HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-09MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Room B-6 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1983 - 1:30 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Godfrey, Crosby, Poe, Smith, Vogelsang STAFF MEMBER PRESENT: Pierce MINUTES: ON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY GODFREY, THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 1983, WERE APPROVED AS TRANSCRIBED, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Godfrey, Poe, None Crosby Evans AGENDA ITEMS CONTINUED: Smith, Vogelsang CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 83-51 (Con't. from 11/2/83) Applicant: K. W.-Evans To permit an addition to encroach three (3) ft. into the required ten (10) ft. setback.- Property located at 5401 Kenilworth. Acting Chairman Crosby introduced the applicant's proposal stating that this request, per Section 15105 of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, is categorically exempt. Staff reiterated that the reason for continuance of this application from the board meeting. of November 2, 1983 was to allow the applicant additional time to recheck measurements of his property prepared by his architect felt by the,Board not to be to scale. The public hearing was, opened. There being no one present to speak in favor or opposition:of the applicant's request, the public hearing was closed. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 9, 1983 Page Two It was suggested that the applicant be renotified of the new hearing date wherein action must be taken because of necessary processing time after acceptance of the application by the City. ON MOTION BY_SMITH AND SECOND.BY CROSBY, CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 83-51 WAS CONTINUED ONE (1)- WEEK, -TO THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 1983, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Godfrey,_ Crosby, Poe, Smith, -,Vogelsang NOES: None - ABSTAIN: None ABSENT:- None TENTATIVE-PARCEL--MAP-NO 83-561 (Con't. from 8/31/83) Applicant: M...Petyo & Associ-ates, ,Inc. PENDING CITY COUNCIL'S DECISION ON LOT "A" AT THEIR 11/7/83 MEETING: To permit consolidation of -two parcels into one parcel for a four (4) unit apartment building and remove Lot "A" (recreation purposes only) . stipulation set forth on map of Tract 4026 containing the two lots. Property -located -at 7631 Commodore Circle. Secretary Godfrey informed the Board Membef s that at the City Council Meeting of November 7, 1983,a motion failed to relieve Lot "A" of its designation "recreational purposes only". Direc,tion was given by Council to have the City Administrator and -the Redevelopment,Coordinator meet with Mr. Settles to look at alternate solutions and come back to the Council Meeting of December 5, 1983 with recommended actions to allow development of the property. Findings for denial -were discussed. ON MOTION BY SMITH -AND SECOND BY VOGELSANG, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 83-561 WAS DENIED WITH FINDINGS AND VOTE FOLLOWING: FINDINGS FOR DENIAL: 1. Lot "A", of Tract-4026, was,intended and designed to serve the recreational needs of the development. 2. Elimination -of this lot for recreational and open space purposes would create 'substandard lots within the development. 3. The eliminiation_of the lot for recreational and open space purposes adversely affects the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. The design of the original subdivision with Lot "A" developed as a multi -residential development will not be consistent with the General Plan. 4. With the addition of residential units on Lot "A" the site is not suitable for the proposed density. -2- BZA 11/9/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 9, 1983 Page Three 5. The use of Lot "A" for residential purposes will conflict with its original purpose as recreational use for the original subdivision. AYES: Godfrey, Crosby, Poe, Smith, Vogelsang NOES:• None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None USE PERMIT NO. 83-62 Applicant: Erdem Denktas To permit an expansion of 680 square feet to an existing restaurant. Property located at 16871 Beach Boulevard. Acting Chairman Crosby introduced the proposal stating that this request is categorically exempt, Class. 1, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Staff clarified that the actual expansion to the existing restaurant on Beach Boulevard is 884 square feet. Further, based on previous parking standards for the number of serving tables for the.existing restaurant and the current parking ratio for the 884 sq. ft. addition, twenty-six parking spaces, as required by Code, are provided. Suggested findings and conditions for approval were individually dis- cussed in depth. The public hearing was opened by Acting Chairman Crosby. Mr. Denktas addressed the Board stating his concurrence with the Conditions possibly to be imposed but -Called to their attention the fact that additional roof top -mechanical -screening will not be visible as it will be contained within the attic. Michael Whitney, Agent for the developer of the adjacent property, stated he has no objection to the proposal but requested viewing of the applicant's proposal. There being no one else present wishing to address the matter, the public hearing was closed. ON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY CROSBY, USE PERMIT NO. 83-62 WAS CONDITIONALLY GRANTED,;WITH FINDINGS, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND VOTE FOLLOWING: FINDINGS: 1. Based on previous parking standard for existing table service stations and current parking ratio for the addition, the applicant -3- BZA 11/9/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 9, 1983 Page Four has provided the required twenty-six (26) parking spaces. 2. The addition of 884+ square feet to an existing restaurant will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity of such use..or building. 3. The granting of Use Permit No. 83-62 will not,:adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1; The- -plan wild =_elevations _received -November 1, 1983, shall be the conceptually approved layout subject to the following modifications: =: :.. a. All parking spaces shall maintain a clear backup aisle of _ __,_ twenty. -seven (27) feet:' b. 'Permanent landscaping shall�,_q-provided and=maintained in compliance with Section-`9432- 6.5 (a)=of:'the:--Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. c. Any parking space within twenty (20) feet of curb line at Beach Boulevard.shall.be'approved'by the Department of Public Works. �d: Parking spaces adjacent to trash area shall be compact stall size. e:____Compact parking stalls shall be relocated to the rear two-thirds of the lot.- .. f ._. _ _ :.minimum- o-f_ -three (3) fifteen gallon trees shall be placed adjacent to rear property line. Location of the tree wells shall '-be - appro rbd °by -- the '`depar'tments of Development Services and � Public' -Works lifidscapiiig= 2: Prior 'to" issuance -of building, permits, the applicant s_ hall file a, parcel map,consc5lidating_the;twelve;-(12) parcels of land. Said map shall -be recorded"prior to --final "inspection. 3.- Prior`_t&_issuance-of building_,permits, the applicant; shall submit -the.following plan:;_(a)-Additional 'land scape, and irrigation plan to thedepartments::of Development Ser`vices-,and'Public Works' - Landscape Divison for review - and'- approver:" " 4.,-Method_to"provide-'physical,protection-ifor fences_or walls adjacent to -parking -area shall --be approved by"the"Department of Development Services. -4- BZA 11/9/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 9, 1983 Page Five 5. Low volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 6. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 7. If lighting is included in the parking lot, high pressure sodium vapor lamps shall be used for energy savings. All outside light- ing shall be directed to prevent "spillage" onto adjacent residential properties. 8. If foil -type insulation is to be used, a fire retardant type shall be installed and approved by the Building Division. 9. Development shall meet all applicable provisions of the Huntington Beach Fire Code. 10. The driveway on Beach Boulevard shall be of the "X" type complying with Public Works requirements. 11. Applicant shall comply with all other applicable provisions of the Ordinance Code. AYES: Godfrey, Smith, Crosby, Poe, Vogelsang NOES: None ABSTAIN: None-, ABSENT: None TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP -NO. 83-580(W) Applicant: Hood Corporation To permit consolidation of two (2) existing lots into one (1) building parcel. Subject property is located on the northwest corner of Talbert Avenue and Brookshire Lane. Acting Chairman Crosby introduced the proposal and stated that this request is categorically exempt, Class. 15, under the California Environ- mental Quality Act of 1970. Secretary Godfrey informed all concerned that this lot consolidation is a condition of approval imposed by City Council for Conditional Use Permit No. 83 -16 prior to occupancy. This lot consolidation will eliminate a lot line -which splits an existing building. The proposed use is for a church located within an industrial development which will be -used during' -time periods when this particular industrial develop- ment is not in use., All necessary improvements and dedications were made under the previous subdivision map. The procedure for waiver of a parcel map was explained to Mr. Bill Hartge, present, representing the Hood Corporation. -5- BZA 11/9/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 9,11983 Page -Six ON MOTION BY CROSBY AND SECOND'BY SMITH, A WAIVER'OF-THE PARCEL MAP FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP'NO. 83-580 WAS -APPROVED -WITH FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOLLOWING, SUCCEEDED BY VOTE: FINDING: The proposed consolidation complies with the requirements as to area, improvement and -design, flood and water drainage control, appropriate and approved public roads, sewer and water facilities, environmental protection, and other requirements of Article 992 of the Subdivision section of 'th'e 'Ord'inance Code. CONDITION OF APPROVAL: The applicant' shall 'file, th.r_ u 4h'the -Huntington Beach City Clerk's Office, and have recorded with the Orange County Recorder-',s,Office, a certificate'of compliance in conjunction-with•the;approved,plat map. A copy of ,the" recorded- certificate'of "complian'ce and plat map shall be filed with'the Department of Development Services prior to issuance of building permits on the subject property.,.- _ AYES_ - Godfrey, Crosby`, Poe," Smith; Vo:gelsarig _ NOES: -None ABSTAIN: y None - ABSENT:' :None RECONSIDERATION:OF'CODE REQUIREMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 81-28 Applicant:_ Atlantic Richfield. Company -,- To deviate' from a, ,landscape" requirement ;for_ service t station `sites per Code 'Section; 9482:1.;1(a) Subject property located' -at "16502 Bolsa Chica (southeast corhe'r Bolsa diica `and` Heil)`." Secretary _Godfrey informed the. -Board ;that- per -Section "9482.1.1(a) , the Board' may -:grant - -a reduction in"the;'landscape--requirements• providing that one of" the following findings -"is 'made:- -I)` the- reduction -is necessary for -traffic safety;' 2) reduction of landscaping would not substantially reduce the buffering effect,from the right-of-way or interior properties; or '3)- the design -of, the service -station site -as it -exists -inhibits logical placement ,of -landscaping to achieve an aesthetic appearance. Mr.'.Ted Crone,, C&M Field Supervisor. -for Arco ,Petroleum t Producs Company, was present -to speak `yin favor of"the `application: He stated 'that they are attempting to obtain a building permit to convert the existing facility. -to an am/pm mini market. In this connection, the Ordinance Code requires a three-foot deep planter to be installed between the sidewalk and pump island on Heil Avenue. The distance -from the sidewalk to the pump -island is twelve`.foot,which does not provide adequate space a planter -and safe drive access-�to`the existing pump island .-To move the -6- BZA 11/9/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 9, 1983 Page Seven existing pump island, canopy footings, canopy post, electrical conduit and gasoline lines the cost would be prohibitive. The drawing dated November 3, 1983,submitted by the applicant, was reviewed by the Board depicting the extension of the apex planter across the closed driveway on Heil. ON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY POE, RECONSIDERATION OF CODE REQUIREMENT FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 81-28 (RECEIVED IN WRITING) WAS GRANTED WITH FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL AND VOTE FOLLOWING: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1. The Board of Zoning Adjustments finds that the design of the service station site as it exists inhibits logical placement of a -landscape planter in front of the pump island located on Heil Avenue. The apex planter across the closed driveway as shown on drawing dated November 3, 1983, shall be increased to achieve aesthetic appearance. 2. All other conditions imposed on Conditional Use Permit No. 81-28 shall remain applicable. AYES: Godfrey, Crosby, Poe, Smith, Vogelsang NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED TO THE NOVEMBER 14, 1983 STUDY SESSION. tat /. z Glen K. Godfrey, Secretary Board of Zoning Adjustments js -7- BZA 11/9/83