HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-02 (7)MINUTES Council Chamber, City Hall Huntington Beach, California Monday, March 2, 1987 A tape recording of this meeting is on file in the City Clerk's Office Mayor Kelly called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to order at 7 p.m. Present: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister Absent: Finley The Flag Ceremony was conducted by Brownie Troop 146, Nadine Demaree & Alaine Craig, Co -Leaders - 3rd Grade - Moffett School. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Janie Craig. The Invocation was given by Emily Bell. EMLIC COMN�NTS Frank Bennett described what he believed has been excessive inspections, restrictions and citations by City Electrical Inspectors on his construction project. He stated he believed it was the result of his installing electric meters in the project. He presented some of the citations he received to the City Clerk to be reviewed by Council. The Mayor referred the matter to the City Administrator Tam Van Wie requested that dogs be allowed on a portion of the beach during certain hours and times of the year. Rgbert Gehlke, Julie Smith, Bgrky Gehlke, Deborah RM, Elizabeth Smith, Sian Brackin and two frien& and Chriatina Barnes spoke in support of the Huntington Beach Equestrian Center. George Arn lid complained that owners of dogs on the beach did not bring along a doggie bag. He complained about potholes in the streets and alleys in the downtown area. Dean Albright referred to statistics in a report pertaining to asbestos contamination resulting from the demolition of a house he stated was owned by Angus Petroleum. He recommended a standard procedure be established before proceeding with the demolition of old buildings and houses in the downtown redevelopment area. Mayor Kelly requested staff to contact Mr. Albright regarding the matter. Page 2 - Council Minutes - March 2, 1987 The Mayor called a recess of Council at 7:50 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8 p.m. Councilman Bannister requested that the item pertaining to Ed Manning Park be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration. Councilwoman Winchell requested that the item pertaining to proposed Resolution No. 5761 establishing the formation of an Historical Resources Board be considered separately. On motion by Mays, second Bannister, Council approved the following items, as recom- mended, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: Finley x.rllyi_rls - Approved and adopted the minutes of the adjourned regular'` meeting of February 12, 1987, adjourned regular meeting of February 17, 1987 and the regular meet= ing of February 17, 1987, as written and on file in the Office of the City Clerk. PARCEL MAP 95-381 -- SLATER METZLER-INpM - Approved final parcel map pursuant to mandatory findings set forth by the Board of Zoning Adjustments on property located on the east side of Metzler Lane, south of Slater Avenue and instructed the City Clerk to execute same and to release to the County for processing. PARCEL MAP 86-317 - JAMES CASEY - Approved final parcel map pursuant to the mandatory findings set forth by the Board of Zoning Adjustments on property located on the south side of Research Circle, east of Graham Street, and instructed the City Clerk to execute same and to release to the County for processing. PROJECT A MSC-2 - Accepted the low bid of Blair Paving in the amount of $872,748.35 for street maintenance overlay project, hold bid bonds on the lowest three bidders until execution of contract and filing of bonds and directed the City Clerk to notify the unsuccessful bidders and return their bid bonds. The bids were as follows: 1 Blair Paving $872,748.35 Vernon Paving 895,517.53 Griffith Company 916,470.18 R. J. Noble Company 925,190.70 Sully -Miller 948,145.03 Industrial Asphalt 968,034.61 All American Asphalt 1,007,399.78 9 9F Page 3 - Council Minutes - March 2, 1987 TRAFFIC 510AU NEWLAND/INIDIANAPOLIS - CC-673 - PLANS �k SPECIFICA- TIONSJCALL FOR BIDS - Approved plans and specifications for the construction of traffic signals at the intersection of Newland Street and Indianapolis Avenue and author- ized the Department of Public Works to advertise for bids. PARCEL MAP 86-182 - HLMR12 ABEL - Approved final parcel map pursuant to man- datory findings set forth by the Board of Zoning Adjustments on property located north- west of Gothard Street and Ellis Avenue, and instructed the City Clerk to execute same and to release to the County for processing. CONSTRUCTION Of AMNIURE PLAYGROUND POND DRAIN LINE - ELANS & SPECIFICATIONS/CALL FOR BID5 - Approved plans and specifications for the con- struction of a drain line at Adventure Playground and authorized advertisement for bids. WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN - ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT - BOYLE ENGINEERING CO - Approved the selection of Boyle Engineering Company to prepare a Master Water Plan for the City, authorized execution of the consultant agreement in the amount of $84,990 and established a budget of $93,489. (This will include consultant agreement and miscellaneous cost, as required). RESOLUTION NO 5759 - ADQUE12, „-, , A1212E DUM NO 1 TO MOU - H B POLICE OFFICERS ASSOC -"A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNT- INGTON BEACH APPROVING AND IMPLEMENTING ADDENDUM NO. I TO THE MEMO- RANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE HUNTINGTON BEACH POLICEE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION AND THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH." LIBRARY PARKING LOT LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE II -- Approved plans for Phase II of the Library parking lot landscaping improvements and approved transfer of $43,000 from Acct. 486637 - Pier Restroom Improvements into Account #481639 for Phase II improvements. The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works regarding the completion of construction by the Hondo Company at Ed Manning Park. Following discussion, a motion was made by Bannister, seconded by Kelly, to accept work completed by Hondo Company for construction of the Ed Manning Park for a final con- tract amount of $181,541.95 and instruct the City Clerk to file a Notice of Completion. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: Finley i J t Page 4 - Council Minutes - March 2, 1997 The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 5761 for Council consideration - "A RESOLU- TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CFiY OF HUN73NGTON BEACH ESTABLMMG AN HISTORICAL RESOURCES BOARD." Following discussion, a motion was made by Winchell, seconded by Bannister, to direct staff to draft an ordinance establishing an Historical Resources Board and to address the ban on city employees from serving on the board. Following discussion, the motion car- ried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: Finley �l ' The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Public Works transmit- ting a request from the Orange County Board of Supervisors that the City Council take action as to whether University Drive in Irvine should be retained or deleted from the Master Plan of Arterial Streets. A motion was made by Bannister, seconded by Erskine, to take a neutral position and support neither retention or deletion of University Drive in the County Master Plan of Arterial Highways. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Finley Erskine lefj_the room. .1.11111111 The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Community Services regarding the need to enter into a long-term ground lease agreement with the Huntington Beach School District for the City Gym and Pool Property. Following discussion, a motion was made by Mays, seconded by Green, to direct the City Administrator to approach the Huntington Beach City School District with the offer of a 25 year ground lease at $1 per year for the City Gym and Pool Property which would Include the stipulation that the City shall renovate the building to meet current city building code and to make it accessible to the handicapped. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Green NOES: Bannister ABSENT: Finley (Erskine out of the room) Page S - Council Minutes - March 2, 1987 The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Development Services transmitting Ordinance No. 2893(A) and Ordinance 2893(B) for Council consideration - "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNT- INGTONN BEACH MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 2.102.020 ENTITLED "ENVIRONMENTAL BOARD." A motion was made by Mays, to adopt Ordinance No. 2893(B) (four new positions created - current provisions permitting four year terms to be maintained by membership limited to two consecutive terms). The motion died for lack of a second. Following discussion, a motion was made by Mays to direct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution placing a limit of two terms on all advisory boards. The motion died for lack of a second. Following discussion, a motion was made by Green, seconded by Winchell, to re-examine and rescind Resolution No. 5032, adopted August 1991 setting board and commission operating policy, with the possibility of amending it to place a limit of two terms on all boards and commissions and to ban city employees from serving on any advisory board or commission, The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green NOES: Bannister ABSENT: Finley The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Community Services regarding the need to evaluate the results of the Huntington Central Park survey. A motion was made by Mays, seconded by Green, to refer the Huntington Central Park survey data to the Community Services Commission and staff for review and prioriti- zation. A study session with City Council to then be conducted to review the park survey results, approve the master plan projects and determine the funding sources for develop- ment of Huntington Central Park. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: Finley AWARDS PRESENTATION - TO BE HELD!0N!CE_ EACH MONTH ON MMU THURWAY - VIDEO TAPE TO BE PREPARED FOR PLAYBACK The City Clerk presented a communication from the Public information Officer recom- mending a procedure for award presentations by the City Council. A motion was made by Bannister, seconded by Erskine, to hold presentations once each month on the third Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers and to video tape the Page 6 - Council Minutes - March 2, 1987 events for playback on the next Council meeting date. The motion carried by the fol- lowing roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: Finley The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Administrator recommending the appointment of Captain Grover Payne to the position of Police Chief for the City of Huntington Beach at Range 519 - Step D. A motion was made by Mays, seconded by Winchell, to confirm the appointment of Captain Grover Payne to the position of Police Chief for the City of Huntington Beach at Range 519 - Step D effective April 18, 1987. The motion carried by the following roil call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: Finley The Mayor introduced Captain Payne to Council. Captain Payne expressed his apprecia- tion to Council and the City Administrator for the appointment. Councilman Erskine stated for the record: "It was somewhat new to me that in the selection of a Police Chief our City Charter only allows the Council to ratify the selec- tion by the City Manager. I think the City Manager made an excellent choice in Captain Payne. One of the questions that I asked the City Manager and one that I am very sen- sitive to, as I know the rest of the Council is, and since 'Bill" jokingly referred to some of the press we have gotten lately in Huntington Beach with respect to our Police Depart- ment I want to say that one of the reasons I was so happy to learn of our City Manager's decision that he was going to send to us, for ratification, was that I am told that Captain Payne Is a very sensitive Individual, one that communicates with the public and one that is very conscious of some of the press that our Police Department like many other Police Departments have gotten in recent months. So we look forward to working with Captain Payne and hope that he will address those issues of concern to the community with great sensitivity as well as maintaining our fine police record of protection of our citizens, so thank you." The City Clerk presented a communication from the Director of Development Services transmitting Resolution No. 5760 clarifying the intent of the Downtown Specific Plan, District Two with respect to development standards for single -unit dwellings. The City Clerk presented Resolution No. 5760 for Council consideration - "A RESOLU- TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH CLARIFYING THE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR SINGLE UNIT DWELLINGS IN THE DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN DISTRICT TWO." S14 Page 7 - Council Minutes - March 2, 1987 Jeff Abramowitz, Assistant Planner, distributed a drawing depicting the differences between proposed Resolution No. 5760 clarifying the development standards for single unit dwellings in the Downtown Specific Plan District Two as recommended by the Plan- ning Commission; and the staffs recommendation to retain current regulations esta- blished by Council Resolution No. 5699. Following discussion, a motion was made by Bannister, seconded by Green, to adopt Rmolution No. 5760. Following discussion, the motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister NOES: Mays ABSENT: Finley The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by Jerome Bame, Attorney at Law, on behalf of Spiegel Enterprises/La Petite Academy to the Planning Commission's conditions of approval of Conditional Use Permit 86-62 and Conditional Exception 86-107. 09806 Beach Blvd - Newland Center) The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met, and that she had received a communication on February 25, 1987 from Jerome Bame, attorney representing appellant, requesting continuance of the hear- ing to March 16, 1997. The Mayor declared the hearing open. A motion was made by Bannister, seconded by Green, to approve the request of Spiegel Enterprises/La Petite Academy and continue the appeal to the Planning Commission's conditions of approval of Conditional Use Permit 86-62 and Conditional Exception 86-107 to March 16, 1997. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: Finley W The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by Councilman Green, on behalf of Carolyn Deden, to the Planning Com- mission denial of Conditional Exception 96-94 due to lack of clarity as to Section 9110.12 of the Huntington Beach Municipal Code, Conditional Exception 96-94 is a request to permit a 6 foot high block wall to encroach 5 feet into a required 15 foot front yard set- back on property located on the south side of Venture Drive approximately 1,000 feet west of Sundancer Lane (3402 Venture Dr.) The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. y�L Page S - Council Minutes - March 2, 1997 The Mayor declared the hearing open. Carolyn Deden stated that she understood she was allowed to build the wall and that she had never been told by staff that she could not build it. She stated that she believed there were ambiguities in the ordinances pertaining to the matter. Her husband distributed copies of an informal petition with approximately 23 signatures and pictures of similar walls in the neighborhood for review by Council. Francis Goodyear stated that he was the neighbor objecting to the wall. He stated that he and Mr. Deden shared the cost of the original wall. He stated that the homeowners association did not approve the extension of the wall. Councilman Green stated he believed the code pertaining to the matter was not clear and that the wall does not appear to be different from other homes in the area. He stated that a public walkway exists in the backyard of the property which prevents privacy and the extension of the wall in the front of the house would provide this privacy. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. A motion was made by Erskine, seconded by Green, to approve Conditional Exception.No. 96-94 with findings and conditions of approval, with Condition No. 2. deleted "The appli- cant shall obtain approval from the architectural review committee of the Trinidad Island Homeowners Association prior to obtaining a fence permit for the 5 foot encroachment"; the findings and conditions are as follows: 1. Applicant's backyard faces onto a channel and because of that, a public walkway along the back of this property was required by the Coastal Commission. As they have . no privacy in their rear yard, it is necessary to allow applicant to fence off open space in his front yard to allow privacy by encroachment of five feet (51) into the front yard setback. 2. The granting of the conditional exception will not constitute a grant of a special privilege inconsistent upon other properties in the, vicinity and under identical zone classifications as there are other homes in the area that have either a structure or wall at a ten foot (101) front yard setback. 3. The granting of Conditional Exception No. 96--94 will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, or injurious to property in the same zone classifications because the necessary 10 foot corner cut -,off for pedestrian and traffic visibility will be provided. 4. The granting of the Conditional Exception will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. Conditions of AUWgN al: 1. The site plan, floor plans, and elevations received and dated December 12, 1986, shall be the approved layout. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: Page 9 - Council Minutes - March 2, 1997 1 J AYES: Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister NOES: Winchell ABSENT: Finley The Mayor called a recess of Council at 9:20 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:40 P.m. The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider an appeal filed by Academy Builders to the Planning Commission denial of Site Plan Review No. 86-15 and Conditional Exception No. 86-103 which states that a new driveway cut will not disrupt traffic and that the request for a five foot sideyard setback does not represent a special privilege. Said property is located on the west side of Frankfort Ave- nue approximately 150 feet north of Hill Ave. (811 Frankfort Ave) The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for notification, publication and posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. The Director of Development Services presented a staff report. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Martin Steigner of AcadeMy Builders gave reasons why he believed the conditional exception should be granted. He stated there had been no complaints from nearby resi- dents. He stated that the Planning Commission had been split on their vote to deny the permit; four opposed and three in favor of granting the permit. He mentioned two other houses, one down the street and one next door, that he believes sets a precedent for his request. Kevin Vidal stated he was the resident requesting the conditional exception. He stated it would provide better access to his home and would keep the two residences separate. He stated it would provide additional off-street parking and well as an additional one on - street parking place. The Director of Development Services presented slides of the site. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. A motion was made by Erskine, seconded by Mays, to approve Site Plan Review No. 86-I5 and Conditional Exception No. 86-103 with the following findings and conditions: Findings for Approval - Site Plan Review No. 96-15, 1. The establishment, maintenance and operation of the proposed driveway on Frank- fort Avenue will not be detrimental to: a. The general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity; Page 10 - Council Minutes - March 2, 1987 b. Property and improvements in the vicinity of such use or building. 2. The granting of the site plan review will not adversely affect the General Plan of the City of Huntington Beach. 3. Site Plan Review No. 86-15 is consistent with the City's General Plan of Land Use. 1. Because of the size, configuration and unit siting of the subject property, there appears to be exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the land, buildings or premises involved that does not apply generally to property or class of uses in the same district. 2. Since the subject property cannot be fully developed as per the applicant's request, within regular established setbacks, such a conditional exception is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights. 3. The establishment, maintenance and operation of the use will not be detrimental to the general welfare of persons working in the vicinity. 4. Granting of Conditional Exception No. 86-103 would not constitute a special privi- lege inconsistent with limitations upon properties in the vicinity. Conditions of AMaval: 1. The site plan, floor plans, and elevations received and dated January 9, 1987, shall be the approved layout except that the 19 foot driveway shall be revised to depict a 22 foot driveway. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits, applicant shall file a tentative parcel map consolidating Lots 6, 7 and a portion of 5. Said map shall be recorded prior to final Inspection. 3. Driveway approach shall be a 12 foot minimum width and driveway shall be full concrete not ribbon type. 4. Natural gas shall be stubbed in at the locations of cooking facilities, water heaters, and central heating units. S. Low -volume heads shall be used on all spigots and water faucets. 6. All building spoils, such as unusable lumber, wire, pipe, and other surplus or unusable material, shall be disposed of at an off -site facility equipped to handle them. 7. The development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Ordinance Code, Building Division, and Fire Department. 8. Provide two and one-half foot (2-1/21) alley dedication prior to issuance of building permits. 9. Submit soils report and grading plans to the Department of Public Works. 10. Construct sidewalk along Frankfort Avenue per Department of Public Works Stan- dards. Page 11 - Council Minutes - March 2, 1987 The motion failed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Mays, Kelly, Erskine NOES: Winchell, Green, Bannister ABSENT: Finley As the motion to approve failed the action of the Planning Commission to deny Site Plan Review No. 86-15 and to deny Conditional Exception No. 86-103 stands. The Mayor announced that this was the day and hour set for a public hearing to consider Code Amendment No. 86-33, to amend Article 913 (Oldtown/Townlot) to clarify minimum distance required between buildings and minimum front and sideyard setback. Also to permit twenty-five foot wide lots in the Townlot Area only. The City Clerk announced that all legal requirements for publication and posting had been met, and that she had received no communications or written protests to the matter. Jeff Abramowitz, Assistant Planner, presented a staff report. The Mayor declared the hearing open. Natalie Kotsch requested that the advisory committee which reviewed the issue originally be given the opportunity to review the code amendment in its final form. She stated her concern that the ordinance would limit the potential development of lots under 30'. The Director of Development Services explained that the ordinance would only affect newly created lots. There being no one present to speak further on the matter and there being no further protests filed, either oral or written, the hearing was closed by the Mayor. The City Clerk presented Ordinance No. 2894 for Council consideration - "AN ORDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE HUNTINGTON BEACH ORDINANCE CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 9130.2 (MI NDIUM PARCEL SIZE/FRONTAGE), 9130.6 (SETBACK -FRONT YARD), 9130.7 (SETBACK -ME YARD) AND 9130.13 (MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS) OF ARTICLE 913." A motion was made by Erskine, seconded by Green, to approve Code Amendment 96-33 and after reading by title, approve introduction of Ordinance No. 28%. Following dis- cussion, the motion was withdrawn. On motion by Erskine, second Winchell, consideration of Code Amendment 86-33 and Ordinance No. 2994 was continued to March 16, 1987. The motion carried by the fol- lowing roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green NOES: None ABSENT: Finley (Bannister out of the room) Page 12 - Council Minutes - March 2, 1987 JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCX Mayor Kelly announced that a joint meeting of the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency had been called. Present: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister Absent: Finley Barbara Milkovich stated that the historical survey was completed and there was nobody to officially take over the task of monitoring the historical sites. She urged Council to call on her organization for help regarding historical buildings in the downtown area. blatalie Kotsch representing the Downtown Advisory Committee commented on a meeting with redevelopment staff. She urged Council to approve the proposed redevelopment field office for the downtown area. On motion by Erskine, second Green, the Agency approved and adopted the minutes of the regular meeting of February 17, 1987, as written and on file in the Office of the Clerk, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green NOES: None ABSENT: Finley, Bannister (out of the room) AIl1i-PIER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA MASTER PLAN - RES NO l39 The City Clerk/Clerk presented a communication from the Deputy City Administrator/ - Redevelopment transmitting the Main -Pier Redevelopment Master Plan prepared by 3-D International. She presented a communication from the City Administrator dated February 2S, 1987 transmitting additional information regarding the matter. The City Administrator and the Deputy City Administrator/Redevelopment presented staff reports and recommended the concept of a master developer for the area in question. The Clerk presented Resolution No. 139 for Agency consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH APPROVING A MASTER PLAN TO CONTROL THE INTENSITY OF FUTURE DEVELOP- MENT WITHIN A PORTION OF THE MAIN -PIER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA." Page 13 - Council Minutes - March 2, 1987 Following considerable discussion, a motion was made by Erskine, seconded by Mays, to adopt Resolution No. 139, as amended, by modifying the language to reflect that the Agency approve the 3-D International plan along with market constraints for guidance and to modify the language pertaining to use of the 3-D International Model as a guiding fac- tor in the intensity of future development and to direct staff to prepare an implementa- tion plan to address each of the items discussed in the 3-D/I Master Plan report; and to direct staff to forward a Request for Qualifications/Proposals for a master developer to work with the area property owners and Agency in the implementation of the Master Plan, the Request for Qualifications and Request for Proposals to be returned to Council to be approved separately. Following discussion, the motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Erskine, Green NOES: Kelly ABSENT: Finley, (Bannister out of the room) Councilman QZgen lgfl the room. A motion was made by Mays, seconded by Erskine, to schedule a study session on the Downtown Specific Plan sometime in the future, after the responses had been received. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: Finley (Green, Bannister out of the room) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADJOURNMENT The Chairman adjourned the regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency to 6:00 p.m. on March 16, 1987. v.gA7►4f� 1/hiZ7 The City Clerk presented a communication from Deputy City Administrator/Redevelop- ment transmitting Resolution No. 5754 for Council consideration - "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH AMENDING THE REGULATORY AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS RELATING TO $8,165,000 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH MULTIFAMILY HOUSING REVENUE BONDS (WARNER AVENUE APARTMENTS PROJECT),1995 SERIES C." On motion by Erskine, second Kelly, Council adopted Resolution No. 5754 by the fol- lowing roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine NOES: None ABSENT: Finley (Green, Bannister out of the room) Councilmen Green and Bannister returned_to the room. r� 4 Page 14 - Council Minutes - March 2, 1987 The City Clerk presented a communication from the City Treasurer/Business License Manager regarding establishing the position of Assistant City Treasurer. (An analysis of the dual position from City Attorney's Office was included.) Following considerable discussion, A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Erskine, to approve the establishment of position of Assistant City Treasurer and to approve alloca- tion of $12,500 from City Treasurer's budget for three months salary/fringe costs for FY 1986-87. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Kelly, Erskine, Green NOES: Mays, Bannister ABSTAIN: Winchell ABSENT: Finley I ,,, i� Ali � • a ',• / � • M � ':# ;�.._� r � The City Clerk presented a communication from Deputy City Administrator regarding the need to establish a field office within the Main -Pier Redevelopment Project Area. for the purpose of maximizing communication with individuals within the project area. Following discussion, a motion was made by Mays, seconded by Kelly, to authorize the appropriation of :available funds in the amount of $5,000 from the Community Develop- ment Block Grant Local Option for the purpose of establishing a Main -Pier field office. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green NOES: Bannister ABSENT: Finley On motion by Green, second Erskine, Council accepted with regret the resignation of Mark Lambert from the Environmental Board by the following roll call vote: AYES: Winchell, Mays, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister NOES: None ABSENT: Finley Discussion was held regarding'tbuncilman Green's efforts to be appointed to the Coastal Commission. Mayor Kelly stated he would call Senator Roberti's office May 3, 1987. $EKW THE CURRENT & POTENTIAL REGMATIONS GOYEUMrz .,nffi DURATION OF BUILDING PERMITS Councilman Erskine referred to a letter dated February 17, 1987 regarding the Lee Peterson house under construction at 1838 Main Street and to the memorandum to the (�i l Page 15 - Council Minutes -- March 2, 1987 1 City Administrator from the Director of Development Services dated February 25, 1987 regarding the matter. Considerable discussion was held between Council and staff. Councilman Erskine requested the City Attorney to work with planning staff to review city ordinances to to recommend a change or procedure to hold periodic inspections of construction projects with a report to Council when a certain maximum time limit for construction has been exceeded. 1:11JUVENO R 1 7.s WJJ - $I RR Councilwoman Winchell stated that now is the time of the year when the Human Resources Board Advisory Committee and the Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee review funding of human service agencies. She stated that both of these committees need additional members. Mayor Kelly adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Huntington Beach to 6:00 p.m. on March 16, 1987. A T: 1- a, City Clerk 1ty C Wk of the City Counc' of the City of YWIingtion Be ch, fialifornia,