HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-06-23MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Room B-6 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1983 - 1:30 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Godfrey, Cooper, Smith, Vogelsang, Crosby MINUTES: ON MOTION BY GODFREY AND SECOND BY COOPER, THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1983, WERE APPROVED AS TRANSCRIBED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Godfrey, Cooper, Smith NOES: None ABSTAIN: Vogelsang, Crosby AGENDA ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED: NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 83-6 In conjunction with USE PERMIT NO. 83-11 Applicant: Mr. Buck Bennett To permit a sixty-six (66) unit apartment development to be located at'8131 Newman Avenue. Secretary Godfrey explained action required by the Board of Zoning Adjustments for the purpose -.of referring N.D. No. 83-6, in conjunction with Use Permit No. 83-11, to the Planning Commission for their consid- eration inasmuch as this is-.a'request for a twenty-five (25) percent density bonus, which type of:request requires hearing by the Planning Commission. The public hearing was opened -by Acting Chairman Crosby. There being no one present wishing;.to address the applications, the public hearing was closed. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments March 23, 1983 Page Two ON MOTION BY COOPER AND SECOND BY VOGELSANG, NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 83-6, IN CONJUNCTION WITH USE PERMIT NO. 83-11, WERE REFERRED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR HEARING AT THEIR APRIL 5, 1983, MEETING, BY FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Godfrey, Cooper, Smith, Vogelsang, Crosby NOES: None ABSTAIN: None USE PERMIT NO. 83-10 Applicant: Brian & Nancy Kleeman To permit an addition to a single-family dwelling following existing non -conforming sideyards. Property located at 411 Crest Avenue. Acting Chairman Crosby introduced the proposal and stated that this request is categorically exempt, Class. 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Secretary Godfrey stated that the applicant's residence legally conformed to the Code requirements when originally constructed but since that time, the Code requirements for sideyard setbacks have changed. An addition to a single-family residence -which is non- conforming because of yard requirements may be allowed along the existing setbacks provided a Use Permit application is reviewed and approved by the Board. Findings and conditions for approval were discussed. The public hearing was opened with Mr. Rene Pasquali, present, representing Mr. and Mrs. Kleeman's interest. As Mr. Pasquali had no further comment, the public hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY COOPER AND SECOND BY CROSBY, USE PERMIT NO. 83-10 WAS APPROVED WITH FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL FOLLOWING, BY VOTE FOLLOWING: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1. The construction, as proposed, will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons residing in the vicinity nor detrimental to property and improvements in the vicinity of the proposed construction. 2. The granting of the Use Permit will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. -2- BZA 3/23/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments March 23, 1983 Page Three CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The conceptual plot plan and elevations received March 9, 1983, shall be the approved layout. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. 'Alley dedication of two and one-half (2-1/2) feet shall be granted to the City by the property owner, meeting the require- ments of Public Works, prior to issuance of building permits. 2. All pertinent City codes shall be complied with as required either prior to issuance of building permits or prior to final inspection. AYES: Godfrey, Cooper, Smith, Vogelsang, Crosby NOES: None ABSTAIN: None 4 . TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 83-555 Applicant: Surender Dewan, Don Greek & Associates To -permit, subdivision of Tract:11861 into four (4) parcels located - on Beach Boulevard (300 ft. south of Beach and Adams - Seabridge Specific Plan) . Acting Chairman Crosby introduced the applicant's request. Dick Harlow, representing the applicant, was given a copy of the suggested findings and conditions of approval for review. Discussion carried between the proponent and the Board covering the Conditions for Approval covering the four (4) acre parcel, approved under the Seabridge Specific Plan, with emphasis placed on access to Parcel No. 3 which will be retained by the property owner for oil production. Presently, -access exists to Parcel No. 3 for maintenance purposes but, as agreed by Mr. Harlow, at such time as this parcel is --commercially developed, Parcel No. 3 shall have an access easement agreement prbViding public access assuring that the parcel will not become landlocked. ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND--SECOND:BY VOGELSANG, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 83-555 WAS APPROVED WITH FINDINGS, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, AND VOTE FOLLOWING: ; FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1. -.The proposed land division -;.for purposes of a mixed use - commercial and senior -housing development combined with existing -3- BZA 3/23/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments March 23, 1983 Page Four oil production and the design of improvements is consistent with the City's General Plan and Seabridge Specific Plan for this project-.- . _._.--- ---- - ---------- - `:--- -- ---------- ------ --- 2. The site is physically suited for this type of development. 3. The General Plan and Seabridge Specific'Plan-.have-set forth provisions for division of land as well-..-as-.setting--forth- objectives for implementation of this development. 4. The size, depth, frontage, street widths, driveway easements, ,parking.requirements,and improvement features of the proposed --development--will-be constructed in compliance with the State Map Act and the City Subdivision Ordinance. .;,_• VA;�•';--_ - , � ,_ �.._ :-ii.• _ - .., .. �- __� , . CONDITIONS OF-APPROL: - A. TO.BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO-USE',Oa-,OCCUPANCY--OF .SAID= -PARCELS FOR ANY --PURPOSE: 1. The tentative parcel map­rec.eived.by_the Department of Development Services on March 11, 1983, shall be the approved layout. 2..-,-All driveway entrances, access points, aisles, circulation and :parking shall be submitted.to,and--approved by the Department of Public Works and Development Services prior to issuance of building permits. 3.- Irrevocable -reciprocal --access agreements between all parcels shall be, -,filed --with -the- Department of Development Services, approved.by-;the,City Attorney as to form and content, and recoided7with the -County of Orange prior to issuance of build- ing,.•permits; Parcel -No. 3 shall have access easement agreement providing-public-access'at such time as it is commercially developed.. 4.- Irrevocable reciprocal parking agreements between Parcels 1, 2, and A shall_ - be- filed with the ;Depar_tment of Development Services, approved. ,by;_the City Attorney :as - -to .form -and, -"-content, -and recorded with _the =County, of. Orange prior :;toy --issuance .-of -building permits. 5. At .suchtAtime as .Parcel 3 .is- commercially developed,an irrevocable reciprocal parking agreement shall be filed with the Department of be Services, approved by the City Attorney as to form- and -content,; and •recorded-with:,the-,-County of Orange -prior to; issuance ,of .building -permits`:< 6. Vehicular access rights to Beach and Adams shall be dedicated to the City except at locations approved by the Department of Public Works. -4- BZA 3/23/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments March 23, 1983 Page Five 7. Water systems and easements to be dedicated to the City. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system at the time said parcels are developed (if such systems exist within 200 feet of said parcels). 8. All utilities shall be installed underground at the time the parcels are developed. 9. The flood channel shall be fenced to Flood Control District standards and City standards at the time the parcels are developed and before occupancy is granted. 10. Compliance with all applicable City Ordinances. 11. A parcel map shall be filed with and approved by the Department of Public Works and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. A copy of the recorded parcel map shall be filed with the Depart- ment of Development Services and Public Works. 12. Whereas the developer has offered to enter into a parkway maintenance agreement with the City, to maintain the landscaping in the public right-of-way on the perimeter of the project, the developer and the City.shall enter into said agreement prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy on the first build- ing of the first phase. AYES: Godfrey, Cooper, Smith, Vogelsang, Crosby NOES: None ABSTAIN: None TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 83-556 Applicant: E.B.I. Construction, Inc. To permit consolidation of five (5) substandard lots into three (3) parcels. Property located on Warner Avenue - west'of Algonquin (Assessor's Parcel No. 110-023-25) Acting Chairman Crosby introduced the proposal. Suggested findings and conditions of approval were discussed with Mr. Marty Eckman, representing E.B.I. Construction, Mr. Eckman addressed the Board..and stated that although a tentative parcel map (No. 80-558)-for-the-same request had previously been approved by the Board in 1980, as the County held title they were unable to get it recorded. Now the property is free and clear. He said the driveway easement, affording access to the three parcels off of'Orion Street, has been recorded. Landscaping fronting on Warner Avenue was discussed -5- BZA 3/23/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments March- 23; 1983• Page -Six` extensively. Mr. Eckman stated that the property owner has made no decision for' -development of the property. As zoning is R--2, the property owner is considering the possibility of either two- plexes or tri-plexes in lieu of single -.family dwellings. Further, that -as the -'property -line abuts the edge of the existing sidewalk their intent is to construct a block wall to mitigate noise created from Warner Avenue; -with stairways providing pedestrian access to Warner Avenue from all three properties. Fire Representative Cooper informed-the'applicant-that although -the map submitted complies with necessary:requirements.•for approval permitting the lot consolidation, that prior to issuance of building permits for- Parcels- 1. and- 2, fromi Fire Department! s• standpoint; -the vehicle- access' easement- width will,-,have,to.=-be=.increased=-from--.20 -feet to 2 4 � ft•:, =�'•:- ON MOTION BY VOGELSANG AND SECOND_BY,SMITH, TENTATIVE• PARCEL MAP NO. 83-556 WAS,APPROVED WITH FINDINGS, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND VOTE FOLLOWING: _ FINDINGS: 1. The- proposed"cdnsolidat-ion?-of__f_ive -(5)--s_ubstandard parcels into three (3) lots for the purposes of residential development is in compliance -,,with the si:•ze' °and -shape- of property -necessary 'for- this type -oft. development`_ 2. The site is physically suited for this type of development. 3. The General Plan has set forth provisions for redivision of land -as well =as„setting forth, -objectives for- implementation---- of-this development. --- 4 . The property ,was studied for ithis-=-intensity-.of . land use- -at the time'.the ,.land.,use designation •.f-or ,residential development, . - which allows for :residential. -buildings-;- was .placed- on.,the -subject property. 5. The­size,� depth; -.frontage, street width and �other;;design ,and improvement- features of the' -proposed project -'will. be -constructed in -compliance 'with standard,s-glans„and- -specifications- on - file _ with -the -City -as well as in compliance with the State Map Act and the City Subdivision Ordinance. CONDITIONS OF "-APPROVAL : 1. The tentative parcel map received by the Department of Development•Services on March 14, 1983, shall be the approved layout. The parcel map shall be filed with the City, approved by the Department of Development Services -and Public Works and recorded -=with the Orange County Recorder: A_copy-.shall be -,- -6- BZA 3/23/83 1 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments March 23, 1983 Page Seven filed with Department of Development Services and Public Works. 2. Driveway, vehicle access and utility easement to serve the three (3) lots shall be approved by the Department of Develop- ment Services and Public Works prior to issuance of building permits. Vehicle access rights to Warner Avenue shall be dedicated to the City of Huntington Beach. 3. Warner Avenue and Orion Street shall be dedicated and improved to City standards at time the parcels are developed. 4. Noise mitigation construction shall be utilized in compliance with Title 25 of the Administrative Code of State of California. 5. All utilities shall be installed underground at the time the parcels are developed. 6. Compliance with all City ordinances. AYES: Godfrey, Smith, Vogelsang, Crosby NOES: None ABSTAIN: Cooper THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED. Glen K. Godfrey, Secretary Board of Zoning Adjustments -7- BZA 3/23/83