HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-08-12 (12)MINCTI'ES Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, August 12, 1986 Mayor/Chairman Mandic called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Ifuntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL/AGENCY ROLL CALL Present: MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Green Absent; Kelly, Finley, Thomas Mayor/Chairman Mandic announced that a joint meeting of the City Council and the Planning Commission had been called. PLANNING COMMISSION R XL CALL Present: Winchell, Rowe, Livengood, Erskine, Porter, Schumacher Absent: Mirjahanger - PHASE II - S'mw To PROCEED Wrm mAL - AD IOC COMT- TEE TO XEVIEW 3 PFCIPoSALS - PIERSIIZ VILLAGE - APPROVED IN CO 4=T TIM HNM APPFDVAL - EMM APPROVED IN =9ZPT TIED TO PIERSIDE VILiAW STAFF TO W= W CN HO► M DESIGH The Deputy City Administrator/Redevelopment informed Council/Agency and Plan- ning Commission they had been provided with material from A-M Equities, Bryant L, Morris Development and Paragon Hotels. Discussion was held regarding the objective of the Study Session of redevelop- ment projects of Phase I, Phase II and Pierside Village. Staff stated their objective -was to obtain conceptual approval of the projects so the entitlement process could begin and the Planning Commission could begin public hearings on the projects. The role of the Project Area Committee was discussed. The Chairman of the Planning Commission requested a flow chart of the Committee, the minutes of the last meeting of the Committee and a copy of the development standards for the Project Areas under discussion. Discussion was Feld regarding methods used to inform the public regarding redevelopment in the downtown area. 23 Page 2 - Council Minutes - 8/12/86 Phase II - Staff to Proceed with DDA - Ad Hoc Committee to Review Alternative PrSubmitted BT Develcper Mike Adams, Principal Redevelopment Planner, reviewed the development stan- dards of Phase Ii. ]man Saleca, developer, described the project. Discussion was held regarding density of Phase II. The need for all three projects to work together as a harmonious whole was emphasized. The City Administrator stated that 3D/International is preparing the planning tools necessary to study the area as a whole to ensure all three projects would work together and would meet development standards of the Spec - if ic Plan. In response to questions by Councilman Green staff stated they had responded to the letter dated August 4, 1986 from Jack's Surf and Sports and to the let- ter from Jerry Bame. In response to questioning staff stated they held a num- ber of meetings with the Worthy family. Discussion was held regarding the developer's request for a density bonus and for credit for a plaza area to be designed for the second floor. Mike Adams stated that without it the second floor commercial area would not be feasible. Parking for the downtown area as a whole and parking for Phase II was dis- cussed. Following discussion, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to direct staff to move forward with the Phase ii Developer Disposition Agreement and to provide the Ad Hoc Committee with three economic phases: one as pro- posed, one adhering strictly to the Specific Plan and one with less density (240); and to direct the Ad Hoc Committee to report their findings to Coun- cil/Agency August 18, 1986. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Green NOES: None ABSENT: Kelly, Finley, Thomas The Mayer called a recess of Council at 9:00 P.M. The meeting was.reconvened at 9:08 P.M. Piexside Village - Concept Approved Tied into Approval of Hotel Project Discussion was held regarding open space, parking and height of the proposed Pierside Village. Mike Adams reviewed the development standards for the pier construction, pub- lic access and required parking. Page 3 - Council Minutes - 8/12/86 Discussion was held regarding existing beach concessionaires, access for bicy- clists, parking and view corridors. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to accept the Pierside Village, in concept, so the entitlement process can begin with the understand- ing the intent of the motion is that the project will be tied in with the con- ceptual approval of the Paragon Hotel Project. The motion carried by the fol- lowing roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Green NOES: None ABSENT: Kelly, Finley, Thomas Hotel - Approved in Concept Tied into Pierside Discussion was held regarding design of the proposed Paragon Lotel and the proposed setbacks. The proposed theater complex was discussed and a dinner theE. :r was sug- gested. Councilman MacAllister suggested that staff review other alternatives to a theater complex. The bulk and length of the design of the proposed hotel along Pacific Coast Highway was discussed. Staff presented a model depicting an alternate design for the hotel. The developer stated he had studied many alternative designs and believed that the design presented was the best solution. Following discussion, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Green, to approve the concept of the hotel, the rooms and amenities, but not the design, with the intent that the project be tied together with the conceptual approval of the Pierside Village; and to direct staff to work with the developer to minimize the bulkiness of the project and to return an alternate design to Council/Agency at a meeting to be scheduled. The motion carried by the fol- lowing roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Mandie, Bailey, Green NOES: None ABSENT: Kelly, Finley, Thomas L'1 . tE� 1�. •! y 4r � �i The Chairman of the Planning Commission adjourned to 6:00 P.M., Tuesday, August 19, 1986. HR-6 - TO BE OCKSIDERF.D 8/18/86 Discussion was held regarding a telegram that inadvertently stated the City's opposition to omnibus Bill HR-6. Section 1199R of omnibus Bill HR-6 is des- cribed as legislation providing for funding for development of the Bolsa Chica. At an earlier meeting the City Administrator stated he had received additional information which indicated that any benefit district would have to comply with state law and it would be up to the state to pass such enabling legislation. 2 Page 4 - Council Minutes - 8/12/86 Following considerable discussion between Council and staff it was the consen- sus of Council to direct staff to provide Council with a copy of the telegram and the latest information regarding Omnibus Bill HR-6 and to defer considera- tion of the matter to the August 18, 1986 Council meeting. The Mayor/Chairman adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council and the adjourned regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington 13eadi to 5:30 P.M., Monday, August 18, 1986, Room BrB, Civic Center. ATTEST: Alicia M. Wentworth Ci Clerk/Clerk BY Deputy City Clerk C1 Alicia M. Wentworth Clerk of the Redevelopment Agency and City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Huntin ton.Beach, California BY" _ Deputy City Clerk .l Mayor Chairman 1 F L