HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-13it a Council Chamber, Civic Center Huntington Beach, California Monday, October 13, 1986 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office The City Clerk/Clerk called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 6:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: None Absent: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green, Thomas Due to the lack of a quorum of the Council/Agency the City Clerk/Clerk reces- sed the meeting to 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center. Mayor/Chairman Mandic called the adjourned regular meetings of the City Coun- cil/Agency of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7:30 P.M. Present: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green Thomas.(arrived at 7:45 P.M.) Absent: None. RSADVERTISEMENT OF TALBERT--BEACH ,INDUSTRIAL PARCEL SALE The City Clerk/Clerk presented a communication from the Deputy City Admini- strator Redevelopment recommending that the Agency -owned five acre industrial parcel in the Talbert -Beach Redevelopment Project Area be readvertised for sale. This item was removed from the Agenda at the request of the City Administrator, PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUED OPEN TO 10/20/86 - APPEAL BY COUNCILMAN THOMAS TO PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF ZONE CHANGE 86-4 & USE PERKT 86-7 ANGUS The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by Councilman John Thomas to the Planning Commis- sion's denial of Zone Change 86-4, Use Permit 86-7, Zone Change 86-4 proposed a change of zone from "Oldtown Specific Plan - District 2-0" to "Oldtown Spe- ciftc Plan - District 2-01.". Use Permit 86-7 - to develop a consolidated driilsite and oil operation. The subject location is two blocks bounded by Delaware Street to the east, Huntington Street to the west, Toronto Avenue to the north and Rochester Avenue to the south. Environmental Impact Report. 86-1, assessing the environmental effects of said proposal will also be con- sidered by the City Council. Page 2 + Council Minutes - 10/13/86 The'City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publi- cation and posting had been met,'and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Mayor declared the hearing open. A notion was. made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to continue the public hearing to October 20, 1986 to consider the appeal filed by Councilman John Thomas to the Planning Commission's denial of. Zone Change 86-4, Use Permit 86-7, Zone Change 86-4 pertaining to Angus Petroleum Corporation. The notion carried by the following roll call vote: AYESs Kelly, MacAllister, NOES: " None ABSENT: Thomas Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green The.Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by Huntington Beach Tomorrow to the approval by the Planning Commission of Conditional Use Permit 86-43/Coastal Development Permit 86-27, a request by the Huntington Pacifica Development Corporation and Bryant L. Morris Development in conjunction with the Huntington Beach Redevelopment Agowy to permit the folloviags Development of an 872500 # square foot ape- cialty commercial center, related support facilities and 696+ space parking structure on the ocean side of Pacific Coast Highway between Hain Street and 14ke Street, Downtown Specific plan, District 10. Said development will gen- erally be located within the existing parking lot just south of the pier. Tbs proposed project is within an appealable area of the Coastal Zone. The proposed project is covered by previously approved Environmental Impact Report 82-2 and Maio -Pier Redevelopment Project Area Focused Envirosmantal Impact Report (July, 1982) Ths City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publi- cation and posting bad been met, and that she had received no communications. or written protests to the matter. Jolts Cahill, Project Architect, reviewed the project, particularly pedestrian eireulatloo, elevations and building heights. Discussion was held regarding parking and building heights as it relates to Pacific Coast Highway. HIM Adams, Principal Redevelopment Planner, reviewed the 24 issues Warred to in the letter from the appellant, Huntington Beach Tomorrow,' dated sepember 26, it". Mr. Adair referred to ths.ataff report dated October 13, 1986 and reco��eaded 9M Alternative Actiou on the last page as follows= Approve Conditional Oft 801"t X0, W43 and Coastal Development Parmit.No. 86-27 based on fiadings sad:, coaditioss as approved by the Planning Commission at their September 161, 1 Page 3 - Council Minutes - 10/13/86 1986 meeting and amended to include a provision which will require that fol- lowing the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approve on the additional submittals outlined in: Condition No. 1 W -(m) - Significant Modifications to the site plan. Condition No..7 - Roof top mechanical equipment plan. : Condition No. 9 - (View Scape Concerns) List of proposed uses within village and review of minor modification to plan. Condition No. 11 - 0nsite circulation modification plans... Condition No. 12 - Traffic Impact Analysis Report. Condition No. 13 - Parking Management.Plan, Condition No. 24 - Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the village. Condition No. 25 - Qnsite areas Maintenance Agreement with City. Condition No. 26 - Public areas Maintenance Agreement with City. Condition No. 41 - Beach Division Headquarters relocation plan. The Mayor declared the hearing open. ri Ortega. Chairman of mwR-ti p AY M►.i i.ri WL. i i�rOi4C Jon, Doug an evin, _ Campbell, Marcia Natelborg, Village. Beach Tomorrow. Dr. Victor Le a er spoke In opposi f gti, Lance Services Susan Newman Vice -President of HuntiaSton Beach Together, Natalie Kotsch, Larry Washa, President of Cham er of Commerce, James Johnson, Elaine Craft, Carole Ann Wall, Kirk Kirkland of Huntington Beach Fountain Valley Board of Realtors presented an informal petition to the Mayor with approximately 00 Realtors, and approximately 140 letters in support of Pierside Village, Bill Holman, BarrX Bussiere, Ron Shenkman Vice -Chairman of Huntiagton Beach To e- tit er, Stan Sabin, Mary Aileen Mat eis, Matt Messier, David C. Smith, Ralph Bauer, Daniel Bathurst, Stanford Tharp, Ann Chlebicki, Lila Nowell, Jan Smoker, Bob Mayor, Kaye MacLeod member of Citizens Advisor Board on Pier - side Village, Robert Wissmann spoke in support of the Pierside Village. Thomas Pratte, representing The Surfrider Foundation, requested that Condition No. 1(i) in the report be amended to require a 50 foot setback from the mean tideline. David Perry stated that he has often walked down to the pier with his wife and children and has always felt safe. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. Recess - Reconvene The Mayor called a recess of Council at 11:15 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 11:20 P.M. Page 4 - Council Minutes - 10/13/86 Following discussion, a motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to approve Conditional Use Permit No. 86-43 and Coastal Development Permit No. 86-27 based on findings and conditions as approved by the Planning Commission at their September 16, 1986 meeting and amended to include a provision which will require that following the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval on the additional odbmittals outlined in: Condition No. 1 (a)-W - Significant Modifications to the site plan. Condition No. 7 - Roof top mechanical equipment plan. Condition No. 9 - (View Scape Concerns) List of proposed uses within village and review of minor modification to plan. Condition No. 11 - Onsite circulation modification plans. Condition No. 12 - Traffic Impact Analysis Report. Condition No. 13 - Parking Management Plan. Condition No. 24 - Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the village. Condition No. 25 - Onsite areas Maintenance Agreement with City. Condition No. 26 - Public areas Maintenance Agreement with City. Condition No. 41 - Beach Division Headquarters relocation plan. Following discussion, a motion was made by Mandic, seconded by Bailey, to amend Condition #3 to add the words "Following various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval." The motion carried by the following straw vote: AYES: Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green, Thomas NOES: Kelly, MacAllister. ABSENT: None It ,was the consensus of Council to modify Conditions 4, 5' and 6 by adding the words "Following the -various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval." The motion made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to approve Conditional Use Permit No. 86-43 and Coastal Development Permit No. 86-27 based on findings and conditions as follows: Findings for Approval: (COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 86-27) 1.. The proposed "Pierside Village" is consistent with the city's Coastal Zone suffix and the visitor -serving commercial standards, as well as other provisions of the Huntington Beach Ordinance Code applicable to the property; it conforms with the plans, policies, requirements and Stan- dards of the city's Coastal Land Use Plan. 2. The proposed development conforms with the public access and public recreation policies of Chapter 3 of the California Coastal Act. 3. The proposed development can be provided with infrastructure in a manner that is consistent with the Coastal Land Use Plan. Underground sewer and water utilities are existing in the area and are ,sufficient to handle the proposed development. Page 5 - Council Minutes - 10/13/86 Findings for Approval: (CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 86-43) 1. The proposed development of a specialty retail village will have a bene- ficial effect upon the general health welfare, safety, and convenience of persons residing or working in the area due to the type, variety, and quality of the activities proposed, and will contribute to an increase in the value of the property and improvements in the neighborhood. 2. The proposed "Pierside Village" is designed to be in conformance with the city's adopted General Plan (including the state certified Coastal Ele- ment), the Downtown Specific Plan, and the Downtown Design Guidelines. 3. The proposed "Pierside Village" is compatible with existing or other pro- posed or anticipated uses in the area. The project will directly connect with other developments on the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway and will be responsible for the rehabilitation and/or relocation of existing structures in the project area. 4. The proposed location, site layout, and design will properly adapt the proposed structures to streets, driveways, and other adjacent structures to streets, driveways, and other adjacent structures and uses in a har- monious manner. 5. The proposed combination and relationship of uses, to one another on the site are properly integrated. The proposed project will provide a greater number and variety of people an opportunity to enjoy the, city beach and pier area and related ocean activities. 6. The proposed access to and parking for the "Pierside Village" will increase traffic and circulation concerns; however, controlling vehicular access to the project, separating vehicular and pedestrian access, and relocating traffic signals along Pacific Coast Highway will improve the current circulation system. Conditions of Approval: 1. The site and section plans dated September 11, 1986, and augmented site plan sheet 2, dated September 12, 1986, shall be modified to include the changes outlined below. Following the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval on the submittals. (a) All habitable building areas shall be limited to two stories. Exceptions to this will only be permitted as part of an interior loft or mezzanine which is mostly open to the shop below. In no case may habit- able building area exceed 25' in height or two stories above the eleva- tion of the pier. (b) Building heights shall be limited south of the centerline of Lake Street. No structure may be higher than the elevation of Pacific Coast Highway. (c) The freestanding concession stand as proposed on the beach in front of the major access point to the village shall be relocated to back within the village. The shop shall have direct access on to the reach access road and serve the convenience of the beach user. Page 6 - Council Minutes -- 10/13/86 (d) Improvements on the north side of the pier shall provide a number of public amenities such as a major beach access way adjacent to the parking structure. The detail design of this proposal shall be subject to review and approval by the Design Review Board in conjunction with the depart- ments of Development Services, Community Services, and Public Works. (e) The light wells adjacent to Maxwell's balcony shall be increased in size to provide additional natural light penetration under the pier. Other light penetrations or alternative methods of illumination including the alternate decking designs shall be required to achieve an adequate level of comfort and security for the area under the pier. (f) The project shall include a pedestrian overcrossing of Pacific Coast Highway linking the Pierside Village with the inland side of Pacific Coast Highway. The design shall be compatible with the Village and the Downtown Design Guidelines. This structure shall be constructed concur- rent with the "Pierside Village." (g) The parking control mechanisms depicted on the plans shall be relo- cated to a location within the parking structure. The accessway to the control stations should provide for a minimum stacking area to accommo- date 24 cars. (h) The plans shall identify public restroom locations in sufficient quantities and areas to adequately accommodate the village patrons. (i) No structures shall be developed oceanward of the mean high tide line established on the north side of the pier (405' south of the Pacific Coast Highway right-of-way). (j) The project shall be approved in two phases. The first phase is proposed for the south side of the pier on the area controlled by the city of Huntington Beach. The second phase is proposed for the north side of the pier. The city is presently negotiating with the state for control of that portion of Bolsa Chica State Beach. A plan shall be sub- mitted which indicates the phasing and associated development with each phase. This entitlement application shall be limited to the proposal for Phase I. (k) The ferris wheel shown on the plot plan shall be removed. (1) Retail square footage on the new pier decking shall be 90% devoted to major sit down restaurants of unique and high quality, subject to definition in the operator's lease agreement. (m) Parking layout shall include bicycle parking facilities in suffi- cient quantities to accommodate village patrons. 2. Floor plans and elevations for each commercial suite and restaurant shall be prepared and submitted to the director of Development Services for review and approval prior to issuance of any building permits. All structures onsite shall reflect a compatible architectural theme which is consistent with the city's Downtown Design Guidelines. Following the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval. Page 7 - Council Minutes - 10/13/86 3. A detailed materials pallet shall be prepared depicting all proposed exterior materials and colors and submitted to the Design Review Board for recommendation and approval. Following the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and appro- val. 4, A planned sign program for the entire village shall be prepared pursuant to the Downtown Design Guidelines and submitted to the Design Review Board for review and approval prior to the issuance of any sign permits. Following the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval. 5. The developer shall submit a plan which shall include the parking struc- ture and area under the pier, lighting, public plaza, and street furni- ture plan which is in compliance with the Downtown Design Guidelines sub- ject to review and approval of the Design Review Board. Following the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval. .6. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the city and approved by the Department of Development Services and the Department of Public Works prior to the issuance of building permits. Such a plan shall include all the landscaped areas and lighting within the public parking lot, medians, and the walkway system around the project perimeter and connection to the pier. The association shall maintain all land- scaped areas within the project. All existing palm trees onsite shall remain within the project, however, they may be relocated from their pre- sent location. Perimeter landscaping, with a minimum of ten feet in width, shall be provided along the parkway area, adjacent to P.C.H. Fol- lowing the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval. 7. A roof top mechanical equipment plan shall be submitted to the Department of Development Services, which indicates screening of all equipment and delineates the type of material proposed prior to the issuance of Build- ing permits. Such projected equipment shall not exceed the maximum heights depicted in the Building Code or Downtown Specific Plan. Follow- ing the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval. 8. A detailed soils analysis shall be prepared by a registered soils engi- neer. This analysis shall include onsite sampling and laboratory testing of materials to provide detailed recommendations regarding grading, chem- ical and fuel properties, foundations, retaining walls, streets and util- ities, etc. 9. The developer shall submit a list of all proposed uses within the village and their respective square footages to the Development Services Depart- ment for approval to determine compliance with all zoning codes and rede- velopment policies prior to the issuance of building permits. Any expan- sion or major change of uses, or increase in intensity of uses, will be subject to an additional Conditional Use Permit. Minor modifications not proposing expansion shall also be submitted to Development Services and Redevelopment Office for review and approval (e.g. exterior tenant modi- fications, public plaza configuration, structure layout, etc.). Follow- ing the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval. Page 8 - Council Minutes -- 10/13/86 10. All parking space design and size shall be in conformance with the Hunt- ington Beach Ordinance Code. 11. Onsite circulation shall be revised in accordance with Public Works Department requirements. Specifically, the control system at the Lake Street entrance to the parking garage needs to be moved into the garage to allow stacking distance for 12 vehicles without overflow onto Pacific Coast Highway. No addition or deletion of vehicular access points shall be made without approval of the Public Works Department. Following the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval. 12. The developer shall verify the staff's traffic impact analysis for the proposed development to confirm that the traffic projections fall within the parameters of those analyzed in E.I.R. 82-2. This report shall be completed prior to the issuance of building permits and should include an analysis of the traffic impacts at various times of the day and year. Following the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval. 13. The developer shall prepare a parking management and control plan for review by the Development Services Department, Public Works Department, Community Services Department and all other effected departments prior to the issuance of any building permits. This plan should address valet services, shuttle programs, and methods of controlling vehicular ingress and egress. In addition the plan shall identify mitigation methods for the Phase I parking shortfall (e.g. reciprocal and joint use parking, remote parking and shuttle, limiting the issuance of certificate of occu- pancy to the extent that parking is made available). Following the vari- ous departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval. 14. The project will be responsible for construction of the new decking areas adjacent to the city pier and the reconstruction of the existing pier within the project areas. This effort should be coordinated with the Department of Public Works and other city departments. 15. A review of the use shall be conducted within one year of the issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy to verify compliance with all condi- tions of approval and applicable Articles of the Huntington Beach Ordi- nance Code. If, at that time, there is a violation of these conditions no additional Certificates of Occupancy will be issued until the viola- tion is corrected. 16. Offsite improvements (e.g. streets, sidewalks, gutters, etc.) shall be constructed in accordance with Public Works Department standards and/or Caltrans standards. All sidewalks on Pacific Coast Highway shall be a minimum of 8 feet. 17. No parking shall be allowed adjacent to the project on Pacific Coast Highway. The removal of these 14 parking spaces shall be offset by an equal number of spaces in the project. During construction of the pro- ject, the developer, in conjunction with the city, shall provide a number of parking spaces within a reasonable distance to accommodate beach and pier access. Page 9 - Council Minutes - 10/13/86 18. Sewer, water and fire flow, and drainage improvements shall be con- structed in accordance with Public Works Department standards. The applicant shall submit to the Department of Public Works a water network and distribution analysis prior to issuance of grading permits. All necessary improvements as determined by the analysis shall be constructed. 19, The project shall be responsible for the construction of full median Improvements on Pacific Coast Highway adjacent to the site in accordance with Public Works Department and Caltrans' standards. 20. Energy efficient lighting, such as high pressure sodium vapor lamps, shall be used in parking lots to prevent spillage onto adjacent areas and for energy conservation, 21. All approved drives designated as fire lanes shall be signed as such to the approval of the Huntington Beach Fire Department. All fire apparatus access roadways shall be designated no parking. 22. A fire sprinkler system shall be designed and installed in those struc- tures deemed necessary by the Huntington Beach Fire Department. An auto- matic system shall be required on all parking levels and pedestrian ways. 23. Entry gates or other control devices for the parking structure proposed at the entrance shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Ser- vices Department, Public Works Department, Fire Department, Police Department, and all other appropriate departments. 24. The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions shall be subject to review and approval by the City Attorney's office and contain a provision that will prohibit storage of vehicles, trailers, and other materials on site, unless an area that is specifically designated for such storage is pro- vided for in the project. Following the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval. 25. The developer, Agency, and the city shall enter into a maintenance agree- ment for the public parking area, municipal pier, and all landscaping. The perimeter walkway, lighting, etc., shall be maintained by the pro- ject's association. Following the various departmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency will have final review and approval. 26. The developer, Agency, and the city shall execute a landscape maintenance agreement requiring the developer to maintain all landscaping on site, including setbacks, public right of ways, and along the street front- ages. Following the various departmental and other reviews the Redevel- opment Agency will have final review and approval. 27. All fire access roads are to be a minimum 24 feet. 28. All canopies or roof structures over roadways are to provide a minimum overhead clearance of 13 feet 6 inches in height from the road area to the lowest point of the canopy within the 24 foot road clearance. 29. All corner turns of fire lanes are to be a minimum of 17 feet inside and 45 feet outside radius. Page 10 - Council Minutes - 10/13/86 30. The beach access roadway on the south must be a minimum 24 feet and must loop with the beach access road on the north side of the pier. This roadway must also be a minimum 24 feet. The overhead clearance under the pier must be a minimum 13 foot 6 inches in height. The roadway must be designed to facilitate beach service vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrian access, subject to city review and approval. 31. The roadway and access ways designated as fire lanes on the pier and over the subterranean parking area are to be reinforced to sustain the weight of fire apparatus. 32. Another stairway shall be located on the north side of the pier, .subject to review and approval of the Fire Department and Development Services Department. 33. Fire hydrants shall be installed on fire access roadways and the pier to provide fire apparatus with an access travel distance of 150 feet or less from all structures. 34. An automatic supervised fire alarm system shall be installed to provide the following: (a) Audible alarm. (b) Water flow signal. (c) Valve tamper signal. (d) Trouble signal. (e) Manual pull station. (f) Graphically displayed in strategic location(s). 35. An engineering geologist shall be engaged to submit a report indicating the ground surface acceleration from earth movement for the subject pro- perty. All structures within this development shall be constructed in compliance with the G-factors as indicated by the geologist's report. Calculations for fittings and structural members to withstand anticipated G-factors, shall be submitted to the city for review prior to the issu- ance of building permits. 36. A plan for silt control for all storm runoff from the property during construction and during initial operation of the facilities shall be sub- mitted to the Department of Public Works for review. 37. The developer shall provide the city with a detailed description of the project's proposed security systems for review and approval by all affected departments. 38. Natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. This requirement may be waived provided that the applicant will install a more energy efficient alterna- tive subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Department. 39. All building spoils, such as unused lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable materials, shall be disposed of at an offsite facility equip- ped to handle them. 4 JL Page 11 - Council Minutes - 10/13/86 40. During construction, the developer shall make adequate provisions for continued pier access. The construction of the super structure of the proposed expanded deck areas on the pier shall be limited to the non -sum- mer months. 41. The project shall be responsible for the removal and relocation of the beach Division Headquarters and Junior Lifeguard facilities. Following the various deppartmental and other reviews the Redevelopment Agency Will have final review and approval. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green, Thomas NOES: None ABSENT: None Recess - Reconvene The Mayor called a recess of Council at 11:55 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 12:05 P.M. Mayor. Mandic requested a reconsideration of the motion to approve the Pierside Village as he wanted to modify Condition No. l(i) to require a 50' setback from .the mean tide line as requested by Thomas Pratte, representing the Surf- riders Foundation, during the public testimony portion of the public hearing. A motion was made by Mandic, seconded by Green, to reconsider the motion made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to approve Conditional Use Permit No. 86-43 and Coastal Development Permit No. 86-27. The motion to reconsider carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Finley, Mandic, Baileys Green NOES: Kelly, MacAllister,. Thomas ABUNTt None Following discussion, a motion was made by Mandic, seconded by Green, to mod- ify Condition l(i) by changing the. words "...on the north side of the pier (405' south.of the Pacific Coast Highway 'right -of -Way...)" to read. "...on the north side of the pier (.355' south of. the Pacific Coast Highway right -of - ay; )" The motion failed by the following roll call straw vote AYES: Finley, Mandic, Green NOES: Kelly, MacAllister, Bailey, Thomas ABSENT: None The motion originally made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to approve Cond- itional Use Permit No. 86-43 and Coastal Development Permit No. 86-27 based on findings and conditions as approved by the Planning Commission at their September 16, 1986 meeting and further modified by Council carried by the fol- lowing roll call vote: AYES. Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green, Thomas NOESs None ABSENT; None 1,2 Page 12 - Council Minutes - 10/13/86 TO PC DENIAL OF ZONE CHANGE 86-20/ND 86-34 - CONTINUED TO 10/20/86 - The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by Jerome Bame, Attorney at Law, on behalf of Spe- cialists Enterprises, to the denial by the Planning Commission of a request to change the zone designation from RS (Office Professional)to R3 (Medium High Density Residential) which would permit a total of 13 units on two sites located at the southeast corner of Cameron Street Street and Newman Avenue - (17712 and 17762 Cameron Street) Negative Declaration #86-34 assessing the environmental effects of the zone change will also be considered by Council. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publi- cation and posting had been met, and that she had received a communication from Jerome Bame dated October 2, 1986 requesting a continuance of said appeal to October 20, 1986. The Mayor declared the hearing open. A motion was made by MacAllister, seconded by Kelly, to continue the public hearing to consider an appeal filed by Jerome Bame, attorney at law, on behalf of Specialists Enterprises, to the denial by the Planning Commission of Zone Change 86-20 and Negative Declaration 86-34 to October 20, 1986. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green, Thomas NOES: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE CHANGE 86-22/NEGATIVE DECIARATION 86-39 - APPROVED - OBD NO 2877 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED - N/HEIL/S/ALHAMMA/BTWN SILVER/BEACH BLVD The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider a change of zone initiated by the City of Huntington Beach on pro- perty located north of Heil Avenue, south of Alhambra Drive, between Silver Lane and Beach Boulevard from R2 (Medium Density Residential) permitting one unit per 2,000 square feet of lot area) to R2-15 (permitting fifteen units per gross acre). This zone change is being processed as a result of the -widening of Heil Avenue which has taken twenty-five feet from the rear of many of these lots. The intent is to increase the density such that the identical number of units are permitted to be constructed as would have been prior to the addi- tional dedication for Heil Avenue. The City Council will also consider Nega- tive Declaration No. 86-39 which assesses the environmental effects of the request. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publi- cation and posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Director of Development Services presented a staff report. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Ed Whitting stated that the property would be too small to build a triplex on when Heil Avenue is widened in the future. Page 13 - Council Minutes - 10/13/86 There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2877 for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDI- NANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 9061 TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGE OF ZONING FROM MED- IUM -DENSITY RESIDENTIAL .DISTRICT TO MEDIUM -DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT -FIF- TEEN UNITS PER ACRE ON REAL PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF HEIL AVENUE, SOUTH OF ALHAMBRA DRIVE, BETWEEN SILVER LANE AND BEACH BOULEVARD (ZONE CASE NO. 86--22) ." A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by MacAllister, to approve Negative Declaration 86-39 and Zone Change 86-22 with findings and conditions and, after reading by title, approve introduction of Ordinance No. 2877. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Green, Thomas NOES: Mandic ABSENT: None GOTHARD-HOOVER EXTENSION FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS & ACTION PLAN - APPROVED The City Clerk presented a communication from the Deputy City Administrator/ - Redevelopment transmitting the final feasibility report as prepared by TWA Engineers and the draft traffic analysis prepared by Parsons, Brinkerhoff, Quade & Douglas, Inc., relative to the proposed Gothard-Hoover extension. Reports on file for review in the City Clerk's Office. A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Green, to approve the following actions : 1. Accept the final feasibility report as prepared by IWA Engineers and the draft traffic analysis as prepared by Parsons, Brinkeroff, Quade, and Douglas, Inc. 2. Authorize staff to obtain appraisals and to negotiate the purchase of the' needed right-of-way between Center Drive and McFadden in the City of Huntington Beach for consideration by the City Council/Agency. 3. Request the City of Westminster to consider the following actions% (1) Authorize the ultimate extension of Gothard from McFadden to Bolsa to connect with Hoover; (2) Authorize a joint application to Orange County Transportation Planning to amend the County Master Plan of Arterial High- ways; and (3) Work. with Huntington Beach to develop a joint financing program for the remaining right-of-way acquisition and project construc- tion. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Mandic, Green, Thomas NOES: Alone ABSTAIN: Bailey ABSENT: None 24 Page 14 - Council Minutes -- 10/13/86 SUMMERHILL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - AUTHORIZED AGENCY TO ADVERTISE The City Administrator stated that at their last regular meeting Council pas- sed an ordinance authorizing the Redevelopment Agency to direct the filing of applications for entitlements in the City's redevelopment project areas. He stated that one of those should have been the authorization to advertise for the 5ummerhill Project, located north of Atlanta Avenue, east of Lake Street and south of Pecan Avenue; he requested confirmation by Council for that advertising. On motion by MacAllister, second Kelly, Council authorized the Redevelopment Agency to advertise the Summerhill Project. The motion carried by the follow- ing roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Green, Thomas NOES: None ABSTAIN: Mandic ABSENT: None ORDINANCE NO 2874 - ADOPTED - POLITICAL SIGNS The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2874 for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDI- NANCE CODE 9610.3 AND SECTION 9610.4(o) RELATING TO POLITICAL SIGNS." Intro- duction as amended 10/6/86. (Effective upon adoption) per Charter S. 500 (e) (1). On motion by MacAllister, second Kelly, Council adopted Ordinance No. 2874, after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Mandic, Bailey, Green, Thomas NOES: Finley ABSENT: None ORDINANCE NO 2865 - ADOPTED - "UNIFORM FIRE CODE" The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2865 for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNI- CIPAL CODE BY REPEALING CHAPTER 17.56 THEREOF, AND ADDING THERETO NEW CHAPTER 17.56 ENTITLED, "UNIFORM FIRE CODE." On motion by Kelly, second MacAllister, Council adopted Ordinance No. 2865, after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Bailey, Green, Thomas NOES: None ABSTAIN: Mandic ABSENT: None ORDINANCE NO 2875 - INTRODUCTION APPROVED - STOCKPILING OF EARTH MATERIAL The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2875 for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH MUNI- 4. "5 Page 15 - Council Minutes - 10/13/86 L 1 CIPAL CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 17.04 BY ADDING THERETO NEW SECTIONS 17.04.100 AND 17.04.110 REFLECTING THE REGULATION OF STOCKPILING OF EARTH MATERIAL UPON ANY LOT OR PARCEL OF LAND." On motion by Mandic, second Kelly, Council approved introduction of Ordinance No. 2875, after reading by title, by the following roll call vote: AYa Kelly, MacAllister, Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green, Thomas NOES: None ABSENT: None STATE BALLOT PROPOSITIONS - NO ACTION TAKEN The City Clerk presented a transmittal from the City Administrator's Office of proposed city resolutions which reflect the League of California Cities' posi- tions on the November 4, 1986 State Ballot Measures. A motion was made by MacAllister to adopt the proposed city resolutions which reflect the League of California Cities' positions on the November 4, 1986 State Ballot Measures. Following discussion the motion was withdrawn. PIERSIDE CKLEBRATION TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED 11/6/86 Councilwoman Finley stated her concern regarding the proposal to have the Pierside Celebration before the election of the new Council. Following discussion, a motion was made by Bailey, seconded by Finley, to direct the City Administrator to review rescheduling of the Pierside Celebra- tion to November 6, 1986. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: MacAllister, Finley, Mandic, Bailey, Green, Thomas NOES: Kelly ABSENT: None The Chairman adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Mandic adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council. of the City of Huntington Beach to 7:00 P.M., October 20, 1986, Room B-8, Civic Center. ATTEST: City Clerk City Clerk and ex-officio Cleric of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach, California 44 ■ s N", '. k �. Mayor w