HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-18MINUTES REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, July 18., 1983 A.tap.e recording of this meeting is on file.in the City Clerk's Office Chairman;MacAllis.ter cal,le& the regular meeting of: the Redeve_lopmen;t Agency to order. JOINT MEETING, OF, THE; CITY COUNCIL AND; REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mayor MacAllister announced, that a, joint meeting of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency had; been, ca11ed. ROLL CALL - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Present: Thomas, Kelly,- MacAllister, Finley, Bailey., Mandic Absent: Pattinson, PUBLIC COMMENTS RELATING.TO. CITY/.REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ITEMS. There was no, one present to..speak on the matter. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY-MINVjTE,S The Clerk presented; the minutes. of the July, 5., 19,83; meeting for consideration by,the Redevelopment Agency., On motion by Mandic,;second Kelly, the Redevelopment Agency approved and; adopted the minutes of the July 5, 1983 regular meeting as, written and on file in the'Clerk's Office -by the following roll call vote,: AYES:. Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSTAIN: Thomas ABSENT: . Pattinson MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN AMENDMENT NO 1 - (HEARING CLOSED.7/11/,83) Mayor/Chairman MacAllister stated that this was the time and place to continue a public hearing closed July 11, 1983 to consider the Main -Pier Redevelopment. Project Plan Amendment No. 1. Councilman/Director Mandic and Councilman/Director Thomas stated, they would vacate their chairs because of possible conflict of interest regarding this matter. Director of Business and.Industrial Enterprise Tom Tincher presented a report, with viewgraphs, regarding the matter. M Page 2 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 7/18/83 Discussion was held regarding tax increments, inclusion of the flood control channels in the project area, elimination of the use of eminent domain regarding some properties in Sub Area 6, financial feasibility of the project, the laws related to mobilehomes in the project and the possible elimination of Sub Area 2 from the project. RES N0 77 - ADOPTED AS AMENDED - ADOPTING & APPROVING REPORT ON MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN AMENDMENT NO 1 - TRANSMITTAL OF REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL The Clerk presented Resolution No. 77 for Redevelopment Agency consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING AND APPROVING ITS REPORT ON THE MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1 AND TRANSMITTING THE REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL." Discussion was held between Council, Acting City Attorney Art De La Loza and Tom Clark, Special Redevelopment Counsel, regarding possible amendments to Resolution No. 77 related to elimination of portions of Sub Area 2 and elimination of the use of eminent domain for certain properties in Sub Area 6. Councilwoman/Director Finley stated for the record: "I sincerely believe that when we adopt that plan in September, the Specific Plan, there will be entitlement there and you will see things go forward. I also believe that there does need to be an infusion of some public funds. I do not think the, extent of the redevelopment area is necessary and I will be. voting against it, but obviously, I am not voting against a project for our coastal area because. I want to see it and I will be working hard to see that it happens, but I do feel that we don't need to go into redevelopment with the intensity that we seem to be." A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Bailey, to adopt Resolution No. 77, as amended, by the elimination of portions of Sub Area 2 as recommended by the Planning Commission. Also the elimination of the use of eminent domain for certain areas in Sub Area 6. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: .Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey NOES: Finley ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas (out of the room), Mandic (out of the room) SUBMITTAL OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL - APPROVED Following discussion, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to report to the City Council the memorandum from Tom Clark - Attachment No. 3, plus all the responses and actions taken at this time. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey NOES: Finley ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas (out of the room), Mandic (out of the room) Page- 3) --; Redevelopment Agehcy' Minute's, =' 7 8 f 83 T& BE' PkEPAREVI USE 0 "k '' CER F EMINENT DOMST N , FOR 7 Fo,1116wifrigdi§cd-ssifoh:,: as mot 'on, wasmade" by M-4dA111,fstet,l seconded' 'by' Kel!!y',, to* dTretfi the' City Attorney' to, prepare' a, resoluf i!on' lvAiicfir wbul"di exettip''t, those* ptbPer-'ffle's,''d68i"gnA,eed) on, the map!,; a'sf depicted'4 6na Attachment I,, from, the u"S'd, of eminent dlomal�nf under the kaln`ftef R!edevelopndeht Plan,. The, rhbtil61n car-t-fed, by the fo,111;6wifng'. riofill ca'111 Vote:-' AYE-S:! Kelly', Ba"Tfey NOES None &8�tNt,-, Pafti686ril., TfiohiAs, (6iit- 6,f` ti%al r666,, Ma id `c' (out of f-Adi rbbii0)t At moei!ofil w&9f by" KfcAI!'fTster',, ge-cbfid'e-dl by keTfky',, fo; dTf6ct- §t4T"t to proceed[ with mbetilng', andl cbhf6r-r-­Vng' the, vaxifoiisl tax-lIng', agen- cies, ilm"I ldlefi�tel of d'e'frlmierit � response� tot � '�eir 6VT attempting to' Aegbt'ia��te an3 appropriiate and' to' dTstuss, wi+th� theul area` of' the'flobdi passitfirodughi andI efie" Ie- way to, fidnUlle that., The' mot,'I!ohcarried"" by' thei fo,1`116w,ifrig� rod!I1. cd,1111 vote':' NOES Nbne'` ABSENT: Pa'ttJnsohl,, tfibitia,'6,- (out of ehe- tbbih)),i Ma'nd'i'c (,out of' tfidroom))' S t9NI N 8, 2' bWNT-b SPECIFIC REsbtuti,'W 5 2 - ,84, IR 0 The' Citty` Clerk presented! R!e-,'sbiidti(ohi N'01-- 52841 fbi Couft*ill eon-'sT'd&t4,ft6hi "k RESOLUTION" OF' THE' C11'Y' COUNCIL: OF' TftkCITY" OF ftUNTftN6tON-BEACH' ADOPTING Ptift ENVIRONMENTAL, IMPACT REPORT N6!,. 82L2' FOR' THE, DOWNTOWN{ SPECi�,P'TC' ft LIAN`., Oi-V motion by Balley',: setohdi kellly.., Couhcfll adbpte& ResollutJ`on', No S284' by' the fol'16wing—, rolls calll V106e':[ AYES: Kelly, kacAzllfstier,= Flmlfey',, Bailey - NOES : None ABSENT:- Palftin's6w, Thomas, (out of tfie= room),, Ma�hdlic (out' of the" room'') RES� NW 74' ADOPTED' ASi AMENDED.' = APPROVING',. R'E-PE VE-LOPkENT'- PL'ANI' F-ble.:kAIN-�PIER, REDEVELOPMENT' PROJECT PLAN AMENDMENT',NO` l! CERTIFY ITS- REVIEV OF'.NV The' Clerk presented! kes'617ution, No. Al for Redevel!6ptenf Agency c6n'sVderAtiVW "A RESOLUTION' OF THE REDEVELOPMENT" AGENCY' OF' THE CITY OF' AUNT19G-T-OW BtAdlitl APPROVING, THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN : FOR THE MATN--PIEI� REDEVELOPMENT' PkOJ-,E'CT* PLANT AMENDMENT NO. i AND' CERTIFYING AS TO' IT ITS REVIEW! OF THE, NEGATIVE DECLARATION' WITH RESPECT TO` THE' REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT' AND MAKING, CERTA,114' FINDINGS.-" A motion was, made- by KeIly,• seconded by Barley,, to' adopf, R'�'sol!dtiotoht 714�, as amiande&., as recommended; by the City of Huntingtbril Beach, Plannin& C6birff!6sion,. The niotfon, carried, by the followin& roll cia-11, vote': AYESKelly, MacAllister.- Bailey NOES: Finley ABSENT: Pattinson., Thomas. (out of the room),. Mandid (out of.the room)' 631Z Page 4 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 7/18/83 RESOLUTION NO 5286 - ADOPTED - CERTIFYING REVIEW OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION - MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 5286 for Council consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CERTIFYING AS TO ITS REVIEW OF THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION WITH RESPECT TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTAND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS." On motion by MacAllister, second Kelly, Council adopted Resolution No. 5286 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey NOES; Finley ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas (out of the room), Mandic (out of the room) ORDINANCE`NO 2634 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED - ADOPTING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE MAIN PIER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1 AREA The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2634 for -Council consideration-- "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING AND ADOPTING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE MAIN PIER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 1 AREA AS THE OFFICIAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SUCH PROJECT AREA". Discussion was held regarding the number of votes necessary for introduction of an ordinance. Acting City Attorney De La Loza and the City Clerk concurred that four votes were only necessary for adoption. On motion by Bailey, second Kelly, Council approved introduction of Ordinance No. 2634, after reading by'title; by the following roll call vote: AYES NOES: ABSENT: Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey Finley Pattinson, Thomas (out of the room), Mandic (out of the room) REQUIREMENT REGARDING PARTICIPATION IN PROJECT AREA CHANGED FROM 60% TO TWO-THIRDS A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by MacAllister, to change the requirement of the sixty per cent for participation in a project area to two-thirds. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister,. Finley, Bailey NOES: Kelly ABSENT Pattinson, Thomas (out .of the room), Mandic (out of the room) SYSTEM OF RECORDING FINANCIAL PROGRESS OF REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS - TO BE BROUGHT BACK IN SEPTEMBER Councilwoman/Director Finley thanked Robert Franz, Chief of Administrative Services, for the proposal for a system of. recording financial progress of 4313redevelopment projects. 1� Page 5 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 7/18/83 A motion was made by Finley, seconded by MacAllister, to direct staff to bring back a refined form of the system of recording financial progress of redevelopment projects in September. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Finley, Bailey NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas (out of the room, Mandic (out of the room) ADJOURNMENT - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Chairman MacAllister adjourned the Redevelopment Agency to August 1, 1983 at 6:30 P.M., Room B-8. ATTEST: Clerk