HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-19APPROVED APR IL 16, 1985 MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION Council Chambers - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California TUESDAY, March 19, 1985 -•7:00 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:- Rowe, Winchell, Schumacher, Livengood, Erskine, Porter, Mirjahangir COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR: A-1 Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting Study Session on March 5, 1985 and A-2 - Minutes -of the Planning Commission Meeting on March 5, 1985. APPROVED AS TRANSCRIBED ON MOTION BY WINCHELL AND SECOND BY LIVENGOOD (5 AYES 0 NOES SCHUMACHER AND ERSKINE ABSTAIN) A-3 Proposed Underground Utility District. CONTINUED TO THE NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON APRIL 2, 1985. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMISSION ITEMS: B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMISSION ITEMS: COMMISSIONER ROWE SHARED SOME HANDOUTS AND INFORMATION FROM HIS RECENT ATTENDANCE TO THE PLANNING COMMISSIONERS INSTITUTE SEMINAR. B-1 Town Square Project (Mola Development) FRANK MOLA WITH ERNIE VASQUEZ AND DICK HARLOW MADE A PRESENTATION ON THE PROPOSED -PLANS FOR THE TOWN SQUARE PROJECT. B-2 Code Amendment 85-2 (Oldtown/Townlot) A- COMMISSIONER LIVENGOOD SUGGESTED PLACING ITEM B-2 UNDER D ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AT THE END OF -THE PUBLIC HEARINGS. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: C-1 HUNTINGTON SHORES MOBILE HOME PARK RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PLAN Applicant: Huntington Beach Company The Huntington Shores Mobile Home Park Relocation Assistance Plan was submitted in November 1984 and originally scheduled for a public hearing before the Planning Commission on January 8, 1985. The public hearing was postponed to March 19, 1985, however, to allow the Huntington Beach Company to negotiate with the City regarding their participation in development of a Relocation Park. On Monday, March 18, 1985, the Huntington Beach Company will submit to the City Council a letter outlining the terms of their participation in the Relocation Park. It is anticipated that the offer will be for a $250,000 contribution to development of the Relocation Park, plus moving expenses for those coaches moving to the Relocation Park. If this concept is acceptable to the City Council, this offer would supersede the attached Relocation Assistance Plan. Staff will be prepared to review with the Planning Commisson on March 19, 1985 Council Action and will have an alternative resolution for approval. After a brief discussion, the Commission motioned to continue the item in order to provide the City Attorney's Office and Development Services staff an opportunity to draft sufficient language to amend the resolution approving the Relocation Assistance Agreement in accordance with the recent information presented by the Huntington Beach Company and subject to their review and approval. ON MOTION BY ERSKINE AND SECOND BY MIRJAHANGER THE HUNTINGTON MOBILEHOME PARK RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PLAN (RESOLUTION NO. 1338) WAS CONTINUED TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Rowe, Winchell, Schumacher, Livengood, Erskine, Porter, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None C-2 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 84-1 (HOLLY PROPERTY) Applicant: Huntington Beach Company Final EIR No. 84-1 has been prepared as an objective assessment of the individual and collective environmental impacts associated with the development of approximately 1,200 housing units. Specifically, the EIR addresses the approval of a General Plan Amendment which would redesignate 120 net acres of land in central Huntington Beach. The "Holly Property" encompasses contiguous parcels of land surrounded by Ellis Avenue to the north, the Pacific Railroad to the east, Garfield and Ernest Avenues to the south, and Goldenwest and Crystal streets to the west. The applicant is seeking to have the property redesignated from estate/residential, Industrial and Office Professional to Planned Community on the City's General Plan Land Use Element. The site is predominantly vacant, the only building (2134d) -1- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85 being two -single family dwellings and a small brick building occupied by a church. The EIR was prepared at the request of the applicant (Huntington Beach Company) in consultation with the Development Services Department Staff regarding the potential impact associated with the proposed project. The environmental consulting firm of Michael Brandman and Associates was engaged by Development Services Department to prepare the EIR. Tom Smith of Michael Brandman and Associates commented on the key issues. He stated the the EIR has been circulated since December. He commented on key issues such as the compatibility of the adjacent land uses, traffic impacts and desirability of residential versus the existing General Plan designation. Another issue he commented on was the Police Heliport. The Heliport is to be upgraded to become the city's main police heliport located on the west side of Gothard and approximately 500'feet north of the project site. Commissioner Erskine asked Mr. Smith to go through the economic fiscal analysis to compare the proposed project to the General Plan. Mr. Smith stated that the basic approach is to compare revenues and costs of the proposed General Plan Amendment to revenues and costs proposed from the development. Commissioner Erskine questioned Mr. Smith'if'Eheie were any park and recreations fees. Mr. Smith stated that there is a $3,843 revenue source to park and recreation fees. Commissioner Schumacher questioned Mr. Smith on the table where the EIR is comparing the cost for public safety which shows the same figure for both the existing General Plan and the proposed project. She asked how this was justified. Mr. Smith stated that he was not prepared for this question. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED: Larry Strasbaugh, owner of property located at Ellis and Gothard northeast of the project, commented on two points of concern one being the Police heliport and the traffic it will'create, and the conclusion of the fiscal impacts section of the EIR concluding that residential uses will bring in more revenue than industrial uses. Allen Strasbaugh statea that he was not opposed to the EIR but would like to see the General Plan Amendment held till the next meeting. Bill Holman, representing huntington Beach Company, discussed the industrial and residential zoning. There were no other persons present to speak for or against the proposal, and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner items in the Commissioner Porter. Porter thanked the Planning Staff for incorporating EIR that the Commission discussed months ago. Winchell stated that she concurred with Commissioner (2134d) -2- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85 The Commission discussed concerns regarding traffic and the fiscal analysis stating that there were no grounds to vote down the EIR but the fiscal analysis needea further research to clarify ]ustification for the numbers presented and the conculsions reached thereon. ON MOTION BY ERSKINE AND SECOND BY SCHUMACHER FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NO. 84-1 (HOLLY PROPERTY) WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Rowe, Winchell, Schumacher, Livengood, Erskine, Porter, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN:- None C-3 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 85-1 Applicant: Huntington Beach-Com$an Transmitted for public hearing is Land Use Element Amendment No. 85-1. The amendment addresses approximately 126 acres of property known as the Holly Property located on the south side of Ellis Avenue, west of'the Southerh-Pacific Railroad Right -of -Way, north of Garfield and Ernest Avenues and east of Crystal and Goldenwest Streets. The request is to change the Land Use designation from Estate Residential, General Industrial and Office/Professional to Planned Community. Environmental Impact Report No. 84-1 was prepared for this amendment as a separate document and must be approved by the Planning Commission for recommendation to the City Council before action is taken on the Land Use Element Amendment. At the applicant's request, General Plan Amendment No. 85-1 was continued with the concurrence of the Planning Commission to the May 7, 1985 Planning Commission Meeting. ON MOTION BY LIVENGOOD AND SECOND BY MIRJAHANGIR-•GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 85-1 (IN CONJUNCTION WITH ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 84-1) WAS CONTINUED TO THE MAY 7, 1985 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Rowe Winchell, Livengood, Erskine, Porter, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: Schumacher out of the room ABSTAIN: None C-4 TENTATIVE TRACT 9653 (REVISED), USE PERMIT NO. 85-7, CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 85-10 Applicant: Beach Front Properties/Rick Jeffries Use Permit No. 85-7 in conjunction with Tentative Tract 9653 is a 1 Lot Subdivision for the purpose of developing 32 apartment units. The applicant has also filed a Conditional Exception to allow for the reduction in the 1 bedroom unit size from the required 650 square feet to 517 square feet. (2134d) -3- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85 Due to the fact that a previous Tentative Tract on the subject site was acted upon by the Planning Commission and that the applicant is requesting a density bonus, this item requires Planning Commission review. After some discussion, the Commission with the applicant's concurrence decided to continue Tentative Tract 9653 (revised), Use Permit No. 85-7, Conditional Exception 85-10 was continued to the April 2, 1985 Planning Commission meeting. ON MOTION BY ERSKINE AND SECOND BY PORTER TENTATIVE TRACT 9653 (REVISED), USE PERMIT NO. 85-7, CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 85-10 WAS CONTINUED TO THE APRIL 21 1985 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Rowe, Schumacher, Livengood, Erskine, Porter, Mirjahangir NOES: Winchell ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None C-5 USE PERMIT NO. 85-13 Applicant: Mola Development Use Permit No. 85-13 is a request to permit the development of a 102 unit apartment complex on the north side of Warner Avenue between Lynn and Sims Streets. The project was previously approved as a 102-unit condominium project in January 1984 (CUP 83-31, Tentative Tract 12084/ND83-47). Due to the fact that a previous entitlement (CUP 83-31) on the subject site was acted upon by the Planning Commission the applicant is also requesting that an entitlement be grantea under the apartment standards. The applicant is also requesting a density bonus. Both of these requests require Planning Commission review and approval. The project site is approximately 3.73 gross acres in size, with a net site area of approximately 2.60 acres. In determining density for apartment projects, gross acreage is usea to calculate the total number of units permitted. The City's General Plan designates the area as High Density Residential and the subject property is zoned R3 (24.89 units/acre maximum). , THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED Dick Harlow, representing Mola Development, stated that staff basically covered all concerns. There were no other person present to speak for or against the proposal, and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Porter, referring to condition no. 7, questioned if the CATV System is provided by the Apartment Complex. Staff stated yes. (2134d) -4- P.C. Minutes 4/2/65 Chairman Livengood questioned staff if,.the city was looking at a density bonus of 10%. Howard Zelefsky of staff stated yes. Chairman Livengood also questioned the applicant what type of laundry services were provided. Dick Harlow stated that a the project will have a centralized laundry facility. Commissioner Winchell questioned what!the criteria was for calculating the number of affordable units. Howard Zelefsky of staff stated that the project must have a number of units before they qualify for the density bonus. Commissioner Winchell asked staff why there was a double bonus. She also suggested 10 units instead of 7 for families of moderate income. Dick Harlow asked the Commission to consider 20 units for families of low income and 10 units for families of moderate income. ON MOTION BY LIVENGOOD AND SECOND BY WINCHELL USE PERMIT NO. 85-13 WAS APPROVED WITH FINDINGS AND AMENDED CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Rowe, Winchell, Schumacher, Livengood, Erskine, Porter, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Findings for Approval Use Permit No. 85-13 1. The granting of Use Permit No. 85-13 will not adversely affect the Master Plan of the City of Huntington Beach because the General Plan has set forth provisions for this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for implementation of this type of housing. 2. The granting of Use Permit No,.85-13 will not be in)urious to property and improvements in the vicinity because the lot size, depth, frontage and other design features are proposed to be constructed in compliance with standard plans and specifications on file with the City. 3. The granting of Use Permit 85-13 will not be detrimental to persons residing or working the vicinity because the property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the land use designation for Medium -High Density Residential was placed on the property. Conditions of Approval - Use Permit No. 85-13 1. The site plan, floor plan ana elevations receivea and dated -March 11, 1985 shall be the approved layout subject to any revisions described herein. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits the applicant shall work with staff to revise the parking layout which reflects the use of compact parking. (2134d) -5- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85 3. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall file a parcel map with the Board of Zoning Adjustments, which shall be recorded prior to final inspection on the last unit. 4. Natural gas and 220V electrical shall be stubbed in at the location of clothes dryers. This requirement may be waived provided that the applicant will install a more energy -efficient alternative subject to review and approval of the Department of Development Services. 5. Natural gas shall be stubbea in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. This requirement may be waived provided that the applicant will install a more energy -efficient alternative subject to review and approval of the Department of Development Services. 6. Low volume heads shall be used in all showers. 7. All building spoils, such as unused lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable materials, shall be disposed of at an off site facility equipped to handle them. 8. Energy efficient lighting, such as high pressure sodium vapor lamps, shall be used in parking lots to prevent spillage onto adjacent areas and for energy conservation. 9. All structures on the subject property, whether attached or detached, shall be constructed in compliance with the State acoustical standards set forth for units that lie within the 60 CNEL contours of the property. Evidence of compliance shall consist of submittal of an acoustical analysis report prepared under the supervision of a person experienced in the field of acoustical engineering, with the application for a building permit. 10. An engineering geologist shall be engaged to submit a report indicating the ground surface acceleration from earth movement for the subject property. All structures within this development shall be constructed in compliance with the g-factor as indicated by the geologist's report. Calculations for footings and structural members to withstand anticipated g-factors shall be submitted to the City for review prior to issuance of building permits. 11. A chemical analysis, as well as physical properties of the soil on subject property, shall be submitted to the City for review prior to the issuance of building permits. 12. A fire alarm system, approved by the Fire Department, shall be installed throughout as per NFPA standards. 13. An automatic sprinkler system, approved by the Fire Department, shall be installed throughout as per NFPA standards and City specifications. (21346) -6- P.C. Minutes 4/2/65 14. A standpipe system approved by the Fire Department shall be installed as per Huntington Beach Fire Code and NFPA standards. 15. A pedestrian access gate, minimum 6 foot width for Fire .Department use, shall be provided from Warner Avenue to gain access to the east side of Building 2, the recreation center, and the west side of Building 1. 16. Hydrants must be installed onsite to provide a hydrant within 150 feet from any part of the perimeter of any building. 17. Prior to any combustible construction all roadways, water supply systems, and fire hydrants shall be installed and operable. 18. All perimeter block walls shall be on private property. 19. Heavy screen planting, specifically trees, shall be required along northerly property line of the development. 20. All onsite sewer and storm drain facilities shall be private and constructed per Public Works standards. 21. All onsite accessways shall be private and constructed per Public Works standards. 22. No on street parking will be permitted on the north side of Warner Avenue. 23. The developer shall provide and install any traffic control devices as required by Public Works. 24. All public improvements shall be completed per approved plans. These plans shall be reviewed by the City's engineering staff and revised to current City standards by the developer's engineer. 26. The applicant shall draft a development agreement which addressed the following. Mechanism for monitoring of affordable units Set aside 20 units.for families of low income (less than 80 percent of Orange County median income) Set aside 10 units for families with income between 80-100-% of the county median income. _NOTE: 17.of the 30 affordable units are to satisfy off site affordable housing needs which are required for coastal development residential projects. This agreement shall be reviewed by the City Attorney's office as to form and content and approved by the Director of Development Services. (2134d) -7- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85 27. A common antenna television C.A.T.V. shall be providea for the apartment complex. The developer shall pursue a "bulk rate" package with cablesystems in order to provide Cable T.V. to residents that desire it. 28. Every floor served by elevators shall have access to, at least, one elevator car having a minimum inside car platform of 6' by 8" wide by 4' 3" deep with a minimum clear opening width of 420. C-6 & C-7 SPECIAL SIGN PERMIT NO. 85-2 and 85-3 Applicant: Orange Coast Sign Company Special Sign Permit No. 85-2 is a request to permit the installation of a 64 square foot, 15-foot high double face subdivision directional sign in an R5 zoning district. The proposed sign is to be located north of Warner Avenue approximately 450 feet east of Bolsa Chica Street. The applicant has initiated a special sign permit because the proposal does not comply with the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, Article 976, Sign Code in the following area: 1. Section 9760.17.4 specifies that all signs shall set back two hundred (200) feet from any developed property other than that property which contains the dwellings which are a part of a model home and sales complex for which the sign is intended. The applicant is requesting that the proposed sign be located within 25 feet of developed property. Special Sign Permit No. 85-3 is a request to install a 64 square foot, 15 foot high double faced subdivision directional sign in an R2 zoning district within 200 feet of developed property. The sign is proposed to be located on the east side of Warner Avenue approximately 200 feet south of the intersection of Sandra Lee Street and Warner Avenue. The applicant has initiated a special sign permit because the proposal does not comply with the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code, Article 976 in the following area: 1. Section 9760.17.4(b) specifies that "such signs are not permittea on any property zoned residential, except on -site. The applicant is requesting that the proposed sign be located on property zoned R2, Medium Density Residential. 2. Section 9760.17.4(c) specifies that "all signs shall be set back 200 feet from any developed property other than that property which contains the dwellings which are a part of a model home and sales complex for which the sign is intended." The applicant is requesting the proposed sign be locatea within 20 feet of developed property. (2134d) -b- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85 THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED Scott Kimball, representative for Orange Coast Sign Company, stated that he concurred with all the findings and conditions presented by the Planning Staff. There were no other persons present to speak for or against the proposal, and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Porter stated that he did not agree with the condition regarding indirect lighting of the sign. Scott Kimball stated that they would be willing to go unlighted. Chairman Livengood questioned staff if the sign could only stand for a minimum of one year. Mike Adams of staff stated that this was correct. ON MOTION BY MIRJAHANGIR AND SECOND BY ROWE SPECIAL SIGN PERMIT NO. 85-2 AND 85-3 WAS APPROVED WITH FINDINGS AND AMENDED CONDITIONS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Rowe, Winchell, Schumacher, Livengood, Erskine, Porter, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None C-8 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 85-6 & NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 85-6 Applicant: Timothy Woodson Conditional Use Permit No. 85-6 is a request to establish a wholesale nursery pursuant to Sec. 9331.i of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code on a 3 acre vacant site owned by Southern California Edison. The subject property is approximately 680 feet north of Adams Avenue adjacent to the west side of the Santa Ana River and within and R1, Single Family Residential district. Commissioner Winchell stated that since on -site movement of nusery stock would be electric carts, she felt this should be stated in the conditions. Mike adams of staff stated that staff could made this change. Commissioner Schumacher questioned why portable and permanent office and storage buildings had to be located within fifty feet from the east property line. Mike Adams stated that this actually means the structures must be located within the first 50 feet away from residential properties. Commissioner Winchell asked staff what the width of the property. Mike Adams stated 180 feet. Commissioner Mirjahangir asked staff what the recommended hours of operation were. Mike Adams stated that the project's hours would be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. He stated that condition no..,7 covered -this -question. Commissioner Winchell stated that she could not tell what the shade house looked like and she felt staff should be more descriptive. Mike Adams statea that he could add "based on the approval of the Planning Director" to the condition. Mike Adams stated that he would like to add a condition on the direction of Tom Poe, Fire Department. (2134d) -9- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85 There were no persons present to speak for or against the proposal, and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Erskine asked staff if the people on Oronsay had been notified. Mike Adams stated yes. Commissioner Winchell asked staff how many trucks per day were going to be passing on this street. Staff did not have this information. Commissioner Mirjahangir asked staff if there were any on -site parking for the employees. Mike Adams stated approximately two which would easily accommodate this project. ON MOTION BY ERSKINE AND SECOND BY SChUMAChLR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 85-6 AND NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 85-6 WAS APPROVED WITH FINDINGS AND AMENDED CONDITIONS BY ThE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Rowe, Winchell, Schumacher, Livengood, Erskine, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: Porter out of the room ABSTAIN: None Findings for Approval: 1. The proposed nursery is compatible with existing uses in the vicinity because it is small scale and for wholesale purposes only. 2. The conditions of approval will assure that the proposed nursery will not have a detrimental effect upon the general health, welfare, safety and convenience of persons residing in the neighborhood, nor be detrimental to the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. 3. The proposed nursery is consistent with the goals and objectives of the General Plan. 4. Access to and parking for the proposed use will not create undue traffic problems because the use is wholesale and not open to the public. Conditions of Approval: 1. The conceptual site plan dated February 1, 1985, shall be amended to include the following: * Employee parking area adjacent to the south boundary of the project * Truck loading and unloading area, to be kept 185 feet from residential, adjacent to the south boundary of the project. 2. The shade house shall be setback greater than 20 feet from the westerly block wall, shall not exceed 15 feet in height and open on all sides. The design of the structure shall be subject to the review of the Director of Development Services. (2134d) -lU- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85 3. The site and access road shall be maintained with gravel ground cover or other suitable material to control dirt and dust. Asphalt paving transition from driveway apron shall be to the satisfaction and specifications of the Public Works Department. 4. All soil amendments or planting mix material shall be kept damp as to not blow onto adjacent properties. All such material shall not be stackea over a height of six (6) feet and shall not be stored within 20 feet of the westerly or northerly property lines. 5. The taller and larger plant materials shall not be stored within twenty (20) feet of the residential properties to the west. Lower growing trees and shrubs only shall be permitted within 20 feet of these residential properties, shall be no higher than one (1) foot lower than the top of existing block wall. 6. Chemical spraying of plant materials is prohibited. Plant watering shall be done in such a manner to prevent water from flowing into the residential area. 7. There shall be no activity, nor deliveries, including maintenance, between the hours of 8:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. on weekdays, excluding holidays. On weekends or holidays, there shall be no activity whatsoever other than general maintenance. 8. No retail activity or sales to the public shall take place on the property. 9. All vehicles operating within the nursery shall not exceea speeds of ten (10) miles per hour. All stock movement on site shall be via electric carts. 10. Outside phone alarms, intercoms, and loudspeakers are prohibited. 12. Any yard lighting proposed shall be directed away from adjacent residential properties. 13. Any proposed signing shall conform to Article 976 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 14. Proposed portable and permanent office and storage buildings (including storage bins) shall be located within fifty (50) feet from the east property line, and subject to review and approval by the Director of Development Services. 0 (2134d) -11- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85 15. All chemicals used or stored at the subject site shall be approved by the Orange County Agricultural Department, as required by law. 16. The applicant shall submit a grading plan to the Department of Public Works for review, approval, and issuance prior to any grading operation or change of drainage. 17. Proof of access rights on the County Sanitation District road shall be submitted to the Department of Development Services within 60 days. 18. This Conditional Use Permit is subject to annual review. Any violation of the conditions of this report or applicable zoning laws may be cause for revocation of this Conditional Use Permit. 19. Complex will comply with all applicable regulations of the Huntington Beach Fire Department. C-9 ZONE CHANGE NO. 85-4 Applicant: Gerald Sy Golob Zone change No. 85-4 is a request to permit the addition of a pet store ana related sales (Pet store specialty retail) to the list of permitted uses within the (Q) C-4 Highway Commercial District located at the southwest corner of Warner Avenue ana "A" Street. The existing (Q) C4 zoning presently allows all uses within Section 9741.3, Professional Services and Offices (except medical, dental and retail) and a fisherman's supply center. The subject property is also restricted with a 110 foot building setback from the sectional district line and a maximum building size of 3,000 square feet. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED Gerald Sy Golob, applicant, statea that he concurred with findings recommend by staff. There were no other persons present to speak for or against the proposal, and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Winchell expressea concern about the zone change being compatible with adjacent units. Commissioner Winchell also requested a list of permitted uses within the (Q) C-4 highway Commercial District. ON MOTION BY SChUMAChER AND SECOND BY PORTER ZONE CHANGE NO. 85-4 WAS APPROVED WITH FINDINGS BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Rowe, Schumacher, Livengood, Erskine, Porter, Mir3ahangir NOES: Winchell ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None (21346) -12- P.C. Minutes 4/2/65 Findings For Approval: 1. An expansion of the permitted uses within the existing (�) C4, highway commercial district to include a "Pet Store Specialty Retail" is consistent with the General Plan Land Use designation which is General Commercial., 2. A pet store specialty retail use is compatible with surrounding land uses based on the applicant's traffic study and if appropriately conditioned by the BZA to mitigate noise, odors and outside activities. C-10 CODE AMENDMENT NO. 85-9 AMENDING CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION Applicant: The City of Huntington Beach The California Coastal Commission is authorized to exclude certain categories of development from coastal development permit requirements. The City currently has an approved categorical exclusion for single family residences on existing lots. This exclusion will expire upon certification of the Local Coastal Program. The City submitted a new request to the Commission for categorical exclusions which would become effective upon certification. The exclusions would allow certain developments which are ministerial or are allowed by right in specified districts to be constructed without obtaining a coastal development permit. Such developments would still have to comply with all other requirements of the base zoning district and the CZ district. There were no persons present to speak for or against the proposal and the public hearing was closea. ON MOTION BY ERSKINE AND SECOND BY MIRJAHANGIR CODE AMENDMENT NO. 85-9 AMENDING CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION SECTIONS 989.5.3.23 THROUGH 9895.5.3.15 OF THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE WAS APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Rowe, Winchell, Schumacher, Livengood, Erskine, Porter, Mirjahangir NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None C-11 CODE AMENDMENT NO. 84-21 Applicant: City of Huntington Beach At the public hearing meeting of March 5, 1985, the Planning Commission had concerns about allowing service stations at the intersection of any arterial highway. In order to address the Commission's concerns with regard to secondary arterials, staff recommends that the Code Amendment be modified to permit service stations located at the intersection of secondary highways subject to a Conditional Use Permit. (2134d) -13- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85 Staff has recently received other inquiries from major oil companies for expansions and improvements on existing sites. In response to these requests staff is proposing to rewrite Article 948 (Service Station Standard) to delete the requirement of the addition of the --SS suffix for new construction. The proposed rewrite would require all service stations - full serve, self -serve and in combination with convenience market - to obtain a Conaitional Use Permit. There were no persons present to speak for or against the proposal, and the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Porter stated that in his opinion, the city had enough commercial sites for service stations. He stated that he disagreed with staff's recommendation. Commissioner Winchell asked staff iF service stations were only permitted in areas with commercial already behind them. Mike Adams stated that this was correct. He stated that three corners have to be commercial along with a conditional use permit. Commissioner Winchell stated that she would like this to remain the same way. ON MOTION BY WINCHELL AND SECOND BY SCHUMACHER CODE AMENDMENT NO. 84-2 ARTICLE 948 - SERVICE STATION STANDARDS WAS APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Rowe, Winchell, Mirjahangir NOES: Porter ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Schumacher, Livengood, Erskine, ITEMS NOT FOR PUBLIC HEARING D. Items not for Public Hearing D-1 Site Plan Review No. 85-4 ON MOTION BY LIVENGOOD AND SECOND BY ERSKINE SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 85-4 WAS APPROVED (7 AYES 0 NOES) E. Discussion Items CHAIRMAN LIVENGOOD QUESTIONED STAFF AS TO WHEN THE MASSAGE PARLOR ISSUE WOULD BE COMING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION. MIKE ADAMS OF STAFF STATED IN THE SECOND MEETING OF APRIL. CHAIRMAN LIVENGOOD STATED THAT THE TELEVISION CREW REQUESTED TO TELEVISE ONLY ITEMS UP TO 'D', WHICH THE COMMISSION AND STAFF CONCURRED. F. Pending Items: (2134d) -14- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85 F-1 Old World Oktoberfest COMMISSION AND STAFF REVIEWED OKTOBERFEST, COMMISSION ASKED STAFF IF MORE GROUND SECURITY WAS NEEDED TO WHICH MICHAEL STRANGE OF STAFF STATED NO, BUT HE DID SAY THAT MORE OUTSIDE PATROLS WOULD BE NECESSARY. BERN BISCHOF ADDRESSED ThE COMMISSION AND CONCURRED WITH ThEIR FINDINGS. ON MOTION BY LIVENGOOD AND SECOND BY WINCHELL MINUTE ACTION WAS TAKEN TO UPHOLD CONDITIONS PROPOSED SEPTEMBER %, 1983 OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 83-20 (OKTOBERFEST) AT THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S ANNUAL REVIEW BY ThE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Rowe, Winchell Livengood, Porter NOES: None ABSENT: Schumacher, Erskine, Mirjahangir out of the room ABSTAIN: None F-2 Pending Items List CONTINUED TO APRIL 2, 1985 G. Planning Commission Items: G-1 Advisory Committee for Revision of Open Space and Conservation Elements ThIS WAS DISMISSED FROM ThE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DUE TO THE FACT THAT IT HAD ALREADY BEEN ARRANGED H Development Services Items: NONE I. Adjournment: es THE COMMISSION ADJOURNED AT 11:32 P.M. TO ThE NEXT' REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ON APRIL 2, 1985. . Palin, Secretary Tom L v f ngoo , Chafirman I (2134d) -15- P.C. Minutes 4/2/85