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Pala Mesa, San Diego County
Saturday, February 28, 1987
Mayor Kelly called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach to order at 8:30 a.m.
Present: Winchell, Mays, Finley, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister
Absents None
Mayor Kelly opened the meeting and requested the City Administrator to present
the discussion items.
The City Administrator discussed the overall redevelopment program and empha-
sized the great necessity to consolidate land/development sites in order to
accomplish redevelopment goals. The various approaches to land consolidation
were discussed.
Next item discussed was an overview of the 1987-88 budget and the general
revenue and fiscal picture of the city. In this connection, the City Admini-
strator indicated the burden imposed on the general fund by the payment of
refuse costs for single family dwellings and the extreme difficulty that the
general fund will be faced with for 1987-88.
The general need for lobbyist help in Sacramento was discussed as to its pros
and cons and in particular with the need for assistance regarding the proposed
Bolsa Chica legislation being pushed by Signal Landmark Corporation and intro-
duced by Senator Marian Bergeson.
A general discussion was held regarding methods to develop Huntington Central
Park and the Linear Park. The City Administrator indicated that it would take
many years to develop under present financing and that a bond issue should be
considered. The consensus was that further study and Community Services Com-
mission input should be pursued.
A general review was given also by the City Administrator on the Roberti meth-
ane gas report and the present need for an overall city policy to address the
city's response to that issue. It was pointed out that the city needs to take
stock of the general situation resulting from oil and gas wells and what
approach should be taken as a long term effort to mitigate adverse effects of
isolated and abandoned wells. It was decided that a thorough staff study and
report. on this matter should be conducted to provide full information and pos-
sible alternatives.
The final decision centered around the fundamental need to establish a clear
set of city goals to provide direction. It was also emphasized that overall
policies and goals should be set up in priority arrangement.
Page 2 - Council Minutes February 28, 1987
After discussion, it was concluded that a two day retreat was desirable to
define goals and objectives, the roles of City Council, City Administrator,
and Planning Commission. It was indicated that use of the Delphi Survey pro-
cess could be used to help define consensus on goals and objectives after
Council members had been able to develop appropriate subjects and topics.
Mayor Kelly adjourned the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach to 5:30 p.m., Monday, March 1987.
City Administrato
Acting City Clerk