HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-04-25MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington.Beach, California Monday, April 25, 1983 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor MacAllister called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 5:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Thomas, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic Absent: Pattinson HUNTINGTON BEACH'HEL'IPORT MASTER PLAN STUDY-, The City Clerk presented a communication from the Chief of Police transmitting the Huntington Beach Heliport Master Plan Study for helicopter use on a city -owned parcel of land at G othard Street, north of Ellis Avenue. This item had been deferred from the regular Council meeting of April 18, 1983. Lt. Morrison, Heliport Division, presented a report to Council regarding the matter. Robert Cralle', representing CH2M Hill, consultants, reported on the study the company had made on the proposed heliport site. There was discussion regarding an Environmental Impact Report and public hearings, funding, flight paths, and alternatives. Council requested further information regarding the matter. Councilman Kelly stated that he would vote on the prevailing side. A motion was made by Finley, seconded by Bailey, to limit the site to police helicopter use, to go ahead with the planning for it, and sell the other half of the land and possibly any other land, for the development of the operation. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey NOES: Mandic ABSENT: Pattinson Councilman MacAllister suggested that staff investigate using the site jointly with other cities. PARK ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT FUND APPROPRIATION REDUCTIONS The City Clerk presented a communication from the Community Services Director and the Acting Chief of Administrative Services regarding the need to adjust the appropriations in the Park Acquisition & Development Fund. 126 Page 2 - Council Minutes - 4/25/83 A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Kelly, to authorize appropriation reductions totalling $450,068 per Schedule of Appropriations and Recommended Reductions For FY Ending June 30, 1983. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson RES NO 5259 - ADOPTED - SB 575 - JOINT & SEVERAL LIABILITY The City Clerk presented a communication from the Department of Public Works regarding Senate Bill 575 (Foran) which proposes to modify the joint and several liability rule for losses which are not out of pocket. The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 5259 for Coucil consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH SUPPORTING SENATE BILL NO. 575 TO AMEND THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE TO CLARIFY JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY." On motion by Mandic, second Kelly, Council adopted Resolution No. 5259 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson SUPPORT MAYOR PRO TEM KELLY - BID FOR SEAT ON OC TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Mayor MacAllister requested Council support for Mayor Pro Tem Kelly in his bid to obtain the upcoming vacant seat on the Orange County Transportation Commission. On motion by Thomas, second Finley, Council pledged support of Mayor Pro Term Kelly for a seat on the Orange County Transportation Commission and directed staff to write to the twenty-six cities requesting their support of Mayor Pro Tem Kelly in this matter. The motion carried unanimously. MINERAL RIGHTS ON CITY PROPERTY TO BE RETAINED WHEN LAND SOLD Councilman Thomas suggested that when the City sells land in the future the mineral rights be retained. On motion by Thomas, second Kelly, Council directed staff to sell mineral rights on city owned land as a separate item. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomas, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson Page 3 - Council Minutes - 4/25/83 PARKING OF TRUCKS ON STREETS - CARS IN BIKE LANES DISCUSSED Discussion was held regarding banning large trucks from parking on city streets and cars parking in bicycle lanes. RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Coucil at 6:32 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 6:33 P.M. in Room B-8. Councilmen Thomas and Mandic left the meeting at 7:00 P.M. Councilman Patti nson arrived at the meeting at this time. STUDY SESSION - COMMUNITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT 1983-84 WORK PROGRAM AND BUDGET Mayor MacAllister stated that the purpose of the Study Session was to consider the Community and Neighborhood Enhancement 1983-84 Work Program and Budget.Tom Tincher, Director of -Business and Industrial Enterprise, introduced his staff and presented slides and viewgraphs regarding the roles of the City Council, the Redevelopment Agency and the possibility of creating a Housing Authority. He presented slides and viewgraphs regarding the Oak View Enhancement Project, Washington Street Neighborhood Program, and Commodore Circle. He presented information regarding the Economic Development Element, including the Gothard Industrial Corridor goals and 1983-84 Work Program; Beach Boulevard Commercial Corridor 1983-84 Work Program; Downtown Reinvestment area goals; Downtown Reinvestment Area 1983-84 Work Program; and a summary on proposed projects and budgets. Mr. Tincher presented information on Housing Opportunity and Relocation Projects including the Senior Citizen Housing Project, Housing the Disabled Project, Mobilehome Relocation Assistance Project, Affordable Housing Project, Fair Housing Opportunities Project, and proposed projects and budget summary for 1983-84. Mr. Tincher presented information regarding the Community Services Element relative to goals, the 1983-84 Work Program and 1983-84 proposed projects and budget summary. Information was presented regarding program revenues and administration., He suggested that a City Development Fund be established. Council discussion was held regarding a redevelopment overlay, mobilehome replacement and relocation, setting priorities of projects and establishing a flow chart, establishment of a working relationship with the county for a Community Services Center in the City and beautification and improvement of the Gothard Corridor. The City Administrator presented information relative to the County's request for an extension regarding the Main/Pier Downtown Plan. Page 4 - Council Minutes - 4/25/83 A ration was made by Kelly, seconded by Bailey, to give staff the latitude to negotiate a delay, if required, regarding the review of Amendment #1 of the Redevelopment of the Main/Pier Project. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas, Mandic RETREAT DISCUSSED -. The City Administrator suggested the dates of May 6-7 for a Council retreat. MOBILEHOME DEVELOPMENT Councilwoman Bailey requested information regarding a group that came before Council in the past with a proposal regarding a mobilehome park. Mr. Tincher reported on the matter. ADJOURNMENT Mayor MacAllister adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach. ATTEST: 60--1 City Clerk City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Bech, California 1ti9