HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-10-10MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, October 10, 1983 Mayor MacAllister called the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach. to order at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic Absent: Thomas The City Clerk wasdirected to. read the Call for Special Meeting. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL Don MacAllister, Mayor Jack Kelly, Mayor Pro Tem Ron Pattinson, Councilman John Thomas, Councilman Ruth Finley, Councilwoman Ruth Bailey, Councilwoman Bob Mandic, Councilman You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, is called for and will be held in the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, at the hour of 7:00 P.M. on October 10, 1983, for the purpose of an Executive Session to consider personnel negotiations. Dated: October G, 1983 ATTEST: ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, CITY CLERK /s/Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk /s/ Jack Kelly Mayor Pro Tempor.e I hereby certify that I received the above notice, "Call for Special Meeting. of the City Council", prior to 7:00 P.M., on Sunday, October 9, 1983. /s/Jack Kell Mayor Pro Tempore Page 2 - Council Meeting - 10/10/83 EXECUTIVE SESSION The Mayor called an Executive Session of Council to order at 6:30 P.M., to discuss personnel and litigation matters. RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 7:00 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 7:30 P.M. ADJOURNMENT The Mayor declared the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach adjourned. ATTEST: ity Clerk City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of H ington Be h, California 0 o e ore 1 2 MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, October 10, 1983 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor MacAllister called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION The Flag Ceremony was conducted by Girl Scout Troop 1232 - (11-12 year olds) Chris Edmonds - Leader. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cheryl Samford. The Invocation was given by Debbie Slaght. ROLL CALL Present: Pattinson, Thomas, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic Absent: None PRESENTATION - TO CITY FROM L. F. ROTHSCHILD, UNTERBERG, TOWBIN COMPANY - HUNTINGTON BEACH REVENUE BOND ISSUE ... ._._ Mayor MacAllister accepted a presentation on behalf of the City from Tom Tincher, representing L. F. Rothschild, Unterberg, Towbin Company, in recognition of Huntington Beach Revenue Bond Issue. PUBLIC HEARING - DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC FLAN/ZONE CASE 83-2/CODE AMENDMENT 83-2 RES NOS 5308-A, 5308-B 5308-C 5309-A 5309-B 5309-C - ADOPTED - ORD NOS 2646-A 2646-B 2646-C 2647-A 2647-B 2647-C - INTRODUCED The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for the continuance of a public hearing from September 26, 1983 to consider Downtown Specific Plan, Zone Case No. 83-2 and Code Amendment No. 83-2. The Specific Plan constitutes new zoning for that portion of the coastal zone between Goldenwest Street and Beach Boulevard in the City of Huntington Beach. The Specific Plan is bounded on the inland side by Walnut Avenue, Sixth Street, Hartford Avenue, Lake Street and Atlanta Avenue. The Mayor stated that a copy of said Specific Plan is on file in the Department of Development Services. Councilman Pattinson stated for the record that he had listened to a tape recording of the adjourned regular Council meeting held September 26, 1983 regarding the Downtown Specific Plan. Councilman Thomas stated for the record that he had watched a video recording of the adjourned regular Council meeting held September 26, 1983 regarding the Downtown Specific Plan. Discussion was held regarding the procedure to be followed regarding voting on the plan. G3 Page 2 -- Council Minutes -- 10/10/83 Glen Godfrey, Deputy Director, Development Services Department, presented a staff report regarding the matter. Discussion was held regarding the procedure to be followed if minor changes were to be made in the plan, and the procedure to be followed if major changes were to be made in the plan. General discussion was held regarding the matter. Councilwoman Bailey stated her concern regarding permitting residential units fronting on Main Street from Pacific Coast Highway to Walnut Street. Following discussion, a motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Finley, to amend District Three 4.5.01 Permitted Uses as follows: Residential uses shall only be permitted northwest of Main Street; however, no residential units shall be located within one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet of Main Street. Discussion was held between Council and the City Attorney regarding the number of votes needed to approve introduction of an ordinance and the number of votes needed for adoption of an ordinance. Discussion was held between Council, Glen Godfrey and Tom Tincher, Redevelopment Coordinator, regarding the effects of the change to various uses such as hotels and restaurants. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey NOES: Pattinson, Thomas, Mandic ABSENT: None Councilman Thomas left the room. Mayor MacAllister stated that three votes were needed to approve introduction of an ordinance, but four votes were needed for adoption of an ordinance. A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Pattinson, to approve District #3 (visitor -Serving Commercial/Office/Residential) as recommended by the Planning Commission dated August 1983, and amended by the staff recommendation dated September 1983, including the previous motion made by Bailey, seconded by Finley, regarding limitation of residential use on the block between Pacific Coast Highway and Walnut Avenue fronting on Main Street. Discussion was held regarding the motion. Councilman Thomas returned to the room. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Kelly, MacAllister NOES: Finley, Bailey, Mandic ABSENT: None A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded Kelly, to approve District 4 (Mixed -Use; Office/Residential/Limited Commercial) as recommended by the Planning Commission dated August 1983, and amended by staff recommendation of September 1983. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Kelly, MacAllister NOES: Finley, Bailey, Mandic ABSENT: None Page 3 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded Kelly, to approve District 5 (Mixed -Use; Commercial/Office/Residential) as recommended by the Planning Commission dated August 1983, and amended by staff recommendation of September 1983. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Kelly, MacAllister NOES: Finley, Bailey, Mandic ABSENT: None A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Pattinson, to approve District 9 (Commercial/Recreation) as recommended by the Planning Commission dated August 1983. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: None A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Finley, to approve District 10 (Pier -Related Commercial) as recommended by the Planning Commission dated August 1983 which would include one story height limitation: on the pier. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: Pattinson, Thomas, Kelly ABSENT: None A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Pattinson, to approve Area 11 (Beach Open Space) as recommended by the Planning Commission dated August 1983. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Thomas, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: None Tom Tincher spoke regarding District 10 and the height limitation on the pier. A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Kelly, to reconsider the previous motion related to District 10 (Pier -Related Commercial). The motion to reconsider carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: Thomas ABSENT: None A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Mandic, to approve District 10 (Pier -Related Commercial) as recommended by the Planning Commission dated August 1983 which would include one story height limitation on the pier except for the end of the pier where a possible new End Cafe would be designed for two stories. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: Thomas, Kelly ABSENT: None Page 4 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by MacAllister to approve District 8-B (High Density Residential) Planning Commission recommendation dated August 1983. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: Thomas ABSENT: None Following discussion, a motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Pattinson, to approve District 1 (Visitor -Serving Commercial/Residential) as recommended by the Planning Commission dated August 1983, amended as recommended by staff September 1983. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey NOES: Finley ABSTAIN: Mandic NOT VOTING: Thomas ABSENT: None A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by MacAllister, to approve District 7 (Visitor -Serving Commercial) as recommended by the Planning Commission dated August 1983. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None NOT VOTING: Thomas ABSENT: None A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Pattinson, to approve District 8-A (High Density Residential) as approved by the Planning Commission recommendation dated August 1983. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None NOT VOTING: Thomas ABSENT: None Mayor MacAllister stated that Council would consider District 2 (Visitor -Serving Commercial/Residential). Councilwoman Finley questioned whether staff had seen a letter from Richard A. Harlow and Associates dated October 10, 1983 regarding a request to permit single family homes on twenty-five foot lots within Area 2. Mike Adams stated that staff concurred with the recommendation as presented in the letter. A motion was made by Finley, seconded by Kelly, to approve District 2 as recommended by the Planning Commission dated August 1983 and modified by the letter from Richard A. Harlow and Associates. Councilman Kelly stated that he would like to amend the motion regarding maximum density/intensity. Following discussion the motion was amended as follows: "4.4.03 Maximum Density/Intensity: Exception: Residual parcels with a minimum frontage of Page 5 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 fifty (50) feet shall be allowed a maximum density equal to but not to exceed the density of existing adjacent developments." The motion, as amended, carried as follows: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, NOES: None ABSTAIN: Mandic NOT VOTING: Thomas ABSENT: None Councilman Mandic left the room. A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Pattinson, to approve District 6 (Mixed Use; Commercial/Office/Residential) as recommendedby the Planning Commission dated August 1983, and amended by the staff recommendation dated September 1983 The motion -carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson', Kelly, MacAllister NOES: Finley, Bailey NOT VOTING: Thomas ABSENT: (Mandic out of the room) Councilman Mandic returned to the room. Councilman Pattinson pointed out that the "deadlock" when the ordinance comes back vote on the last motion would for adoption. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to reconsider the last motion. The motion to reconsider carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey NOES: Pattinson NOT VOTING: Thomas, Mandic ABSENT: None A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Bailey, to approve District 6 (Mixed Use; Commercial/Office/Residential) as recommended by the Planning Commission dated August 1983, and amended by the staff recommendation dated September 1983. The motion carried by the following roll calk vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey NOES: Pattinson NOT VOTING: Thomas, Mandic ABSENT: None RECESS - RECONVENE The Mayor called a recess of Council at 9:50 P.M. Council reconvened at 10:02 P.M. Councilman Thomas left the meeting. ,r+s�r Page 6 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 ORD NO 2646-A - INTRODUCTION APPROVED, AS AMENDED - AREAS 1, 7, 8A The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2646-A for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF AND DISTRICT MAPS 10, 12, AND 16 TO INCORPORATE THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN (ZONE CASE NO. 83-2-A)." On motion by Pattinson, second Bailey, Council approved introduction, as amended, of Ordinance No. 2646-A, (Areas 1-7-8A), after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic NOES: Finley ABSENT: Thomas ORD NO 2646-B - INTRODUCTION APPROVED. AS AMENDED - AREAS 1. 2. 6. 7. 8A The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2646-B for Council consideration -- "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF AND DISTRICT MAPS 10, 12, AND 16 TO INCORPORATE THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN (ZONE CASE NO. 83-2-B)." On motion by Kelly, second Pattinson, Council approved introduction, as amended, of Ordinance No. 2646-B Areas 1, 2, 6, 7, 8A, after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey NOES: Finley ABSTAIN: Mandic ABSENT: Thomas ORD NO 2646-C - INTRODUCTION APPROVED, AS AMENDED - AREAS 3 4 5 8B 9 10 11 The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2646-C for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF AND DISTRICT MAPS 10, 12, AND 16 TO INCORPORATE THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN (ZONE CASE NO. 83-2-C)." On motion by Pattinson, second Kelly, Council approved introduction, as amended, of Ordinance No. 2646-C, Areas 3, 4, 5, 8B, 9, 10 and 11, after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Mandic NOES: Finley, Bailey ABSENT: Thomas RES NO 5308-A - ADOPTED. AS AMENDED - AREAS 1. 7. 8A The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 5308-A for Council consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN." On motion by Pattinson, second Kelly, Council adopted, as amended, Resolution No. 5308-A, Areas 1, 7, 8A, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic NOES: Finley ABSENT: Thomas Page 7 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 RES NO 5308-B - ADOPTED, AS AMENDED - AREAS Z 2 6 7 8A The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 5308-B for Council consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN." On motion by Pattinson, second Kelly, Council adopted, as amended, Resolution No. 5308-B, Areas 1, 2, 6, 7, 8A, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey NOES: Finley ABSTAIN: Mandic ABSENT: Thomas RES NO 5308-C - ADOPTED, AS AMENDED - AREAS 3, 4, 5, 8B, 9 10 11 The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 5308-C for Council consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE. CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN." On motion by Kelly, second Pattinson, Council adopted, as amended, Resolution No. 5308-C, Areas 3, 4, 5,. 8B, 9, 10, 11, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Mandic NOES: Finley, Bailey ABSENT: Thomas ORD NO 2647-A - INTRODUCTION APPROVED, AS AMENDED - ADDING SUBSECTIONS (C-1) The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2647-A for Council consideration - "AN. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING.THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SUBSECTION (c--1) TO SECTION 9300 REFERENCING THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN.." On motion by Kelly, second Pattinson, Council approved introduction, as amended, of Ordinance No. 2647-A, Adding Subsections (c-1), after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic NOES: Finley ABSENT: Thomas ORD NO 2647--B - INTRODUCTION APPROVED, AS AMENDED - ADDING SUBSECTIONS (C-2) The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2647-B for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SUBSECTION (c-2) TO SECTION 9300 REFERENCING THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN." On motion by Pattinson, second Kelly, Council approved introduction, as amended, of Ordinance No. 2647-B, Adding Subsections (C-2), after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey NOES: Finley ABSTAIN: Mandic ABSENT: Thomas Page 8 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 ORD NO 2647--C - INTRODUCTION APPROVED, AS AMENDED - ADDING SUBSECTIONS (C-3) The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2647-C for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY ADDING SUBSECTION (c-3) TO SECTION 9300 REFERENCING THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN." On motion by Kelly, second Pattinson, Council approved introduction, as amended, of Ordinance No. 2647-C, Adding Subsections (c-3), after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Mandic NOES: Finley, Bailey ABSENT: Thomas RES NO 5309-A - ADOPTED, AS AMENDED - ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL FEE FOR APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS IN THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AREAS 1, 7 AND 8-A The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 5309-A for Council consideration -- "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL FEE FOR APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS IN THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AREAS 1, 7 AND 8-A." On motion by Pattinson, second Kelly, Council adopted, as amended, Resolution No. 5309-A, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic NOES: Finley ABSENT: Thomas RES NO 5309-B - ADOPTED, AS AMENDED - ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL FEE FOR APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS IN THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AREAS 2 AND 6 The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 5309-B for Council consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL FEE FOR APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS IN THE DOWNTWON SPECIFIC PLAN AREAS 2 AND 6." On motion by Kelly, second Pattinson, Council adopted Resolution No. 5309-B, as amended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey NOES: Finley ABSTAIN: Mandic ABSENT: Thomas RES NO 5309-C - ADOPTED, AS AMENDED - ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL FEE FOR APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS IN THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AREAS 3, 4, 5, 8-B, 9, 10 AND 11 The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 5309-C for Council consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL FEE FOR APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS IN THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN AREAS 3, 4, 5, 8-B, 9, 10 AND 11." Page 9 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 On motion by Pattinson, second Kelly, Council adopted, as amended, Resolution No. 5309-C, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Mandic NOES: Finley, Bailey ABSENT: Thomas PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CASE 83--9 - APPROVED -- ORD NO 2653 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED - ND 83-28 - APPROVED The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider Zone Case 83-9 and Negative Declaration 83-28, a request to permit an expansion of the permitted uses on property zoned (Q) C4 (Highway Commercial. District combined with a qualified classification) to include a "Fisherman's Supply Center." The subject property is located on the southwest corner of Warner Avenue and "A" Street and is currently restricted to "Office Professional" uses only. (17021 and 17011 "A" Street). At the September 7, 1983 Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission approved Zone Case 83-9, as requested by the applicant, and also approved a maximum building size of 3,000 square feet for the subject property. The Mayor stated that Negative Declaration No. 83-28 would also be considered in conjunction with said Zone Case. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met, and that she had received no comunicaions or written protests to the matter. The Mayor declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2653 for Council consideratrion - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON.BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 THEREOF TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL PERMITTED USE WITHIN AN EXISTING QUALIFIED C-4 DISTRICT ON REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON BEACH BOULEVARD SOUTH OF WARNER (ZONE CASE 83-9)." A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Bailey, Council approved Negative Declaration 83-28, approved Zone Case 83-9, and after reading by title, approved introduction of Ordinance No. 2653, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas PUBLIC HEARING - HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN - STAFF AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT HAP TO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FY FOR 10/1/83 THROUGH 9 30/84 The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider the proposed Housing Assistance Plan (HAP which identifies the City goals for federal assistance and is to be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Devlopment on or about October 31, 1983. This annual HAP is Page 10 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 for the period of October 1, 1983 through September 30, 1984. The Mayor stated that copies of the Housing Assistance Plan are available for review in the City Clerk's Office. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for publication and posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Mayor declared the hearing open. There being no one present to speak an the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Following discussion, a motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Bailey, to approve and authorize staff to submit the Housing Assistance Plan for the Federal Government Fiscal Year October 1, 1983 through September 30, 1984 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES None ABSENT Thomas PUBLIC HEARINGS - CONTINUED OPEN TO 11/21/83 - CUP 83-18/TPM 83-563/CE 83-26/ND 83-21 - APPEAL FILED BY COUNCILWOMAN BAILEY - APPEAL FILED BY INEZ NEUENFELDT & K DEAN ZITKO - HEIL/GOTHARD The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by Councilwoman Bailey to the Planning Commission's approval of Conditional Use Permit 83-18, Tentative Parcel Map 83-563, Conditional Exception 83-26 and Negative Declaration 83-21. The basis for Councilwoman Bailey's appeal is that there was not enough information and consideration given regarding the drainage problem and that approval of the development might add to the existing drainage problem within the surrounding neighborhood. The basis for Inez Neuenfeldt and K. D. Zitko's appeal is that there was not enough information and consideration given regarding building setback and a landscape buffer from the residential neighborhood to the west, building height restrictions and traffic control on Heil Avenue. CUP 83-18 is a request to permit a mixed use industrial development of 201,110 sq. ft. of commercial and office uses with future build -to --suit areas located on the NW corner of Heil Avenue and Gothard Street. The subject property is approximately 16.9 acres in size and is zoned M1 (Light Industrial District). TPM 83-563 is a request to create an eleven lot industrial subdivision on the same site. CE 83-26 is a request to allow parking spaces for compact cars in place of standard size parking spaces in the proposed industrial development. The Mayor stated that the adoption of ND 83-21 would be a determination that the project does not have a significant impact on the environment. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Page 11 — Council Minutes -- 10/10/83 Mary Baroglio spoke regarding noise from delivery and garbage trucks, smell from garbage and the sight of trash. She requested that Council approve a 45' setback from the east side of the flood control channel. Cal Faello stated that he wanted the proposed project to proceed but with modifications regarding setback, landscape buffers and traffic controls. Edward Garakian spoke regarding flood control, security and building height. Inez Neuenfeldt presented pictures to Council and spoke regarding debris, outside storage, garbage, building height, setback and traffic on Heil Avenue. Councilman Pattinson suggested that staff inspect the area the next day for code violations. Dean Zitko spoke regarding setback and height restrictions. He questioned whether the flood control channel was part of the M1 zoning. Robert Hardin spoke regarding flooding of streets. He spoke regarding the proposed building height. Tim Paone, representing M. Westland Company, compared the proposed project to other projects in the area with regard to conditions and restrictions pertaining to setback and height. Discussion was held regarding the matter. Discussion was held between Council, Glen Godfrey and the City Attorney regarding the zoning of the flood control channel. Discussion was held regarding flooding, setback and building height. A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Finley, to continue the public hearing open to November 21, 1983, to direct staff to return with a report regarding the legal questions on the zoning of the flood control channel as well as a report regarding the timing of improvements, regarding the flood control channel. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas PUBLIC COMMENTS Chauncey Alexander, Sally Alexander, Dorothy Grubbs, Arnold Alvarez spoke regarding flood prevention in the southern part of the city. Dean Albright spoke against approving the equestrian trail from Bolsa Chica Linear Park to the Santa Ana River. Alice Bowes requested Council to support the concept of two volunteers riding in the Rose Parade. She stated that the parade theme was "Volunteers". Page 12 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 Mary Matheis spoke regarding the City -Wide Housing Strategy requesting that item 3 be removed for discussion and observation. Allen Kephart spoke regarding Rainbow Disposal charges. Mayor MacAllister referred the matter to staff. Courtland Paul, Richard Ludlow, Joan Sharpe, and Madeline Koons requested permit parking for Intrepid Lane. George Hanna stated that he was running for the school board. He spoke regarding the Club of Life. ORD NO 2619 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED, AS AMENDED - "RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT" The City Clerk presented a communication from the Department of Public Works of proposed Ordinance No. 2619 - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO NEW CHAPTER 10.42 ENTITLED, "RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT." A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Kelly, to remove Ordinance No. 2619 regarding "Residential Parking Permit" from the table. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas Discussion was held regarding Section 10.42.020 and the possibility of inserting the words "beach related". On motion by Bailey, second Finley, Council approved introduction of Ordinance No. 2619, as amended, after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas RES NO 5307 - ADOPTED AS AMENDED - CITY-WIDE HOUSING STRATEGY The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Development Services transmitting Resolution No. 5307 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ADOPTING A HOUSING STRATEGY FOR THE CITY." Following discussion, a motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Bailey, to adopt, as amended, Resolution No. 5307; amending item 3 to read "Allow second units with restrictions in either certain or specific single family neighborhoods" and amending item 11 to read "Evaluate the city's fee schedule as it affects the cost of housing." The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey NOES: Mandic ABSENT: Thomas Page 13 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 RES NO 5311 - DEFERRED - SALARY OF BUSINESS LICENSE MANAGER & CITY TREASURER The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Finance transmitting Resolution No. 5311 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING THE COMPENSATION FOR THE CITY TREASURER AT $588 AND THE BUSINESS LICENSE MANAGER AT $3,087 AND FURTHER CONSOLIDATING BOTH FUNCTIONS UNDER THE CITY TREASURER. On motion by MacAllister, second Finley, Council deferred consideration of the Resolution No. 5311 to the October 17, 1983 meeting by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: Pattinson ABSENT: Thomas CONSENT CALENDAR - (ITEMS APPROVED) On motion by Bailey, second MacAllister, Council approved the following items, as recommended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas MINUTES - Approved and adopted the minutes of the adjourned regular meetings of September 19, 1.983 and September 26, 1983, and the regular meetings of September 19, 1983 and October 3, 1983 as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.. APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO PRESENT LATE CLAIM & LATE CLAIM 83-215 - Refused Application for Leave to Present Late Claim and Rejected Late Claim 83-215 filed by Lyn M. Ferguson, Attorney at Law, on behalf of Leonette F. Pullar and her minor children for alleged wrongful death on or about April 17, 1983. RESOLUTION NO 5312 - ADOPTED - ESTABLISHING A CITY FEE SCHEDULE - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING RESOLUTION NO 5159 ENTITLED, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH ESTABLISHING A CITY FEE SCHEDULE." (SUPPLEMENTAL FEE RESOLUTION NO. 3) HUNTINGTON HARBOUR MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - AMENDMENT #1 - G M BOSTON CO - Approved and authorized execution of Amendment #1 to the Huntington Harbour Maintenance Agreement between the City and G. M. Boston Company. BID RESULTS FOR - NEWLAND STREET STORM DRAIN INLET - CC-650 - LOANT CONSTRUCTION CO - Accepted the low bid of Loant Construction Co. in the amount of $17,143 for the construction of a storm drain inlet on Newland Street, south of Garfield Avenue, hold all other bid bonds until execution of contract *75 Page 14 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 and filing of bonds and directed the City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders and return their bid bonds. The bids were as follows: Loant Construction Clarke Contracting Corp. $ 17,143 $ 19,920 PARCEL MAP 83-554 -- CHARLES PELKEY - Approved the final parcel map pursuant to the mandatory findings set forth by the Board of Zoning Adjustments on property located on the west side of Alabama Street, north of Detroit Avenue and instructed the City Clerk to release for processing by the County. MUNICIPAL PIER RESTROOM - PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS/CALL FOR BIDS - CC-632 - Approved plans and specifications and authorized staff to solicit bids for the reconstruction of the City's restroom facilities located under the municipal pier. NEWLAND HOUSE GROUNDS - PARKING LOT & BARN -- PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS/CALL FOR BIDS - Approved plans and specifications and authorized staff to solicit bids for landscaping the Newland House grounds and construction of a parking lot adjacent to the Newland Barn. PERMIT REVOCATION APPEAL - Appointed hearing officer, pursuant to the Huntington Beach Municipal Code 5.24.280 relative to masseuse permit revocation appeal filed by Cha Bok Cho. BID RESULTS FOR - BEACH/TALBERT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT - CC-610 - SILVERI & RUIZ - Accepted low bid of Silveri & Ruiz in the amount of $474,905.10 for the Beach/Talbert Redevelopment Project; hold bid bonds on the lowest three bidders until execution of contract and filing of bonds and directed the City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders and return their bid bonds. The bids were as follows: Silveri & Ruiz W. D. Richardson Sully Miller Griffith Clark Contractors Miramontes Maness $ 474, 905. l0 $ 479, 712.50 $ 497,984.50 $ 508,724.28 $ 519,089.00 $ 521,210.70 $ 528,907.00 PERMIT REVOCATION APPEAL - Appointed hearing officer pursuant to Huntington Beach Municipal Code 5.24.280 relative to masseuse permit revocation appeal filed by Victoria Limback. DENIAL OF PERMIT RENEWAL - Appointed hearing officer pursuant to Huntington Beach Municipal Code 5.24.280 relative to masseuse permit renewal appeal filed by To Thi Nguyen. Page 15 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 BID RESULTS FOR - TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS & INTERCONNECT - BROOKHURST FROM PCH TO EDINGER - CC-500 - PERRY ELECTRIC - Accepted low bid of Perry Electric in the amount of $545,691 for the construction of traffic signal modifications and interconnect on Brookhurst Street from PCH to Edinger Avenue, hold bid bonds on the lowest three bidders until execution of contract and filing of bonds and directed the City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders and return their bid bonds. The bids were as follows: Perry Electric $ 545,691 Smith Electric $ 578,578 Baxter -Griffin $ 666,845 Paul Gardner $ 668,961 Steiny & Company $ 674,777 Grissom & Johnson $ 712,880 RESOLUTION NO 5313 - ADOPTED - PARTICIPATION IN IMPROVEMENT OF PORTION OF GOLDENWEST FROM WARNER TO PCH - 0 C FEDERAL AID URBAN PROGRAM - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH INDICATING TO THE ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION THAT THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH IS WILLING AND ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF THAT PORTION OF GOLDENWEST STREET WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS FROM WARNER AVENUE TO PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ORANGE COUNTY FEDERAL AID URBAN PROGRAM AND WILL INCLUDE IN THE APPROPRIATE FUTURE BUDGETS THE NECESSARY MATCHING FUNDS." Instructed the City Clerk to transmit certified copies to the Transportation Committee. REQUEST FOR BUDGET APPROPRIATION REVISION - Approved $567,000 fund transfer from Account #R301 HCD Fund Balance) to Account #894830 (Jobs Bill Downtown) pursuant to Resolution No. 5280 adopted June 2, 1980. FINAL TRACT 11519 -- ALL OF TT 11519 - SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT HUNTINGTON SURFSIDE CORP - Approve map pursuant to the required findings set forth in S. 66458 and S. 66474 of the Government Code and accepted offer of dedication and improvements subject to completion of requirements stipulated on property located on the west side of Florida Street approximately 200' south of Clay Avenue; examined and certified by the Director of Public Works and the Secretary to the Planning Commission as being substantially in accordance with the tenative map as filed with, amended and approved by the Planning Commission. Acreage: 1.205; Lots: 19, Developer: Huntington Surfside Corporation, Huntington Beach, adopted map subject to stipulations as follows: Deposit of fees for water, sewer, drainage, engineering and inspections; Certificate of Insurance; Subdivision Agreement; Park and Recreation fees may be deferred until the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or final inspection of the first unit of the first phase, which ever comes first, neither a Certificate of Occupancy nor inspection of the first unit shall be granted until the in lieu fees are paid by the developer; the final map shall be recorded prior to the expiration of Tentative Tract 11519 on June 15, 1984; Drainage for the subdivision shall be approved by the Department of :public Works prior to the recordation of the final map; and further accepted Guarantee and Warranty Bond No. 106538, Monument Bond No. 106537, Faithful Performance Bond No. 106536, Labor and Material Bond No. 106536A and approved and authorized execution of the Subdivision Agreement and further instructed the City Clerk that she shall not affix her signature to the map nor release such map for preliminary processing by the County or for recordation until the aforementioned conditions have been met. ,,.7 7 Page 16 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 REQUEST FOR BUDGET APPROPRIATION REVISION - Approved 0 500 fund transfer from Account #101539 (Misc. Contingency) to Account #346437 (Maintenance Parking : i Meters) pursuant to June 6, 1983 Council action relative to business parking meter rates. STORM DRAIN PUMPS & TELEMETERING SYSTEM - Amended the 1983-84 drainage budget to include the following new projects and authorized the appropriation of drainage funds for same: Banning & Meredith storm drain pump stations minor improvements and a telemetering (emergency alarm) system for the city's storm drain pump station network. TRANSIT SHELTER FACILITIES - TARGET MEDIA - Approved and authorized execution of an agreement between the City and Target Media to install and maintain up to 20 transit shelters in the City right-of-way. EMPLOYMENT OF ON -CALL JAIL TECHNOLOGIST - Approved and authorized execution of an Employment Contract between the City and Roy Ching to provide services of an on -call clinical laboratory technologist to withdraw blood samples from "driving under the influence" arrestees. AMENDMENT #1 TO AGREEMENT - TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE - COMPUTER SERVICE CO - Approved and authorized execution of Amendment #1 to the Extraordinary Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement between the City and Computer Service Co. to provide signal maintenance services for an additional year. RESOLUTION NO 5314 - ADOPTED - REQUESTING 0 C TO UNDERTAKE DEFENSE OF CITY - SO PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION CO, ET AL V. CALIF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION - CASE NO 810433 - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO UNDERTAKE THE DEFENSE OF THE CITY IN THE MATTER OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC 'TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, ET AL V. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ET AL., CASE NO 810433." LIABILITY CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR - CARL WARREN & CO - Approved and authorized execution of a Claim Adjustor Service Agreement between the City and Carl Warren & Company. EQUESTRIAN TRAIL - BOLSA CHICA LINEAR PARK TO THE SANTA ANA RIVER The City Clerk presented a communication from the Development Services Director relative to the 0. C. Master Plan of Riding and Hiking Trails that designates a Huntington Beach trail which will connect the Santa Ana River Trail to future equestrian facilities in the Bolsa Chica Linear Regional Park and Huntington Central Park. On December 6, 1982, Council directed staff to investigate feasible alternative route connections, including a linear park/beach route. The selected route would be incorporated in the City Trails & Implementation Plan. Councilman Mandic stated that he would like the item continued to the next Council meeting. r; y Page 17 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 Vince Moorhouse, Acting City Administrator and Glen Godfrey, Deputy Planning Director presented staff reports regarding the matter. A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Mandic, to overrule the Planning Commission recommendation of September 20, 1983 to not consider amending the Trails Implementation Plan to include a cross town hiking, riding trail link between the Bolsa Chica Linear Park and the Santa Ana River. The motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, Mandic NOES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey ABSENT: Thomas A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by MacAllister, to take the following actions: 1. Do not consider amending the Trails Implementation Plan to include an equestrian trail connection between the Santa Ana River and the Bolsa Chica Linear Regional Park/Huntington Central Park area (2) Direct staff to inform the Orange County Environmental Management Agency to take the necessary measures to delete the Huntington Beach Trail except the Bolsa Chica Linear Park segment, from the Orange County Master Plan of Riding and Hiking Trails. The motion carried by the following roil call vote: AYES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey NOES: Kelly, Mandic ABSENT: Thomas APPOINTMENTS TO OIL COMMITTEE - APPROVED -- TEBERG/WEST/SAILOR Councilman Pattinson referred to a communication from the Development Services Director regarding the appointment of additional members to the Oil Committee. A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by MacAllister, to ratify the appointment of the following people to the Oil Committee: Jack Teberg, representing the Huntington Beach Independent Operators; David West representing the Huntington Beach Independent Operators; and Rick Sailor representing the Huntington Beach Company. The motion carried unanimously. Councilman Pattinson left the meeting. UNIT MODIFICATION DECISION OF PERSONNEL COMMISSION - TO BE APPEALED Mayor MacAllister referred to a communication from the City Administrator dated October 7, 1983 regarding the Unit Modification decision of the Personnel Commission. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to appeal the decision of the Personnel Commission regarding the addition of ten classifications to Page 18 - Council Minutes - 10/10/83 those represented by the Police Officers Association, and further, to set a public hearing within 30 to 45 days. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Bailey, to request a written opinion from the City Attorney regarding the Personnel Commission jurisdiction over the City Council. The motion carried unanimously. PCTA Mayor MacAllister announced that a meeting of the Public Cable Television Authority would be held Wednesday, October 12, 1983. FEDERAL/STATE FUNDING FOR JAIL EXPANSION - REFERRED TO STAFF Mayor MacAllister requested staff to investigate the possibility of state and/or federal funding for jail expansion and report back to Council in the next thirty days. SPECIFIC PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT - REFERRED TO STAFF FOR STUDY A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Finley, to adopt the recommendation of the Planning Commission to further study the circulation element of the Specific Plan. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey NOES: None ABSTAIN: Mandic ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas CONSULTANT TO STUDY CHANNEL DESIGN AT HEIL/GOTHARD - APPROVED On motion by Bailey, second MacAllister, Council approved hiring a consultant to study the channel design at Heil Avenue and Gothard Street by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas UALIFICATIONS OF CITY CLERK/CITY TREASURER - REFERRED TO STAFF On motion by Bailey, second Kelly, Council requested the City Clerk bring back wording regarding the qualifications for the position of City Clerk and City Treasurer. The motion carried unanimously. so Page 19 - Council Minutes -- 10/10/83 ORDINANCE RELATED TO INDUSTRIAL/RESIDENTIAL LAND USE Councilwoman Finley inquired as to the progress of an ordinance relative to industrial/residential land use. Glen Godfrey stated that the ordinance was at staff level.. LAKE DRAINAGE . Councilwoman Finley. stated her concerns regarding lake drainage at Warner Avenue and Springdale Street and at McFadden Avenue and Goldenwest Street. RAINBOW DISPOSAL NEGOTIATIONS ° Councilwoman Finley requested that Rainbow Disposal negotiations be brought before Council for general discussion. BONDING PROJECTS - REPORT REQUESTED Councilman Mandic stated he had received an update in September regarding $48,000,000 in proposed bonding projects and requested a report regarding the matter. He suggested Council discuss the matter in theory and possibly give the staff further direction. FRESNO CROSSING GUARD PROGRAM - REPORT REQUESTED Councilman Mandic requested a report regarding the Fresno crossing guard program. PROPERTY AT NEWLAND/FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL -- REFERRED TO STAFF Councilman Mandic requested staff to look at the property located at Newland and the flood control channel regarding liability and mitigation. ORDINANCE NO 2645 - ADOPTED - THIRTY-FIVE MPH SPEED LIMIT - COUNTESS TO TERMINUS FROM EDINGER AVENUE The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2645 for Council consideration "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 10.12.030 SETTING A THIRTY-FIVE MILE PER HOUR SPEED LIMIT ON COUNTESS DRIVE TO ITS TERMINUS FROM EDINGER AVENUE." On motion by Bailey, second Kelly, Council adopted Ordinance No. 2645, after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas Page 20 - Council Minutes -- 10/10/83 ORDINANCE NO 2651 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED. AS AMENDED - SPECIFIC EVENTS The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2651 for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICPAL CODE BY REPEALING SECTION 5.68.210, AND AMENDING SECTIONS 5.68.010, 5.68.040, 5.68.060 AND 5.68.160 RELATING TO SPECIFIC EVENTS." Discussion was held regarding the definition of specific events. On :notion by Bailey, second Kelly, Council approved introduction of Ordinance No. 2651, as amended, after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas ORDINANCE NO 2652 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED - REGULATIONS FOR LOSS OF LIBRARY PRIVILEGES The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2652 for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 2.84.080 ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR LOSS OF LIBRARY PRIVILEGES." On motion by Bailey, second Kelly, Council approved introduction of Ordinance No. 2652, after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Pattinson, Thomas ORDINANCE NO 2654 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED - "FOURTH OF JULY EXECUTIVE BOARD" The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2654 for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY REPEALING CHAPTER 2.106, AND ADDING THERETO A NEW CHAPTER 2.106 ENTITLED, "FOURTH OF JULY EXECUTIVE BOARD." On motion by Bailey, second Kelly, Council approved introduction of Ordinance No. 2654, after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT:` Pattinson, Thomas AJOURNMENT The Mayor adjourned the regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to.Monday, October 17, 1983 at 6:30 P.M., Room B-8. City Clerk and ex--officio Clerk of the City Council of the City ATTEST: of Huntington Beach, California City Clerk Mayo N 1 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 MAIN STREET OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL Don MacAllister, Mayor Jack Kelly, Mayor Pro Tem Ron Pattinson, Councilman John Thomas, Councilman Ruth Finley, Councilwoman Ruth Bailey, Councilwoman Bob Mandic, Councilman CALIFORNIA 92648 You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, is called for and will be held i the Council Chamber of the Civic Center, at the hour of 7:00 P.M. on ober 0, 1983, for the purpose of an Executive at to consider pers net negot' tionsA Dated: October 6, 1983 ATTEST: ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, CITY CLERK yor_Ar-e-rempore i the above notice, "Call for Special Meeting F:00 P.M., on Sunday, October 9, 1983. {Telephone: 714536-5227) j # a