HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-03MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, May 3, 1982 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor Mandic called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of' Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M. The Flag Ceremony was conducted by Girl Scout Troop #869, Leader Nancy Nitken. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jennifer Rizn. The Invocation was given by Trisha Wertner. ROLL CALL .Present: MacAllister, Mandic, Finley, Bailey, Kelly Thomas (arrived at 8:53 P.M.) Absent: Pattinson PROCLAMATION - MAY - "BEAUTIFICATI0N MONTH" Mayor Mandic presented a proclamation designating the month of May as "Beauti- fication Month" to Marlene Downey and Gloria Gitsham from the Womens' Division of the Chamber of Commerce. COMMENDATION - HB FIREMEN - PARTICIPATION IN ANAHEIM FIRE Mayor Mandic presented a commendation to firemen from the Huntington Beach Fire Department for participation in the recent Anaheim fire. Chief Picard was present to accept. PROCLAMATION - MAY "OLDER AMERICAN MONTH" Mayor Mandic presented a proclamation designating the month of May as "Older American. -Month" to Mike Rodgers, on behalf of Fred Leahey, President of the Council on Aging. COMMENDATION - NORTH HB SOCCER CLUB - W114NERS CALIFORNIA Yt ASSN Mayor Mandic presented commendations to the North Huntington Beach Soccer Club, "Untouchables", winners of the California Youth Soccer Association South 1982 State Cup. The members of the team, with Coach .Jim Bald and Manager Errol Guiliano, were present to accept. - "HIGHER FLYERS CLUB" - Mayor Mandic presented a commendation to the "Higher Flyers Club" for outstand- ing efforts in maintaining the disc golf course in Huntington Central.Park. .Greg Giron and Wayne Shurts were present to accept. Page #2 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 PROCLAMATION - MAY - MENTAL HEALTH MONTH Mayor Mandic presented a proclamation designating the month of May as .Mental Health Month" to Norma Gibbs, member of the Board of Directors. PROCLAMATION - MAY 9-15 - "NATIONAL NURSING HOME WEEK" Mayor Mandic presented a proclamation designating May 9-15 as "National H ursing .Home Week" to William Mohr from Huntington Valley Convalescent Hospital. PROCLAMATION - MAY 2-8 - "AMERICAN YOUTH HOSTEL WEEK" Mayor Mandic presented a proclamation designating May 2-8 as "American Youth Hostel Week" to Kent Pierce. PROCLAMATION - SATURDAY - MAY 22 - "COMMUNITY FESTIVAL DAY" Mayor Mandic presented a proclamation designating Saturday, May 22 as "Com- munity Festival Day" to a representative from Golden West College. PRESENTATION - $5000/HB CO - $1000/SEACL'IFF CORP - FOR FOURTH OF JULY PARADE Gerry Goodwin, Vice -President - Development, of the Huntington Beach Company presented a $4,000 check and Brian Lake from the Huntington Seacliff Corp. presented a check for $1000, for the 4th of July Parade to Dorothea Baker, Chairperson of the Special Events Board. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL TO PC DENIAL OF CUP 81-8/TT 11417/TPM 82-552 MANSION The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing continued open from April 19, 1982 to consider an appeal to the Planning Commission's denial on March 2,.1982 of Conditional Use.Permit 81-8, Tentative Tract 11417 and Tentative Parcel Map 82-552. The applications request per- mission for the development of a 492 unit Planned Residential Development. The subject property is located on the south side of Clay Avenue between Huntington Street and Main Street. Mayor Mandic stated that he had received a request to continue the matter. A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by MacAllister, to continue the public hearing to consider the appeal to the Planning Commission's denial on March 2, 1982 on Conditional Use Permit 81-8, Tentative Tract 11417 and Tentative. Parcel Map 82-552 to June 7, 1982 to permit staff and the appellant to discuss the matter. The motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL TO CONDITION OF APPROVAL #3 - IMPOSED BY BZA - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 81-563 - DOUGLAS SETTLES - APPEAL WITHDRAWN The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing continued open from September 21, 7981 to consider an appeal -to Condition'of Approval No. 3 imposed on Tentative Parcel Map 81-563 by the Board of Zoning Adjustments on May 20, 1981. The subject property is located between the west end of Commodore Circle and Huntington Street. Page #3 - Council Minutes'- 5/3/82 The Director of Development Services stated that a letter had been received from the appellant withdrawing the appeal. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to accept the withdrawal of the appeal by the appellant. The motion carried unanimously.' PUBLIC HEARING - CODE AMENDMENT 81-12 - PARK & RECREATIONAL FACILITIES - The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing continued from March 1, 1982 to consider Code Amendment No. 81-12, initiated by the Development Services Department and the Community Services Department, which would amend the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code by repealing Article 974 - (Park and Recreational Facilities), and which would amend Article 996 also known as (Park and Recreational Facilities) relative to the dedication of land or payment of fees. The Director of Development Services stated that a letter had been received from Richard A. Harlow & Associates, on behalf of Mola Development Corp and the Huntington Beach Company requesting that the matter be continued for approximately one month. The City Administrator stated that the request for a continuance from Mola Development Corporation and the Huntington Beach Company was to give them time to meet with City staff and review the recommendations. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to remove Resolution No. 5072 from the table. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Mandic, Finley, Bailey, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to continue consideration of'Code Amendment 81-12, Ordinance No. 2545, Resolution No. 5071.and Resolution No. 5072 to June 7, 1982. The motion carried unanimously. It was the consensus of Council that invitations, by word of mouth, be extended to anyone that might be interested in the meeting between City staff, the Huntington Beach Company and Mola Development Corporation. PUBLIC HEARING - 8TH YEAR HCD GRANT APPLICATION - APPROVED The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing regarding the 8th Year Housing and Community Development Grant Application for $1,430,971. Under the Housing and Community Development (HCD) Act of 1977, these funds are intended to benefit low and moderate income families by improv- ing -housing conditions., community services or economic opportunity. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for publication and post- ing had been met and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The City Cleric announced that Council had been provided with an additional communication from the Senior Community Development Specialist to the Housing and Community Development Citizens Advisory Board dated April 14, 1982 entitled Criteria for Public Services Projects. Page #4 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 Tom Tincher, Director of Business and Industrial Enterprise, presented slides and viewgraphs giving an overview of proposed use of funds as endorsed by the Housing and Community Development Citizens Advisory Board. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Mike Rodgers, member of the HCD Citizens Advisory Board urged Council to approve the recommendations as presented by Tom Tincher. Eugene Scorio, Executive Director, Orange. County Fair dousing, requested that Uouncil consider his proposal in the original amount of $30,000. Tom mays, member of the HCD Citizens Advisory Board, requested that Council vote for the proposed 8th Year HCD Grant Application as presented. Dean Albright, member of the Fair Housing Council, objected to the proposal as it affects the Oak View area. He recommended that the amount allocated to the Fair Housing Council be increased. Lynne Bolding, member of the HCD 'Citizens Advisory Board, requested that Council approve the recommendations as presented by Tom Tincher. Ellen Trent, member of the HCD Citizens Advisory Board, recommended the 8th Year Grant Application and stated her concerns regarding assistance to persons living in mobilehomes that might, be displaced and suggested that the HCD staff come ;gyp with innovative ideas regarding the matter. Fred Leahe , member of the HCD Citizens Advisory Board, stated that the Board's endorsement of the recommendations as presented by Tom Tincher was unanimous. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. The Council, as well as members of the HCD Citizens Advisory Board, commended Mr. Tincher and his staff on the presentation regarding the 8th Year HCD Grant Application. A motion was rude by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to approve the Statement of Community Development entitlement of $1,430,971, approve the Statement.of Community Development objectives and Projected -Use of Funds as prepared by the Department of.Developrnent Services, HCO Division, and preliminary endorsed by the HCD Citizens Advisory Board, as follows: STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPME14T OBJECTIVES 1. Revitalization of downtown commercial district; 2. Provision of community services and related facilities; 3. Upgrade and preserve declining neighborhoods; 4. Increase handicapped accessibility to housing and public facilities; 5. Preserve the existing housing stock; Page #5 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 6. Expand the housing opportunities of low and moderate income households and. minority persons; and 7. Expand the economic opportunities available to low and moderate income households and minority groups. STATEMENT OF PROJECTED USE OF FUNDS Housing Rehabilitation $ 300,000 Orange County Fair Housing Council 15,000 Neighborhood/Community Services 80,000 Main Street Village 200,000 Washington Neighborhood Public Improvements 200,000 South Oakview Alley Improvements 400;000 Administration 95;000 Local Option/Contingency 140J71 Total Grant Available $1,430,971 The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Mandic, Finley, Bailey, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas Councilman Kelly referred to the request made by Eugene Scorio and Dean Albright that staff study the question of increasing the allocation to the Fair Housing Council, perhaps by local option. It was the consensus of Council that staff be directed to. study the matter. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL TO BZA DENIAL OF USE PERMIT 81-40.- COUNCILMAN THOMAS - The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public.hearing to consider an appeal filed by Councilman Thomas to the Board of Zoning Adjust- ments denial of Use Permit 81-40, requesting to permit the storage and wholesale sales of organic materials on property located south of Ellis Avenue, approxi- mately 600 feet, west of Goldenwest Street in the RA-0-CD (Residential Agricul- ture combined with oil, Civic District). The City.Clerk announced that all legal requirements.for notification, publica- tion and posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Director of Development Services presented aerial and ground slides of the area. The Mayor declared the hearing open. John Zitny stated that he represented the applicant and presented background information regarding attempts by the applicant to obtain a use permit on the property. He read from a letter that was received from the City Attorneys office. Page #6 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 Councilman Thomas arrived at the meeting at 8:53 P.M. A. C. Marion stated that the property in the area was in a special situation as it was in a holding zone. He stated that he believed that Mr. Biddle's business was a good interim use for the property. Marvin Biddle presented a letter dated April 30, 1982 to Council from David Dahl, President of Lindborg/Dahl, owners of the property to the north and adjacent to the subject property, stating that they were not opposed to the approval of the current operations on an annual basis. Mr. Biddle requested that Use Permit 81-40 be granted to him with a review on an annual basis. Emil Paget, owner of the property, recommended that Council allow'Mr. Biddle the use permit. He stated that without his fertilizer business there could be a problem at the stables in the area. A resident stated that there was a need for a designation in the general plan for a business such as Mr. Biddle's as there could be a problem with the stables and horse estates planned in the area. HenryBorman stated that he was interested in landscaping, that most of the soil in Huntington Beach had a high salt content and. that steer manure could not be used for fertilizer; and because horse manure could be used, there was a need for Mr. Biddle's business. Don Wyler stated that he was the trucker that 'supplies soil for Mr. Biddle's operation. He spoke in favor of the appellant. Ron Montgomery stated that he was the architect for Mr. Dahl and had been retained by F. Biddle to assist Kira with paperwork regarding the matter. He spoke in favor of the applicant. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or.written,'-the hearing was closed by -the Mayor. Discussion was held regarding the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code relative to the matter. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Finley, to continue consideration of Use Permit 81-40 to May 17, 1982 with direction to staff that the matter be brought back in a way to have the present operation there legally. Councilwoman Finley asked whether the water quality question had been addressed. She requested information regarding the matter. . The City Attorney stated that she would provide Council with information regard- ing the letter from her office mentioned by John Zitny under public testimony. Following discussion, Mayor Mandic stated that any information Council may receive would be forwarded to Mr. Biddle's attorney. The motion to continue carried unanimously. Page #7 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 PUBLIC HEARING - ZC 82-4 - APPROVED - ND 32-10 APPROVED - ORD WO 2555 - IN RODUCTI0N A R VED - HA ILTON/F.IAGhiOLIk - (STEVERSON MUD DUMP The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider Zone Case No. 82-4 a request by the. City of Huntington Beach to change the zoning designation on 38+ acres of property located at the southwest corner of Hamilton Avenue ancMagnolia Street from M1-A-0, (Re- stricted Manufacturing District combined with oil production) to LUD (Limited Use District combined with oil production). Mayor Mandic stated that Negative Declaration No. 82-10 would also be con- sidered by Council. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publica- tion and posting had been met, and that she had received a letter in opposi- tion from Steverson Brothers. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Huth MacDonald stated that at a previous meeting the public had been told that all citizens within 1-2 m le area would be notified. lie stated that he had spoke with fifteen people that had'no.t been. -notified of this meeting. The Director of Development Services stated that it would have been too expen- sive to notify -citizens within ll� miles and that about 700 or 800 notices had been mailed. Y Hugh MacDonald requested that Council vote in favor of the LUD designation in the hopes that it would prevent cogeneration plant. Mike Rodgers stated that he lives within a mile radius of Hamilton and Magnolia. .He requested that Council uphold the decision of the Planning Commission and approve Negative Declaration 32-10 and Zone Case.82-4. Ed Zschoche stated that he disagreed -with the proposed zoning. Phylis Sariego urged Council to study and evaluate the area. She was against the cogeneration plant and in favor of the proposed ordinance. A resident stated that he was against the zoning. Bud Griffin stated that he didn't know whether the zoning was good or bad and that he didn't know where Council stood in regard to the issue. Jeff Babb stated that there was a lot of confusion regarding the matter and that he still didn't know what was going on. Diana Fowler stated that she understood that the City was against.the cogenera- tion plant b.ut that the -State was for it and therefore the City wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Extensive discussion was held'regarding the matter. Page #8 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82. The City Clerk presented Ordinance 14o. 2555 for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AEMNDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDI- NANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTIO14 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM RESTRICTED MANUFACTURING DISTRICT, COMBINED WITH OIL PRODUCTIO14 TO LIMITED USE DISTRICT, COMBINED WITH OIL PRODUCTION, ON REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HAMILTON AVENUE AND MAGNOLIA STREET (ZONE CASE NO. 82-4)." A motion was made by Thomas, seconded by Finley, to approve Negative Declara- tion'82-10, Zone Case 82-4, and approve introduction of Ordinance No. 2555, after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic, Finley, Bailey, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CASE 82-5 - APPROVED - ORD NO 255.7 - APPROVED - The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider a request from Sassounian/Warmington Company to change the existing zoning of R2, Medium Density Residential and Highway Commercial to R-4-28, High Density Residential allow 28 units per gross acre, for property located on the east side of Beach Boulevard approximately.1200 feet south of Atlanta Avenue. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publica- tion and posting had been met and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Robert' Odle from the Warmington Company referred to a letter regarding a cap of 290unfits and stated that they want to keep 290 units. Hugh MacDonald questioned what the zoning would mean relative to population and apartments. Natalie Coach stated that she was in favor of the applicant. She stated that she believed if changes were made the cost of the units would be higher. There being no one else present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the -hearing was closed by the Mayor. The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2557 for Council consideration - "API ORDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINA4CE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9051 THEREOF TO'PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF BEACH BOULEVARD AND SOUTH OF ATLANTA AVENUE (ZONE CASE NO. 82-0.1' G I. Page #9 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 A motion was made by Thomas, seconded by Mandic, to deny Zone Case #82-5 and Ordinance No. 2557. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, Finley, Mandic NOES: MacAllister, Bailey, Kelly ABSENT: Pattinson A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by MacAllister, to approve Zone Case 82-5, and approve introduction of Ordinance No. 2557, after reading by title, the motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Kelly DOES: Thomas, Mandic ABSENT: Pattinson PUBLIC HEARING - CODE AMENDMENT 82-2 - ORS} 110 2556 - RES 140 5118 - RES E10 5119 - The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for public hearing to consider Code Amendment No. 82.2, repealing Article 973 of Division 9 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and adding a new Article 973-entitled "Mis- cellaneoUs Provisions." Said Code Amendment reorganizes and rewords sections of 973 for clarity, and requires a use permit rather than an administrative review for the following uses: (1) care of non -related persons; (2) temporary parking lots;(3) home occupation swimming instruction, and (4) temporary out- door events (formerly special events). Said amendment also establishes a permit for temporary construction facilities and allows a use permit applicaiton for: (A) trailers to be used as offices for no more than five years and (S) exceptions of more than 10 feet to district height limits. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for publicaition and posting had been met, and that -she had received no communications or written protests. to the matter. Jeanine Frank, Coastal Planner, presented a report regarding the changes that staff recommended. The Mayor -declared the hearing open. On motion by MacAllister, second Finley, Council continued.consideration of Code Amendment 82•-2. Ordinance No. 2556, Resolution No, 5118 and Resolution No. 5119 to June 21, 1982, for the purpose of having a Council study session .'or to assign a committee to study the matter: The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, MacAllister, Mandic; Filey NOES: Bailey, Kelly ABSENT: Pattinson PUBLIC .COMMENT Marvin Greens an spoke regarding his appeal to the suspension of a massage •estab ishment permit and stated that he objected to it being put off again. 7 Page #10 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 Joseph Hagan spoke regarding a problem on Terrier Drive and stated that since last Friday -there had been a marked improvement because of additional police protection. John Locke requested clarification regarding a cross through that needed attention. He stated that his neighbor had been given a notice to maintain the cross through and it was not his neighbor's property. He stated that he thought it was public property. Richard Jensen thanked the Mayor and members of the Council that attended a meeting at Maxwells Restaurant regarding a parking problen, on Main Street. He stated that people with beach parkin: permits were 0 susing them and were parking on Main Street preventing customers from parking in front of the stores. Hazel' Mortensen spoke regarding dog licensing by the Orange County pound. She urged Council to retain dog licensing by the City. Eucene Scorio spoke regarding a proposal from the Orange County Fair Housing Council that he understood would be presented to Council by the Housing and Community Development staff. RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 1l:00 P.M.Council reconvened at 11 :13 P.11. Councilman Thomas left the mieeti ng. CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS REMOVED Councilman Bailey requested that the itee, pertaining to the agreement with the State Department of Rehabilitation be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration. CONSENT CALENDAR - tiITEMS APPRJVFJ) On motio„ by '°'lacAli aster, second Ke ly, Council approved the following items, as recomi ended, by the foi1owing ro31 ca11 vote. - AYES: MacAllister, Mandic, Finley, Bailey, Kelly NOES: done ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas MINUTES - Approved minutes of the regular meeting of April 19, 1982 and the adjourned regular meeting of April 23, 1982, as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. PARKING AGREEMENT H B COMMUNITY PARK/HBUHSD - Approved and authorized execu- tion of a lease agreement to allow the Huntington Beach Union High School District to continue to park cars on the City -owned Huntington Beach Community Park site on a month -to -month basis. ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - BLUFF TOP PARK-'CC-597 Approved and authorized execution of an architectural services agreement with.the firm of Presburger & Associates to prepare preliminary plans and final drawings.for the development of the Bluff Top Park. 1 Page #11 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 NOTICE OF COMPLETION - CC-580 - PARKING LOT — ORANGE & MAIN completed by Porter Construction Company or a fi-n-al contrc and directed City Clerk�to file a Notice of Completion. MEADOWLARK AIRPORT BOARD RESIGNATION - LIVENGOOD - Accepted, the resignation of Tom Livengood from the Meadowlark Airport the preparation of an appropriate commendation,, . -'Accepted work t price of $26,361.02 with regret, Board and directed SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF SEAL BEACH FOR THE SUNSET BEACH WATER TOWER - Approved and authorized execution of the Settlement Agreement and Reliase of All Claims for the Sunset Beach Water Tower Property and authorized execution of said agreement. ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - ENERGY STUDY - CC-503 - RIM ASSOCIATES - Approved and authorized execution of an arc itectura sere ces agreement with RJM Associates, Inc., for an energy study at various outdoor sports fields and recreational complexes. ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES AGREEMENT - POLICE HELIPORT - CC-598 - Approved and authorized execution of an architectural' services agreement with the firm of '.'The Architect's Group" to prepare preliminary plans and final drawings for the development of the City's proposed Police. -Heliport. APPEAL TO SUSPENSION OF MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT PERMIT - Appointed Keith Gow as hearing officer in accordance wit 0; time and place as soon as practical, as the schedules of all parties allow, relative to the appeal filed by Marvin Greenspan to the City -Administrator's suspension of massage establish- ment permit. APPEAL TO SUSPENSION OF MASSEUSE TECHNICIAN PERMIT - Appointed Keith Gow as hearing officer in accordance with Huntington Beach Municipal Code 5.24.280; time and place as soon as practical, as the schedules of all parties allow, relative to the appeal filed by Tuyet Pham Tran to the City Administrator's suspension of massage technician permit. FUND TRANSFER.- POLICE DEPARTMENT - Approved transfer of funds from the Police Department personnel -accounts to the Vehicle Maintenance Account 321432 ($20,000) and the Special Supplies Account #321221 ($3,000). MAYORS EXPENSES.- Approved request for reimbursement of $393.99 mileage expenses for former Mayor Finley for the period November,1961 through April 19, 1982. AGREEMENT- STATE DEPARTMENT OF REHABILITATION - BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM - The City Cleric presented a communication from the Chief of Administrative Services submitting"an agreement between the City and the State Department of Rehabilitation Business Enterprise Program to continue the vending facility at the Civic Center under the operation of a blind vendor for the period of March 1, 1982 through March 1, 1983. 9 Page #12 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 Following discussion, a motion was made by Bailey, seconded by MacAllister, to continue consideration of an agreement between the City and the State Depart- ment of Rehabilitation. Business Enterprise Program to May 17, 1982. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Mandic, Finley, Bailey, Kelly NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas 1982-83 FY PRELIMINARY BUDGET MEETING - TO BE SCHEDULED The City Administrator stated, the need for scheduling meetings to consider the 1982-83 FY preliminary budget. Following discussion, it was decided that the City Administrator would send a memorandum to Councilmembers with possible dates for meetings and Council would respond. ANIMAL CONTRROL CONTRACT FOR FY 1982/83 - CONTINUED TO_5j17/82 (SEE SAME ITEM The City Clerk presented a communication from the.City Treasurer transmitting a contract between the City and County of Orange for animal services. The,-City.Administrator reported on the.matter. Following discussion a motion was made by Kelly, seconded by MacAllister, not to adopt licensing by the county. The motion failed.by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Kelly NOES: Mandic, Finley, Bailey ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas A motion was made by Finley, seconded by Kelly, to continue consideration of a contract offered by Orange County and eliminate City Animal Licensing function costs. from the City 1982/83 Budget. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES.: MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Kelly NOES: Mandic ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS - 0 C SANITATION DISTRICTS #3 & #11 - APPROVED The City Council ratified the following appointments made by Mayor Mandic to Orange County Sanitation District #3 and #11: 0. C. Sanitation District #3 Mayor Robert Mandic Councilwoman Ruth Finley - (Alternate) 0. C. Sanitation District #11 - Councilwoman Ruth Bailey Councilman Ron Pattinson Councilman Don MacAllister - (Alternate) 10 Page #13 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 PCTA Councilman MacAllister stated that there would be a Public Cable Television Authority meeting on May 13, 1982. He stated that he didn't know at this time when the Council meetings would be televised for cable and that he would bring back a report on the matter. STEVERSON MUD DUMP Councilwoman Bailey requested an up date on the Steverson Mud Dump. MOBILEHOME AFFORDABLE HOUSING ASSISTANCE ' Councilwoman Bailey requested information regarding the directive Council gave regarding the use of $700,000 in Housing and Community Development funds for mobilehome assistance or affordable housing. YOUTH COUNCIL PROPOSED Councilwoman Bailey stated her concerns that Council does not hear from the youth in the city. Following discussion, Mayor Mandic appointed Councilmembers Bailey, MacAllister and Finley to organize a Youth Council. CHERISH PROGRAM Councilwoman Finley stated that the Senior Citizens Center organization had a program honoring young people for their Cherish_ Program. COPIES OF BUDGET RE VESTED EAB Councilwoman Finley stated that the Economic Advisory Board requested ,copies of the budget. STEVERSOPi MUD DUMP Councilwoman Finley suggested that the Steverson Mud Dump area be "whiteholed" on the Local Coastal Plan and suggested that the Local Coastal Plan staff look at the Local Coastal Plan before it is brought back to Council, BOLSA CHICA - ANNEXATION - REPORT REQUESTED 5/17/82 Councilman Kelly suggested that Council take a stand on annexing the Solsa Chica. The Director of Development Services reported on the matter, The Mayor directed that consideration of the annexation of the Bolsa Chica be brought back to the next meeting with staff to contact Signal Oil Company to get their feelings regarding annexation.' ORDINANCE ADOPTED The City Clerk presented Ordinance Hos. 2552, 2553 and 2554 for Council consi- deration. Page #14 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 A'motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to adopt Ordinance Nos. 2552, 2553 and 2554, after reading by title, by the.following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Mandic, Finley, Bailey, Kelly - NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas ORD NO 2552 - ADOPTED - REPEALS ORD NO 2208 - AMENDMENT TO Del 2 - PPSA 82-2 - PARK/PINE STREETS "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING ORDINANCE NO, 2208, AN AMENDMENT TO DISTRICT MAP NO. 2." ORD NO 2553 - ADOPTED.- AMENDS SECTION 9061 - ZC 82-2 - NE/ELLIS/EDWARDS - W/GOLDENWEST ----- "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO -PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM LIMITED USE/CIVIC DISTRICT, COMBINED WITH OIL PRODUCTION AND RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL CIVIC DISTRICT, COMBINED WITH OIL PRODUCTION TO RECREATION OPEN SPACE/CIVIC-DISTRICT, COMBINED WITH OIL PRODUCITON ON REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ELLISAVENUE AND EDWARDS STREET,.WEST OF GOLDENWEST STREET (ZONE CASE NO. 82-2). ORD NO 2554 - ADOPTED.- REPEALS ARTICLE 907 - COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION . "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY REPEALING ARTICLE 907, CREATING A COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION." RECESS - HUNTINGTON BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONVENED Mayor Mandic called a recess of.Council. He then called the regular meeting of the Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agency to order. CITY COUNCIL RECONVENED Mayor Mandic reconvened the City Council. IMAL CONT f FOR FY 1982 83 - APPROVED- ANIMAL LICENSING FUNCTION The City Administrator requested direction regarding the animal control services agreement with Orange County. A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Finley, to reconsider the motion to continue the item pertaining to a contract between the City and the County of Orange for complete animal control services. The motion carried by the follow- ing roll call vote: AYES: Mandic, Finley, Bailey, Kelly NOES: MacAllister ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas 11ti Page #15 - Council Minutes - 5/3/82 A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Finley, to approve and authorize execution of the contract between the City and Orange County and eliminate the City Animal Licensing function costs from the City 1982/83 budget with the stipulation that Senior Citizens not be charged a license fee as per the current policy. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Mandic, Finley, Bailey NOES: MacAllister, Kelly ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas ❑n.lni IRNMPIT The Mayor declared the regular meeting of the Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned to Saturday, May 15, 1982 at the Kellog Center, Cal Poly, Pomona, California. ATTEST: City Clerk City C erk and ex-o icio erk for the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California Mayor