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Council Chamber, Civic Center
Huntington Beach, California
Saturday, May 31, 1986
Mayor Mandic called the adjourned Regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach to order at 9:00 A.M.
Present: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green
Absent: Thomas
The Mayor announced that the primary purpose of the meeting was the 1986-87
budget analysis.
The City Administrator reported on the proposed 1986-87 Municipal budget. He
reported on Revenue Projects, Anticipated General Fund Balance, Proposition
51, the effects to date of Gramm-Rudman Act, Capital Outlay, Labor Standards
Act. He reported on the work of the Productivity Team and the Police Depart-
ment budget.
Slide Presentation - Chief of Administrative Services
The Chief of Administrative Services made a slide presentation referring to
charts relative to the General Fund, Budget Surplus Deficit, Estimated Revenue
By Fund, Recommended Appropriations from the various funds, General Fund Reve-
nue by category, Property and Sales Tax Revenue, General Fund by Department,
General Fund - Breakdown of Major Spending Categories, Budgetary Increases
General Fund, Full Time Employees - 1976-87, Permanent Employees - Breakdown
by departments - Self Insurance Fund, General Fund (Fund Balance as it com-
pates to total budget and Redevelopment Tax Increment Revenue.
A preview was made of the budget highlights portion of the Budget Study Sea-
sion materials which had been distributed. Discussion was held between Coun-
cil and the Chief of Administrative Services regarding fee increases. Dan
Villella, Director of Finance, reviewed the Civic Promotions program. Discus-
sioa was heldregarding the Sister City Program and staff was requested to
prepare a report to include costs and benefits of the program. The feasibil-
ity of Weihai, China as a third sister city was discussed.
Discussion was held regarding the position of City Treasurer and Council
requested a report from staff regarding alternative ways to fill the position
when a vacancy occurs. The proposed budgets of the City Attorney's Office,
the City Clerk's Office and Administrative Services were reviewed. Discussion
was held regarding the various programs of the Community Services Department.
The Development Services Director reported on the training program for build•
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in& inspectors of the (ICBO) International Conference of Building Officials.
The effect of Redevelopment activity on the Development Services Department
was discussed as well as the time frame for processing building permits. The
proposed Fire Department budget was reviewed including the expansion of the
Hazardous Material Program. The contractual services for the implementation
of the CAL -ID fingerprint system program of the Police Department was discus-
sed. The addition of additional Police Department personnel was also
reviewed. The street widening projects of the Public Works Department were
discussed, as well as Beach Boulevard Super Street Project.
of Proposed Funded Capital Improvements & Proposed Unfunded Capital
The data submitted in the Summary of Proposed Funded Capital Improvements and
the Proposed Unfunded Capital Improvements was reviewed by Council and staff.
Recess - Reconvene
The City Council recessed at 12.12 P.M. for lunch. The meeting was reconvened
at 12:43 P.M.
The City Administrator informed Council that they had been provided with a
report (CA 86-44) from his office dated May 30, 1986 entitled City Goals
Objectives, and Priorities. He presented a review of how the report had been
developed for prioritization by Council.
The Council and staff reviewed the items to be prioritized such as Redevelop-
ment Agency Project Areas, Transportation System Improvements, Bridge Con-
struction, Park System Improvements, Huntington Beach Playhouse Site, Public
Works Warehouse, Flood Control Program, Huntington Harbour Dredging, Seabridge
Marina, A®can Dump Site Program, Equestrian Estates, Bolsa Chica Annexation,
Industrial Council, Housing, Property Maintenance Code Development Enforcement
Program, Operations Improvements, Surplus City Property.
Extensive discussion was held between Council and staff regarding the items
submitted for prioritization.
Council requested that staff investigate alternative sites for the Cousteau
Society facility. It was determined that the priority designation would be to
find a feasible draw for the downtown area, such as the Cousteau Society
Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding the feasibility of
designating Weihai, China as a Sister City. Potential problems such as
finances and the additional staff time which would be needed were discussed.
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A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to accept Weihai, China
as a Sister City failed by the following roll call vote:
AXES: MacAllister, Green
NOES: Kelly, Finley, Mandic, Bailey
ABSENT: Thomas
Mayor Mandic adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of
the City of Huntington Beach.
Alicia M. Wentworth
City Clerk
BY 7
Deputy City Clerk
Alicia M. Wentworth
City Clerk and a r-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California
Deputy City e