HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-13MINUTES Room B-8, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Friday, December 13, 1985 Mayor Mandic called the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 4:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Kelly'; MacAllister, Bailey, Mandic, Finley, Green, Thomas Absent: None The City Clerk was directed to read the Call for Special Meeting. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL Bob Mandic, Mayor Ruth Finley, Mayor Pro Tem Jack ]telly, Councilman Don MacAllister, Councilman Ruth Bailey, Councilwoman Peter Green, Councilman John Thomas, Councilman You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, Calif ornia, is called for and will be held in Room B--8 of the Civic Center, at the hour of 4:30 P.M. on Friday, December 13, 1985, for the purpose of interviewing candidates for placement on the Public Facilities Corporation. Dated: December 11, 1985 ATTEST: ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, CITY CLERK /s/ Alicia M. Wentworth City Clerk /s/ Robert P. Mandic Mayor I hereby certify that I received the above notice, "Call for Special Meeting of the City Council", prior to 4:30 P.M., on Thursday, December 12, 1985. /s/ Robert P. Mandic I I rA Page 2 -- Council Minutes - 12/13/85 PFC BOARD APPOINTMENTS - INTERVIEWS CONDUCTED - WIGHT/FAKER -. R.ESOLUTION TO TO VR1ZPklzr ] Don Kiser, Secretary to the Public Facilities Corporation .(PFC), reviewed the duties and responsibilities of Public Facility Corporation board members. In response to questions by Council, Mr. Riser stated that Council had no con- trol over PFC funds. He stated there was approximately $4,500,000 in PFC funds. He stated that the PFC board had acted to hold two years in reserve and that they were actually required and must hold one year in reserve. Discussion was held regarding methods whereby a portion of the ,PFC funds could be returned to the city. Councilman MacAllister pointed out the need for new elevators in the Civic Center. Discussion was held between Council and Deputy City Attorney DeLaLoza regard- ing the legality of Mr. Wamoff retaining his position on the board. In response to questions by Council, Mr. Kiser stated that board members Stephen Wight, Lorraine Faber and Susan Newman would retain their seats on the PFC board unless Council adopted a resolution of disapproval within thirty days following their appointment. Discussion was held regarding the method of advertising for the vacant posi- tions. Council interviewed Stephen W. Wight. Council interviewed Lorraine Faber. Mayor Mandic informed Council that a letter, with references, had been received from Susan Newman. Don Kiser informed Council regarding procedures followed when decisions were made by PFC board members in the past on requests from Council for funding of various projects.. Mayor Mandic requested a report from staff regarding the balance in the vari- ous PFC accounts and how much control the PFC has over those funds. In response to questions from Council Mr. DeLaLoza stated that a City Attorney Opinion, written two or three months ago, stated that when the new board mem- bers were elected the other positions on the board were eliminated. He stated that past board member Knowland had resigned his position when the three new board members were elected. Councilwoman Finley suggested that when Council accepts or rejects the new board members that Mr. Wamoff be rejected. Mr. DeLaLoza stated that, with a consensus of Council, Council could make recommendations to the PFC. Mayor Mandic directed staff to prepare a resolution of disapproval of PFC board members leaving the space for names blank; the resolution to be prepared for the December 16, 1985 Council meeting at which time Council will consider the approval or disapproval of PFC board members. i. -it (`. CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 2000 MAIN STREET OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL Robert P. Mandic, Mayor Ruth Finley, Mayor Pro Tem Ruth Bailey, Councilwoman Peter Green, Councilman Jack Kelly, Councilman Don MacAllister, Councilman John Thomas, Councilman CALIFORNIA 92648 You are hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California, is called for and will be held in Room B-8 of the Civic Center, at the hour of 4:31 P.M., on Friday, December 13, 1985, for the purpose of interviewing candidates for placement on the Public Facilities Corporation. Dated: December 11, 1985 ATTEST: r - &-!� 4. - - Mayor ALICIA M. WENTWORTH, CITY CLERK City Clerk I hereby certify that I received the above notice, "Call for Special Meeting of the City Council," prior to 4:30 P.M., on Thursday, December 12, 1985 Mayor ! ' . 'I (Telephone: 714-538-5227) '