HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-12L Room B-8, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, May 12, 1986 Mayor Mandic called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council/Rede- velopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:00 P.M. The Mayor stated that the ,City Council would meet as the Redevelopment Agency later in the evening for the purpose of hearing presentations relative to the Main -Pier Redevelopment Project Area. The Mayor stated that the City Council would now meet jointly with the Plan- ning Commission to review the proposed sign code. ROLL CALL - CITY COUNCIL Present: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green Absent: Thomas ROLL CALL - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Present: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green Absent: Thomas ROLL CALL - PLANNING COMMISSION Present: Rowe, Livengood, Mirjahangir, Schumacher, Winchell Absent: Erskine$ Porter RECESS - REDEV=PMIW AGENCY The Mayor called a recess of the Redevelopment Agency and stated that the Agency would be reconvened later in the meeting. STUDY SESSION - PROPOSED SIGN CODE - CODE A14NDMENT No 84-11 The following material had been provided to the Councilmembers and Planning Commissioners: 1 Communication from Development Services Department to City Council and Planning Commission dated 5/12/86 - Subject : Study Session - Code Amendment 84-1.1 - Signs and a Sign Matrix comparing the standards of seven cities surrounding the City of Huntington Beach. 2. Attachments: (1) Sign Code adopted by Planning Commission (2) Existing Sign Code, reorganised in form of draft code l Page 2 - Council Minutes - 5/12/86 3. Article 976, existing sign code as it now appears in Division 9 - Planning Code. 4. Visual Communication Research, discussing sign sizes, readibility. 5. Article Excerpt, "Image Planning and Design" written by Visual Design Marketing Consultant. 6. Memo dated April 30, 1986, from Raymond C. Picard, Fire Chief, Re: Sign Code. 7. ICKA report excerpt, "Sign ordinances". The Development Services Director report on the sign tour on which representa- tives of the City Council, Chamber of Commerce and Huntington Beach Sign Com- pany attended. The Development Services Director reported on the progress of the proposed sign code amendment. Jeff Abramowitz, Assistant Planner, reviewed the proposed sign code. He reviewed the communication dated May 12, 1986, which included two changes - A and B relative to height of monument signs and allowable signs for sites with over 400 feet of frontage; said changes being a result of the concerns of the Chamber of Commerce. A slide presentation was presented by staff of various signs in the City and other cities which illustrated different types of signs and how they would or would not relate to the proposed code. Discussion was held between Council, staff and Planning Commissioners during and following the slide presentation. The discussion included automobile deal- ership businesses, sign criteria for Beach Boulevard and prohibited uses. Joyce Riddell, Executive Vice -President, Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Council and Planning Commissioners regarding the Chamber's con- cerns regarding certain wording of the ordinance (minimum requirements), illumination of tenant directories and the need for more flexibility on the number of items on monument signs and identification signs. Discussion was held regarding promotional banners displayed by auto dealer- ships. Staff was directed to consult with dealers as to the length of their promotional time frames and present this information to the Planning Commis- sion for review and to Council on June 2, 1986. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to direct staff to report back on the following discussion items: 1. Maximum number of items on monument and pole signs. 2. Illumination of tenant directories. 3. Addition of wording "minimum" in S.9610.6 related to planned sign pro- gram criteria. . 4. The issue.of searchlights and other attention -getting devices. Page 3 - Council Minutes - 5/12/86 5. Allowing automobile agencies banners and temporary 'signs for a longer period of time than 30 days. A poll of the automobile' agenciee regarding the typical time -frames for their promotions. 6. Provide Council with a marked -up copy of the existing SignCade; cross-referenced with section numbers from the draft code. The motion carried by unanimous vote: Park_ lag of vechicles Displaying. Signs_` Report Requested Mayor Mandic requested that staff present recommendations regarding enforce- ment of time allowed for the parking of vehicles with signs. ADJOURNMENT - PLANNING COMMISSION The Chairman of the Planning Commission declared the Planning Commission adjourned at 8:.35 P.M. RECONVINE RDEVELOPME T AGENCY Chairman Mandic reconvened the adjourned regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency at 8:50 P.M. R PHASE I REDEVELOPMENT PROJECtr' - REPORT - SCHEMATICS OF PIER SIDE DEVELOPMENT APPROVED IN CONCEPT - CONCEPTUAL DIAGRAM OF HOTEL APPROVED The Deputy City Administrator/Redevelopment stated that presentations would be made on Main -Pier, Phase I and Phase II, and that Council had been provided with communications from the City Administrator dated May 9, 1986 and May 12, 1986, respectively - Main -Pier Redevelopment Project Area, Phases I & II. Mr. John Cahill, Design Marketing, and Mr. Charles Kausen, Project Architect, representatives of Pier Side Development, presented an overview of the Pier Side Development Plan, using schematics and:drawings.to illustrate. Mr. Ron James, Parking Consultant, Bryant L. Morris Development, addressed Council regarding parking provisions for the Pier Side Village and discussion was held. A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Kelly, to conceptually approve the schematics of the Pier Side Development as presented to ,Council... Motion car- . ried unanimously. Bob Smith, architect, representing Peter Leadrum, & Associates, presented a status report on the hotel Project. Using schematics, he reveiwed plans for the hotel including parking.provisions, pedestrian. overpasses, types of rooms and adjacent commercial areas. A motion was made by Mandic, seconded by MacAllister to 'approve the conceptual diagram of the hotel and related developments on the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway as presented. The motion carried unanimously: 1 r.� Page 4 - Council Minutes - 5/12/86 Absence_ From Council NeetLng Approved r A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Msndic to approve the absence of Councilman MacAllister from the May 19, 1986 Council. meeting. Motion carried unanimously: RECESS - RECONVENE - CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mayor/Chairman Mandic called a recess of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency at 10.00 P.M. The meetings were reconvened at 10:03 P.M. MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMEW PROJECT AJUA - STATUS REPORT Doug LaBelle, Deputy City Administrator/Redevelopment, presented an up -date on Main -Pier Redevelopment Project Area - Phase II including the status of the negotiations to date. He stated that a proposal had been developed with the Main -Pier Property Owners. He reviewed a list of items that will be presented to Council in the near future. COUSTSAU FACILITY Mike Adams, Principal Redevelopment Planner, informed Council that they had been provided with copies of the Preliminary Economic and Financial Considera- tions Study for a Cousteau Facility. Discussion was held between the Council and staff. The need to explore the various financing options were discussed as well as identifying precise development locations. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Bailey, to direct staff to nego- tiate with'the Cousteau Society on the following items: (1) Exclustivity for a Southern California facility (2) The financial option (3) The facility size and combination of activities (4) The type exhibits the facility will display The motion carried unanimously. HISTORIC RESOURCES SLI�VEY Mike Adams, Principal Redevelopment Planner, reported on the Historic Resources Survey and distributed a communication from the City Administrator dated May 12, 1986, transmitting the Historic Survey of Downtown Buildings - City of Huntington Beach. The City Administrator reported on the matter. Discussion was held regarding the demolishment of the Golden Bear and the City's request to preserve the facade. Absence Froa CouwAl fleeting Councilman MacAllister. requested and was granted permission to be absent from. the May 19, 1986 Council meeting. Page 5 - .Council Minutes - 5/12/86 LUE AMENDMENT 85-1 - RE WM FROM TABLE - HOLLY PROPERTY - ELLIS/GOLDENWEST A motion was made by Bailey, seconded by MacAllister, to remove Land Use Ele- ment Amendment No. 85-1 from the table; Land Use Element Amendment No. 85-1 is a request by the Huntington Beach Company to change the land use designation on 126 acres from General Industrial, Office Professional and Real Estate Res- idential to Planned Community. The study area is known as the Holly Property and is located between Ellis Avenue, the Southern Pacific Right -of -Way, Gar- field Avenue Crystal Street, Ernest Avenue and Goldenwest Street. The motion carried unanimously. AMENDMENT NO 85-1 - HOLLY PROPERTY - TO RETURN TO COUNCIL 6/2/86 Discussion was held by Council regarding `the need to give direction to the Ellis-Goldenwest Plan Ad Hoc Committee. On motion by MacAllister, second Bailey, Council directed that staff bring the Holly Property question - Land Use Element Amendment No. 85-1 back to the whole Council, as a separate item, by June 2, 1986. Councilwoman Finley gave reasons why she opposed the motion. Councilman Kelly stated that he did not believe the Ellis-Goldenwest Plan Ad Hoc Committee should have been formed as there was a public hearing process to reach a solu- tion. He stated that the recommendations of the committee should be accepted for consideration by the Council at which time the committee's mandate would be over. ADJOURNMENT - COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Mayor/Chairman adjourned adjourned regular meeting of ton Beach .to Monday, May 19, ATTEST: the regular meeting of the City Council and the the Redevelopment Agency of the City of H«nting- 1986 at 6:00 P.M. in Room B-8. Civic Center Alicia M. Wentworth City C er Cler BY Deputy City er Clerk m"�d . Alicia M. Wentworth Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California BY Deputy CityClerk/ C1 k Mayor Chairman