, Inc., presented viewgraphs and referred to the
material which he had provided to Council entitled "Overview of the Study
on Economic Feasibility Analysis of Proposed Revenue -Producing Uses to be
Located Within Huntington Central Park - 6/8/81."
Mr. Rau reviewed the thirteen revenue producing uses selected for analysis
as follows: Adventure playground, amphitheater, arcade and pizza parlour
in conjunction with a baseball/sports field complex, baseball/sports field
complex, equestrian facility, fishing activities at Sully Miller Lake,
18-Hole championship golf course, hotel with convention facilities, recre-
ational vehicle park, dinner -type restaurant, shooting range, snack con-
cessions and YMCA.
Considerable discussion on the report was held by Mr. Rau and Council.
The Community Services Director read an "Overview" communication on the
history of the park prepared by the. Community Services Department.
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Further discussion was held. Councilman Mandic reported that on Alternative
1-B, the amphitheater be eliminated from the expenditures and revenues and
see what kind of ratio develops.
The Community Services Director stated that a report on the available money
in the Park and Acquisition Fund and grant monies would be prepared.
The Mayor stated that when this matter comes to the Council there will be
an advertised public hearing. She stated that at the forthcoming Community
Services Commission meeting there would be an opportunity for questions and
Mayor Finley adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council
to Monday, June 15, 1981 at 5:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers.
Alicia M. Wentworth
City er
Alicia M. Wentworth
CiR-777erk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
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