The Adjourned Meeting of the PFC was called to order by President Wight at the
City of Huntington Beach Central Library, Huntington Beach, California at 4:00 P.M. on
aforementioned date. Roll call was taken as recorded below.
There were present from the Board:
Stephen Wight
Lorraine Faber
Thomas West
Melvin Carpenter
Joseph Garafalo
Also attending were:
Councilwoman Ruth Finley
Councilman Peter Green
Robert J. Franz, Deputy City Administrator
Joan Arneson, Bowie Arneson Kadi and Dixon
Dan Villella, Assistant Secretary
Shari Donoho, Recording Secretary
Don Kiser, Assistant Secretary
Ron Hayden, Library Director, Community Services Department
The first order of business was the approval of the December, 1986 minutes. Motion
made, seconded and approved to accept the December, 1986 minutes.
The next item was the treasurer's report for the month of November, 1986. Motion
made, seconded and approved to accept the treasurer's report.
Mr. Wight requested that the treasurer's report be prepared on a quarterly basis to
better synchronize with the Board's meetings. A motion was made, seconded and approved
to adopt a quarterly format for the treasurer's report.
Under old business, the reports from legal counsel, Joan Arneson, regarding the
disposition of funds and terms of office were reviewed.
Mrs. Faber indicated that she would like to review the meeting between the board
representatives and city administrative staff that was held January 14, 1987 relative to the
childrens wing of the central library. The board inquired of Ms. Arneson if such a topic
could be discussed in lieu of the new amendments to the Brown Act and the fact that this
item had not been placed on the agenda for this meeting.
Ms. Arneson stated that the board could discuss the item, but in order to take action
on such an item a 2/3rds vote or if less than 2/3rds present a unanimous vote of the board
would be required to determine that a need to take action arose after the agenda had been
Mr. West indicated that discussion of the January 14, 1987 meeting could be addressed
under informational items. The board needed to address a motion which had been taken at
the December meeting, however, reformatting a motion into a resolution so that monies
could be distributed into appropriate funds.
Ms. Arneson stated that two motions were required. The first motion should reflect
that the Board has determined that the need to act on the item arose after the agenda was
posted. Motion relative to adding the moving of the funds to appropriate categories made,
seconded and passed. Ms. Arneson stated that this motion now placed the item on the
agenda. The board may now act on the item just as though it had originally appeared on the
agenda. Mr. West moved that the board distribute the funds according to the treasurer's
report of October 31, 1986 with the proviso of $110,000 which would be placed into the
administrative fund for future use by the corporation. The residual amount to be placed into
the construction fund. Mr. Villella advised that he would prepare the resolution but had
some question to the retention requirement of the debt service fund. Some discussion was
then held with regards to the debt service requirement of principal and interest.
Ms. Arneson suggested that the resolution contain wording that indicates the board is so
directing the trustee pursuant to Section 504(b). The board held discussion that the $110,000
could remain in the bond redemption fund and need not be transferred to the administrative
fund. Mr. West then restated the last portion of the resolution to read; be it resolved that
the board directs the trustee to distribute the funds according to the trustee's report of
October 31, 1986 with the proviso that the residual amounts from the bond redemption fund
be transferred to the construction fund consistent with Section 504(b)(iii). Motion
introduced, seconded and passed.
Under informational items, Mrs. Faber introduced councilmembers Ruth Finley and
Peter Green to the boardmembers and Ms. Arneson. Mrs. Faber asked for input from the
council liaisons.
Mrs. Finley indicated that it was difficult to share any personal thoughts she may have
relative to the Library at this point in time predicated on the outcome of the current library
needs study and the goals and directions of the council. Mrs. Finley did state that she was
appreciative for the invitation by the board to attend this meeting and was present as a
spectator to listen and learn and to provide whatever assistance she may in the way of
answering questions as long as such questions would not compromise her position as it must
be understood that she could not speak for the entire council..
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Mr. Green advised that to be considered also is the voting direction that the four new
councilmembers will be taking. Mr. Green stated that it was too early to determine the
direction the council would take, as the majority of the members have been in office for
only one month. Mr. Green relayed that this was a time to weigh things and encouraged the
board to prepare their case as strongly as possible for a childrens wing at the central library
facility, as well as other activities which the board would like to see accomplished.
Mr. West responded that the Public Facilities Corporation is not promoting the
construction of the childrens wing. The board is being responsive to the library and its
constituents in terms of their desires, ambitions and goals and a plan has been presented to
the board. As guardians of this resource, the board has certain obligations and one of those
obligations is to assist with the facility, within the limits of their charge. When the library
staff came forward they had indicated that they had master plans which called for a
childrens wing. The board has identified a need, in the interest of and responsibility to the
city council and the city, to place these monies in the construction fund with the
anticipation as to what the city does fully intend to accomplish. Mr. West reiterated that
the board was not taking the position to promote the childrens wing as a lobby group, but
present only to do the job of the Public Facilities Corporation Board. Mr. Green felt that
this was a very, important distinction as to the position of the PFC.
Mr. Carpenter stated that he felt Mr. West had been precise as to the position of the
board, but wished to add that by Charter, the PFC was only interested in lending monetary
assistance to the central library facility only and not to the satellite structures.
Mrs. Faber stated that it was the consensus of the board not to assume authority to
make decisions for expansion, but to reserve the right to advise on situations pertinent to
the city's facility. The role of the board is that of landlord of the central library facility.
Also, the board is to be responsive to the direction the council decides to take, or not to
take, in regards to expansion of the central library facility.
Mrs. Faber then recapped the meeting of January 14, 1986. As directed by
Chairman Wight, Mrs. Faber and Mr. Garafalo met with council liaisons Ruth Finley and
Peter Green, along with city administration. Mr. Garafalo and Mrs. Faber reviewed with
these dignitaries the accomplishments of the board this year, i.e.; initial orientation to the
facilities and legal documents, the city's decision to self insure, the defeasance, as well as
initiating legal counsel's review of the arbitrage situation. Mrs. Faber indicated that the
step which was taken at todays meeting to realign funds, will assist in creating a more
defendable position with regards to arbitrage.
Mrs. Faber advised that a topic at the meeting was whether it was important to
respond to the City Council's request for rebate immediately, or whether such action could
be delayed until such time as the consultant report was submitted. It was Mrs. Faber's
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understanding that such action could be delayed until after the report had been received.
Mrs. Faber inquired of Mr. Franz whether her interpretation had been correct. Mr. Franz
indicated that he felt her interpretation was basically correct from a city administration
point of view but that the issue of the request for a rebate to the city should not cloud the
other question before the PFC that relating to the arbitrage situation.
Mrs.'Faber stated that Mr. Franz had brought into focus the fact that if a corporation,
such as the PFC, were being established today, it would not have as many powers.
Mrs. Faber stated that while this may be true, the PFC must deal within the framework that
has been established in the governing legal documents of the corporation.
Mr. Franz advised that what he was attempting to convey was that the money would
not be accumulated over the years as it has with the PFC funds. That under todays
structuring of a corporation, each year when the rent became due there would be a rebate.
Ms. Arneson indicated that the monies would serve as a credit to the city.
Mrs. Finley and Mr. Green concurred that the meeting proved to be positive and
conveyed a cooperative relationship between the board, city staff and council.
Mr. Carpenter inquired if council had been advised that the PFC had offered to fund
the consultant study. Mrs. Faber advised that this offer had been conveyed, but that it was
an administrative decision that the study would be paid with city funds.
Mr. Hayden stated that he was somewhat sensitive to the suggestion that library staff
had approached the board about funding of the childrens wing. Mr. Hayden indicated that
the board had been addressed in response to a request from the board to be provided an
opportunity to learn of capital improvement projects that had been mentioned in the capital
improvement document. Mr. Hayden went on to clarify that it was a presentation only, that
there was never any request for funding ever made of the PFC by library staff.
The board agreed with Mr. Hayden's clarification. Mr. West went on to state that if
his comments had been misconstrued, it was not his intention to imply that library staff had
approached the board regarding funding of capital improvement projects. Mr. West's sole
intent was to have Councilman Green understand that the board was not lobbying on the
behalf of the library.
Mr. Wight felt that the motion to adopt the resolution regarding the distribution of
funds needed to be amended to reflect the cause for such action. Mr. West indicated that at
the December meeting, the board had held discussion relative to the distribution of monies
to appropriate the funds. The board had, at that time, requested that the motion reflect
that the residual amount would be placed in the construction fund earmarked for the capital
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-improvements of the libraryconsistent with the original master plan and any update.
Pursuant to the motion as referenced on page 6, paragraph 3 of the minutes of
December 8, 1986, the resolution made at this meeting was passed so as to be within the
legal constraints as stipulated in Section 504(b)(iii) of the indenture, specifically earmarking
the funds, as stated in the original motion.
The board reviewed the amendment to the bylaws relative to election and term of
offices. Mrs. Faber stated that the reference to an annual June meeting was no longer
consistent with the quarterly meetings of the board. Mr. West suggested that this be placed
on the agenda for the April meeting as an action item to make the required change to the
bylaws, reflecting July instead of June. Mr. Wight directed the item be placed on the
agenda for the month of April.
Ms. Arneson inquired whether it was the intention of the board to move the election of
the directors to July. Indicating that normally, the terms of office would expire in January.
Mrs. Faber stated that this was correct. Ms. Arneson then inquired if it was the intention of
the board to elect directors to cover the six/seven month period. Mrs. Faber advised that it
was the board's intent to operate under article 4, section 2 of the bylaws, in that if there is
no election, the directors in office would continue until the annual election.
Mr. West requested that Chairman Wight instruct staff to forward this information to
the city council and indicate that the current directors will continue to serve until the
elections are held in July. Mr. Green felt that being afforded a copy of the. current and
amended section of the bylaws relative to election and terms of office would prove
beneficial, for comparative analysis, by the other councilmembers.
Mrs. Faber advised that no other city board members are elected annually inquiring of
Mrs. Finley and Mr. Green as to the appropriateness of staggering the terms of office for
the PFC directors and expanding such terms to three years. Mr. Green advised that this was
appropriate and felt it would guarantee continuity. Mr. Green requested that in the
aforementioned communique to council the reasons for staggering and extension of terms be
listed to inform all councilmembers. relative to this issue.
The Brown Act amendment was reviewed and discussed. Mrs. Faber to work with the
recording secretary in preparation of a response to the Mayor's letter of January 8, 1987,
which shall address not only the current directors serving until the elections in July, but
shall afford councilmembers with the current and amended section of the bylaws relative to
election and terms of office, as well as the reasoning for staggering the terms of office of
the directors and expansion of the terms to three years.
Mr. Wight indicated that he would like an agenda item for the April meeting to discuss
whether or not the board would like to offer a matching amount of money to the city council
for funding the library needs study.
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Under director's comments, Mrs. Faber indicated that she would like to have audience
communication moved to 43 on the agenda and entitled "public input". Ms. Arneson
suggested that some public bodies add another agenda item near the beginning as a special
item under which items that need to be added, such as the one that was taken earlier this
meeting, entitled "items to be added - 2/3rd vote required". Staff was requested to make
these changes to the agenda format.
Mrs. Faber felt that the agenda and notice should be posted at the library facility, as
well as city hall. Mrs. Donoho advised that this was being done currently.
Mr. West made an observation regarding the library needs study. It was Mr. West's
feeling that $25,000 would not provide adequately for the consultant study which was
needed. Mrs. Finley inquired whether or not the $25,000 was in addition to staff time.
Mr. Franz advised that the dollar amount was in addition to staff time. Mr. Hayden
indicated that three consultants were contacted, the ballpark figures given ranged from
$17,000 to $27,000.
Mrs. Faber requested that staff provide all directors with the forms for statement of
economic interest which must be filed by April. Staff will check with the City Clerk's
Office and respond back to the board members.
Mr. Wight indicated that he would like staff to provide him with a report which
outlines what was brought in on the original library bond issue, what was spent for
constructions to reflect excess, what was paid in rents and what was generated as interest -
more specifically, what was overpaid in rents. Mr. Villella indicated that. rents was fairly
simple - $399,000 per year. The board and staff held discussion as to exactly what
Mr. Wight wanted in the way of a report. Mr. Wight specified that the start date for the
report would be at the end of all construction. Further, Mr. Wight indicated that at the end
of construction there was a specific dollar amount the PFC maintained that the city did not
pay in rents. He wished to know what that figure was, what the excesses or underages were
for the ten year period, and what the accumulated interest figure would be. Mr. Villella
inquired if Mr. Wight was attempting to determine, of the current excess amount, what
portion is directly attributable to the different aspects. Mr. Wight answered affirmatively.
Mr. Villella stated that problems could be encountered, indicating that the board has had
various expenses throughout the years, what was the source of those expenses. Mr. Wight
felt that a portion of the funds could be identified as administrative expenses and pulled
from the report, as Mr. Villella would not be working under a budget for each one of the
funds. Mr. Villella clarified that all that was required was the revenue side - how much
money has ever come into the possession of the PFC from day one. Mr. Wight felt that it
need not be very complex. Indicating that Mr. Villella could start with a dollar figure in the
year 1975, stating that the building has been assumed by the city and that these .were the
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`funds available. Mr. Villella clarified his understanding, indicating that the dollar figure
that he would bring back to Mr. Wight would be several million dollars. Mr. Wight stated
that he was aware of this fact.
Mr. Villella indicated that somewhere in the computation he would. have to net and was
unsure as to what Mr. Wight intended to be net, nor from which one of the sources.
Mr. Wight indicated that what he understood Mr. Villella to say is that to be considered is
not just principal and interest, but all expenses related which should then be applied.
Mr. Villella inquired, all expenses of the corporation - from day one, how are they to be
allocated from the original bond issue, versus rent revenue, versus interest revenue.
Mr. Wight indicated all he was interested in was the bulk figures - just income. Mr. Wight
indicated that he would call Mr. Villella directly and did not wish to take any more time on
the subject. Ms. Arneson offered that perhaps the trustee would have available the
information Mr. Wight was requesting. Mr. Wight asked that Mr. Villella make such an
inquiry of the trustee.
Under audience communication, Mr. Hayden advised the board that phase one of the
library's public parking landscape project had been completed. This phase called for the
removal of shallow rooted eucalyptus trees and the establishment of an irrigation system.
Mr. Hayden indicated that phase two would include concrete work, replanting, but most
importantly a ramp from the. auxiliary parking lot across Talbert to the public parking lot
directly in front of the facility. Mr. Hayden stated that this ramp would be a much more
safe and attractive means of entering the building. Phase two has been estimated at
$43,000. Mr. Hayden provided the board with blueprints for their review.
Mrs. Faber inquired if this was a request made by city administration, city council, or
whether it was only for the board's information. Mr. Hayden indicated that he and
Mr. Bowman had discussed the phase two project and that he was investigating means of
financing the project prior to next year's budgetary process, as this area could remain in its
present desolate state for quite sometime if it must be addressed through the budget.
Mr. West made the suggestion to the other board members that financing for the
project be entertained only if it comes as a request from the city administration and city
council. Mr. West went on to state that protocol in this situation has dictated that a
divisional request is made to the department head, from the department head to the city
administrator, from the city administrator to the city council. The council would then
advise the board of their desire to have the project funded. The board would then fund the
project - that is the role of the board. If the request comes through in this fashion, the
board would take action in April either to accept or not accept. If this process is followed
in this manner, the board would be assured of not falling at odds with either city
administration or city council. If the phase two project is accepted by council, Mr. Wight
requested that the item be placed on the agenda for consideration and possible action in
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Mr. Franz inquired whether the request as made by city administration in December
had been answered. Mr. Franz indicated he was unsure as to whether, by the actions,
motions and resolutions to instruct the trustee, the board had intended to communicate to
the city a response to the December letter/request.
Mr. West clarified that what Mr. Franz was indicating was that the city needed a
response to the December 5, 1986 letter. Mr. West felt a written response was due. The
board held discussion as to what the context of the letter should convey to city
administration. Mr. Wight indicated that the message would be that the money has been set
aside into a fund and that if the council so chooses to direct the board to fund a capital
program at the library the board would then consider such a request. The $43,000 phase two
project submitted today by Mr. Hayden would fall into this category and would be consistent
with how the board has operated historically. Mr. Wight requested that Mrs. Faber
coordinate a response to the city administrator. Mrs. Faber will forward the letter to
Mr. Wight and the other directors for final approval.
Mr. Franz stated that it was his desire to close this final loop and felt that if a written
response to Mr. Thompson's December 5th letter were received by city administration, that
this would serve this end.
Mrs. Finley stated that she knew what Mr. Franz was attempting to accomplish along
these conversational lines, referencing the difference between what city administration
wants done with the money as specified by council direction, and what the board has taken
action to do at this meeting, placing the monies into the construction fund. Mrs. Finley
indicated that placing the money into the construction fund is not the answer city
administration had preferred, but it was an answer.
Mr West indicated that the legal opinion rendered by Joan Arneson provided the board
with four options. The December 5th letter was viewed by the board as a request by city
administration, not a directive. The board's response to that request was to send liaisons to
meet and obtain ground for mutual understanding, which has been done. Now the letter that
will be sent is a confirmation of those understandings, reporting back the board's action, and
an articulation of the procedure whereby the city will still have. open access to those
resources to perform the kinds of project such as Mr. Hayden has brought before the board
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Mrs. Faber inquired whether the board desired Ms. Arneson's presence at the
April, 1987 meeting. The board will advise Ms. Arneson at a later date if her attendance is
The meeting was then adjourned to 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, April 29, 1987 at the
Central Library Facility, Balboa Room, 7111 Talbert Avenue, Huntington Beach, California.
Recording Secretary
Assistant Secretary, H.B.P.F.C.
Note: Statements referred to hereinabove are noted as being in general only and are not
intended to be verbatim quotes.
President, H.B.P.F.C.
Secretary/Treasurer, H.B.P.F.C.
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