HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-17MINUTES REDEV.ELOPMENT'AGENCY Council' Cham be.r`; . Civic Center, 'Hunti;ngton Beach,, Cal4fornta Monday;.' May liT;. 1:982 A tape r,•ecordingr of th-ils. meeti:_ng i;sL on filEe in; thew City Clerk'js Office; Chairman Mandic ca,140d th'e° regUil4r meetiing; of the. Redevelopment Agency to order ROLL.CALL_ Present.: Thomas;,. MacAT1 i.st!E ,. -Maud;ft..R Fi 61'ey, , B'al4ey,; Kellly Absent:.. Patffnson MINUTES:. -APPROVED The Secretary presented the: mi:nu;tes: ofthe regular meeting. of May' 3,, 1:982 for- thel Redevel oprtient , Agency coris:id'era°ti'o . On motion, by MacA;l:l i ster, se-condi Fi,nil;ey,', they Redevelsopment- Agency approved' the minutes of the. r, egul a,r mee.ti;ng; of- May 3',i 1982',, as written: ands on fide i n the Office, of th'e Secretary.. The mot.to:n carried] by the, f61i1;dwitng; rolli caal. vote: - AYES: MacAl1is,ter, Mandi:c,: Finney,, B&tTe-y,, Ke,liTy,. NOES :� None ABSTAIN::. Thomas ABSENT: Pattinson RESOLUTIONS, ADOPTED The Secretary presented Res ol`ution,. Nos. 28',. 29°, 30r and 31 for the Redevelopment Agency corisideratTon. Tom Ti:ncher, Di rector of Business and fndustri'aj; Enterprise,,, suggested an amendment to each resolution as fo11 ows.:: Sect.i on .3:,, fol Towi:ng� . the word- '°i.ndi-v. dual: add the words, " ...•and to publish the, Not;i,ce of ComplTe.tton° and, take other' appropriate act ons'" ...cl osi ng wi th. the word -sr ".:. a,s' re'Ou•ixed by 1aw:, On motion .by MacAll-is•ter;-:second ; KeTly;. the: Redeve�Topment Agency adopted Reso- l ut'ion Nos'., 28,; 2.9, 30 and 31 ,: 'as; amended:;: byl the, foll'owi ng< r0jl .caTl• vote: AYES, MacAllister; Mandic Bail ey,: F"i:nl ey, Kelly, NOES.:a Thomas. ABSENT: Pattinson RES_NO,28 =ADOPTED - TALBERT=BEACH REDEVELOPMENT PLAN "A RESOLUTION OF. THE HUNTINGTON BEACH' REDEVELOPMENT ' AGENCY-' AUTHNJIJ G. TRANSMITTAL OF* THE PROPOSED TALBER--T-BEACH:-DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AND, EIR TO' THE: PLAN NING°"COMM I-SSI0N OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON. BEACH AND1. FOR OTHER.APPROPRTATE DI=S,TRIBUTION..AS REQUIRED BY LAW;.' Page #2 - Council Minutes 5/17/82, RES N0.29 - ADOPTED - OAKVIEW REDEVELOPMENT PLAN "A RESOLUTION OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING TRANS MITTAL OF THE PROPOSED OAKVI'EW REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND EIR TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND FOR OTHER APPROPRIATE DISTRI- BUTION AS REQUIRED BY LAW." RES N0.30 - ADOPTED - YORKTOWN-LAKE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN "A RESOLUTION OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING TRANS- MITTAL OF THE'PROPOSED YORKTOWN-LAKE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND EIR TO THE PLAN NING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND FOR OTHER APPROPRIATE DISTRIBUTION AS REQUIRED BY LAW." RES NO 31 - ADOPTED - MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMENT PLAN "A RESOLUTION OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING TRANS- MITTAL OF THE PROPOSED MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND EIR TO THE.PLANNING. COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AND FOR OTHER APPROPRIATE DISTRI_ BUTION AS REQUIRED BY LAW-." RES NO 32 - ADOPTED - LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT-'STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON & RAIITW The Secretary presented- Resolution No. 32 for the Redevelopment Agency consi�* deration "A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNTING — TON BEACH APPROVING THE AGREEMENT RE LEGAL SERVICES AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECU- TION THEREOF." On.motion by MacAllister, second Mandic, the Redevelopment Agency adopted Reso- lution No. 32, by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Mandic, Finley, Bailey, Kelly NOES:, Thomas ABSENT: Pattinson- ADJOURNMENT On motion by Bailey, second Finley, the Redevelopment Agency adjourned.