HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-20Council Chamber, City Hall
Huntington Beach, California
Friday, March 20, 1987
A tape recording of this meeting is
on file in the City Clerk's Office
Mayor Kelly called the adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Huntington Beach to order at 11 a.m.
Present: Winchell, Finley, Kelly, Erskine, Green, Bannister
Mays (arrived 11:08 a.m.)
Absent: None
Mayor Kelly informed Council the
had been called
to discuss proposed
legislation SB 1517 (Bergeson) and
to discuss the selection of a legal firm to
assist the city in the review
pre -annexation agreement for the
legislation and
Bay. He stated
development of a
Council would also
consider directing staff in regard
to the
employment of a
lobbyist to track SB
1517 through the state legislature
on behalf of the city.
Councilman Bannister stated that he understood that a major issue to the city
was the tax district and that annexation after development would reduce the
city's income by reducing the amount of tax the city would receive. He stated
that perhaps the solution would be to obtain an agreement with the county that
if the city annexed after development began, the city would receive the tax at
the level it would have received if it had been annexed prior to development.
The City Administrator commented on the meeting between city staff and Orange
County Supervisor Wieder's staff regarding the issue and stated that he
believed it would be difficult to obtain such an agreement and that it would
involve the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).
Councilman MaXs arrived at the meeting at 11:08 a.m.
Mayor Kelly suggested that staff continue working with the county to obtain
such an agreement with the county concurrently with whatever additional action
Council authorized.
Councilman Green stated that he was opposed to the concept of one government
lobbying another government however he would work with Council to obtain the
best lobbyist available.
Councilman Erskine stated that the Bolsa Chica Ad Hoc Committee suggested that
if Council selected a law firm with a legislative advocacy there would be no
need to hire a separate lobbyist.
Page 2 - Council Minutes - March 20, 1987
Rich Barnard, Assistant to the City Administrator, informed Council that the
City Attorney contacted a number of law firms and referred several proposals
for Council's consideration, The City Attorney reviewed the law firms and
suggested that Council select two or three to be interviewed.
The City Administrator stated that he and the City Attorney recommended that
the law firms of Nossaman, Gunther, Knox & Elliott and Burke, Williams &
Sorensen be interviewed.
Mr. Barnard referred to the last two pages of the RCA dated March 19, 1987 and
reviewed the "Discussion Points Made by City Staff to Date Regarding Proposed
Legislation for Bolsa Chica and Pre -Annexation Agreement."
Discussion was held regarding the two law firms recommended by the City
Attorney and City Administrator.
Mayor Kelly urged Council to submit the questions and concerns they wished
covered during the interview process to the Bolsa Chica Ad Hoc Committee.
Councilwoman Winchell stated she perceived a three prong. effort: special
district issue, annexation issue and lobbyist issue. She suggested Council
select a firm skilled in special district issues.
Mayor Kelly referred to a confidential memo from the City Attorney dated March
19, 1987 ranking the law firms under consideration.
The City Attorney stated that late proposals were received from the firm of
Paul R. Hamilton & Samuels and although she had not had time to review their
proposal in depth it seemed they were experienced regarding `special district
issues. She stated that the firm of Rutan & Tucker was experienced in special
district issues, but had no lobbyist.
Discussion was held regarding the number of law firms to be interviewed.
A motion was made by Mays, seconded. by Green, to approve for interview by
staff and the Bolsa Chica Ad Hoc Committee the firms: Burke, Williams &
Sorensen; Nossaman, Gunther, Knox & Elliott and Paul R. Hamilton & Samuels.
Following discussion, the City Administrator suggested that during the
interviews a retainer fee, with a cap, be discussed for lobbying. He pointed
out a possible need for a lobbyist in the future when the city would proceed
through the,state agencies for park, beaches and coastal matters. He stated
he believed<_a'retainer would be relatively inexpensive.
Councilman Mays suggested that cap and retainer methods be discussed during
the interview.
Councilwoman Finley suggested that the firm of McDonough, Holland & Allen be
Mayor Kelly suggested that all of the firms be interviewed.
Councilman Erskine suggested that the firm they select have a Sacramento
Page 3 - Council Minutes - March 20, 1987
The motion made by Mays, seconded by Green, was amended to direct staff and
the Bolsa Chica Ad Hoc Committee to interview the firms of Burke, Williams &
Sorenson; McDonough, Holland & Allen and Nossaman, Gunther, Knox & Elliott.
The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Winchell, Mays, Finley, Kelly, Erskine, Green
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Bannister
Discussion was held between Council and staff regarding various points in the
"Discussion Points Made by City Staff to Date Regarding Proposed Legislation
for Bolsa Chica and Pre -Annexation Agreement" portion of the RCA dated March
19, 1987. Mayor Kelly requested that Council review the fifteen points on the
list and transmit their concerns to his office to be transmitted to staff to
be included in discussions.
A motion was made by Kelly, seconded by Green, to review and consider topics
discussed by city staff to date with Signal Landmark. The motion carried by
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Winchell, Mays, Finley, Kelly, Erskine, Green
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Bannister
Mayor Kelly adjourned the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of.
Huntington Beach to 5 p.m., Monday, April b, 1987 in Room B-8, Civic Center.
Alicia M. Wentworth
City Clerk
BY L2�� 4�'&
Depirty City Clerk
Alicia M. Wentworth
City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City
of Huntington Beach, California