HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-05Approved as Amended 10-19-82 MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1982 - 7:00 PM COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Higgins, Livengood, Winchell, Schumacher, Mirjahangir Paone, Porter In the absence of both Chairman Paone and Vice Chairman Porter, the meeting was called to order by Savoy Bellavia. ON MOTION BY LIVENGOOD AND SECOND BY HIGGINS, COMMISSIONER WINCHELL WAS ELECTED TO SERVE AS ACTING CHAIRMAN BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Livengood, Schumacher, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: Paone, Porter ABSTAIN: Winchell CONSENT AGENDA: At the request of Commissioner Livengood, Consent Agenda Item A-2 (Conformance with General Plan No. 82-8) was pulled off the consent agenda for separate consideration. ON MOTION BY LIVENGOOD AND SECOND BY HIGGINS THE REMAINDER OF THE CONSENT AGENDA, CONSISTING OF THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 21, 1982, WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Livengood, Winchell, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: Paone, Porter ABSTAIN: Schumacher ITEM A-1: Conformance with General Plan No. 82-8_ Vacation of Pine Street between Seventeenth Street and Utica Avenue; vacation of portions of Seventeenth Street from Utica to Yorktown Avenues; declare surplus a .31 acre parcel near the intersection of Seventeenth Street and Yorktown Avenue. With the use of slides, Charles Clark made a presentation of the proposal, pointing out the configuration of the streets to be vacated and informing the Commission that two alleys within the area would also be vacated. The vacated area of Pine Street will be .93 acres between Utica and Seventeenth Street, with the portion of Seventeenth Street south of Yorktown amounting to 1.06 acres. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission October 5, 1982 Page 2 With the alley vacation, this will mean approximately 2.5 acres of land to be vacated to the Huntington Beach Company. The proposed vacation would allow for the consolidation of the parcels owned by the Huntington Beach Company into a more buildable site. In exchange the City'of Huntington Beach would acquire from the Huntington Beach Company an .84 acre parcel near the northeast corner of Main Street and Utica Avenue south of the Civic Center. This will allow the City to gain a 2.4 ± acre site, through the use of a vacated portion of Seventeenth Street and extension onto the existing Civic Center property, for the purpose of constructing a community center. This center would provide a centralized location for social, educa- tional, and civic functions. Commissioner Schumacher questioned the disparity in acreage figures, asking why the City would consider exchanging .84 acres for 2.5 acres, almost two and one-half times as much. Secretary Palin then reviewed the history of recent negotiations between the City and the Huntington Beach Company in regard to the railroad right-of-way. He informed the commission that this project is a part of an agreement which will result in the Huntington Beach Company quitclaiming to the City its interest in the right-of-way from Garfield to Clay Avenues and Yorktown Avenue south, donating $30,000 for the construction of the Blufftop Park, and agreeing to take into consideration as a part of the overall agreement the preservation for possible future public use the railroad right-of-way through The Ranch project. The agree- ment also includes vacation to the Company of the paper streets within The Ranch boundaries. Commissioner Livengood questioned staff on the reduction of 90 park- ing spaces presently used by the Civic Center. Staff informed the Commission that restriping of the remaining portion of Seventeenth Street could partially alleviate the loss of the parking presently taking place on Pine Street, and additional parking will be available on the section of Seventeenth Street at Main which will be vacated with sufficidnt width to accommodate parking, adequate turning radius, and two-way traffic. Also, the proposed community center will have parking which can be used by employees as well. Future access changes were discussed by the Commission. Mr. Livengood asked what parking count would be required for the Civic Center if it had been required to provide the same ratio of parking as would any other office pro- ject of the same nature, and indicated that he would prefer to see that information prior to making a decision on this conformance. Com- missioner Higgins suggested that some alternative parking sites should be identified as well. It was the consensus of the Commission that consideration of this request should be delayed until a survey of the Civic Center parking based on criteria the City uses for other commer- cial buildings is submitted. Commissioner Schumacher also indicated that she would like the next staff report to contain information ex- plaining the discrepancy in acreage of the exchange. -2- 10-5-82 - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission October 5, 1982 Page Three ON MOTION BY LIVENGOOD AND SECOND BY HIGGINS, GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE NO. 82-8 WAS CONTINUED FOR TWO WEEKS, TO THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 1982, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Livengood, Higgins, Winchell, Mirjahangir, Schumacher NOES: None ABSENT: Paone, Porter ABSTAIN: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: USE PERMIT NO. 82-23 - APPEAL Applicant: Ronald Wood/Bill Goodman Appeal to conditions of approval imposed by the Board of Zoning Adjustments pertaining to the side yard setback for a garage and a height limit for a proposed garage on property located on the south side of Williams Avenue (718 and 720 Williams Avenue) approx. 300 feet east of Florida Street, Commissioner Schumacher stated that she listened to the tape of the September 21th public hearing and, therefore, would be eligible to vote on this issue. Acting as chairperson, Grace Winchell stated that as the public hearing had previously been opened and closed at the September 21st meeting, discussion and a motion shall follow. Acting Secretary Webb distributed ground shots of the project to the Commission for information. At the request of Commissioner Mirjahangir the applicant, Mr. Bill Goodman, and the architect for the project, Sergio Esteves, addressed the Commission to explain their project and the reasons for the requested height and setbacks. They pointed out that al- though they are proposing six double garages there would actually not be room to store twelve recreational vehicles, but that the structure would only accommodate five or six at most. Mr. Esteves also noted that adjacent to a commercial site the impact on the neighboring property should be minimal. Mr. Goodman also informed the Commission that if the tenants of the housing complex in which the parking structure would be located do not rent the garages they would remain empty. Also, the applicant stated his willing- ness to provide 10-foot setbacks on each side of the garage structure instead of going to zero as originally proposed. The ensuing Commission discussion included consideration of the possibility that approval could result in creating a mini -warehouse situation on the property, review of the setback alternatives, and consideration of the Fire Department requirement for sprinkler- ing if the 15 foot garage height is allowed. -3- 10-5-82 - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission October 5, 1982 Page 4 A MOTION WAS MADE BY LIVENGOOD AND SECONDED BY MIRJAHANGIR THAT THE COMMISSION UPHOLD THE CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS ON USE PERMIT NO. 82-23 WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM C AND ALLOW THE GARAGE TO BE A MAXIMUM OF 15 FEET IN HEIGHT WITH THE PROVISION OF A SPRINKLERING SYSTEM AS APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Livengood, Mirjahangir NOES: Winchell, Schumacher ABSENT: Paone, Porter ABSTAIN: None Further discussion followed. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY LIVENGOOD THE COMMISSION UPHELD THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL IMPOSED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUST- MENTS ON USE PERMIT 82-23 AND DENIED THE APPEAL BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Livengood, Winchell, Schumacher NOES: Mirjahangir ABSENT: Paone, Porter ABSTAIN: None Commissioner Livengood directed that the record show that his second of the above motion had been only for the purpose of taking an action on the request so that the applicant could pursue his appeal to the City Council if he wished to do so. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 82-23/CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 82-11/ NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 82-32 (Continued from September 21, 1982) Applicant: Larry Nye for Hillcrest Missionary Baptist Church To permit a reduction of 10 parking spaces within a proposed 8,100 square foot church facility to be constructed in conjunction with a 10,566 square foot medical building with reciprocal parking. Subject property is located on the northeast corner of Newman Avenue and Van Buren Street. Savoy Bellavia reported that parking for the medical facility has been identified by staff as the major issue in this request. Although a reciprocal parking agreement will be recorded between the two uses, the lack of adequate parking to accommodate the major user would justify the staff's recommendation that the plan be revised. He also noted that the landscaping on the total site is insufficient and must be enlarged. The Commission and the staff discussed the status of the pending revisions to Article 979, Parking, and the effect this revision might have on such facilities as the subject one. Mr. Bella - via responded that according to present research there would appear to be very little change in the future parking requirements for a medical facility of this size as a result of the code change. -4- 10-5-82 - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission October 5, 1982 Page 5 The public hearing was opened. Larry Nye, applicant, addressed the Commission in support of his request. He pointed out that the parking shortage is a re- sult of the underground portion of the medical building which, when calculated on a square footage basis only, accounts for the 10-space difference. He informed the Commission that the use of the basement area for a linear accelerator only would accommodate such a small number of patients and staff at one time that the parking spaces would not be necessary when calculated on the basis of use rather than square footage. He noted, too, that the site can be made to conform with the landscaping re- quirement. There were no other persons to speak for or against the proposal, and the public hearing was closed. The Commission discussed the parking and the applicant's rationale for the shortage. Also reviewed was the elevation of the subject property above the property directly behind it, and the suggestion was made that because of that grade differential no heavy land- scaping be installed there to avoid a problem with drainage and that the existing row of trees be allowed to constitute the land- scaping along that property line. ON MOTION BY HIGGINS AND SECOND BY LIVENGOOD NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 82-32 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Livengood, Winchell, Schumacher, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: Paone,'Porter ABSTAIN: None ON MOTION BY'HIGGINS AND SECOND BY LIVENGOOD CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 82-11 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS, BY THE FOLLOW- ING VOTE: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1. The Planning Commission determined that the proposed use of the basement area for housing a linear electron accelerator, creating a reduction in the number of patients and employees who will be using the proposed facility at one time, will sufficiently reduce the parking demand to allow for the reduc- tion of the ten (10) parking spaces as requested. 2. The granting of the conditional exception will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent upon other proper- ties in -the vicinity and under identical zone classifications. 3. The granting of the conditional exception is necessary in order to preserve the enjoyment of one or more substantial property rights. -5- 10-5-82 - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission October 5, 1982 Page 6 4. The granting of a conditional exception will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property in the same zoning classification. 5. The granting of the conditional exception will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. AYES: Higgins, Livengood, Winchell, Schumacher, Mirjahangir NOES:, None ABSENT: Paone, Porter ABSTAIN: None ON MOTION BY LIVENGOOD AND SECOND BY HIGGINS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 82-23 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1. The proposal is substantially in conformance with all applicable provisions of Division 9. 2. The proposed church/medical facility is consistent with the zon- ing and General Plan designations on the subject property. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The site plan received and dated October 5, 1982, shall be the approved conceptual layout subject to the following: a. A revised site plan shall be submitted for review and approval depicting the required ten (10) percent landscaping per Section 9331(b) of the ordinance code. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits, a reciprocal parking and access agreement between the two uses on the subject site shall be submitted to the City for approval by the City Attorney and thereafter recorded with the County Recorder of the County of Orange. 3. All building spoils such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable materials shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 4. If lighting is included in the parking lot area, energy efficient lamps shall be used. All onsite lighting shall be directed to prevent spillage onto adjacent properties. 5. If foil -type insulation is to be used, a fire retardant type shall be installed to the approval of the Building Division. 6. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by a registered soils engineer. This analysis shall include onsite soil sampling and -6- 10-5-82 - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission October 5, 1982 Page 7 laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recom- mendations regarding grading, chemical and fill properties, foundations, retaining walls, streets, and utilities. AYES: Higgins, Livengood, Winchell, Schumacher, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: Paone, Porter ABSTAIN: None CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 82-24 Applicant: General Telephone To permit construction of a 3,250 square foot addition to an existing General Telephone central office building located at the northeast corner of Main Street and Acacia Avenue. The public hearing was opened. Kenneth S. Wing, Jr., architect for the proposed addition, ad- dressed the Commission to concur with the suggested conditions of approval except for the limitation of employees to ten. He said that there will be temporary help in the building while the new equipment is being installed and perhaps from time to time there- after depending on need, and requested that the limitation be deleted. He also informed the Commission that the parking lot had originally been designed to City standards and asked that the applicant be relieved of the restriping as well. There were no other persons to speak for or against the proposal, and the public hearing was closed. Staff explained that there are no specific packing requirements ap- plicable to projects such as the subject request. The Commission discussed the parking needs of the facility as proposed and the possibility that this use might be changed in the future to a use which might require additional parking spaces. In response to this concern, the building engineer for General Telephone assured that the cost and logistics of moving the great amount of electronic equipment in the structure and recabling to another location would effectively guarantee that this would not happen. Also taken into consideration were how the employee count could be verified and how a limitation to a specific number of employees could be en- forced. ON MOTION BY LIVENGOOD AND SECOND BY SCHUMACHER CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 82-24 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1. The proposed 3,250 square foot addition to the existing General Telephone facility is compatible with surrounding land uses and -7- 10-5-82 - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission October 5, 1982 Page 8 will not be detrimental to the general health and safety of those persons working and residing in the immediate area. 2. The -proposed addition to the General Telephone facility is consis- tent with the land use designation on the General Plan, which is general commercial. 3. Conditional Use Permit no. 82-24 substantially complies with the C3, General Business District, standards contained within the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The site plan, floor plan, and elevations received and dated August 27, 1982, shall be the approved layout. 2. If the number of employees for the facility creates a parking defi- ciency, a review will be necessary. If required, the facility will be required to provide additional offstreet parking. 3. The existing parking lot shall be restriped to conform with the requirements contained in Section 9791(f) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code pertaining to 900 parking. 4. The Planning Commission reserves the right to rescind this condi- tional use permit approval in the event of any violation of the applicable zoning laws. Any such decision shall be preceded by a notice to the applicant and a -public hearing, and shall be based upon specific findings. AYES: Higgins, Livengood, Winchell, Schumacher, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: Paone, Porter ABSTAIN: None MASTER PLAN OF BIKEWAYS Initiated by the City of Huntington Beach Proposal for the addition of links to the City-wide existing bikeway system. Staff reported that a continuance is being requested to permit envir- onmental review. There were no persons present to address this matter, and the public hearing was not opened. The Commission asked that a graphic depiction of the existing and proposed bike trails be distributed to them prior to the next regular meeting to permit additional time for review. ON MOTION BY LIVENGOOD AND SECOND BY HIGGINS THE MASTER PLAN OF BIKEWAYS WAS CONTINUED TO THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 1982, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Higgins, Livengood, Winchell, Schumacher, Mirjahangir .NOES: None ABSENT: Paone, Porter ABSTAIN: None -8- 10-5-82 - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission October 5, 1982 Page 9 DISCUSSION ITEMS: PLANNING MODE STUDY: Charles Clark presented a background report and synopsis of the study, which covers the existing mushroom farm location. He announced that there will be a joint meeting with the City Council, the Planning Commission, and the Community Services Commission to review the study on October 25 at 6:00 p.m. Bob Aldrich presented four land use alternatives which have been addressed in the study, noting that the staff's recommendation is that the area be included within the Huntington Central Park bound- ary with a recreational vehicle camping facility provided in the southerly portion*of the site. Staff is also recommending that a phased approach.be taken to the RV facility so that the City can analyze the economic generating potential of the use. He also in- formed the Commission that there is a General Plan amendment request filed on the property by the Janes Company; this request will be considered as part of General Plan Amendment No. 82-1 and asks for redesignation of the site to-R2, Medium Density Residen- tial. The Commission briefly discussed the study. Commissioner Higgins questioned the advisability of allowing any type of residential use and expressed the opinion that the area should be placed into some type of public use. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Secretary Palin reviewed the actions taken by the City Council at its September 28 adjourned meeting and its regular meeting of October 4, in particular as they affected the mobile home conver- sion ordinance and the adoption of the Huntington Central Park EIR and Master Plan. Council directed alternatives to be prepared for the -mobile home ordinance, and Mr. Palin indicated that if any information is developed which the Commission has not had the opportunity to review there will be a need for referral and a further report from the Planning Commission. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ITEMS: Secretary Palin reported to the Commission on the department's success in obtaining exemptions from flood insurance requirements for 4,982 individual lots in the City. PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS: Commissioner Winchell asked that the Commission be provided with copies of the Huntington Central Park Master Plan as adopted by the Council. -9- 10-5-82 - P.C. Minutes, H.B. Planning Commission October 5, 1982 Page 10 Ms. Winchell also asked that the Commission be supplied with any update done on the mobile home conversion ordinance. Commissioner Livengood announced that he will be unable to attend the October 19, 1982 meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Grace Winchell, Acting Chairman 1 -10- 10-5-82 - P.C.