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Council Chamber Room B-8, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, September 28, 1981
A tape recording of this meeting is
on file in the City Clerk's Office
Mayor Finley called the adjourned regular meeting of the City .Council of the
City of Huntington Beach to order at 6:30 P.M.
Present: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, Mandic, Kelly
Thomas (arrived at 8:10 P.M.)
Absent: MacAllister
The Mayor called an Executive Session of Council to order at 6:30 P.M. to.discuss
personnel and litigation matters,
The Mayor called.a recess of Council at 6:30 P.M. The meeting was reconvened
at 7:30 P.M.
The City Clerk announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing
to consider an appeal to the City Administrator's five day suspension of Marvin
H; Greenspan's massage establishment permit. She then announced that the meeting
would be held in the adjacent Room B-3.
Mayor Finley stated that Council would consider the appeal of the City's suspen-
sion of.Marvin H. Greenspan's massage establishment permit.'
The City Clerk. announced that all legal requirements for notification had been
Mayor Finley stated that Council: would listen to'the evidence presented in
support of the suspension and any evidence offered on behalf of. Mr. Greenspan.
The City Attorney stated that a letter dated September 28, 1981 had been received
frpm Gerald.L. Klein, Attorney representing Mr. Greenspan, requesting that the
hearing be continued in as much as it was scheduled for the evening of Rosh. Hashanah,
and the applicant, and attorney, would not be able.to attend for religious
Mayor Finley inquired if. the appellant was present.
Page #2 - Council Minutes - 9/28/81
William Sage, Police Legal Advisor, stated that at 7:30 P.M. he went into the
Council Chamber to inquire if anyone representing Mr. Greenspan was present and
that there was no'response.
Following discussion, a motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Mandic, to
continue with the hearing at this time and hear the evidence regarding the appeal
filed by Mr. Greenspan as scheduled. The motion carried by the following roll
call vote:
AYES: Pattinson, Bailey, Mandic
NOES: Finley, Kelly
ABSENT: MacAllister (Thomas arrived 8:15 P.M.)
Officer James.King, after being duly sworn, gave testimony regarding events at
the Touch of Class massage establishment on the night of June 13, 1981.
The City Attorney stated that the Huntington Beach Municipal Code Section
5.24.250 provides that the City Administrator may revoke or suspend a permit to
operate a massage establishment for any violation of the massage ordinance.
She stated that Council had been provided with a communication informing them
that the City Administrator suspended the permit of Marvin Greenspan to operate
Touch of Class massage establishment for five days. The City Attorney stated
that Section 5.24.170(b) provides that it is unlawful to carry on massage opera-
tions after midnight and that Section 5.24.170(i) provides that it is unlawful
to permit consumption' or possession of alcoholic beverages in a massage esta-
A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Pattinson, to find the appellant guilty
of violating Huntington Beach Municipal Code Section 5.24.170(b) and 5.24.170(i).
Following discussion, Councilman Kelly withdrew his motion; Councilman Pattinson
withdrew his second.
A motion was made by. Pattinson, seconded by Kelly, to sustain the City Administra-
tor's decision to suspend for five days Mr. Greenspan's permit tooperate the
Touch of Class massage establishment and to deny the appeal of Marvin Green-
span. Councilman Kelly entered the Council Chamber and inquired in :a loud voice
if.anyone were present to represent Mr. Greenspan; no one responded. The motion
carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Pattinson, Finley, Bailey, Mandic, Kelly
NOES:- None
ABSENT: MacAllister (Thomas arrived 8:15 P.M.)
The City Attorney stated that Council would receive proposed findings to sustain
their decision and could adopt them at the next Council meeting.
The Mayor stated that the Planning Commission would be joining the'City Council
for a meeting to discuss a proposed condominium conversion ordinance.
Planning -Commission -- Doll Call
Present: Bannister Paone;. Porter, Schumacher, Mahaffey
Winchell (arrived 8-.b5 P.M.)
92 Absent: Kenefick
Page #3 Counci 1 'Minutes - 9/28/81
Proposed Condominium Conversion Ordinance Discussion`- referred Back to Planning
extensive discussion was held.regarding various aspects of a proposed condominium
conversion ordinance including how strict such an ordinance should be, the need
for low cost housing to buy and to rent, the available apartment stock in the
city And the philosphy of each member of the Planning Commission and the .City
Council regarding condominium conversion. Discussion was held regarding further
information and statistics that would assist Councilmembers and Commissioners
in arriving at a resolution of the issue; the Director of Development Services
stated that he would gather the information and forward it to Council and the
Planning Commission.
Mayor Finley polled the Council regarding referring the proposed condominium conver-
sion ordinance back to the Planning Commission. The motion carried by straw vote
as follows:.
AYES: Thomas, Pattinson, Kelly
NOES:. Finley, Bailey, Mandic
ABSENT:' MacAllister
The City Administrator suggested that the Planning Commission bring back con-
ceptual ideas regarding condominium conversion rather than an.ordinance. It
was suggested that as many as three proposed condominium conversion ordinances
could come back from the Planning Commission for Council consideration.
Mrs. Winchell polled the Planning Commission regarding again considering the
proposed condominium conversion ordinance. The straw vote carried as follows:
.AYES: Paone, Mahaffey, Porter
NOES: Winche1i, Bannister
ABSTAIN: Schumacher
ABSENT: Kenefick
The Mayor adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach to 5:30 P.M., October 5, 1981 in Room B-l.
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City Clerk
City Clerk and ex-officio.Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
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