HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-06MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Room B-8, Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California WEDNESDAY, JANUARY'6, 1982 - 1:15 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: Tindall, Webb, Kelly, Smith STAFF PRESENT:- Truppelli MINUTES: ON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY WEBB, THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 9, 1981 WERE APPROVED AS TRANSCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Tindall, Webb, Kelly, Smith, Truppelli NOES:. None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Vogelsang AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED: USE PERMIT NO. 81-40 Applicant: M.E. Biddle To permit storage and wholesale sales of organic materials to landscapers, -contractors, etc. located at 6842Ellis Avenue, zoned RA-0-CD.- Chairman Tindall introduced application to the Board. Acting Secretary Webb briefly explained the proposal, stating that a certified letter had been mailed to Mr. Biddle on December 30, 1981 advising him that on January 6, 1982 a public hearing would ' be held covering his request. 'The public hearing was opened by Chairman Tindall. With no one in attendance to speak for or against this proposal, the public hearing was closed. Board discussion ensued. It was mentioned that in reviewing this request, -per the Code -section concerning -the RA-O-CD zone, it appears that Mr.`Biddle's use of the property would not be an approved use. It was -felt that his use is actually fertilizer manufacturer and storage yard which is allowed in a M-2 zone, not RA-O-CD zone, subject to granting ofa conditional use permit. H x Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments January 6, 1982 Page Two The Board felt Mr. Biddle should have the opportunity of a hearing before the Board of Zoning Adjustments to present any facts and evidence that his use is allowed in an RA-O-CD zone by the Code. ON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY KELLY, USE PERMIT NO. 81-40 WAS.CONTINUED ONE WEEK, TO THE MEETING OF JANUARY 13, 1982 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES: 8 AYES:. Smith, Kelly, Webb, Tindall, Truppelli NOES: None ABSTAIN: None PLOT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 81-6 Applicant: J. Don Hartfelder, A.I.A. To permit an addition to a previously approved plan located at 4121- Warner".Avenue, zoned ROS-CFR, Recreational open space district - Community -facilities recreational district. Chairman Tindall informed the Board that this request is a categorical exemption, Class. 1E, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Acting Secretary Webb introduced the -application and reported that a letter has-been received from the applicant requesting continuance of subject proposal for two (2) weeks to make modifications to Plot Plan Amendment submitted. The public hearing was opened by Chairman Tindall.- Jack Sullivan resident of the area, addressed the Board saying he and others in attendance were desirous of hearing what -changes were being made to this -previously approved plan. Chairman Tindall informed all concerned that the Board was not aware of changes to be submitted and that until receipt of same the Board cannot act, deny, or make public testimony. The public.hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY TINDALL AND SECOND BY SMITH, PLOT -PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 81-6 WAS -CONTINUED TWO WEEKS, UNTIL THE MEETING OF 1/20/82, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES:- -AYES: Smith, Kelly, Webb, Tindall, Truppelli NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW -NO. 81-81 Appli-cant:.-Charles H. Bollman/Beach Off -Road . To permit expansion of existing auto repair facility. Future construction of a cement block building of 5,000 square feet ". -2- BZA 1/6/82 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments January 6, 19.8 2 Page Three located at 7151 Garfield Avenue, zoned Ml-0, Light Industrial District combined with oil production. Acting Secretary -Webb reported that a letter has been received from the applicant requesting continuance of this application, until the meeting of February 3,- 1982, allowing Mr. Bollman of Beach Off -Road additional time to revise his plan. ON MOTION.BY KELLY AND SECOND BY SMITH, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 81-81 WAS CONTINUED TO THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 3, 1982, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTES: AYES: Webb, Tindall, Smith, Kelly, Truppelli NOES: None ABSTAIN:• None USE.PERMIT NO. 81=46 Applicant: Business Properties To permit construction of a Commercial Shopping Center to be - located on Northeast corner of the intersection of Warner Avenue_ and.Golden West Street; zoned C2, Community Business District. Chairman Tindall informed the Board that this request is covered by -Negative Declaration No. 81-56. Acting Secretary Webb outlined proposal. She informed the Board that on December 31, 1981, a letter was sent to Mr. Joseph Walthour, of Business Properties, outlining additional information required by staff as requested in meeting of December 28, 1981, between representatives from Business Properties and City staff. As this information had not been received, a telephone_call was made to Mr. Ball -of Business Properties. Mr. Ball advised Acting Secretary Webb that-.he`.had-concerns about submitting some -of -this information. Mr. Ball' -was told that receipt of this information was necessary - before action could be taken by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. The public hearing was opened by -Chairman Tindall with Gordon Hatch, tenant of Alpha Beta Shopping Center and Mr. Ellis Nourafchan,- part owner of the Alpha Beta Shopping Center located across the street from the proposed development in attendance. There was no representative from -Business Properties present. Mr, Nourafchan introduced himself and stated his concern, that there were three (3) schools in the immediate vicinity of'proposed commercial shopping center and wanted to know if another liquor store was proposed for this new center. He feels that this particular area has an over -abundance of liquor stores. Chairman Tindall informed all concerned that liquor stores are regulated by the State through. , the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and that the Board of Zoning Adjustments primary -function is to administer the provisions as set forth by the Code and that it does not have the vehicle to say what type of business can go into an area as long s as the busines - is'compatibly zoned. -3- BZA 1/6/82 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments January 6, 1982 Page Four - , The"public hearing was closed. Board discussion -ensued concerning the appropriateness of the Board taking;action on a proposed development -in -a --redevelopment -project area prior to the Redevelopment Agency reviewing the development "plans.- It was stated that these concerns had been expressed to the applicant. —It was the decision of the Board members,to-table the request for the Use Per Board felt that the Redevelopment Agency should -review and approve the - development -plans prior to the Board of Zoning Adjustments taking any action on a Use Permit. ON MOTION BY TINDALL AND SECOND BY WEBB, USE PERMIT NO. 81=46 WAS TABLED BY. -THE FOLLOWING VOTES: _ AYES:---•----- Tindall, Webb, Smith, Kelly, Truppelli None -ABSTAIN: None - REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 81-82. Applicant•' Robert F. Curtis Development Co., Inc. To permit model home complex located at 4682 Warner Avenue, zoned-R3-19,_'Limited Multiple Family Residence -District. The Chairman -informed the Board that this request is covered by Negative -Declaration No. 80-27. Lynda_Miller:-was present to represent the application. The -plans -submitted were discussed between the applicant and Board reviewing,_placement of sign, temporary landscaping, installation of -entry gate, fencing around -sales trailer -area; etc. Board review - determined that the plans were in compliance with the Ordinance Code. It'was determined by the Board that temporary landscaping around the trailer would not be required. The applicant will be required to -.landscape the model area as per Code. ON MOTION BY.KELLY AND SECOND BY TINDALL, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 81-82-WAS.APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL IMPOSED, BY..THE-FOLLOWING VOTES: The conceptual plot plan received December 16, 1981, shall -be the approved layout.' In -its' -approval action, the Board of Zoning Adjustments considered - the following issues relating to the-conceptual,plan: Traffic circulation and drives;- -Parking layout; Lot' area;- = Lot width and- lo,t depth; -4 I3ZA 1/6/82- Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments January 6, 1982 Page Five, - Type of use and its relation to property and improvements in the.immediate vicinity; Past administrative action regarding this property. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Asphalt.parking area in the immediate vicinity of sales area shall be striped per Code. 2. Sign to be installed shall be in accordance with the sign plan -submitted. This sign shall not be in the public right- of-way nor shall it impair visibility of'converging traffic. 3. At location of sales trailer, upon removal, the area shall. be landscaped to conform with general landscaping prior to use of the facility. 4. Perimeter fencing to be installed to separate models and trailer area from construction site. AYES: Smith, Kelly, Webb, Tindall, Truppelli NOES: None ABSTAIN: None THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING-WASADJOURNED. Aloren'l�ce Webb, Acting Secretary Board of -Zoning Adjustments -5- -BZA 1/6/82