HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-02MINUTES HUNTINGTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENTS Room B-6 - Civic Center 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, California WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1986 - 1:30 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Cranmer, Evans, Godfrey, Smith, Vincent STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Franklin MINUTES: UPON MOTION BY EVANS AND SECOND BY SMITH, MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 11, 1986, WERE APPROVED AS TRANSCRIBED, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Evans, Godfrey, Smith NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Cranmer, Vincent UPON MOTION BY EVANS AND SECOND BY SMITH, MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 18, 1986, WERE APPROVED AS TRANSCRIBED, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Evans, Godfrey, Smith_, Vincent NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Cranmer REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: USE PERMIT NO. 85-29 (Cont. from 6/4/86) Applicant: Pacific Coast Corporation A request to permit an 113,000 Square Foot mini -storage facility. Subject property is located on the North side of Center Street just East of Gothard Street and adjacent to SPPR right-of-way. This request is covered by Negative Declaration No. 85-15. Staff member, Robert Franklin, said the applicant had presented a letter requesting a thirty (30) day continuance and had waived the mandatory processing time. Acting Chairman Jim Vincent reopened the Public Hearing. There was no one present wishing to speak for or against the project so the Public Hearing remained open. Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 2 UPON MOTION BY GODFREY AND SECOND BY EVANS, USE PERMIT NO. 85-29 WAS CONTINUED, AT THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST, TO THE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 61 1986, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Cranmer, Evans, Godfrey, Smith, Vincent NOES: None ABSENT: None COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 86-11 USE PERMIT NO. 86-43 Applicant: County Sanitation Districts of Orange County CDP REQUEST: To permit $50,000 of on -site improvements. UP REQUEST: To permit the extension of an existing surge tower from sixty-nine feet (691) to eighty-eight feet (881). Subject property is located at 22212 Brookhurst Street (one hundred feet (1001) Northeast of Pacific Coast Highway on Brookhurst Street). This request is covered by Categorical Exemption, Class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1984. Staff reported the request is to extend a waste surge tower which will entail spending more than $50,000.00 improvements, on and the Coastal Commission requires a Coastal Development Permit for this type of expenditure. The Use Permit is for extending the maximum height allowed in the Zone which is forty feet (401). This request covers the sewage treatment plant at Brookhurst Street just North of Pacific Coast Highway. The District plans additional landscaping along on both streets, and Staff recommends approval of the project with conditions. Glen Godfrey asked if the original buildings had been built under the jurisdiction of the California Coastal Commission. Staff replied the action being followed in today's hearing had been approved by Jeanine Frank of Planning. The Public Hearing was opened and Tom Dawes was present to represent the applicant. Mr. Dawes presented sketches of the proposed structure and landscaping and described the general processing capabilities of the plant. Mr. Dawes explained, upon questioning by Daryl Smith, that the landscaping should be completed by next Spring. There was no one else present wishing to speak so the Public Hearing was closed. UPON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY CRANMER, COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 86-11 AND USE PERMIT NO. 86-43 WERE APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: -2- 7/2/86 - BZA I Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 3 FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 86-11: 1. The proposed $50,000 improvements conforms with the plans, policies, requirements and standards of the Coastal Element of the General Plan. 2. The Coastal Development Permit is consistent with the CZ suffix zoning requirements, the M1-A Zoning District, as well as other provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code applicable to the property. 3. At the time of operation, the proposed $50,000 improvements can be provided with infrastructure in a manner that is consistent with the Coastal Element of the General Plan. 4. The proposed $50,000 improvements conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act. An eight foot (81) wide public walkway easement exists abutting the rear of the property that was dedicated at the time of Tract Map approval of the entire subdivision. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 86-11: 1. The site plan, floor plan, and elevations dated April 2, 2986 shall be the approved layout. 2. The addition shall comply with the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code and Building Code. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - USE PERMIT NO. 86-43: 1. The establishment, maintenance and operation of the proposed extension of the surge tower from 69 feet to 88 feet (19 feet) will not be detrimental to: a. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. 2. The granting of the use permit will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 3. The proposal is consistent with the City's General Plan of Land Use. 4. The granting of Use Permit No. 86-43 will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, or injurious to property in the same zone classifications. -3- 7/2/86 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 4 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - USE PERMIT NO. 86-43: 1. The site plan, floor plans, and elevations•received and dated April 2, 1986 shall be the approved layout. 2. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Ordinance Code, -Building -Division, and Fire Department. 3. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 4. If•foil-type insulation is to be -used, a fire retardant type shall be installed -as -approved by the•Building Division. 5. The Board of Zoning Adjustments reserves the right to revoke this Use Permit if any violation of these conditions of the Huntington�Beach Ordinance Code occurs. AYES: Cranmer, Evans, Godfrey, Smith, Vincent NOES: None ABSENT: None CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-42 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-43 CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO.'86-45 Applicant: S. Y. Kimball CE 86-42 REQUEST: A request to permit reduction of minimum twenty-five foot (251) open space dimension to twenty-one feet (211) for a proposed 3,873 Square Foot single family dwelling. Open space area meets minimum requirements. Subject property is located at 16132 Whitecap Lane (North side of Whitecap Lane -approximately two hundred seventy-five feet (2751) Southeast of Shorebreak Drive). CE 86-43 REQUEST: To permit the reduction of minimum twenty-five foot 25' open space dimension to twenty-two feet (221) and twenty-three feet (231) for a proposed 3,411 Square Foot single family dwelling. Subject property is located at 16112 Whitecap Lane (North side of Whitecap Lane approximately two hundred fifty feet (2501) Southeast of Shorebreak Drive).- - - CE 86-45 REQUEST: To permit the reduction minimum open space dimension to twenty-two 3,875 Square Foot single family dwelling. minimum requirements. Subject property is 4051 Shorebreak Drive (Northeast corner of Shorebreak Drive). of twenty-five foot (251) feet (221) for a proposed Open space area meets located at Santa Barbara Lane and ;l 1 L -4- 7/2/86 - BZA 17 Minutes, H. B. July 2, 1986 Page 5 These requests are covered by Categorical Exemption, Class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1984. Board of Zoning Adjustments Staff explained the applicant was requesting a reduction in the minimum open space dimension on proposed custom residences. The projects will meet the open space area but not in the proper configuration. Staff recommended approval of all three (3) requests with conditions. Chairman Vincent opened the Public Hearing and Scott Kimball was present. Mr. Kimball reiterated Staff's statements and explained the lots did not allow proper placement of the residences. There was no one else present wishing to speak so the Public Hearing was closed. There was a short discussion relative to the actual dimensions involved on each of the three (3) residences. UPON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY CRANMER, CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-42, CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-43, AND CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-45 WERE APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-42: 1. The establishment and maintenance of the reduction of minimum open space dimension from 25 feet to 21 feet will not be detrimental to: a. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. 2. The granting of the conditional exception will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 3. Granting the reduction of the open space minimum dimension of 25 feet will not reduce the required total open space area (1,200 Square Feet). 4. The granting of Conditional Exception No. 86-42 will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, or injurious to property in the same zone classifications. -5- 7/2/86 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 6 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-42:� 1. The site plan, floor plans, and elevations received and dated June 11, 1986, shall be the approved layout. 2. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Ordinance Code, Building,Division, and Fire Department. 3. Natural gas shall'be'stubbed.in-at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. 4. Low -volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 5. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 6. If foil -type insulation is to,be used,,a fire retardant type shall be installed as approved by the Building Division. - 7. The Board of Zoning Adjustments reserves the right to revoke this Conditional Exception if any violation of these conditions of the Huntington Beach'.Ordinance Code -occurs. 8. Prior to issuance of building permits, the property owner shall sign, notarize, and record with the County Recorder a "Letter of Agreement" assuring that the single family residence will be maintained,as one (1) dwelling unit. 9. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-43: 1. The establishment and maintenance of the reduction of minimum open space dimension from 25 feet to 22 feet and 23 feet will not be detrimental to: a. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. 2. The granting of the conditional exception will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 3. Granting the reduction of the open space minimum dimension of 25 feet will not reduce the required total open space area (1,200 Square Feet). -6- 7/2/86 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 7 4. The granting of Conditional Exception No. 86-43 will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, or injurious to property in the same zone classifications. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-43: 1. The site plan, floor plans, and elevations received and dated June 11, 1986, shall be the approved layout. 2. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Ordinance Code, Building Division, and Fire Department. 3. Natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. 4. Low -volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 5. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 6. If foil -type insulation is to be used, a fire retardant type shall be installed as approved by the Building Division. 7. The Board of Zoning Adjustments reserves the right to revoke this Conditional Exception if any violation of these conditions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code occurs. 8. Prior to issuance of building permits, the property owner shall sign, notarize, and record with the County Recorder a "Letter of Agreement" assuring that the single family residence will be maintained as one (1) dwelling unit. 9. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-45: 1. The establishment and maintenance reduction of minimum open space dimension from 25 feet to 22 feet will not be detrimental to: a. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. -7- 7/2/86 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 8 2. The granting of the conditional exception will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 3. Granting the reduction of the open space minimum dimension of 25 feet will not reduce the required total open space area (1,200 Square Feet). 4. The granting of Conditional Exception No. 86-45 will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, or injurious to property in the same zone classifications. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-45: 1. The site plan, floor plans, and elevations received and dated June 18, 1984, shall be the approved layout. 2. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Ordinance Code, Building Division, and Fire Department. 3. Natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters,'and central heating units. 4. Low -volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 5. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 6. If foil -type insulation is to be used, a fire retardant type shall be installed as approved by the Building Division. 7. The Board of Zoning Adjustments reserves the right to revoke this Conditional Exception if any violation of these conditions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code occurs. 8. Prior to issuance of building permits, the property owner shall sign, notarize, and record with the County Recorder a "Letter of Agreement" assuring that the single family residence will be maintained as one (1) dwelling unit. 9. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: Cranmer, Evans, Godfrey, Smith, Vincent NOES: None ABSENT: None -8- 7/2/86 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 9 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 86-38 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 86-182 NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 86-32 Applicant: Abel, Jarrard and Company AR REQUEST: A request to permit the construction of fifteen (15) freestanding industrial buildings. TPM REQUEST: A request to subdivide one (1) parcel into fifteen 15 parcels for construction of fifteen (15) industrial buildings. Subject property is located at 18451 Gothard Street (Northwest corner of Ellis Avenue and Gothard Street). This request is covered by Categorical Exemption, Class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1984. According to Staff, the proposal is for construction of fifteen (15) separate freestanding buildings for an automobile service operation center. The project has been presented to the Design Review Board and their recommendations have been incorporated into these plans. Staff has evaluated the Tentative Parcel Map and the Negative Declaration, which basically addresses the need to handle any type of waste material. Staff recommended approval with conditions. Jim Vincent broached the subject of dumping hazardous wastes and an extensive discussion ensued. The applicant's representative, Robert E. Jarrard, was present and explained he was a partner in the company which was developing the project. Mr. Jarrard explained he had discussed the project many times with different Staff members and had agreed to all conditions being imposed with the exception of the hazardous waste materials. Mr. Jarrard further explained they planned to use small disposal cans to be picked up by Rainbow Disposal and, in this way, could determine if anyone is dumping unauthorized material. He felt this would be a better arrangement than centralized underground storage. There was a discussion concerning realignment of Gothard Street and its effect on the project. Daryl Smith stated he had reviewed the project extensively and felt it was one of the finest automobile maintenance proposals he had encountered. UPON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY CRANMER, NEGATIVE DECLARATION N0. 86-32 WAS APPROVED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Cranmer, Evans, Godfrey, Smith, Vincent NOES: None ABSENT: None -9- 7/2/86 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 10 UPON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY EVANS, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 86-38 AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 86-182 WERE APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 86-38 1. The site plan, floor plans, and elevations received and dated June 19, 1986, shall be the approved layout. 2. All Design Review Board requirements shall be integrated into the elevations, site plan, and landscape plan. 3. Right turn only at the Gothard Entrance. 4. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit the following plans: a. Landscape and irrigation plan to the Department of Development Services and Public Works for review and approval. b. Rooftop Mechanical Equipment Plan. Said plan shall indicate screening of all rooftop mechanical equipment and shall delineate the type of material proposed to screen said equipment. 5. Landscaping shall comply with S. 9608 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 6. A planned sign program shall be approved for all signing within the industrial center pursuant to S. 9610.6 of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code. 7. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Ordinance Code, Building Division, and Fire Department. 8. Service roads and fire lanes, as determined by the Fire Department, shall be posted and marked. 9. Maximum separation between building wall and property line shall not exceed two inches (2"). 10. Driveway approaches shall be a minimum of twenty-seven feet (271) in width and shall be of radius type construction. 11. Three on -site fire hydrants shall be provided in number and at locations specified by the Fire Department. 12. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be approved and installed in two story buildings pursuant to Fire Department regulations. -10- 7/2/86 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 11 13. There shall be no outside storage of vehicles, vehicle parts, equipment or trailers. 14. All repair work shall be conducted wholly within the building. 15. The applicant shall obtain the necessary permits from the South Coast Air Quality Management District. 16. The applicant shall meet all applicable local, State, and Federal Fire Codes, Ordinances, and standards. 17. Development shall meet all local and State regulations regarding installation and operation of all underground storage tanks. 18. Fire access lanes shall be maintained. If fire lane violations occur and the services of the Fire Department are required, the applicant will be liable for expenses incurred. 19. Natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of water heaters and central heating units. 20. Low -volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 21. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 22. If lighting is included in the parking lot, high-pressure lamps shall be used for energy savings. All outside lighting shall be directed to prevent "spillage" onto adjacent properties. 23. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by a registered Soils Engineer. This analysis shall include on -site soil sampling and laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recommendations regarding grading, chemical -and fill properties, foundations, retaining walls, streets, and utilities. 24. If foil -type insulation is to be used, a fire retardant type shall be installed as approved by the Building Division. 25. The Board of Zoning Adjustments reserves the right to revoke this Administrative Review if any violation of these conditions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code occurs. 26. All applicable Public Works fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. 27. Auto body uses shall be prohibited. -11- 7/2/86 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 12 28. CC&R's shall be approved by the Department of Development Services and "approved as to form" by the City Attorney's office prior to issuance of building permits. 29. Gates to be installed per Fire Department Standard 403. 30. Roads named to comply with Fire Department Standard 409. 31. Ellis Avenue shall be designed from Gothard to Golden West for horizontal and vertical alignment. 32. A 12 inch water main required in Ellis Avenue. 33. Signal relocation required at Gothard and Ellis. 34. South side of Ellis Avenue roadway shall be constructed to accommodate a 12 foot lane to match proposed grades. 35. All required Department of Public Works improvements. FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 86-182: 1. The proposed subdivision of one parcel into 15 parcels for purposes of industrial use is in compliance with the size and shape of property necessary for that type of development. 2. The General Plan has set forth provisions for this type of land use as well as setting forth objectives for implementation of this type of use. 3. The property was previously studied for this intensity of land use at the time the land use designation for community business district allowing commercial buildings was placed on the subject property. 4. The size, depth, frontage, street width and other design and improvement features of the proposed subdivision are proposed to be constructed in compliance with standards plans and specifications on file with the City as well as in compliance with the State Map Act and supplemental City Subdivision Ordinance. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 86-182: 1. The Tentative Parcel Map received by the Department of Development Services on June 24, 1986, shall be the approved layout (with the amendments as noted thereon). -12- 7/2/86 - BZA 1 Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 13 2. A parcel map shall be filed with and approved by the Department of Public Works and recorded with the Orange County Recorder. 3. Gothard Street and Ellis Avenue shall be dedicated to City standards. 4. Water supply shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's water system at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed (if such systems exist within 200 feet of said parcel(s). 5. Sewage disposal shall be through the City of Huntington Beach's sewage system at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed (if such systems exist within 200 feet of said parcel(s). 6. All utilities shall be installed underground at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed. 7. Compliance with all applicable City Ordinances. 8. The property shall participate in the local drainage assessment district at the time said parcel(s) is/are developed. (Contact the Department of Public Works for additional information). 9. A copy of the recorded parcel map shall be filed with the Department of Development Services. 10. All vehicular access rights along Ellis Avenue and Gothard Street shall be dedicated to the City of Huntington Beach except at locations approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. 11. CC&R's shall be approved by the Department of Development Services and "approved as to form" by the CA's of Fire Department prior to the issuance of building permits. AYES: Cranmer, Evans, Godfrey, Smith, Vincent NOES: None ABSENT: None ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 86-40 Applicant: South County Motors A request to permit the display of flags and banners from July 1, 1986, to September 30, 1986 (three months) at South County Motors. Subject property is located at 18711 Beach Boulevard (West side of Beach Boulevard approximately twelve hundred feet (1,2001) North of Garfield Avenue). -13- 7/2/86 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 14 This request is covered by Categorical Exemption, Class 5, California Environmental Quality Act, 1984. Mr. Franklin explained this was a request to allow existing banners, pennants and flags to be displayed. Staff explained the Land Use Division had notified the automobile agencies they were not in compliance with Code regulations without permission for flying such banners and flags. Many of the agencies have applied to the Board for permission to display these items. Staff recommended approval with conditions. The applicant's representative, Ken Jensen, presented an aerial view of the agency with pennants and banners in place. Mr. Jensen asked to extend his request from three (3) months to six (6) months. Glen Godfrey advised that could not be done and suggested Mr. Jensen wait until after August 20th when the new Code becomes effective. UPON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY EVANS, ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW NO. 86-40 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The proposed pennants shall be limited to a period of three (3) months (July 2, 1986 to September 30, 1986) from date of approval. 2. Each pennant shall be removed within one (1) day following the termination of promotion period. 3. Each pennant shall -be properly secured. AYES: Cranmer, Evans, Godfrey, Smith, Vincent NOES: None ABSENT: None MISCELLANEOUS AGENDA ITEMS: RECONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-37 Applicant: Robert L. Wood Staff explained this application had been denied by the Board at the previous week's meeting and the applicant was seeking reconsideration by the Board. Mr. Franklin further stated some revisions had been made to the applicant's plans. UPON MOTION BY GODFREY AND SECOND BY SMITH, THE BOARD APPROVED RECONSIDERATION OF CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-37, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: -14- 7/2/86 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 15 AYES: Godfrey, Smith, Vincent NOES: Evans ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Cranmer CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-37 Applicant: Robert L. Wood A request to permit a wall forty-eight inches (48") high to six feet (6 ) high within the front yard setback. Subject property is located at 423 Twentieth Street (West side of Twentieth Street approximately fifty feet (501) South of Pecan Avenue. Staff explained he had worked with the applicant and there would be a continuous grade inside the yard. The height would be maintained at forty-two inches (42") except at the two (2) corner locations and the entrance where it would be an additional eight inches (80) higher. Staff recommended approval of the revised plans with conditions. Daryl Smith stated his reasoning for reconsideration of the project was so the Board could condition that there would be no panels or additional work added inside these pilasters as had been done on other fences in the area. Glen Godfrey wanted to be sure there would be gradual grading inside the fence and not just being built up by planters. UPON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY GODFREY, CONDITIONAL EXCEPTION NO. 86-37 WAS APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS AND CONDITIONS, BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL: 1. The establishment and maintenance of the proposed 8 feet of fence which will exceed 42 inches (by 8 inches) will not be detrimental to: a. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. 2. The granting of the conditional exception will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 3. The granting of Conditional Exception No. 86-37 will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, or injurious to property in the same zone classifications. -15- 7/2/86 - BZA Minutes, H. B. Board of Zoning Adjustments July 2, 1986 Page 16 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The site plan, floor plans, and elevations received and dated June 26, 1986, shall be the approved layout. 2. No additional fence extensions shall be added between pilasters. 3. Prior to construction, Fire Department shall approve for emergency fire access. 4. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Ordinance Code, Building Division, and Fire Department. 5. Proposed fence shall be architecturally compatible with the existing structure. 6. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 7. The Board of Zoning Adjustments reserves the right to revoke this Conditional Use Permit if any violation of these conditions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code occurs. AYES: Cranmer, Godfrey, Smith, Vincent NOES: Evans ABSENT: None There was no further business to be presented to the Board for their review. UPON MOTION BY SMITH AND SECOND BY VINCENT, THE REGULAR MEETING WAS ADJOURNED TO A STUDY SESSION ON MONDAY, JULY 7, 1986, AT 10:00 A.M., BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Cranmer, Evans, Godfrey, Smith, Vincent NOES: None ABSENT: None Glen K. Godfrey, Secretary Board of Zoning Adjustments jh (5715d) -16- 7/2/86 - BZA