HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-04-09REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, April 9, 1984 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Chairman Kelly called the Special meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL u Present: Pattinson, Thomas, Kelly,, Firiley,. Bailey; Mand'ic MacAllister (arrived 8:32 P.M.) Absent: None JOINT MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND CITY COUNCIL Chairman Kelly announced that a Special meeting of the Redevelopment Agency and an adjourned meeting of the City Council had been called. CITY COUNCIL ROLL CALL Present: Pattinson, Thomas-,- Kelly, Finley,. Bailey, Mandic MacAllister (arrived 8:32P.M.,) Absent: None CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING q "b' The Clerk read the' Call for Special Meeting which had been received and consented to by a majority of the Redevelopment Agency prior to 7:30 P.M., on Sunday, April 8, 1984, for the purpose of meeting with the. City Council to discuss and take action on the following: Downtown Implementation Strategy, Housing Opportunity and' Relocation Element, Townsquare Phase I Negotiation Agreement, Charter Centre Project recommendatons, Status Report on the Economic Development Promotion Program. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Jack Kelly, Chairman John A. Thomas, Director Ruth S. Bailey,, Director Ruth E. Finley, Director Don MacAllister, Director Robert P. Mandic, Director Ron Pattinson,. Director &5 Page 2 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 4/9/84 You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California, is called for and will be held in Room B-8, Civic Center, at the hour of 7:30 P.M. on April 9, 1984, Monday, for the purpose of meeting with the City Council to discuss and take action on the following: ' Downtown Implementation Strategy, Housing Opportunity and Relocation Element, Townsquare Phase I Negotiation Agreement, Charter Centre Project recommendatons, Status Report on the Economic Development Promotion Program. /s/ Jack Kelly Chairman, City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: /s/ Alicia M. Wentworth Clerk I hereby certify that I recevied the above notice, "Call For Special Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency," prior to 7:30 P.M., on Sunday, April 8, 1984. Chairman /s/Jack Kelly DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY Discussion was held regarding holding Study Sessions in the Council Chambers so they could be presented on cable television. Discussion was held between the Agency members and the Legal Advisor regarding which members could vote on which redevelopment projects. Gail Hutton, Legal Advisor, stated that Director Thomas could vote on general downtown redevelopment matters. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Council/Redevelopment Agency that a vote on specific issues could be made by Council and the Redevelopment Agency and that an opportunity for public input would be permissible. Tom Tincher, Redevelopment Coordinator, presented a report on the meetings held with .property owners in the downtown area. He referred, to a wall map and reported on a general concept of proposed land uses, intensities, traffic circul:al f-on, buffoeing And pfaking. Discussion was held by Agency regarding various proposed land uses, traffic circulation and the existing independent oil wells in the area. Director Pattinson suggested that staff prepare an overlay map of existing oil wells to be presented to Council. Legal Advisor Hutton reminded the Agency that eminent domain applies to oil wells. Mr. Tincher referred to the second wall map and reported regarding development phasing. Discussion'was held regarding the continuation of Walnut Avenue. Following discussion, a motion was made by Finley, seconded by Bailey, that when the Agency votes on the Downtown Redevelopment Implementation Strategy the vote on the "approval" items be a separate vote and the vote on the other items be taken in their entirety. The motion carried unanimously. -J CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 MAIN STREET CALIFORNIA 92648 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Jack Kelly, Chairman John A. Thomas, Director Ruth S. Bailey, Director Ruth E. Finley, Director Don MacAllister, Director Robert P. Mandic, Director Ron Pattinson, Director You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach, California, is called for and will be held in Room B-8, Civic Center, at the hour of 7:30 P.M. on April 9, 1984, Monday, for the purpose of meeting with the City Council to discuss and take action on the following: Downtown Implementation Strategy, Housin pportunity and Relocation Element, Townsquare Phase I Negoti n Ag eeme Charter Centre Project recommendations, Status Re Econom'c D� opment Promotion he Program. A ^ Y Charma City of Hu ATTEST: Clerk I hereby certify that I received the above e, "Ca F� of the Redevelopment Agency," prior to 30 P,, n S a Chai Director Director Director Director Director Director ach, California ial Meeting 1 8, 1984. ( Telephone: 714-536.5227 ) Page 3 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 4/9/84 A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by MacAllister, that the Agency approve the following items in the Downtown Redevelopment Implementation Strategy: Overall Program 1. Authorize staff to transmit the Housing Opportunities and Relocation Element to the Main -Pier Project Area Committee for their review and recommendations. 2. Authorize staff to immediately initiate the formal process to consider an amendment to the circulation element making it consistent with the proposed Downtown Circulation Plan. 3. , Authorize staff to commence immediately with the consolidation of all the existing redevelopment areas into one overall redevelopment project. Such an effort will reduce administrative costs and improve the Agency's ability to meet its replacement housing, relocation assistance, and affordable housing obligations. 4. Authorize staff to continue discussions with the City School District in an effort to assess the need for, and determine the feasibility of, the Agency assisting the School District in obtaining needed industrial storage space (possibly within Terry Park Industrial Site) in response to their request for assistance during the fiscal review process. 5. Authorize staff to proceed immediately with finalizing the agreement with the Huntington Beach Company which would lead to the City obtaining fee title to the vacated Southern Pacific right-of-way. Town Square Subarea 1. Authorize staff to work with the Town Square Phase II property owners and other property owners throughout the subarea in an effort to incorporate appropriate parcels into the Phase I development program. 2. Authorize staff to work with Mr. Vanderheyden and adjoining property owners including Mr. Niccole and Mr. Tramer in an effort to promote the consolidation of the site as depicted on the Subarea Map. Mr. Niccole's property will probably need to be acquired to accommodate the realignment of Lake Street. 3. Work with Mr. Niccole and assess the possibility of trading his downtown holdings to the Agency in return for his participation in the Talbert -Beach Industrial Project. 4. Work with Natalie Kotsch, Caltrans, Mr. Civic, and other auto dealerships within the downtown area to assess the feasibility of possibly trading Caltrans out of their Beach -Yorktown location into the Gothard Industrial Area (possibly the heliport site on Talbert -Beach Site). This would allow their existing site to be used for relocation purposes and their storage operation shifted to the industrial area, where it more appropriately belongs. 5. Authorize staff to assess the need and the feasibility of the Agency acquiring the vacant Southern California Edison building as a relocation resource and possible future Community Services Center. Page 4 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 4/9/84 Downtown Core Subarea 1. Authorize staff to continue to work with existing property owners to j assess development interest and opportunities. t 2. Authorize staff to meet with Petrofina and the Independent Oil Operators Association to discuss possibilities and timing to bring about consolidation activities in the subarea. 3. Authorize staff to develop a more detailed concept of the proposed Transportation Center and assess the feasibility of financing and developing such a facility. 4. Authorize staff to work with the Community Clinic to assess future needs and relocation alternatives. 5. Authorize staff to assist the owners of buildings which do not meet seismic safety requirements in developing plans in response to the ordinance requirements. 6. Authorize staff to prepare conceptual drawings of potential development opportunities within the subarea to stimulate property owner interest and involvement. Main -Pier Subarea 1. Authorize staff to continue to explore ideas for the development of the Public Interest Center and assess alternative means to financing the construction and ongoing operation of such a facility. 9i� 2. Authorize staff to explore with Caltrans the possibility of constructing an underpass to connect Main Street and the pier. 3. Authorize staff to pursue with HUD the idea of using Job Bill funds to relocate the 5th Street - Pacific Coast Highway traffic signal to 6th Street and making interim improvements to Main Street at Pacific Coast Highway to accommodate a reversal of the one-way street if the Main Street closure is approved between Main and 5th. Huntington -Lake Subarea 1. Authorize staff to continue to work with the Huntington Beach Company to assess development interest and opportunities for the subarea. 2. Authorize staff to work with the Huntington Beach Company and Petrofina to assess the feasibility of incorporating a site within the subarea for the consolidation of oil drilling operations. 3. Authorize staff to work with the Huntington Beach Company and the Huntington Shores Mobile Home Park residents to develop a mobile home shelter park in the City to accommodate the residents' replacement housing needs. Beach -City Subarea 1. Recognizing the fact that only very limited new development is likely to occur in this subarea, unless an acceptable alternative mobile home park Page 5 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 4/9/84 is provided and/or other appropriate housing accommodations are agreed upon by the existing residents, authorize staff to evaluate the feasibility of responding to this need as part of the Agency's required Replacement Housing Plan. 2. Authorize staff to work with The Robert Mayer Corporation and the existing mobile home residents to assess development and relocation possibilities for the subarea. Atlanta -Beach Subarea 1. Authorize staff to work with the shopping center owners to establish an acceptable realignment for the frontage road and an overall upgrading of the center. 2. Authorize staff to assess the need for, and feasibility of, the Agency participating in the upgrading of flood control channels adjacent to this subarea in response to the County's request which occurred during the fiscal review proceedings. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Kelly, Finley, Bailey NOES: None ABSTAIN: Mandic NOT VOTING: Thomas ABSENT: None Discussion was held between Director Thomas and Legal Council regarding whether he could vote on certain matters pertaining to downtown redevelopment. Councilman/Director Thomas left the meeting. SQUARE SUBAREA APPROVED OVERALL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT - S TOWN SQUARE PHASE I NEGOTIATIONS AGREEMENT WITH MOLA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Pattinson, that the Agency approve the overall development concept for the Town Square Subarea and to direct the Redevelopment staff to initiate discussions with property owners and development interests. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Kelly, Finley, Bailey NOES: None ABSTAIN: Mandic ABSENT: Thomas Councilman/Director Mandic vacated his chair. Following discussion, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Pattinson, that the Agency approve the Town Square Phase I Negotiations Agreement with Mola Development Corporation. Following further discussion, the motion carried by the following roll call vote: Page 6 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 4/9/84 AYES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Kelly, Finley, Bailey NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas, (Mandic vacated his chair) DOWNTOWN CORE SUBAREA - APPROVED OVERALL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT - STAFF TO INITIATE PUBLIC REVIEW OF PROPOSED CIRCULATION A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Pattinson, to approve overall development concept of the Downtown Core Subarea and to authorize staff to initiate the appropriate public review of the proposed circulation. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Kelly, Finley, Bailey NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas, (Mandic vacated his chair) Councilman/Director Mandic resumed his seat at the table. MAIN -PIER SUBAREA - APPROVE OVERALL DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT - PREPARE "REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS" - SOLICIT ASSESS DEVELOPMENT INTEREST A motion was made by Pattinson, seconded by Bailey, that the Agency approve the overall development concept for the Main -Pier Subarea and to direct the Redevelopment staff to prepare a "Request for Qualifications" and formally solicit and assess development interest in the area. Said RFQ's will be evaluated on the basis of (a) the ability of the developer to respond to existing property owner interest, (b) previous development experience, (c) financial capacity, and (d) hotel interest. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Kelly, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas HOUSING OPPORTUNITY AND RELOCATION ELEMENT - TO BE TRANSMITTED TO MAIN -PIER PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE FOR REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Mr. Tincher presented a report on the Housing Opportunity and Relocation Element. He recommended. that all relocation efforts be consolidated into one area. Director MacAllister inquired whether this would preclude some councilmembers from voting on issues. Legal Counsel stated she would research the matter. Following discussion, a motion was made by Finley, seconded by Pattinson, that the Agency authorize transmittal of Housing Opportunities and Relocation. Element to Main -Pier Project Area Committee for its report and recommendations. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: i AYES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Kelly, Finley, Bailey NOES: None ABSTAIN: Mandic ABSENT: Thomas Page 7 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 4/9/84 TALBERT-BEACH INDUSTRIAL SITE - DEFER TO 4/16/84 Following discussion, a motion was made by Finley, seconded` by MacAllister, that the Agency defer consideration of the Talbert -Beach Industrial Site to the meeting of April 16, 1984. The motion carried unanimously. DOWNTOWN CIRCULATION PLAN - STAFF TO INITIATE PROCESSING OF CIRCULATION ELEMENT AMENDMENTS TO IMPLEMENT TOTAL DOWNTOWN CIRCULATION PLAN Following discussion, amotion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Pattinson, that the Agency authorize staff to initiate the processing of the circulation element amendments, as required, to implement the total Downtown Circulation Plan. The motion carried by the following roll call voter AYES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Kelly, Finley, Bailey NOES: None ABSTAIN: Mandic ABSENT: Thomas CHARTER CENTRE PROJECT - REPORT Mr. Tincher presented a report on the Charter Centre Project. He recommended that the City focus on the public improvements needed to support the project. Councilwoman/Director Finley left the meeting at 10:15 P.M. Following discussion, a motion was made by Kelly, seconded by MacATl`ster, that the Agency continue research on the issue of the Charter Centre' Project, particularly regarding the public improvements needed to support the project and report back to the Agency. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Kelly, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas, (Finley out of the room) Director Mandic requested that Mr. Zisakis options be part of the report., ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROMOTION PROGRAM - STAFF TO NEGOTIATE WITH MA FOR BROCHURES WITH MAXIMUM COST TO CITY NOT TO EXCEED $25,` Mr. Tincher reported on the negotiations with Business to Business magazine. Following discussion, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded' by Bailey, that the Redevelopment Agency authorize staff to negotiate with magazines for a 32 page brochure; 30,000 to be included in the magazine for distribution and 10,000 to be given to the City for distribution; the cost to the City not to exceed $25,000. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Pattinson, MacAllister, Kelly, Finley, Bailey, Mandic NOES: None ABSENT: Thomas Page 8 - Redevelopment Agency Minutes - 4/9/84 ADJOURNMENT - COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Mayor/Chairman adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council and the regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach. Alicia M. Wentworth Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk/Clerk BY: Deputy City Clerk D ty Clerk