HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-11MINUTES
Council Chamber, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Monday, July 11, 1983
A tape recording of this meeting is
on file in the City Clerk's Office
Chairman MacAllister called the adjourned regular meeting of the Redevelopment
Agency to order at 7:30 P.M.
Present: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic
Absent: Thomas
Chairman MacAllister announced that a joint meeting of the City Council and
'the Redevelopment Agency had been called.
Present: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic
Absent: Thomas
The Chairman/Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for the
continued joint .public hearing by the City Council and the Redevelopment
Agency on the Main -Pier Redevelopment Plan Amendment No. 1 and Negative
Declaration. The hearing was continued open from July 5, 1983.
The Clerk/City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification,
publication and posting had been met, and that she had received no
communications or written protests to the matter.
Chief Executive.Officer/Acting City Administrator Moorhouse stated that the
objectives of.the Main -Pier Redevelopment Plan are: 1) To overcome the
conditions of blight which have kept private enterprise, acting alone, from
developing the site to its full potential; 2) To provide for meaningful owner
participation in the redevelopment process; 3) To establish an effective
business retention program; and 4) To expand the city's economic base. He
stated that the plan had been prepared in conformance with State Community
Redevelopment Law and the California Environmental Quality Act. He stated
that the information submitted to Council, which had been made available for
public review, was submitted as part of the record of the public hearing at
the meeting of July 5, 1983 and contained, but was not limited to, the
following documents:
Page 2 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 7/11/83
1. The Main -Pier Redevelopment Plan Amendment No.
2. The Negative Declaration and its attachments
3. The Redevelopment Agency's report to the City
Main -Pier Redevelopment Plan Amendment No. 1
Council on the
He stated that in addition, the Clerk/City Clerk had received full copies of
the referenced documents from which references have been made or excerpts
taken and included in the various documents, but most importantly, the
documentation of the Blight Report. Said documents were, likewise, submitted
at,this time as part of the public hearing record and include the previously
adopted Agency Owner Participation and Tenant Re-entry Rules and the method
and plan for relocation of families and persons to be displaced.
Tom Tincher, Director of Business and Industrial Enterprise gave a brief
description of the project area and reviewed the proposed plan amendment for
the area. He presented viewgraph and slides.
Michael Wagner, Redevelopment Consultant, reported on blight characteristics
of each of the sub areas. He presented slides regarding the matter.
Mr. Tincher reported on resolutions related to the Main -Pier Redevelopment
Project Plan passed by the Project Area Committee and the Planning Commissivon.
Tom Clark, Special Redevelopment Legal Counsel, presented the Fiscal Review
Report. Mr. Tincher spoke regarding the tax increment financing program.
Barney Allison, representing Stradling,
various changes to the resolutions and
Redevelopment Plan.
Yocca, Carlson and Rauth, recommended
ordinances related to the Main -Pier
The following people spoke in favor of the redevelopment plan: Richard
Jensen, proprietor of Richard's Tee Shirt Shack; Spencer Sheldon, Manager of
Public Affairs for Aminoil USA and Vice -President of the Chamber of.Commerce;
R. L. Kirkland; Bill Holman, representing the Huntington Beach Company;
Shirley Long; Lynn Gruber; Dale Dunn; Jim McGuy; Kent Pierce, HB/FV Board of
Realtors stated he represented 1500 realtors; Natalie Kotsch, Chairperson
Main -Pier Project Area Committee; Tony Lucia; Jerry Williams; and Bob Davis.,
President of the Chamber of Commerce.
The Chairman/Mayor called a recess of Council at 9:10 P.M. The meeting was
reconvened at 9:19 P.M.
The following people expressed fears concerning the power of eminent domain:
Donald Perry, Doug Langevin, Donald Alexander, Ryan Seltzer, Bob Bolen, Gloria
Hensley, Dewitt Easterly and Verl Cowling.
Page. 3 -• R,edev=e Topmen;t, Agency, Mi,nu.tes. -• 7/11 /83
The: following, p.eo.pl e; exp,ressed, conc.e:rn; regarding Ki gh r, •i se; andi/br• densi:ty.,,
poten;ti�a ; park1ng, and, traffic: p;rob,l;ems;: Dean, Al b.r, i ght., Ed, Zschoche., E'.. L.
C.omlion,, Ann, Garter,, K•ei•th Campbe1A;,; Rave Ha,11i,, Lance J.acot. and; John.Augpstine.,
There being; no one present: to speak f: ur. they on the matter and; there _ be,i,ng no
further: they: pirotes.ts f iil;ed', e ither oral; or wr i+tten,, the hear. i,ng; was,,. c1o,sed; by,,, they
Ch.aiIrman%M'ay or,
ChaJ,rman/,Kayor MacA:l l.i.s.ter stated! that: Councilman, Mandi-c had, requested, a.
recess, of •Councitl so, that, he: couad consu,l,twith the Acti;n.g; C,ity, Attorney,
regardi;n.g; , a pos si;bXe; co.n:f; lJ ct of tn;terest, r. el aced to; the matter, under
consa d'e.ratiion.
The; Chairman/May,or cal;l;edi aE recess; of Counci`.l at 10):15• P.M., .The: meet:i+ng; was
r,econ,vened at 10,:25• P.M`.,
Dis.cu,s,s.i;on; was held regar, d;i;ng co:ntl nu;i'ng, cons,i derati on; of the Ma1n,-P•i;er,
Redevelopment P�lfan to, July 1%,, 19.83..
Acting; City, Attorney Art- Deg La Loz:a, spoke: regardsi;ng; the; reasons, for,, the,
con:fl,i:ct.i:ng; op,i'n.i:on& reg4rd`i;ng Councilman. Mand:ic"s, poss:ibl`e. c;onf'lict. of
interest., TheL Mayor requested; & writtem op1:nion,, si;g9e.0 by- the, City Attorney,
reg,ard:i,ng any poss:ibJet conflict of. interest, of, any, of; the seven; di.recto,rsh
coun•c,flmember, s;.;
D,ir. ector/Cou:nci,lman; Mandifc. ques.t,iio,nedi a.. staff report on, Area 2' projecti;ng; .a
loss. of, $800,,O.00; to $•900',,OQQ per,, year,, if the: p.r:oi,ect•. is, not, pa?s,sed; and° stated,
that based; on th;e� Proj;ect.ilam of Revenue. sheet it. averaged! ou;t, $1505,000;., He:
requested: clar i ftc•ati�om on, the d;is,crepancy, in., they fi;gu,res;.,
A motion. was, made by P'att.i;nson,, se,condeO by- Ke11;y,, to, continue- consi derati;on;
of, the,Main.=Pi;er:. Rede;vel,opment. Plan: to: Jw;l`.y,, 18`, 19.83., The; motion, carried; by.
th;e fol.lowJ,ng; rollf c,&11 vote,:,-
AYES,:- Patti'as:on, Ke,11iyF,, M•acA,l;li;ster,, F..1n1ey,, Ba;i,l ey
NOES':; None:
ABSTAIN:: _ Mandifc;
ABSENT:; Thomas
Chairman/Mayor Mac-&Tli.ster requested; that. staff' updat& all, documents with; a;1;1.
the,, changes, techni,ca-1, or otherw:i,se,,; so! therel, w•ou14 be no. last mi;`nute changes...
Director./Councilwoman, Fi.n,l.ey requested clarification. regarding fiinanc:tal;
i'nf ormati on- S.he requested, inf orm:ati on: regar• di ng the 1•ega,l status of- the
recommendation of. the Fiscal: Re.v.,i;ew, Committee,, parti,cu.l;ar,l'y� as, it, appal1es., to.
the Flood Control: District.
Incl,usi,on of f l.00d control areas, i:n the• redevelopment pl an: was. d;is.cu:s.s:ed�.,
Record control. of red,eve,lopment projects was d1scussed. S'evera.l;
counc i lmembers/directors. assured the publ'i.c. they had; no wt&h, to .employ the{
;pr tool of eminent domain.
Tom Tincher stated that the Fis.ca.l Review Report had been on file: in the
Office of Business, and Industrial Enterprise and. would be on file in the.'
Office of the Clerk/City Clerk for public revi.ew. Al
Page 4 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes—7/11/83
Chairman/Mayor MacAllister adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the, City
Council of the City of Huntington Beach.
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
ATTEST:. of ington Beach, California
Clerk/City Clerk Chairman/May r