HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-16MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1983 - 1:30 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT-: REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: Room B-6 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA Godfrey, Evans, Crosby Vincent, Vogelsang Pierce, Poe CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 83-51 (Con't. from 11/9/83) Applicant: K. W. Evans To permit. an addition to encroach three (3) ft. into the required ten (10) ft. setback. Property located at 5401 Kenilworth. Acting Chairman Evans introduced the proposal and stated that this request is categorically exempt, Class. 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1970. Secretary Godfrey reiterated the reason for continuance covering the encroachment into the applicant's rear yard setback. He stated that at the Board Meeting of November 2, 1983, the Board questioned Mr. Evans as to whether or not his plan was to scale as the assessor's map showed the property to be 100 feet in depth rather than 114 feet as shown on the applicant's plan: The applicant felt it was to scale. It was explained to Mr. Evans that if his lot is 114 ft. in depth, with a front garage setback of 25 feet in lieu of the Code requirement of 22 feet, had the developer located the garage forward three (3) feet to the front property line, there would be justification for granting of the variance. The applicant felt it in his favor to request a continuance of his application to allow him time to recheck measurements prepared by his architect. On November 9, 1983 the public hearing was reopened with no one in attendance to speak on the proposal. It was felt that one more continuance should be given the applicant prior to the Board taking action, re - noticing him of new hearing date of November, 16, 1983. Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 16, 1983 Page Two Staff informed the Board that a telephone call was received from the property owner stating that his architect's measurements were correct; that a three (3) ft. deficiency exists. The public hearing was re -opened. There being no one present to speak in favor or opposition of the applicant's request, the public hearing was closed. As the applicant's garage is located twenty-two (22) ft. from the front property line, on a typical 60 x 100 ft. R-1 lot, hardship could not be justified by the Board to grant the applicant's request. ON MOTION BY GODFREY AND SECOND BY CROSBY, CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 83-51 WAS DENIED WITH FINDINGS FOR DENIAL FOLLOWING, SUCCEEDED BY VOTE: FINDINGS FOR DENIAL: 1. Exceptional circumstances do not apply that deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed on the other properties in the vicinity because it is a typical 60 x 100 foot R-1 lot. There are no special topographic features or any unique characteristics related to the land justifying a variance. 2. The granting of Conditional Exception No. 83-51 would constitute a special privilege inconsistent with limitations upon properties in the vicinity. The subject property was legally subdivided and developed in a manner consistent with applicable zoning laws. AYES: Godfrey, Evans, Crosby NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 83-71 Applicant: Timothy M. Bradley To permit a 4,572 sq. ft. building to be located on Sampson Lane - Assessor's Parcel No. 165-331-09. Staff informed the Board Members that on the northeast corner of Reynolds Circle and Sampson Lane an industrial building is being proposed which will consist of office, shop and warehouse space. Truck doors for loading and unloading are proposed on Reynolds Circle with a trash enclosure located inside the warehouse. - Conditions of -Approval were discussed. The applicant, Mr. Bradley, was informed that as the trash enclosure was proposed inside of the 4,572 sq. ft. industrial building a domestic fire sprinkler system would be necessary. Further, the drive approach width on Reynolds Circle will have to be a minimum of twenty-seven feet of radius type construction. -2- BZA 11/16/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 16, 1983 Page Three ON MOTION BY EVANS AND SECOND BY GODFREY, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 83-71 WAS GRANTING WITH CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL AND VOTE FOLLOWING: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The conceptual plot plan received and dated October 19, 1983, shall be the approved layout. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Department of Development Services the following plans: (a) Landscape and irrigation plans complying with Article 979 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and landscaping specifications on file in the Department of Public Works. (b) A rooftop mechanical equipment plan. Said plan shall indicate screening of all rooftop mechanical equipment and delineate the type of material proposed to screen said equipment. 3. The loading area within the building shall be striped and marked "loading area". 4. Trash area within the building shall be designed and constructed to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. 5. All unusable spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equipped to handle them. 6. If lighting is -included in the parking lot area, energy efficient lamps shall be used (e.g. high pressure sodium vapor, metal halide). All outside lighting shall be directed to prevent "spillage" onto adjacent properties. 7. Low volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water,faucets. 8. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by a registered soils engineer. :_..This analysis shall include on -site soil sampling and laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recommendations regarding grading, chemical and fill properties, foundations, retaining. walls, streets and shall be -reviewed by the Department of Development Services prior to issuance of building permit. 9. If foil -type insulation is to be used, a fire retardant type shall be installed as approved by the Building Division. -3- BZA 11/16/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 16, 1983 Page Four 10. Development shall meet all applicable provisions of the Huntington Beach Fire Code, Ordinance Code and Uniform Building Code. 11. The drive approach on Reynolds Circle _shall be a minimum width of twenty-seven (27) ft. and of radius type construction meeting Department of Public Works standards. AYES: Godfrey, Evans, Crosby NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 83-76 Applicant: The William Lyon Company To permit a'model home and sales complex (Terry Park Sr. Citizens Condominiums - Beach.& Talbert - 360' north,of Taylor Drive). Acting Chairman Evans introduced the applicant's proposal and stated that this request is covered by Negative Declaration No. 83-12. Mr. John Markley and Sandra Sandford were present to speak -in behalf of the project. Secretary Godfrey outlined;staff's suggested conditions for approval. The applicants were informed that prior to any combustible construction water lines and fire hydrants would have to be installed with an access road paved with a hard surface to accommodate fire equipment. Mr. Markley stated his concurrence with the conditions of approval for the model home and sales complex felt to commence between February and April of 1984. ON MOTION BY GODFREY AND SECOND BY EVANS, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 83-76 WAS GRANTED WITH'CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOLLOWING, SUCCEEDED BY VOTE: CONDITIONS OF -APPROVAL: 1. The conceptual plot plan dated October 31, 1983, shall be the approved layout. 2. A landscape and irrigation plan complying'with Article 979 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code shall be submitted to the departments of Development Services arid_Public Works for review and approval prior to final inspection. 3. A plan delineating various directional signs, landscaping and irrigation shall be submitted for review and approval to the departments of Development Services and Public Works and installed prior to,final inspection. 4. Project identification (subdivision directional) sign shall comply with Article 976 (Sign Code) of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. -4- BZA 11/16/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 16, 1983 Page Five 5. All roads (including fire access) shall be of hard surface, all weather construction meeting Public Works requirements and installed prior to combustible construction. 6. All access roads shall extend within a mimimum of 150 feet to the farthest point of the exterior perimeter of the model homes. 7. All water lines and fire hydrants shall be installed and approved by the Fire Department prior to issuance of permits for any tem- porary or permanent structures. , 8. Security fencing, gates, locking devices, ingress and egress from streets and parking areas shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department and Police Departments prior to issuance of building permits. 9. The office use shall be discontinued within 30 days following sale of the last on -site unit. A cash bond of $1,000 shall be posted with the City for the sales office and for each model home to guaranty compliance with all provisions of the code and the Huntington Beach Building Code. Such model homes shall only serve the tract specified in subject administrative review appli- cation. 10. Sales office shall not be converted or expanded into a general business office. 11. Transfer of funds or filing fee shall be received prior to issuance of building permits for complex. AYES: Godfrey, Evans, Crosby NOES: None ABSTAIN: None NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 83-46 AND ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 83-72 (In conjunction with C.E. No. 83-54 to be heard 11/23/83) Applicant: Schurgin Development Corporation To permit construction of a 45,775 sq. ft. retail shopping center. Property located at the southwest corner of Beach Boulevard and Main Street. Acting Chairman Evans introduced the applicant's proposal. The Board reviewed the information contained in the negative declaration request and considered mitigating measures applicable to the project. The public hearing was opened and closed. -5- BZA 11/16/83 Minutes: H.B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 16, 1983 Page Six - On motion by Godfrey and second by Evans, the Board having found that the proposed project will not have a significant adverse effect on the physical environment, adopted Negative Declaration No. 83-46, with mitigating measures to be incorporated into Administrative Review No. 83-72, by the following vote: AYES: Godfrey, Evans, Crosby NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Secretary Godfrey briefed the Board Members on the various requests of Conditional Exception No. 83-54, in conjunction with Administrative Review No. 83-72, scheduled for hearing at the next Board meeting. He stated that due -to necessary noticing to the abutting property owners, the conditional exception may be discussed,but-no action shall be taken at this Board meeting. F _' L Leon Levine, of Associated Design Consultants, Shin Takei, Project Manager, Sam Martin and Dick Harlow were in attendance'to speak in favor of the project. Mr. Levine and Mr. Harlow explained that the consolidation of properties is for purposes of construction of a 45,775 square foot retail shopping center consisting of one large multi -tenant building, a smaller multi -tenant building and possibly a free-standing restaurant (Building "U"). At the north corner -of the property,, at the 5-point intersection of Main Street, Beach Boulevard and Ellis; exists a service station previously segregated from the site. "Adjacent -to the service station site is Building "H", a portion of which may possibly be used for an additional restaurant.. They are proposing to use joint use parking for both restaurants. Staff informed all concerned that joint use parking consideration for the proposed; restaurants; is not a part of this approval; that future entitlement would be'necessary should restaurants be incorpor- ated within the"site. It was noted that the site plan submitted provided 239 parking spaces -on the site with 230_spaces required. Staff's suggested conditions.for,approval of A. R. No. 83-72 were outlined. Mr. Levine stated that due to the City's concern with regard to Kartron Street being a private street felt"to inadequately provide a turnaround for vehicles and fire equipment, -he submitted to`the Board Members a slightly revised plan --Exhibit "B" which would alleviate the problem. The plan provided -a 45 x 50 ft. turnaround on the service road exiting out to Main Street. The location of the trash area was discussed. Mr. Levine felt to have the area enclosed with a six (6) ft: high block wall with gate was not a problem. He felt there was adequate space provided within the turnaround area to accommodate the trash enclosure in lieu of staffs recommendation behind Building "C". Dick Harlow stated they would prefer radius type openings in lieu of "X" type driveway openings on Beach Boulevard and would pursue with Cal Trans. -6- BZA 11/16/83 Minutes: H,B. Board of Zoning Adjustments November 16, 1983 Page Seven Concerns connected with the Conditional Exception (No. 83-54) were discussed e.g. sight visibility and the fact that the proposed center has more than 200 parking spaces and, per Code, requires one main alley entrance into the center. They are asking for a waiver of the 100-foot alley entrance as the property fronts on two major streets (Main Street and -Beach Boulevard) with two entrances on Beach Boulevard and one entrance on Main Street felt by the applicant to equally serve the site eliminating the need for a primary entrance. It was the consensus of the Board Members that a dimensioned revised site plan should be reviewed by staff. The applicants were invited to meet with staff on Monday, November 21, 1983, at 10:00 a.m. to discuss an alternative location for the trash enclosure, fire sprinklering of build- ings, possibility of providing parking within the rear of the buildings, etc. ON MOTION BY EVANS AND SECOND BY CROSBY, WITH THE APPLICANTS CONCURRENCE, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 83-72 (IN CONJUNCTION WITH C.E. NO. 83-54) WAS CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK, TO THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 23, 1983, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Godfrey, Evans, Crosby NOES: None ABSTAIN: None THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED TO THE STUDY SESSION OF NOVEMBER 23, 1983 AT 10:00 A.M. Glen K. Godfrey, Secretary Board of Zoning Adjustments -7- BZA 11/16/83